Ben Shaoul's 100 Avenue A has now entered the next phase — sales!
The broker bunting arrived on the sidewalk bridge yesterday here between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street … advertising the teaser site with contact info for broker Ryan Serhant, star of "Million Dollar Listing New York," and his team.
And how would you choose to sell these 33 (or 44!) condominium residences?
With naked women!

The design — naked women lying at rest with 100 Avenue A written all over her body — recalls the title sequences that Maurice Binder created for the first 14 James Bond films…

An homage? Or just some butt shots?

Anyway, we know who the target audience is now for these residences, which as reported, will range in price from $1.3 million to $2.3 million.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Trying to figure out what is going on at 98-100 Avenue A
This is so gross for so many reasons.
So the 'target audience' is Bond fans?
To associate these ads with the 'woo' crowd of millennials seems like a bit of stretch.
I wish those women were wearing yoga pants.
Works for me. Now I just need to borrow $1.3 million.
Sucks for you Anonymous at 943. I only need 1.1 million if I empty out my retirement savings.
I wonder if this imagery reflects any actual thinking about marketing on the part of these real estate doucebros -- or if it just reflects the douchebaggery of said douchebros? Is the message "Finance brah, buy here and you'll totally get laid?" Or is it just "Hey, Beavis, that building would totally look better with some naked ladies on it?"
How stupidly tasteless.
If I were a woman looking to purchase an apartment this would make me walk away. They may be losing half their potential buyers due to this sexist advertising, tho I guess the idea is to fill the place with bro's.
Pussy Galore!
All real estate brokers in this city are festering douchebags. I know that's a sweeping generalization, but hey, there ya go.
This guy is a fucking idiot. Surprised he even touched this neighborhood with a ten foot pole. That shit is too flashy for anyone that wants to live here.
I;m nervous about this place. If people move in there, and they are not people from the neighborhood that "made it", what kind of pieces of garbage are going to move in? I don't understand why a douche type would want to live on Avenue A, and what kind o shit are they going to pull to try to "change" the neighborhood? Oh, for the bubble to burst on these morons.
American Apparel, you're back!
So this is where Playboy's discontinued centerfolds ended up!
What happened to modern bohemia?
The good news is you get a 10% discount if you're a registered sex offender. And you get 5% off if you can prove you've ever been molested.
What genius came up with this? I find it upsetting and offensive (advertising for moneyed douchebags using images of naked women?!), but even if I didn't, I still don't think this is in any way clever advertising. It's simply stupid, to be honest. What was it supposed to mean?
Not happy to have to pass this multiple times a day, in addition to the oversized eyesore that building is, and the noise it produces.
These new coops are purchased mainly for investment. Then they are rented out with the rent covering the carrying charges. It's a business. And it encourages builders like Shaoul and others to buy up old buildings, tear them down and put up these nondescript buildings for big profits. The city loves it because it increases the housing stock and provides work. And our local politicians don't care about the character of the neighborhood just the campaign contributions they get from the real estate industry.
Great. Now I have fucking "For your eyes only" stuck in my head.
I would not have a problem is they used those ladies on truckers mud flaps, but these are tacky.
Grossly inn appropriateness aside:
Ewwwwww. That looks like MY body and I seriously need to go to the gym! If you're gonna use naked imagery either get a model with a decent bod or learn to use photoshop.
My boobz are much smaller - but the one with yellow writing is seriously just like me. 5'4", 117 lbs. 57 years old. I'm the one you see traipsing around in tights, mini skirt, and a big damned smile on my face cuz I love living here.
They obviously don't want to rent/sell to women.
Just call it "The Patrick Bateman" building and be done with it.
EVGrieve, you should have payed closer attention. I went by there tonight and there are men as well as women.
Can you imagine the welcome gift basket full of roofies and dildos?
Should they have used Wigstock? The Tompkins Square Park Riots?
Excuse me while I throw up. NYC sucks. All the real New Yorkers are almost gone. People buying these apartments are dumb and don't know better. Taste and sophistication no longer exists on so many levels. I would be so happy if the world ended right now...but I will settle for the bubble bursting and another 2008 crash and these idiots lose most of their money. Everybody remember: they are rich because you are making them rich. They have no skills. WE have skills. Without US they can't make product. They can't make money.
Why not use cis-gendered or trans people?
This is bullshit. Are they gender neutral friendly or not? I tried to go to the site but they wanted my password and my soul.
I'm buying an apartment in the 98-100 Avenue A on the top floor. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
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