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  1. Member
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    Apr 2008
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    Is there a simple way of finding out the corresponding ffmpeg command-line after using ffmpegx ?

    I am currently able to achieve some conversions in ffmpegX which I can not then reproduce with
    an ffmpeg command. This is a general problem which I have had so the specifics do not matter.


  2. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Middle Earth
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    1. Install a third party multiple clipboard utility, so that you will have access to the history of the content of the clipboard.
    2. Set ffmpegX to Open Terminal Window, so that isn't invoked.
    3. Do an encode as you normally would.
    4. Go to the clipboard utility and get the content of the one-before-last, as the last will have just a time-date stamp.

  3. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Search Comp PM
    Originally Posted by Case
    1. Install a third party multiple clipboard utility, so that you will have access to the history of the content of the clipboard.
    2. Set ffmpegX to Open Terminal Window, so that isn't invoked.
    3. Do an encode as you normally would.
    4. Go to the clipboard utility and get the content of the one-before-last, as the last will have just a time-date stamp.
    Thanks this is exactly what I needed

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