We raised $2,515.72 toward Dan Lynch's trip to a conference to represent the show and record content! We'll be coordinated with Dan about what conference he wants to attend.
If you'd like to further support Free as in Freedom, please become a supporter of Software Freedom Conservancy, the charity where Bradley and Karen work.
Free as in Freedom
0x2B: Deb Nicholson of OIN
5 June 2012
Karen and Bradley interview Deb Nicholson of Open Invention Network, GNU MediaGoblin and Open Hatch.
This show was released on Tuesday 5 June 2012; its running time is 00:48:12.
Show Notes
Segment 0 (00:36)
- Karen announced her pregnancy. (01:50)
- Bradley will be at OSCON, Karen might be, and Karen will be at GUADEC. Bradley will be at LinuxCon North America and LinuxCon Europe. (03:00)
Segment 1 (04:40)
- Deb Nicholson was previously on the show as Episode 0x25: FOSDEM 2012 Patents Panel. (06:00)
- Deb mentioned Linux System Definition, which is the OIN-published list of things that OIN members license their patents to each other on. (07:12)
- Deb and Bradley are debating Bradley's comment regarding Deb's points on the panel on 0x25. If you go back to listen to 0x25, the context for the comment they're debating starts around 38:00 in 0x25. (19:20)
- It's possible etymology of the verb “to harp” may indeed come from the musical instrument, not harpy. (31:00)
- Karen mentioned The Ada Initiative. (32:52)
Segment 2 (38:54)
Bradley and Karen talk about plans for upcoming shows.
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