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Created November 17, 2009 15:14
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadLine;
use Data::Dumper;
my $term = new Term::ReadLine "Goprog";
my $prompt = "";
my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
my @prog = ("package main");
while ( defined ( my $line = $term->readline($prompt)) ) {
if ($line =~ /^\\(\w+)/) {
my $cmd = $1;
$cmd =~ /^r(un)?/ ? run(\@prog)
: $cmd =~ /^q(uit)?/ ? exit()
: $cmd =~ /^l(ist)?/ ? list(\@prog)
: $cmd =~ /^c(lear)?/ ? clear(\@prog)
: print $OUT "command not found: $cmd\n";
else {
push @prog, $line;
$term->addhistory($line) if $line =~ /\S/;
sub clear {
my $prog = shift;
@$prog = ("package main");
print $OUT "\n";
sub list {
my $prog = shift;
print $OUT "----\n";
print $OUT $_, "\n" for @$prog;
print $OUT "----\n";
sub run {
my $prog = shift;
open my $source, ">", ".goprog.go" or die $!;
print $source $_, "\n" for @$prog;
close $source;
unlink ".goprog.go";
@$prog = ("package main");
sub build_and_exec {
my $filename = shift;
my $go = $ENV{GOARCH} eq "386" ? "8"
: $ENV{GOARCH} eq "amd64" ? "6"
: $ENV{GOARCH} eq "arm" ? "5"
: die "can't detect GOARCH\n";
my $go_compiler = "${go}g";
my $go_linker = "${go}l";
my $go_elf = "${go}.out";
my $res;
system($go_compiler, "${filename}.go") == 0
and system($go_linker, "${filename}.${go}") == 0
and system("./${go_elf}");
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