2020/2021 - 4rd Year, 1st Semester
Course: Sistemas de Informação (SINF) | Information Systems
Projects developed by: Eduardo Ribeiro (EduRibeiro00), David Silva (daviddias99), Luís Cunha (luispcunha) and Filipa Senra (filipasenra)
Project: Cimba Intercompany
- Developed web application that integrates with Primavera Jasmin.
- Promoted automation of purchase/sales processes and return processes between companies by detecting and generating related documents.
- Created interface that provides a comprehensive overview of all documents related to the processes between a pair of companies.
- Languages/technologies used: JavaScript, React, Bulma (SCSS), Node, Docker, PostgreSQL, Primavera Jasmin API.
Grade: 16,67 / 20
Disclaimer - This repository was used for educational purposes and I do not take any responsibility for anything related to its content. You are free to use any code or algorithm you find, but do so at your own risk.