Hi, I'm James Hayward (he/him)
I live in Derby with my wife Caroline and our two kids, Joah and Seren. I work at Experian as a Learning Technology & Delivery Manager
I like to tinker with things, even building things when I have time! This site is very much a work in progress, but I am planning to post more about a random assortment of things.
You can see my social links above, or drop me an email at [email protected].
Vagrant and NFS
NFS can make your Vagrant box perform a lot better, but will it take long to set up?
New Website
Finally built a new site built on GitHub pages, so doesn’t rely on it’s own server.
Buzzer Project
Short deadlines are the mother of all inventions! Here I build a quiz-syle buzzer for work.
Holidays are Coming
Thinking about Christmas presents and laser cutters.
Precious Little Time
Getting my house up to scratch before my first child arrives.
Long Overdue
I really need to update this blog more often, if only to remind myself of what I’m up to!
Point in Polygon: The Old Problem
Solving a drawing problem without a GPU.
Cookies Galore
I’ve spent the better part of the day making cookies!