Very nice... it's always cool to see effort spent for one thing (geotagging the photos so they would show up on geobloggers) give you something free in a new and useful tool.
I notice that the marker image is rectangular, with the area inside the rectangle that isn't taken up by the marker whited out. This blocks a lot of the area around the geotagged point. Is this due to transparency issues?
ages ago
Yes, you are right. That's exactly where the errors come out to the Javascript console. I am trying to resolve the problem.
ages ago
cool stuff! i guess the next logical progression of this would be to add the ability to add geotags via the map.
ages ago

Well, I got something done. Thanks to Steeev reminded me to do this.
Now the GM script can let you to add geotags via the map. Besides,
there's an optional link for you to post the photo to geobloggers
automatically. This will simplify the whole process of adding geotags. Click into the photo to see notes and description.
BTW, mrjoro, I've fixed the transparent problem of the marker.
Please update the latest script here. flickr.yuan.cc/greasemonkey/flickr.gmap.user.js.
ages ago
I just made some improvements.
1. It will remember your previous mark position, and will center the map to that position when you go to next photo.
2. Now it can add geotags, add description with geobloggers URL, and post to geobloggers in the marker info window.
ages ago
oooh, this is super neat-o!!
Phillip Torrone has a nice write up about geotagging photos here...
You may want to drop something into the comments. I see quite a few ppl come in from there so the chances are you'll get more eyes on your script that way.
Quick, make more stuff!!!
ages ago
Nice tutorial but he says to use the 'geo:long=' tag instead of 'geo:lon=". Is that wrong or does it work too? Maybe not because I see the statue of liberty pic now has 'geo:lon' so maybe he's in the process of updating the document.
ages ago
Thanks, Dan.
I've posted a comment to introduce the script. :)
ages ago
Hiya! First of all, nice script! Grats! Second, a little bug-report: I have an image with notes in it. Now when I show the GMap for this pic, the Notes are shown in the GMap-image.
[Image removed by iko]
Is there maybe a way to display the GMap below the image?! Thx & keep on the good work!
Originally posted ages ago.
IkoTikashi edited this topic ages ago.
Hi, IkoTikashi
I've moved the notes down with the original photo. The note's position should be correct now. Please reinstall the latest script.
Sorry I can't display GMap below the image. I just don't know how. :p
Gmap will automatically expend its height until the bottom of viewable area. If I put it below the image, the map will be very short, even can't be shown.
ages ago
.CK, i just tried out your updated script, and have to say it rocks, well done! :D
ages ago
Please, include in the head of the scrip the date (for example as do steeev). It is very useful to know if we need an update.
ages ago
Thanks a lot, steeev. :)
jepnow, version and date info are added now. Thanks for the advice.
Billy(cowfish) has fixed the gmap resize problem for me and put it below the photo.
Please re-install the script: flickr.yuan.cc/greasemonkey/flickr.gmap.user.js
(please uninstall the old one first, an extra space ends the script name by mistake.)
ages ago
If anyone's been playing with the pre-api gmaps and know's anything about the window event listeners google adds, then please let me know.
Other than that, thanks .CK for fixing up the script.
ages ago
This straight up rocks.
ages ago
Bug: most of my pictures work great except this one - no G-map icon. It used to get a javascript error but doesn't now I upgraded to the script above.
Any ideas?
ages ago
It looks like the problem is due to the picture posted in the comments - I've sent a patch to .CK which fixed it for that pic of yours and doesn't SEEM to break things elsewhere ;)
ages ago
i found a small bug, it seems if you click the gmap button to show the map, then click it again to hide the map, then again to show the map once more, each time you do this operation show-hide-show, it adds a new instance of the map on top of the previous instance, you can tell its happened because each time you do it an extra "handle" is displayed on the "zoom bar"
and ive got a suggestion: when clicking the gmap button, you could follow an internal link on the page that will make the page jump down to the map. eg just above the map you could have an <a name=gmap></a> then when you click the gmap button, it could follow the link to currentpageURL#gmap or something like that
ages ago
I've fixed the orphan instanecs problem of gmap when you hide the map. I also add an internal link to the map, so the page will jump down to the map when u click the buttom.
Thanks to cowfish for the patch that fixed the bug reported by Sam Judson.
Now is version 1.4. Please re-install the script at flickr.yuan.cc/greasemonkey/flickr.gmap.user.js.
ages ago
great stuff .CK! :D
ages ago
Thanks, steeev.
I got some minor bugs fixed and add a new feature. Now there's a small toolbar above the gmap. Three control functions are there: hide map, lengthen map, and large map. The large map link will bring you to official google maps with the lat/lon of the photo.
Download the version 1.5: flickr.yuan.cc/greasemonkey/flickr.gmap.user.js
ages ago
ck, that is awesome. Probably the easiest way of doing things so far. Great work.
ages ago
thx guys! :)
ages ago
when i click the gmaps button for this pic
the comments entry box appears overlaid over the picture, does anyone else get this problem?
ages ago
wretched distance [deleted] says:
Pardon me if this has been answered (or is obvious and I've missed it):
How do you set the default view to show the Satellite map?
(I mean the fold-out Gmap beneath the photo in Flickr, the vector map is currently pretty useless for the Swedish county and small towns where I usually take pictures :/.)
In the script I see the out-commented line.. // myMapApp.map.setMapType(_SATELLITE_TYPE); ..so I'm guessing there is a way (simply de-commenting it didn't work, no)? My Javascript fu is weak, sorry if I'm missing something trivial.
ages ago
nice work indeed. keep it comin!
ages ago
steeev, I'm getting that problem with the comment box also.
ages ago
Well, this bug is so difficult to catch.
I fixed the comments box overlapped problem. However, it is not caused by comments box. If a photo is not creative common licensed, then a transparent gif will overlap on it. That's why the comments box was covered by gmap div. It should not be so, but it just happened. I don't know why, maybe it's a bug of layout of firefox.
Steeev, thanks for the bug report.
As usual, please re-install the latest script.
It's version 1.5.1: flickr.yuan.cc/greasemonkey/flickr.gmap.user.js
ages ago
You saw the out-commented line is truly a way to show Satellite map, but it only works if the gmap is generated by the new google maps API. I still use old-fashioned way to show gmap because I can't apply maps API key for each flickr pages.
As to why the following line can't work? Sorry, I really don't know now.
// myMapApp.map.setMapType(_SATELLITE_TYPE);
ages ago
eager current [deleted] says:
nice stuff...
By the way, some of my pics aren't showing up when I search for them on geobloggers. Does anyone know why? Does it take some time to process the tags etc? Thanks in advance.
ages ago
tk, I think Dan has talked about this on his blog. You may want to read it.
ages ago

Version 1.6 is released. I added a nice toolbar with some useful functionalities of map controls, including saving favorite places, going to location by manually input lat/lon, lengthen and shorten map, etc...
Download v1.6 here: flickr.yuan.cc/greasemonkey/flickr.gmap.user.js
ages ago
Great job... this will make tagging much easier. One suggestion: in the toolbar, include a ZIP search box to quickly get to the right area.
ages ago
It works great with geotagged photos, but it doesn't seem to work correctly with geo*coded* photos. I've added the coordinates to the exif data to flickr.com/photos/absoblogginlutely/25474840/#gmap but google maps comes up with the wrong location. However if you post the coordinates from exif into maps.google.earth it is correct.
ages ago
Absoblogginlutely, thanks for let me know.
I'll take a look at exif data and try to get it work.
ages ago
red air [deleted] says:
Without the support of geocoded pictures that skript is useless for me too. But nice work.
ages ago
The script seems to be down. It's times out trying to find flickr.yuan.cc
ages ago
The service is back to up. We were experiencing a power failure for hours.
ages ago
The "add description" link doesn't seem to work if I've already got a description in place on the image...
ages ago
Yes, that's a known bug. Steeev has contributed some codes that can solve the problem. I'll release a new version later today.
ages ago
Great work! Can I suggest the next version uses the geobloggers hacking feed to find the nearest photos and plots them on the map along with the one you've just clicked. That way you could move around flickr by using the map interface. At the moment you still have to find a geotagged photo first.
ages ago
For the "add description" feature, I prefer to add the description "Geotagged" and link to geobloggers, rather than the current "Geoblogger" text. Any chance this could be customisable.
Also the ability to add the description as a comment would be lovely...
Simply brill btw.
ages ago
It's not too hard to change Geoblogger to Geotagged using the current version of the script.
Go to Tools>>Manage User Scripts
Then select "Google Maps in Flickr" and click Edit.
The Greasemonkey script should open.
Near the bottom, there is a line that includes the following:
<a href=http://www.geobloggers.com/>Geoblogger</a>
Change that part to :
<a href=http://www.geobloggers.com/>Geotagged</a>
Then save it.
ages ago
Dear all,
Thank you all for your suggestions and valuable comments. I just
released a new version 2.0 and need your trials. Some new features are
added in v2.0, such as getting nearby photos from geobloggers feed,
flying to Google Earth, geocoded photos supported, and etc...
The most thanks to Steeev for his code contribution to do things at
All comments are welcomed. Please see 'What's New' of GMiF 2.0 at
ages ago
ages ago
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