We raised $2,515.72 toward Dan Lynch's trip to a conference to represent the show and record content! We'll be coordinated with Dan about what conference he wants to attend.
If you'd like to further support Free as in Freedom, please become a supporter of Software Freedom Conservancy, the charity where Bradley and Karen work.
Free as in Freedom
0x5A: Gamergate's Free Software Connection
23 October 2014
Note: Episode 0x5A was released out of sequence, but they are in the order of release date on faif.us (rather than numerical order).
Karen and Bradley discuss connections between the so-called “Gamergate” controversy and how it relates to the Free Software community and a few obvious legal issues.
This show was released on Thursday 23 October 2014; its running time is 00:55:31.
Show Notes
Segment 0 (00:37)
- Karen asked if Bradley had heard of the Gamergate situation. (01:30)
- Matthew Garrett wrote a blog post regarding this topic entitled Actions have consequences (or: why I'm not fixing Intel's bugs any more) (10:23)
- Mathew was attacked on LKML about this blog post (10:50)
- Lennart Poettering also wrote an essay recently about aggression and attacking people in Free Software communities. (12:12)
- Karen mentioned the harassment Kathy Sierra faced in the late 2000s. (13:00)
- Bradley called out Linux Foundation to ask why they tacitly support the bad behavior by its employees and others in the Linux Project (14:35, 31:10)
- Bradley mentioned that Antti Aumo in his LinuxCon Europe 2011 keynote,
said that a great thing about the Internet of Things is that you can
put a lock on your fridge when the wife's on a diet
. (16:32) - Bradley mentioned the Eddie Murphy's Saturday Night Live skit, White Like Me, which according to the transcript, originally aired on 1984-12-15 on SNL. (24:45)
- Bradley mentioned FaiF 0x13, which discussed torts and why they're important. (29:50)
- Bradley wrote a blog post about Bradley mentioned his blog post about John Oliver's discussion of the Miss America Pageant (43:30)
- Bradley suggested that Intel should have instead given the Gamasutra money to Society of Women Engineers Scholarship fund. (45:30)
- Karen mentioned the statement Intel published a statement regarding the situation. (47:10)
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