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Presented By: School of Music, Theatre & Dance

The Nutcracker(ish)

The Nutcracker(ish) The Nutcracker(ish)
The Nutcracker(ish)
The Nutcracker(ish) returns to Ann Arbor, blending the beloved story of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King with elements from The Wizard of Oz, creating a whimsical and comedic dance theatre mash-up that is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
This vibrant production combines Tchaikovsky’s iconic score with Duke Ellington’s jazzy Nutcracker Suite, offering a unique, multicultural twist on the classic ballet. With an array of diverse dance styles and theatrical elements, The Nutcracker(ish) celebrates the beauty of cultural expression and inclusivity, transporting viewers into a magical, richly layered world.
Created by Tim Rhoze and director-choreographer Kara Roseborough, this production brings together a talented cast of dancers and actors from the University of Michigan. Audiences can expect dazzling choreography, imaginative costumes, and a story that’s full of surprises, humor, and heart.
The Nutcracker(ish) The Nutcracker(ish)
The Nutcracker(ish)


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