Other countries are also analyzing whether copyright protection should extend to works containing AI-generated material. Those that have addressed this issue so far have agreed that copyright requires human authorship.
The Korean Copyright Commission and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued A Guide on Generative AI and Copyright in 2023, in which it explained that "only a natural person can become an author"[Note 140: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism & Korea Copyright Comm'n, A Guide on Generative AI and Copyright, at 40 (2023), https://www.copyright.or.kr/eng/doc/etc_pdf/Guide_on_Generative_AI_and_Copyright.pdf.] and that "copyright registration for an AI output is impossible if a human did not contribute creatively to the expressive form."[Note 141: Id. at 41.] The Korean guidance noted that "if a human had performed additional work on the AI output, such as modifying, or making additions or deletions, only the part that had undergone such change is copyrightable."[Note 142: Id.] It also stated that an author can register a work as a compilation if he or she selected and rearranged the AI output creatively.[Note 143: Id. It has been reported that a copyright registration was granted in December 2023 for an AI-generated film based on the "human editing of the AI[-]generated film and images." Edward Lee, South Korea grants copyright to AI-generated work, ‘AI Suro's Wife' film as work edited by humans, CHATGPT IS EATING THE WORLD (Jan. 8, 2024), https://chatgptiseatingtheworld.com/2024/01/08/south-korea-grants-copyright-to-ai-generated-work-ai-suros-wife-film-as-work-edited-by-humans/.]
In Japan, the Copyright Subdivision of the Cultural Council published a summary of its guidelines in May 2024 titled General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan.[Note 144: Legal Subcommittee under the Copyright Subdivision of the Cultural Council, General Understanding on AI and Copyright in Japan (May 2024), https://www.bunka.go.jp/english/policy/copyright/pdf/94055801_01.pdf.] The guidelines explained that the copyrightability of AI-generated content will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the following factors: (1) the amount and content of the instructions and input prompts by the AI user; (2) the number of generation attempts; (3) the selection by the AI user from multiple output materials; and (4) any subsequent human additions and corrections to the AI-generated work.[Note 145: Id. at 17.]
In the People's Republic of China, the Beijing Internet Court evaluated arguments in a copyright infringement case involving an AI-generated work in 2023, starting with the premise that human authorship was required for copyright protection.[Note 146: Li Mou Mou Su Liu Mou Mou Qin Hai Zuo Pin Shu Ming Quan, Xin Xi Wang Luo Chuan Bo Quan Jiu Fen An (李某某訴劉某某侵害作品署名権, 信息網絡伝搬播権紛糾案) [Li v. Liu, Dispute over Copyright Infringement of the Right of Attribution and Right of Information Network Distribution of Works], at 14 (Beijing Internet Ct. Nov. 27, 2023), https://english.bjinternetcourt.gov.cn/pdf/BeijingInternetCourtCivilJudgment112792023.pdf. Page numbers in this Report are based on the English translation released by the Beijing Internet Court online.] It found that an image created using Stable Diffusion was protected under China's copyright law,[Note 147: Id. at 10-14; see also Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat'l Cong., Feb. 26th, 2010, effective Apr. 1, 2010), art. 3.] and that the person who used AI to create the image was the author.[Note 148: See supra note 146 at 14-15. While the ruling is not precedential under Chinese judicial practice, it may inform policies and practices about the copyrightability of AI-generated art under Chinese law. Id. at 11-12. China has recently considered statutory clarifications for when a work generated by AI is protected under copyright. A preliminary draft of China's proposed AI law states that when a work generated using AI meets the conditions under the Copyright Law then it can be protected under that law "based on the extent of the user's contribution to the final presentation of the content." Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong He Guo Ren Gong Zhi Neng Fa (Xue Zhe Jian Yi Gao) (中華人民共和国人工智能法 (学者建議稿)) [Law of the People's Republic of China on Artificial Intelligence (Scholar's Draft Proposal)], art. 36, Official WeChat account of the Digi. Rule of Law Inst. at East China Univ. of Political Sci. and L., translated by Center for Sec. and Emerging Tech., https://cset.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/t0592_china_ai_law_draft_EN.pdf.] According to the court, the selection of over 150 prompts combined with subsequent adjustments and modifications demonstrated that the image was the result of the author's "intellectual achievements," reflecting his personalized expression.[Note 149: See supra note 146 at 11-12.]
In the European Union, the majority of member states agreed, in response to a 2024 policy questionnaire on the relationship between generative AI and copyright, that current copyright principles adequately address the copyright eligibility of AI outputs and there is no need to provide new or additional protection.[Note 150: Council of the European Union, Policy questionnaire on the relationship between generative Artificial Intelligence and copyright and related rights - Revised Presidency summary of the Member States contributions, at 16-18 (Dec. 20, 2024), https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-16710-2024-REV-1/en/pdf.] Member states also shared the view that AI-generated content may be eligible for copyright "only if the human input in [the] creative process was significant."[Note 151: Id. at 16.] This consensus extended to the understanding that purely AI-generated works cannot be protected by copyright, as only a natural person can be considered an author.[Note 152: Id. at 15.] Based on similar reasoning, in 2024, a court in Czechia, also known as the Czech Republic, held that an AI tool cannot be the author of a copyrighted work.[Note 153: See Tomas Scerba & Jaroslav Fort, The first Czech case on generative AI, TECH.'S LEGAL EDGE (Apr. 4, 2024), https://www.technologyslegaledge.com/2024/04/the-first-czech-case-on-generative-ai/; Alessandro Cerri, Czech court finds that AI tool DALL-E cannot be the author of a copyright work, THE IPKAT (Apr. 15, 2024), https://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2024/04/czech-court-finds-that-ai-tool-dall-e.html.]
In the United Kingdom, a statute predating the development of generative AI technologies protects works "generated by computer in circumstances such that there is no human author of the work."[Note 154: Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, c. X, I, §§ 178, 9(3) (UK), https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/data.pdf. Protection lasts for fifty years from the date the work is made. Id., c. I, § 12(7).] It designates the author as a "person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work are undertaken."[Note 155:Id., c. I, § 9(3).] In 2021, the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office ("UKIPO") sought public comment on whether to change this law, in light of advancements in generative AI. Based on the lack of any case law applying this provision to AI,[Note 156: UKIPO, Consultation outcome of the Intell. Prop. Office on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: copyright and patents, ¶ 22 (June 28, 2022), https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/artificial-intelligence-and-ip-copyright-and-patents/outcome/artificial-intelligence-and-intellectual-property-copyright-and-patents-government-response-to-consultation#copyright-in-computer-generated-works.] the UKIPO concluded that "[i]t is unclear whether removing [protection for computer-generated works] would either promote or discourage innovation and the use of AI for the public good."[Note 157: Id. ¶ 29.] It elected to leave the law in place but did not rule out future changes.[Note 158:Id. ¶¶ 29-30.] Since then, the UK government has initiated a new consultation on copyright and AI, including questions about prompts, computer-generated works, and outputs of AI models.[Note 159: See UKIPO, Open Consultation of the Intell. Prop. Office on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence (Dec. 17, 2024), https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/copyright-and-artificial-intelligence/copyright-and-artificial-intelligence#bcopyright-and-artificial-intelligence]
Several other former and current commonwealth countries, such as Hong Kong,[Note 160: Section 11(3) of Hong Kong's Copyright Ordinance states: "In the case of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer-generated, the author is taken to be the person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work are undertaken." Copyright Ordinance, (2019) Cap. 528, § 11(3) (H.K.).] India,[Note 161: Section 2(d)(vi) of India's Copyright Act defines author as "in relation to any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer-generated, the person who causes the work to be created." The Copyright Act, 1957, § 2(d)(vi). Without citing that section, in 2020 the Indian Copyright Office registered the AI-generated work described in note 124, listing the AI tool as a co-author, but a year later issued a notice of withdrawal of the registration. Sukanya Sarkar, Exclusive: Indian Copyright Office issues withdrawal notice to AI co-author, MANAGINGIP (Dec. 13, 2021), https://www.managingip.com/article/2a5d0jj2zjo7fajsjwwlc/exclusive-indian-copyright-office-issues-withdrawal-notice-to-ai-co-author.] and New Zealand,[Note 162: Section 5(2)(a) of New Zealand's copyright law defines author as "in the case of a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work that is computer-generated, the person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work are undertaken." Copyright Act 1994, s 5(2)(a).] have enacted similar provisions, but there too it is unclear whether or how they will apply to AI-generated works.
In Canada, a 2021 review of the Copyright Act acknowledged a lack of clarity concerning the authorship of an AI-generated work.[Note 163: Innovation, Sci. and Econ. Dev. Canada ("ISED Canada"), A Consultation on a Modern Copyright Framework for Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, at 12 (2021), https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/strategic-policy-sector/sites/default/files/attachments/2022/ConsultationPaperAIEN.pdf.] While the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, which led the review, recommended that legislation should provide greater clarity, the Canadian Parliament has not yet acted on the recommendation.[Note 164:Id. at 13.] In 2023, Canada relaunched the consultation process, with a comment period that closed in January 2024.[Note 165:ISED Canada, Consultation on Copyright in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence (2021), https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/strategic-policy-sector/en/marketplace-framework-policy/consultation-copyright-age-generative-artificial-intelligence.]
Similarly, in Australia, participants in 2024 consultations held by the Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence shared concerns over the lack of clarity in Australia's copyright laws regarding the "extent of copyright protection, if any, that is afforded to works created by humans with the assistance or augmentation of AI."[Note 166: Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence, Parliament of Australia (Final Report, November 2024) ¶ 4.166, https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/committees/reportsen/RB000470/toc_pdf/SelectCommitteeonAdoptingArtificialIntelligence(AI).pdf.] The Select Committee in its recommendations, however, did not specifically address this issue or suggest any action.
Although some level of consensus on the need for human authorship appears to be
emerging, and most countries have so far continued to apply existing law, it is clear that views are still being formed. It remains to be seen how copyrightability standards will be interpreted and applied. The Office is closely monitoring developments abroad and evaluating how other countries' evolving approaches may ultimately overlap or differ from our own.第Ⅲ章 国際動向
中華人民共和国においては、北京インターネット法院が2023年に、人間が著作者である事が著作権保護には必要とされる事を前提として出発し、AI生成物に関する著作権侵害事件における主張の評価をしている[原注:李某対劉某、氏名表示権、公衆送信権に関する事件、第14頁、北京インターネット法院、2023年11月27日、https://english.bjinternetcourt.gov.cn/pdf/BeijingInternetCourtCivilJudgment112792023.pdf。本報告書によるページ番号は北京インターネット法院がオンラインでリリースした英語の翻訳に基づく。]。それは、Stable Diffusionを利用して生成された画像は中国著作権法の下で保護を受けるものであり[原注147:同上、第10-14頁;全国人民代表会議・常務委員会により2010年2月26日に公布され、2010年4月1日に施行された中華人民共和国著作権法第3条も参照。]、AIを利用しして作成した者が著作者となると認めた[原注148:前注146、第14-15頁参照。中国の司法実務において、本判決は先例拘束性を持たないが、中国著作権法の下でのAI生成アートの著作権保護可能性に関する政策と実務に関する情報を与えるものであろう。中国で提案されているAI法の草稿は、AIを利用して生成された作品は著作権法の要件を満たした場合に「コンテンツの最終的な表示に対する利用者の寄与の程度と内容に基づき」その法の下での保護を受けられると記載している。中華人民共和国人工知能法(学者提案草稿)、第36条、華東政法大学デジタル法規制研究所の公式WeChatアカウントからのセキュリティ・先端技術センターによる翻訳、https://cset.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/t0592_china_ai_law_draft_EN.pdf。]。この法院によると、後の調整及び修正と組み合わせた150を超えるプロンプトの選択は、その画像が著作者個人による表現を反映したその「知的達成」の結果である事を示している[原注149:前注146、第11-12頁]。
欧州連合(EU)では、多くの加盟国が、2024年の生成AIと著作権の関係に関する政策調査への回答において、現在の著作権法の原則によりAI出力の著作権保護適格性に適切に対応でき、新規の又は追加の保護を与える必要はないという事で一致している[原注150:欧州理事会、生成人工知能並びに著作権及び著作隣接権の間の関係に関する政策調査-加盟国の回答に関する修正議長要旨、第16-18頁、2024年12月20日、https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-16710-2024-REV-1/en/pdf。]。加盟国はまた、創作プロセスにおける人間の入力が大きな意味を持つ場合のみAI生成コンテンツは著作権の保護適格性を有するであろう事についても見解を共有している[原注151:同上、第16頁]。この共通認識は、自然人のみが著作者と考えられるのであるから、純粋なAI生成物は著作権によって保護されないという理解にも及ぶ[原注152:同上、第15頁]。同様の理由に基づき、2024年に、チェコ共和国としても知られるチェキアの裁判所は、AIツールは著作権の保護を受ける作hんの著作者たり得ないと判示した[原注153:トーマス・シュチェルバ及びヤロスラフ・フォルト、生成AIに関する最初のチェコの事件、TECH’S LEGAL EDGE、2024年4月4日、https://www.technologyslegaledge.com/2024/04/the-first-czech-case-on-generative-ai/;アレッサンドロ・チェッリ、チェコの裁判所がAIツールのDALL-Eは著作物の著作者たり得ないと判示、THE IPKAT、2024年4月15日、https://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2024/04/czech-court-finds-that-ai-tool-dall-e.html参照。]。
中国で第一審に相当する北京インターネット法院が、2023年11月27日の判決(pdf)(法院のサイトで公開されているのは上のアメリカ著作権局でリンクを張られている英語版のみの様である)で、他の国と違って比較的緩やかに、多くの試行錯誤によるプロンプト入力のみでStable Difusionの利用者に生成画像の著作権を認めているが、正直この判決は中国の裁判所が世界的に注目を集めるためにした判決としか思えず、私はこの程度の人の寄与で著作権を認める事に批判的であり、著作権法の原則に照らしてこの判決は妥当なものでないと考えている。なお、他にも2024年には、広州インターネット法院でウルトラマンの生成AI画像が著作権侵害になり得るという判断をしている事や(読売新聞の記事、TMI総合法律事務所のブログ記事参照)、生成AIによる音声生成に声の権利の侵害を認めたという事も報道されているが(産経新聞の記事、CRIの記事参照)、それぞれ生成AIサービス事業者の義務を別個規定している生成AIサービス管理弁法(中国政府網の中国語版)があったり、中華人民共和国民法典(中国政府網の中国語版)の第1023条で自然人の声の保護についても肖像権の保護に関する規定が準用される事が明確に規定されていたりするという中国の法令を踏まえて見る必要があるものである。