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Presented By: Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)

Matt Watroba

Presented by The Ark

Matt Watroba Matt Watroba
Matt Watroba
A Michigan folk music tradition

What could be better than to kick off the holiday season with a Michigan folk music institution? Matt Watroba, longtime radio host and a Detroit Music Awards winner as Best Overall Folk Performer, is the kind of guy who makes friends easily: not only is he on a first-name basis with most of the major folk musicians in North America after several decades of sharing stages with them, but he also has the kind of rapport with audiences that makes them feel as if they're sitting among friends in a living room. We think a Matt Watroba concert makes a great November tradition. Matt's previous Thanksgiving shows have brought great special guests, so stay tuned!

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'+'\n' } else { var returnStr = '
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'+'\n'+ ' '+'\n'+ ' '+'\n'+ ' '+occurrence.datetime_output+'\n'+ ' '+'\n'+ '
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