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Created May 27, 2010 02:24
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# Makefile for Kyoto Cabinet for Win32(mingw32)
LIBRARYFILES = libkyotocabinet.a
LIBOBJFILES = kcutil.o kcdb.o kcthread.o kcfile.o \
kccompress.o kccompare.o kcmap.o \
kcprotodb.o kccachedb.o kchashdb.o kctreedb.o kcpolydb.o kclangc.o
COMMANDFILES = kcutiltest.exe kcutilcodec.exe kcprototest.exe kccachetest.exe \
kchashtest.exe kchashmgr.exe kctreetest.exe kctreemgr.exe \
kcpolytest.exe kcpolymgr.exe kclangctest.exe
CC = g++
LIB = lib
LD = g++
.SUFFIXES : .cc .c .o .exe
.c.o :
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
.cc.o :
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
@echo #
@echo #================================================================
@echo # Ready to install.
@echo #================================================================
clean :
-del *.o *.lib *.dll *.exp *.exe /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
check : check-util check-proto check-cache check-hash check-tree check-poly check-langc
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
@echo #
@echo #================================================================
@echo # Checking completed.
@echo #================================================================
check-util :
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kcutilcodec --version
kcutilcodec conf
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kcutiltest mutex -th 4 -iv -1 10000
kcutiltest file -th 4 casket 10000
kcutiltest file -th 4 -rnd -msiz 1m casket 10000
kcutiltest map -bnum 1000 10000
kcutiltest map -rnd -bnum 1000 10000
kcutiltest misc 10000
check-proto :
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kcprototest order -etc 10000
kcprototest order -th 4 10000
kcprototest order -th 4 -rnd -etc 10000
kcprototest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran 10000
kcprototest wicked 10000
kcprototest wicked -th 4 -it 4 10000
kcprototest tran 10000
kcprototest tran -th 2 -it 4 10000
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kcprototest order -tree -etc 10000
kcprototest order -tree -th 4 10000
kcprototest order -tree -th 4 -rnd -etc 10000
kcprototest order -tree -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran 10000
kcprototest wicked -tree 10000
kcprototest wicked -tree -th 4 -it 4 10000
kcprototest tran -tree 10000
kcprototest tran -tree -th 2 -it 4 10000
check-cache :
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kccachetest order -etc -bnum 5000 10000
kccachetest order -th 4 -bnum 5000 10000
kccachetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 -capcnt 10000 10000
kccachetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -bnum 5000 -capsiz 10000 10000
kccachetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
-bnum 5000 -capcnt 10000 10000
kccachetest wicked -bnum 5000 10000
kccachetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -bnum 5000 -capcnt 10000 10000
kccachetest tran -bnum 5000 10000
kccachetest tran -th 2 -it 4 -bnum 5000 10000
check-hash :
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kchashmgr create -otr -apow 1 -fpow 2 -bnum 3 casket
kchashmgr inform -st casket
kchashmgr set -add casket duffy 1231
kchashmgr set -add casket micky 0101
kchashmgr set casket fal 1007
kchashmgr set casket mikio 0211
kchashmgr set casket natsuki 0810
kchashmgr set casket micky ""
kchashmgr set -app casket duffy kukuku
kchashmgr remove casket micky
kchashmgr list -pv casket > check.out
kchashmgr set casket ryu 1
kchashmgr set casket ken 2
kchashmgr remove casket duffy
kchashmgr set casket ryu syo-ryu-ken
kchashmgr set casket ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
kchashmgr set -inci casket int 1234
kchashmgr set -inci casket int 5678
kchashmgr set -incd casket double 1234.5678
kchashmgr set -incd casket double 8765.4321
kchashmgr get casket mikio
kchashmgr get casket ryu
kchashmgr import casket lab/numbers.tsv
kchashmgr list -pv -px casket > check.out
kchashmgr dump casket check.out
kchashmgr load -otr casket check.out
kchashmgr defrag -onl casket
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashmgr inform -st casket
kchashmgr create -otr -otl -onr -apow 1 -fpow 3 \
-ts -tl -tc -bnum 1 casket
kchashmgr import casket < lab/numbers.tsv
kchashmgr set casket mikio kyotocabinet
kchashmgr set -app casket tako ikaunini
kchashmgr set -app casket mikio kyototyrant
kchashmgr set -app casket mikio kyotodystopia
kchashmgr get -px casket mikio > check.out
kchashmgr list casket > check.out
kchashmgr check -onr casket
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kchashtest order -set -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashtest order -get -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashtest order -getw -msiz 5000 casket 10000
kchashtest order -rem -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashtest order -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashtest order -etc \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashtest order -th 4 \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
-apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest queue \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest queue -rnd \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest queue -th 4 -it 4 \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest wicked -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
-apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kchashmgr check -onr casket
kchashtest tran casket 10000
kchashtest tran -th 2 -it 4 casket 10000
kchashtest tran -th 2 -it 4 \
-apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
check-tree :
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kctreemgr create -otr -apow 1 -fpow 2 -bnum 3 casket
kctreemgr inform -st casket
kctreemgr set -add casket duffy 1231
kctreemgr set -add casket micky 0101
kctreemgr set casket fal 1007
kctreemgr set casket mikio 0211
kctreemgr set casket natsuki 0810
kctreemgr set casket micky ""
kctreemgr set -app casket duffy kukuku
kctreemgr remove casket micky
kctreemgr list -pv casket > check.out
kctreemgr set casket ryu 1
kctreemgr set casket ken 2
kctreemgr remove casket duffy
kctreemgr set casket ryu syo-ryu-ken
kctreemgr set casket ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
kctreemgr set -inci casket int 1234
kctreemgr set -inci casket int 5678
kctreemgr set -incd casket double 1234.5678
kctreemgr set -incd casket double 8765.4321
kctreemgr get casket mikio
kctreemgr get casket ryu
kctreemgr import casket lab/numbers.tsv
kctreemgr list -pv -px casket > check.out
kctreemgr dump casket check.out
kctreemgr load -otr casket check.out
kctreemgr defrag -onl casket
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreemgr inform -st casket
kctreemgr create -otr -otl -onr -apow 1 -fpow 3 \
-ts -tl -tc -bnum 1 casket
kctreemgr import casket < lab/numbers.tsv
kctreemgr set casket mikio kyotocabinet
kctreemgr set -app casket tako ikaunini
kctreemgr set -app casket mikio kyototyrant
kctreemgr set -app casket mikio kyotodystopia
kctreemgr get -px casket mikio > check.out
kctreemgr list casket > check.out
kctreemgr check -onr casket
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kctreetest order -set \
-psiz 100 -bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest order -get \
-msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest order -getw \
-msiz 5000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest order -rem \
-msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest order \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 100 -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest order -etc \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest order -th 4 \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest order -th 4 -pccap 100k -rnd -etc \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k -rcd casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 1000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 1000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
-apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest queue \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest queue -rnd \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest queue -th 4 -it 4 \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 500 -msiz 50000 casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest wicked \
-bnum 5000 -psiz 1000 -msiz 50000 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k -rcd casket 10000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat \
-bnum 5000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -pccap 100k casket 1000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
-apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 casket 1000
kctreemgr check -onr casket
kctreetest tran casket 10000
kctreetest tran -th 2 -it 4 -pccap 100k casket 10000
kctreetest tran -th 2 -it 4 \
-apow 2 -fpow 3 -ts -tl -tc -bnum 10000 -msiz 50000 -dfunit 4 -rcd casket 10000
check-poly :
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kcpolymgr create -otr "casket.kch#apow=1#fpow=2#bnum=3"
kcpolymgr inform -st casket.kch
kcpolymgr set -add casket.kch duffy 1231
kcpolymgr set -add casket.kch micky 0101
kcpolymgr set casket.kch fal 1007
kcpolymgr set casket.kch mikio 0211
kcpolymgr set casket.kch natsuki 0810
kcpolymgr set casket.kch micky ""
kcpolymgr set -app casket.kch duffy kukuku
kcpolymgr remove casket.kch micky
kcpolymgr list -pv casket.kch > check.out
kcpolymgr dump casket.kch check.out
kcpolymgr load -otr casket.kch check.out
kcpolymgr set casket.kch ryu 1
kcpolymgr set casket.kch ken 2
kcpolymgr remove casket.kch duffy
kcpolymgr set casket.kch ryu syo-ryu-ken
kcpolymgr set casket.kch ken tatsumaki-senpu-kyaku
kcpolymgr set -inci casket.kch int 1234
kcpolymgr set -inci casket.kch int 5678
kcpolymgr set -incd casket.kch double 1234.5678
kcpolymgr set -incd casket.kch double 8765.4321
kcpolymgr get "casket.kch" mikio
kcpolymgr get "casket.kch" ryu
kcpolymgr import casket.kch lab/numbers.tsv
kcpolymgr list -pv -px "casket.kch#mode=r" > check.out
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kch
kcpolymgr inform -st casket.kch
kcpolymgr create -otr -otl -onr \
kcpolymgr import casket.kct < lab/numbers.tsv
kcpolymgr set casket.kct mikio kyotocabinet
kcpolymgr set -app casket.kct tako ikaunini
kcpolymgr set -app casket.kct mikio kyototyrant
kcpolymgr set -app casket.kct mikio kyotodystopia
kcpolymgr get -px casket.kct mikio > check.out
kcpolymgr list casket.kct > check.out
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kcpolytest order -set "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000" 10000
kcpolytest order -get "casket.kct#msiz=50000" 10000
kcpolytest order -getw "casket.kct#msiz=5000" 10000
kcpolytest order -rem "casket.kct#msiz=50000" 10000
kcpolytest order "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000" 10000
kcpolytest order -etc \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=4" 10000
kcpolytest order -th 4 \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=4" 10000
kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -tran \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=2" 1000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc -oat \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=3" 1000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest order -th 4 -rnd -etc \
"casket.kct#apow=2#fpow=3#opts=slc#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=4" 1000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest queue \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest queue -rnd \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest queue -th 4 -it 4 \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest queue -th 4 -it 4 -rnd \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 10000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest wicked "casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0" 1000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest wicked -th 4 -it 4 -oat \
"casket.kct#bnum=5000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest wicked -th 4 -it 4 \
"casket.kct#apow=2#fpow=3#opts=slc#bnum=10000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 10000
kcpolymgr check -onr casket.kct
kcpolytest tran casket.kct 10000
kcpolytest tran -th 2 -it 4 casket.kct 10000
kcpolytest tran -th 2 -it 4 \
"casket.kct#apow=2#fpow=3#opts=slc#bnum=10000#msiz=0#dfunit=1" 1000
kcpolytest misc "casket#type=-"
kcpolytest misc "casket#type=+"
kcpolytest misc "casket#type=*"
kcpolytest misc "casket#type=kch"
kcpolytest misc "casket#type=kct"
check-langc :
-del casket* /F /Q > NUL: 2>&1
kcpolytest order "casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000" 10000
kcpolytest order -etc \
"casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2" 10000
kcpolytest order -rnd -etc \
"casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2" 10000
kcpolytest order -rnd -etc -oat -tran \
"casket.kch#bnum=5000#msiz=50000#dfunit=2" 10000
check-forever :
libkyotocabinet.a : $(LIBOBJFILES)
kcutiltest.exe : kcutiltest.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kcutiltest.o libkyotocabinet.a
kcutilcodec.exe : kcutilcodec.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kcutilcodec.o libkyotocabinet.a
kcprototest.exe : kcprototest.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kcprototest.o libkyotocabinet.a
kccachetest.exe : kccachetest.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kccachetest.o libkyotocabinet.a
kchashtest.exe : kchashtest.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kchashtest.o libkyotocabinet.a
kchashmgr.exe : kchashmgr.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kchashmgr.o libkyotocabinet.a
kctreetest.exe : kctreetest.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kctreetest.o libkyotocabinet.a
kctreemgr.exe : kctreemgr.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kctreemgr.o libkyotocabinet.a
kcpolytest.exe : kcpolytest.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kcpolytest.o libkyotocabinet.a
kcpolymgr.exe : kcpolymgr.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kcpolymgr.o libkyotocabinet.a
kclangctest.exe : kclangctest.o libkyotocabinet.a
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ kclangctest.o libkyotocabinet.a
kcutil.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h myconf.h
kcdb.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h myconf.h
kcthread.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcthread.h myconf.h
kcfile.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h myconf.h
kccompress.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kccompress.h myconf.h
kccompare.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kccompare.h myconf.h
kcmap.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcmap.h myconf.h
kcprotodb.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kccachedb.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kchashdb.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kctreedb.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kchashdb.h kctreedb.h
kcpolydb.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kcprotodb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kctreedb.h kcpolydb.h
kclangc.o : kccommon.h kcutil.h kcdb.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kcprotodb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kctreedb.h kcpolydb.h kclangc.h
kcutiltest.o kcutilcodec.o : \
kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kcprototest.o : \
kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kcprotodb.h cmdcommon.h
kccachetest.o : \
kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kccachedb.h cmdcommon.h
kchashtest.o kchashmgr.o : \
kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kchashdb.h cmdcommon.h
kctreetest.o kctreemgr.o : \
kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kchashdb.h kctreedb.h cmdcommon.h
kcpolytest.o kcpolymgr.o : \
kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kcprotodb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kctreedb.h kcpolydb.h cmdcommon.h
kclangctest.o : \
kccommon.h kcdb.h kcutil.h kcthread.h kcfile.h kccompress.h kccompare.h kcmap.h \
kcprotodb.h kccachedb.h kchashdb.h kctreedb.h kcpolydb.h kclangc.h
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