smtpd_client_restrictions =
check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/white_list,
check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/rejections
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions =
check_helo_access regexp:/etc/postfix/helo_restrictions
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
�������ϥ��饤�������������ե�������Ĥˤ��Ƥ��������ۥ磻�ȥꥹ�ȥե�����ȵ��ݾ��ե������ʬΥ����������ˤ�ꡢ�ե�������ݼ餬�ưפˤʤ롣�ޤ����հ��������Ԥ������ε��ݥ�å�������Ǥ�դ˻���Ǥ���褦�ˤʤ롣��cannot find your hostname�פȤ����Կ��ڤʵ��ݥ�å��������֤�reject_unknown_client��������פˤʤä���
# S25R client permission specifications for Postfix
# Contributed by ASAMI Hideo (Japan), Jun 2004; Jul 2007
# Refer to: http://www.gabacho-net.jp/en/anti-spam/
# To use this file, add following lines into the /etc/postfix/main.cf file:
# smtpd_client_restrictions =
# permit_mynetworks,
# check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/white_list
# check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/rejections
# where "white_list" is the name of this file.
# *** WHITE LIST ***
# When you find a legitimate mail relay server which is rejected by the
# rejection specification written in the /etc/postfix/rejections file, write
# down here a permission specification taking a leaf from the following
# examples.
#/^223-123-45-67\.example\.net$/ OK
#/^223\.123\.45\.67$/ OK
# Practical examples:
# mail-gx0-f21.google.com, etc.
/\.google\.com$/ OK
# mc1-s3.bay6.hotmail.com, etc.
/\.hotmail\.com$/ OK
# h04-a1.data-hotel.net, etc.
/\.data-hotel\.net$/ OK
# web10902.mail.bbt.yahoo.co.jp
/\.yahoo\.co\.jp$/ OK
# web35509.mail.mud.yahoo.com
/\.yahoo\.com$/ OK
# n2.59-106-41-68.mixi.jp, etc.
/\.mixi\.jp$/ OK
# mta12.m2.home.ne.jp, etc.
/\.m2\.home\.ne\.jp$/ OK
# mmrts006p01c.softbank.ne.jp, etc.
/\.softbank\.ne\.jp$/ OK
# imt1omta04-s0.ezweb.ne.jp, etc.
/\.ezweb\.ne\.jp$/ OK
# bay-w1-inf5.verisign.net, benicia-w2-inf30.verisign.net
/\.verisign\.net$/ OK
# S25R client rejection specifications for Postfix
# Contributed by ASAMI Hideo (Japan), Jun 2004; Jul 2007
# Refer to: http://www.gabacho-net.jp/en/anti-spam/
# To use this file, add following lines into the /etc/postfix/main.cf file:
# smtpd_client_restrictions =
# permit_mynetworks,
# check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/white_list
# check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/rejections
# where "rejections" is the name of this file.
# *** BLACK LIST ***
# When you find a UCE sender's FQDN which is not rejected by the generic
# protection rules specified below, insert here a denial specification taking
# a leaf from the following practical examples. You should specify a subdomain
# name or a substring together with the domain name if possible so that you can
# avoid rejecting legitimate mail relay servers in the same domain.
# pr86.internetdsl.tpnet.pl
# fq217.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl
# pa148.braniewo.sdi.tpnet.pl
/\.(internetdsl|adsl|sdi)\.tpnet\.pl$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# user-0cetcbr.cable.mindspring.com
# user-vc8fldi.biz.mindspring.com
/^user.+\.mindspring\.com$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# c9531ecc.virtua.com.br (hexadecimal used)
# c9066a60.static.spo.virtua.com.br (hexadecimal used)
/^[0-9a-f]{8}\.(.+\.)?virtua\.com\.br$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# catv-5984bdee.catv.broadband.hu (hexadecimal used)
/\.catv\.broadband\.hu$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# Edc3e.e.pppool.de
# BAA1408.baa.pppool.de
/[0-9a-f]{4}\.[a-z]+\.pppool\.de$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# pD9EB80CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de (hexadecimal used)
/\.dip[0-9]+\.t-ipconnect\.de$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# pD9E799A1.dip.t-dialin.net (hexadecimal used)
/\.dip\.t-dialin\.net$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# ool-43511bdc.dyn.optonline.net (hexadecimal used)
/\.dyn\.optonline\.net$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# rt-dkz-1699.adsl.wanadoo.nl
# c3eea5738.cable.wanadoo.nl (hexadecimal used)
/\.(adsl|cable)\.wanadoo\.nl$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# ACBBD419.ipt.aol.com (hexadecimal used)
/\.ipt\.aol\.com$/ 450 domain check, be patient
# [rule 0]
/^unknown$/ 450 reverse lookup failure, be patient
# [rule 1]
# ex.: evrtwa1-ar3-4-65-157-048.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net
# ex.: a12a190.neo.rr.com
/^[^.]*[0-9][^0-9.]+[0-9].*\./ 450 S25R check, be patient
# [rule 2]
# ex.: pcp04083532pcs.levtwn01.pa.comcast.net
/^[^.]*[0-9]{5}/ 450 S25R check, be patient
# [rule 3]
# ex.: 398pkj.cm.chello.no
# ex.: host.
/^([^.]+\.)?[0-9][^.]*\.[^.]+\..+\.[a-z]/ 450 S25R check, be patient
# [rule 4]
# ex.: wbar9.chi1-4-11-085-222.dsl-verizon.net
/^[^.]*[0-9]\.[^.]*[0-9]-[0-9]/ 450 S25R check, be patient
# [rule 5]
# ex.: d5.GtokyoFL27.vectant.ne.jp
/^[^.]*[0-9]\.[^.]*[0-9]\.[^.]+\..+\./ 450 S25R check, be patient
# [rule 6]
# ex.: dhcp0339.vpm.resnet.group.upenn.edu
# ex.: dialupM107.ptld.uswest.net
# ex.: PPPbf708.tokyo-ip.dti.ne.jp
# ex.: dsl411.rbh-brktel.pppoe.execulink.com
# ex.: adsl-1415.camtel.net
# ex.: xdsl-5790.lubin.dialog.net.pl
/^(dhcp|dialup|ppp|[achrsvx]?dsl)[^.]*[0-9]/ 450 S25R check, be patient
�������ε��ݥ�å������ϡ��֥�å��ꥹ�Ȥˤϡ�domain UCE-blacklisted�ס����̵�§�ˤϡ�may not be mail exchanger�פǤ��ä��������ϡ���be patient�סʤ��Ԥ����������ˤȤ�������ޤ��å��������ѹ��������ٱ�ٹ��å���������������ɤ������Ԥ��԰¤ˤ����뤳�Ȥ��򤱤뤿��Ǥ��롣
echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
echo "Mail rejection log"
cat /var/log/maillog.4 /var/log/maillog.3 /var/log/maillog.2 \
/var/log/maillog.1 /var/log/maillog | \
grep 'reject:' | \
gawk '
printf "%s %2d %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3, substr($0, match($0, /reject:/))
print "\ncount =", count
��HTML <PRE>����ɽ���ǡ�Ĺ���Ԥϲ������������
echo "Content-Type: text/html"
echo "<html><body><pre>"
echo "Mail rejection log"
cat /var/log/maillog.4 /var/log/maillog.3 /var/log/maillog.2 \
/var/log/maillog.1 /var/log/maillog | \
grep 'reject:' | \
gawk '
printf "%s %2d %s %s\n", $1, $2, $3, substr($0, match($0, /reject:/))
print "\ncount =", count
' | \
gawk '
gsub(/</, "\\<")
gsub(/>/, "\\>")
echo "</pre></body></html>"