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Presented By: MHealthy

MHealthy Winter Market at NCRC

pastries, honey, spices, and other market items pastries, honey, spices, and other market items
pastries, honey, spices, and other market items
Stop by an MHealthy Winter Market at NCRC, a multi-vendor market celebrating locally-made, locally-produced foods and products. Look for fresh produce, farm products, sweet treats, made-from-scratch pastas and spreads, hand-crafted goods and gifts, and more. Two dates: Nov. 19 and Dec. 3, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., NCRC, Building 18, Ground Floor.
pastries, honey, spices, and other market items pastries, honey, spices, and other market items
pastries, honey, spices, and other market items

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'+'\n' } else { var returnStr = '
'+'\n'+ ' '+occurrenceNameHtml+'\n'+ ' '+locHtml+'\n'+ '
'+'\n'+ ' '+'\n'+ ' '+'\n'+ ' '+occurrence.datetime_output+'\n'+ ' '+'\n'+ '
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