EveryBlock - Latest Comments in Farewell, neighborshttp://everyblock.disqus.com/enSat, 16 Feb 2013 06:08:19 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-801289480<p>seems like forever now</p>Pass WordSat, 16 Feb 2013 06:08:19 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-801210964<p>who paid them off to shut them up? these people reported EVERYTHING and I know sf doesn't like the rest of the world knowing everything. I just looked this up tonight to see if anyone reported a hit and run pedestrian accident from last night in castro. I saw a man get hit by a white suv going about 30 mph and get thrown into the street and roll. the white male in the car was carrying two white female passengers and after he hit the guy he drove around him and yelled, "you &amp;ucking idiot!" as he drove away. Two other guys next to me saw the whole thing and laughed like they just saw a comedy routine, commenting on how weird he looked as he rolled. I was so appalled at the complete disregard for human life i almost threw up. The man staggered away. I don't know what happened to him after that, I was so afraid if I opened my mouth I would cry.</p>sfgirlSat, 16 Feb 2013 01:45:03 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-801097237<p>Good riddance!</p>super gnatFri, 15 Feb 2013 22:31:09 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-800609987<p>No! This is awful! I relied on everyblock daily. I am so upset. Please come back!</p>KimFri, 15 Feb 2013 13:55:45 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-800419537<p>Thanks for all of the great work! You are missed!</p>PATRICK HICKEYFri, 15 Feb 2013 11:11:02 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799822724<p>I find it quite disconcerting that you have posted a failed inspection for my business when we were not even open yet.......the failure was due to a door sweep that was missing, yet the post implies some type of problem with the establishment. We have since passed with flying colors, and are open for business. Please remove this misleading post or you will hear my my attorney for slander.</p>duransanThu, 14 Feb 2013 21:21:46 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799638953<p>I thought the guy who sold it was Dan. Unless it was Dan and Adrian. Either way, I'm willing to bet Dan spent the money.</p>Julie DiJohnThu, 14 Feb 2013 17:57:07 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799636765<p>dude. an organic cupcake store closed? is the sedaris family Freaking Out?</p>Julie DiJohnThu, 14 Feb 2013 17:55:10 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799635754<p>i avoided getting shot more than once because of EveryBlock. Seriously!</p>Julie DiJohnThu, 14 Feb 2013 17:54:17 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799631725<p>Hey douchebag. Quit staring at that frozen pond and realize that she could have downloaded all of her stuff if she had a few hours notice. she has web people in her pocket. right, bridge?</p>Julie DiJohnThu, 14 Feb 2013 17:50:37 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799600085<p>I see that more people out of work!!! Sad!!!</p>NotaThu, 14 Feb 2013 17:22:03 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799367098<p>I'm starting to hypothesize this was all about the bottom line on some balance sheet for Comcast to start finalizing share purchases.</p>smcThu, 14 Feb 2013 13:40:39 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799277804<p><a href="https://mantonstreetparkgarden.nextdoor.com/unverified/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" title="https://mantonstreetparkgarden.nextdoor.com/unverified/">https://mantonstreetparkgar...</a></p><p>Check out this site just gearing up. Just need four more new members to make it a permanent site. Philadelphia Dickinson Narrows area.</p>Dan HoThu, 14 Feb 2013 12:24:47 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799183441<p>OH NO!!! What will you do without your daily validation of "thank yous" Kathy? How will you know if you're a good person without some stranger telling you so by clicking a button? How will you live without that concrete number of "thank yous" every day confirming that you are indeed right and valued? Oh, poor poor pathetic Kathy.</p>KathyLIsPatheticThu, 14 Feb 2013 11:09:01 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799158649<p>Shut up shut up shut up ALREADY</p>KathyLSucksThu, 14 Feb 2013 10:39:57 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-799157952<p>You are seriously insane. Jesus fucking Christ, get a life! Stop speculating about why it shut down. Nobody gives a fucking rat's ass about you. There was NOT a high concentration of Rogers Parkers on Everyblock, moron. It was like 20 fucking people total.</p>KathyLSucksThu, 14 Feb 2013 10:38:56 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-798661113<p>Thanks for nothing, NBC.</p>GuestThu, 14 Feb 2013 00:52:49 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-798616927<p>Thanks for destroying a good thing, NBC.</p>Marc LawrenceThu, 14 Feb 2013 00:02:23 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-798519988<p>Compass Rose is a great idea! Thanks, I'll try that. If it works out, I'll send up a smoke signal :) <a href="http://holyschwartz.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/smoke-signal.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" title="http://holyschwartz.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/smoke-signal.jpg">http://holyschwartz.files.w...</a></p><p>I'll try to get my kerning (and spelling) right ;) <a href="http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/ama/lowres/aman54l.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" title="http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/ama/lowres/aman54l.jpg">http://www.cartoonstock.com...</a></p>BarbaraWWed, 13 Feb 2013 22:07:52 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-798448061<p>Someone posted on her a couple weeks ago missing a CAT in the Ravenswood Manor Area, 3000 wilson, we found a black/white cat long hair with a white patch on his back today. Email <a href="http://obuss.np" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" title="obuss.np">obuss.np</a>@gmail.com if you have any information on who the cat belongs too! Thanks!!</p>cat finderWed, 13 Feb 2013 20:47:20 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-798433042<p>davep is absolutly right. TRY THE "WAYBACK MACHINE" WEBSITE FOR OLD PAGES!</p>Scott CarliniWed, 13 Feb 2013 20:27:29 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-798426925<p>So many schizoid comments...I can see many have been hurt and feel betrayed and abandoned by the abrupt cut off from friends, neighbors and all those who have made friendships; and sought out, more than not, trusting resources within the communities. So sorry this happened this way...it isn't THAT it was done as much as HOW it was done. Sorry to all and wish the best for a better part of the New Year.</p>Portage Park NeighborWed, 13 Feb 2013 20:20:34 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-798362473<p>really stupid way to end. stupid.</p>Gene KnierimWed, 13 Feb 2013 19:18:01 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-797984833<p>Nope say whatever you want, pigfucker</p>Dinky PetersWed, 13 Feb 2013 14:06:24 -0000Re: Farewell, neighborshttp://blog.everyblock.com/2013/feb/07/goodbye/#comment-797984146<p>They spent all their money on K.I.T.T and special effects for "Go on" so that it's not obvious that Matthew Perry is 8,000 years old now</p>Dinky PetersWed, 13 Feb 2013 14:05:48 -0000