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Russian Federation election committee data from official sources
Аdministrative division boundaries of Moscow
Geodetic systems of spatial coordinates
Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS on VPS Linux
GraphHopper deployment as a Web service for building routes
Compute the area of a polygon on the sphere and on ellipsoid
Solving problems on the sphere: inverse position computation
Solving problems on the sphere: common survey computation
Solving problems on the sphere: angular resection
Solving problems on the sphere: linear-resection
UIK GEO - open dataset on voting stations locations in Russia
Open geodata on architectural heritage of Moscow
Animated 3D symbols in ArcScene
Unification of extent and resolution of rasters in QGIS
GDAL and cyrrilcs in Windows filenames
Working with WMS and WFS in QGIS
Basic geomorphological parameters: theory
Pansharpenning in ERDAS
Multitemporal layers in GeoMixer WEB-GIS
Main geodata
Calling GRASS GIS from Python script
Georeferencing raster topographic maps with GIS Karta 2008
Create your own styles of area fills in MapInfo
Unique values calculation of raster pixels with SEXTANTE QGIS
Creating a map of boundaries of electoral commissions in Moscow with open data
MOLUSCE - changes analysis in land cover
Gentle Introduction to GIS (Russian translation)
Map meeting report obout location clarification of voiting stations (August 24, 2013)
What awaits us on the government open geodata portals
Exporting new regions data to UIC GEO project
Creating a stand-alone mapping application based on image without georeference
Integration TMS-caching service in your own application
Primary processing of SRTM data in SAGA GIS
Creating a simple HTTP-publishing service for vector data
Description of mobile GIS "NextGIS Mobile"
Precinct election commission Hackaton results (July 13)
Community Environmental GIS Community Conference (28-29 September 2013)
Report of Geomorphometry Workshop with Victor Olaya (July 24)
Basics of dynamic TMS services
Service for backing up and monitoring of Moscow city open data portal
Working with vector data using SAGA GIS
Mapfeatureserver as a replacement for ArcGIS Server
Open geodata layer of children's institutions (orphanages)
Making delimitation plan with QGIS
Introduction to RSAGA
Tile grids configuration basics
Hill shading and colour DEM combination with GDAL
Using Kosmosnimki Express Service through QGIS
Suomi NPP: brief description
Tile Map Service Specification
World map with an arbitrary central meridian in MapInfo
Brief Introduction to MaxEnt
Research of strong squalls and tornadoes consequences in the Perm region using remote sensing data
Conformal transformation
Adding a local coordinate system in GIS
Site parsing with Scrapy framework
Vector layer editing with Geomixer
Supervised image classification with QGIS and GRASS
GeoMixer WEB-GIS: quick review
Data from Moscow open data portal
Creating multi-level tiles from QGIS project with QTiles
Rendering vector data with Mapnik without direct access to the storage
Geoprocessing with SEXTANTE for QGIS
Remote sensing Corona data - description and access
Catalog of Declass (Corona) data
Georeferencing topographic maps in SAGA
Description of and preprocessed World Fire Atlas data
Converting Mapnik XML to SLD using mapnik2geotools
GDAL tools cheatsheet
Transforming lat-long to meters + general approaches using MapInfo
Batch geocoding in QGIS
Brief description of GRASS Graphical Modeler
Working with georeferenced photos in QGIS using Geotag and import photos
Introduction to TileMill
UTFGrid: raster tiles with attributes
Connecting to MS SQL Server from QGIS running in Linux
Building fail-safe network storage for GIS data
Opendata on boundaries of federal level protected areas of Russia
Open desktop GIS SAGA - general overview
Updated database with fire hotspots
Getting to know Web Feature Service
GIS-Lab survey results (2012)
Automatic cloud assessment with ACCA algorithm in QGIS
Automatic cloud assessment algorithm - ACCA
Adaptive smoothing for noisy DEMs
Assessment of the modern fires dynamics in arid ecosystems using remote sensing data: the case of Chernye Zemli
Open GIS discussion at GIS-Forum in Kazan, 2012
Generating quick simple reports using Reporter for QGIS
Using custom events in OpenLayers
Changing vertex and virtual nodes styles in OpenLayers
Building GDAL 1.9.0 with Visual Studio 2010
How to create regular grids in QGIS
Future trends in geospatial information management
Creatubg TINs with structure lines in GRASS GIS
Calculating surface areas accounting for the relief in GRASS GIS
An example on using openModeller Desktop for projecting for new conditions
Description of request-files of openModeller
Command-line tools of OpenModeller
Using WMSGetFeatureInfo control in OpenLayers
Creating 3D-model using GIS Karta 2008
Installing QGIS plugins
Creating point layer from delimited data in QGIS
Orthorectification of OrbView-3 data using GDAL
Orthorectification of remote sensing data using RPC
Orthorectification of remote sensing data in wxGIS
Voting stations location from webvybory 2012
Calculating object's main geometric properties in QGIS
GIS for Protected Areas: list of problems
QGIS network analysis library: desription and examples
Assessing consequences 2010 forest fires in Perm region
Symbols library for QGIS
ASCIIGRID format (with examples)
FieldPyculator - field calculator with Python expressions support for QGIS
FireReporter: sending wildfire reports from the mobile application
An example of image georeferencing using world-файла
Detecting burned areas in Russia, 2010: results of IKI RAS
Electoral data of Moscow
Displacement of points with the same coordinates, Python/OGR
Zonal statistics using ZonalStats for QGIS
Free USGS Orbview-3 data catalog
Wildfires monitoring project
Mapping voting districts locations of Moscow
OpenStreetMap extracts of centers of municipal regions in shape-format
Working with metadata using Metatools for QGIS
Detecting burned areas in south-west Primorie in 1996-2010: results of TIGIS
Satellite data - another tool to make government transparent
Working with Ozi Explorer rasters in QGIS
Generalized data on administrative division of Russia
Classification of raster data using DTclassifier in QGIS
Getting raster values at points using GDAL/OGR
GeoKettle.First steps
Simplest method to get number of pixels of certain color
Thermal anomalies data MOD14: how to get
Running MOD14 algorithm and data extraction
Compilation of MOD14_SPA under Windows and Linux
Getting free Landsat TM,ETM+ image via Glovis
How to stack and vizualize Landsat image from separate bands in QGIS
How to find and create a point with known coordinates in QGIS
Getting started with Polymaps
Recalculating coordinates between coordinate systems with PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator
New source of free ASTER data
OpenStreetMap data in XML and PBF formats
Russian fire monitoring papers database
Creating Python script for GRASS GIS
Building TinyOWS with Visual C++ Express Edition 2008 and OSGeo4W
Complex symbology in QGIS: "lock"
Creating a package for OSGeo4W
Getting started with openModeller
Compiling QGIS with debug in Visual C++ Express Edition 2008 or QtCreator
Burned areas recognition using decision trees and OpenCV
Interactive raster transparency management in QGIS
Creating cloud shadow masks using remote sensing data in GRASS GIS
Detection of burned areas of Russia in 2010: results of Greenpeace Russia
GeOOo: map of administrative regions of Russia in OpenOffice
Thermal anomalies data MOD14A1: description and sources
Burned areas data MCD45: description and sources
How to import MOD14A1 data in shape-format
How to create and use user functions in PostGIS
Adding layers list control in PyQGIS application
Monitoring of natural fires using FIRMS
Data delivery OWS services
WMS servers and data querying
Polygon clipping and coordinates capture with AGETools in ArcGIS
Neural networks analysis in GRASS GIS and R
Russian administrative units data based on OpenStreetMap
Statistical data analysis in R
Raster algebra in QGIS using RasterCalc
Installing Easy Trace 7.99 PRO FREE under Linux
Layerstacking multispectral data in Image Media Center Viewer
Classification of raster data using decision trees and R
Finding shortest route using Road graph plugin for QGIS
CSWClient for QGIS
Converting user maps from Yandex.Мои Карты in shape-format
Environmental mapping using satellite data
Feasibility study on the use of medium resolution data
Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R
The Geospatial Revolution Project
Russian QGIS 1.6.0 manual
Russian GeoJSON specification
Zarutskaya I.P. Mapping topography on hypsometric maps
Importing GIS-LAB spectral library in ENVI
Spectral libraries - data sources on spectra
Remote sensing data classification using support vectors machines and imageSVM
Data analysis using GRASS GIS and R
Natural objects spectra database
Replacing raster values with GDAL/Numpy
Ready-to-use QGIS projects on OSM for countries and regions
Basic strategies for preparation of 3D cities models
Create and use raster maps on PDA using MapTiler and GpsVP
Changing encoding of DBF file
Converting from Shape format to OSM XML with field mapping using ogr2osm
Official OKATO classifier
Processing geodata using Python and ArcGIS
Raster operation in QGIS using GdalTools
Change in OSM statistics by regions
Working with raster data using GDAL and Python
Working with vector data using OGR and Python
Using GetFeatureInfo queries for MapServer-based WMS service
Searching mapfeatures in OpenLayers
First steps in GRASS using its graphic user interface
Creating Landsat metadata catalog from Glovis data
Import VMap1 data with Mapinfo
Simplify linear objects with DPSimplify for QGIS
Create world-files for raster tiles mosaic
Landsat/ETM+ 2000 data as mosaics
Meteorological stations data source for Russia
Blue Marble Next Generation data
Opensource desktop GIS: current situation
Converting dbf to csv
Error matrix and calculation of thematic maps accuracy measures
Geographic referencing in QGIS: case study of georeferencing using nomenclature grid
Create point layer from text in QGIS
Daily OpenStreetMap updates for regions of Russia in shape format and OSM XML
Geosample: Open geodata dataset for different GIS software
Osmosis performance in clipping regions of Russia
POLY-files and their creation using QGIS
Elevation in SAGA GIS: Conquering Saint-Helens
Servlets and Tomcat
Выделение растровых контуров объектов в GRASS
Geolink in Mapinfo
Editing OpenStreetMap data with JOSM
Global Biodiversity Information Facility – GBIF. Intro.
Where are topological errors in OpenStreetMap?
OpenGIS® Implementation Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access
Working with styles in GeoServer/GeoExt Styler
Converting polygon shape-files in Arcinfo coverages with cleaning topological errors
Organizational and legislative basis for creating maps for open publication in digital (including Internet) and hard copies
Building QGIS using Visual C++ Express Edition 2008 and OSGeo4W components
Using Levenshtein metric for text analogs search
Obtaining field statistics using Statist/QGIS
SUAS MapServer overview
Building PostgreSQL + PostGIS + WKT Raster under Windows
Building GDAL using Visual C++ Express Edition 2008
Coordinate systems transformations - parameters sets
Converting data from .csv to .shp and back using OGR
Install and set up of GeoWebCache
Install and set up of GeoJazzy WMSTileCache
General description of ASTER GDEM
WIST for remote sensing data selection and aqcuisition
Prepare GPSBabel and JOSM before starting with OSM
Examples of using ogr2ogr
GeoNames database overview
GNS database overview
MapWindow GIS overview
Regression normalization of remote sensing data using R
Creating stereo DEMs using stereo-pairs in ERDAS IMAGINE
Russian-language database on settlements based on VMap0
Install QGIS/GRASS using OSGeo4W
PostGIS - access regulation on objects level
Adding attributes from polygons to point shape-file in ArcGIS
Real estate cadaster - source of populated places names
Ezhiki v tumane
VMap0 populated places translation
gvSIG 1.1 User's manual in Russian
Ways to visualize geodata using OpenLayers
Exporting HDF and HDF-EOS data using hdp
Developing simple python plugin for QGIS
How to create and work with plugin repository in QGIS
Automatic update of QGIS repository via SVN
Batch merging shapefiles with MergeShapes/OGR
Feature Data Objects - toolkit for accessing geodata
Tile scheme for MODIS products level 2G, 3, and 4
Batch processing of ETM+ data using Layerstack/ERDAS
Affine transformations - math
VMap1 - getting data
Using WMS MapServer in Google Maps
MapServer 5.x tutorial translation
Opening features from QGIS to Google Maps/Earth
Create .NET application using GDAL/OGR: loading layer
Visualizing PostGIS data in MapServer
Find distances to 10 nearest points in Arcview GIS
Role of PostGIS/PostreSQL among spatial RDMS
Export mif/mid to PostgreSQL/PostGIS
3 ноября 2008
Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS for Windows
Hardware selection and start working with ArcPad
Connecting to MS Access from ArcGIS 9.x
PostGIS for beginners
Installing QGIS for Linux
News archive: 2013 : 12 : 11 : 10 : 09 : 08 : 07 : 06 : 05 : 04 : 03 : 02
Последнее обновление: September 09 2021
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