SVG Viewer for macOS


Give me SVG, and I'll render it.

It's free!

Available on the Mac App Store

viewer for SVG

Gapplin is made for SVG.
It can handle also SVGZ and animation SVG.

besides text editor

It's the perfect way to use Gapplin as a live-previewer for SVG images besides editing them in your text editor.

WebKit rendering

Gapplin uses WebKit as the rendering engine. So you can get images just as you see them on web browsers.



WebKit rendering
preview just like on browser
Quick Look
SVG and SVGZ preview from your Finder
automatically redraw if file is updated
dark mode
background color switch for white images
PNG/PDF export
export images with alpha channel
open in editor
open displayed SVG files in your favorite editor
AppleScript support
control Gapplin remote
Automator action
process multiple SVG files with