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- French corvette Alysse (edit)
- French corvette Commandant Detroyat (K183) (view source)
- French corvette Commandant Drogou (K195) (view source)
- French corvette Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves (K93) (view source)
- French corvette La Bastiaise (edit)
- French corvette Lobelia (K05) (view source)
- French corvette Mimosa (K11) (view source)
- French corvette Renoncule (K117) (view source)
- French corvette Roselys (K57) (edit)
- German patrol boat PA 1 (edit)
- German patrol boat PA 2 (edit)
- German patrol boat PA 3 (view source)
- German patrol boat PA 4 (view source)
- Greek corvette Kriezis (edit)
- Greek corvette Tombazis (edit)
- HMCS Agassiz (edit)
- HMCS Alberni (edit)
- HMCS Algoma (edit)
- HMCS Amherst (edit)
- HMCS Arrowhead (edit)
- HMCS Arvida (edit)
- HMCS Asbestos (K358) (edit)
- HMCS Atholl (K15) (edit)
- HMCS Baddeck (K147) (edit)
- HMCS Barrie (edit)
- HMCS Battleford (edit)
- HMCS Beauharnois (K540) (edit)
- HMCS Belleville (K332) (edit)
- HMCS Bittersweet (edit)
- HMCS Brampton (edit)
- HMCS Brandon (K149) (edit)
- HMCS Brantford (K218) (edit)
- HMCS Buctouche (K179) (edit)
- HMCS Calgary (K231) (edit)
- HMCS Camrose (K154) (edit)
- HMCS Chambly (K116) (edit)
- HMCS Charlottetown (1941) (edit)
- HMCS Chicoutimi (K156) (edit)
- HMCS Chilliwack (K131) (edit)
- HMCS Cobalt (K124) (edit)
- HMCS Cobourg (K333) (edit)
- HMCS Collingwood (K180) (edit)
- HMCS Dauphin (K157) (edit)
- HMCS Dawson (K104) (edit)
- HMCS Drumheller (K167) (edit)
- HMCS Dundas (K229) (edit)
- HMCS Dunvegan (K177) (edit)
- HMCS Edmundston (K106) (edit)
- HMCS Eyebright (K150) (edit)
- HMCS Fennel (K194) (edit)
- HMCS Fergus (K686) (edit)
- HMCS Forest Hill (edit)
- HMCS Fredericton (K245) (edit)
- HMCS Frontenac (K335) (edit)
- HMCS Galt (K163) (edit)
- HMCS Giffard (K402) (edit)
- HMCS Guelph (K687) (edit)
- HMCS Halifax (K237) (edit)
- HMCS Hawkesbury (K415) (edit)
- HMCS Hepatica (K159) (edit)
- HMCS Ingersoll (K336) (edit)
- HMCS Kamloops (K176) (edit)
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- HMCS Kitchener (K225) (edit)
- HMCS La Malbaie (K273) (edit)
- HMCS Lachute (K440) (edit)
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- HMCS Levis (K115) (edit)
- HMCS Lindsay (K338) (edit)
- HMCS Listowel (K439) (edit)
- HMCS Long Branch (K487) (edit)
- HMCS Louisburg (K143) (edit)
- HMCS Louisburg (K401) (edit)
- HMCS Lunenburg (K151) (edit)
- HMCS Matapedia (K112) (edit)
- HMCS Mayflower (K191) (edit)
- HMCS Meaford (edit)
- HMCS Merrittonia (K688) (edit)
- HMCS Midland (K220) (edit)
- HMCS Mimico (K485) (edit)
- HMCS Moncton (K139) (edit)
- HMCS Moose Jaw (K164) (edit)
- HMCS Morden (K170) (edit)
- HMCS Nanaimo (K101) (edit)
- HMCS Napanee (K118) (edit)
- HMCS New Westminster (K228) (edit)
- HMCS Norsyd (K520) (edit)
- HMCS North Bay (K339) (edit)
- HMCS Oakville (K178) (edit)
- HMCS Orillia (K119) (edit)
- HMCS Owen Sound (K340) (edit)
- HMCS Parry Sound (K341) (edit)
- HMCS Peterborough (K342) (edit)
- HMCS Pictou (K146) (edit)
- HMCS Port Arthur (K233) (edit)
- HMCS Prescott (K161) (edit)
- HMCS Quesnel (K133) (edit)
- HMCS Regina (K234) (edit)
- HMCS Renfrew (K452) (edit)
- HMCS Rimouski (K121) (edit)
- HMCS Riviere du Loup (K357) (edit)
- HMCS Rosthern (K169) (edit)
- HMCS Sackville (K181) (edit)
- HMCS Saskatoon (K158) (edit)
- HMCS Shawinigan (K136) (edit)
- HMCS Shediac (K110) (edit)
- HMCS Sherbrooke (K152) (edit)
- HMCS Smiths Falls (K345) (edit)
- HMCS Snowberry (K166) (edit)
- HMCS Sorel (K153) (edit)
- HMCS Spikenard (K198) (edit)
- HMCS St. Lambert (K343) (edit)
- HMCS Stellarton (K457) (edit)
- HMCS Strathroy (K455) (edit)
- HMCS Sudbury (K162) (edit)
- HMCS Summerside (K141) (edit)
- HMCS The Pas (K168) (edit)
- HMCS Thorlock (K394) (edit)
- HMCS Timmins (K223) (edit)
- HMCS Trail (K174) (edit)
- HMCS Trentonian (K368) (edit)
- HMCS Trillium (K172) (edit)
- HMCS Vancouver (K240) (edit)
- HMCS Ville de Quebec (K242) (edit)
- HMCS West York (K369) (edit)
- HMCS Wetaskiwin (K175) (edit)
- HMCS Weyburn (K173) (edit)
- HMCS Whitby (K346) (edit)
- HMCS Windflower (K155) (edit)
- HMCS Woodstock (K238) (edit)
- HMIS Assam (K306) (edit)
- HMIS Gondwana (K348) (edit)
- HMIS Sind (K274) (edit)
- HMNZS Arabis (K385) (edit)
- HMNZS Arbutus (K403) (edit)
- HMSAS Protea (1947) (edit)
- HMS Abelia (K184) (edit)
- HMS Acanthus (edit)
- HMS Alisma (K185) (edit)
- HMS Alyssum (K100) (edit)
- HMS Amaranthus (K17) (edit)
- HMS Anchusa (K186) (edit)
- HMS Anemone (K48) (view source)
- HMS Arabis (K73) (edit)
- HMS Arbutus (K86) (edit)
- HMS Armeria (K187) (view source)
- HMS Asphodel (K56) (edit)
- HMS Aster (K188) (view source)
- HMS Aubrietia (K96) (edit)
- HMS Auricula (K12) (edit)
- HMS Azalea (K25) (edit)
- HMS Balm (edit)
- HMS Balsam (K72) (view source)
- HMS Begonia (K66) (edit)
- HMS Bellwort (K114) (edit)
- HMS Bergamot (K189) (edit)
- HMS Bluebell (K80) (edit)
- HMS Borage (K120) (edit)
- HMS Bryony (K192) (edit)
- HMS Buddleia (K402) (edit)
- HMS Burdock (K126) (view source)
- HMS Buttercup (K193) (edit)
- HMS Calendula (K28) (edit)
- HMS Camellia (K31) (edit)
- HMS Campanula (K18) (view source)
- HMS Campion (K108) (view source)
- HMS Candytuft (K09) (edit)
- HMS Carnation (K00) (view source)
- HMS Ceanothos (K486) (edit)
- HMS Celandine (K75) (view source)
- HMS Charlock (K395) (view source)
- HMS Chrysanthemum (K195) (view source)
- HMS Clarkia (K88) (view source)
- HMS Clematis (K36) (view source)
- HMS Clover (K134) (view source)
- HMS Coltsfoot (K140) (edit)
- HMS Columbine (K94) (view source)
- HMS Convolvulus (K45) (edit)
- HMS Coreopsis (K32) (edit)
- HMS Coriander (K183) (view source)
- HMS Cowslip (K196) (edit)
- HMS Crocus (K49) (view source)
- HMS Cyclamen (K83) (view source)
- HMS Dahlia (K59) (view source)
- HMS Delphinium (K77) (edit)
- HMS Dianella (K07) (edit)
- HMS Dianthus (K95) (edit)
- HMS Dittany (K279) (edit)
- HMS Eglantine (K197) (view source)
- HMS Erica (K50) (edit)
- HMS Fennel (K194) (edit)
- HMS Fleur de Lys (K122) (edit)
- HMS Freesia (K43) (view source)
- HMS Fritillary (K199) (view source)
- HMS Gardenia (K99) (edit)
- HMS Genista (K200) (view source)
- HMS Gentian (K90) (edit)
- HMS Geranium (K16) (edit)
- HMS Gladiolus (K34) (edit)
- HMS Gloriosa (K201) (view source)
- HMS Gloxinia (K22) (view source)
- HMS Godetia (K226) (edit)
- HMS Godetia (K72) (view source)
- HMS Harebell (K202) (view source)
- HMS Heartsease (K15) (edit)
- HMS Heather (K69) (edit)
- HMS Hemlock (K203) (view source)
- HMS Hepatica (K159) (edit)
- HMS Hibiscus (K24) (edit)
- HMS Hollyhock (K64) (edit)
- HMS Honesty (K285) (edit)
- HMS Honeysuckle (K27) (edit)
- HMS Hyacinth (K84) (edit)
- HMS Hyderabad (K212) (view source)
- HMS Hydrangea (K39) (view source)
- HMS Ivy (K204) (view source)
- HMS Jasmine (K23) (edit)
- HMS Jonquil (K68) (edit)
- HMS Kingcup (K33) (view source)
- HMS La Malouine (K46) (edit)
- HMS Larkspur (K82) (edit)
- HMS Lavender (K60) (view source)
- HMS Linaria (K282) (edit)
- HMS Ling (K205) (view source)
- HMS Lobelia (K05) (view source)
- HMS Loosestrife (K105) (edit)
- HMS Lotus (K130) (edit)
- HMS Lotus (K93) (view source)
- HMS Mallow (K81) (edit)
- HMS Marguerite (K54) (view source)
- HMS Marigold (K87) (edit)
- HMS Marjoram (K206) (view source)
- HMS Meadowsweet (K144) (edit)
- HMS Mignonette (K38) (edit)
- HMS Milfoil (K288) (edit)
- HMS Mimosa (K11) (view source)
- HMS Monkshood (K207) (view source)
- HMS Montbretia (K208) (view source)
- HMS Myosotis (K65) (view source)
- HMS Narcissus (K74) (edit)
- HMS Nasturtium (K107) (view source)
- HMS Nigella (K19) (view source)
- HMS Orchis (K76) (edit)
- HMS Oxlip (K123) (edit)
- HMS Pennywort (K111) (edit)
- HMS Pentstemon (K61) (view source)
- HMS Peony (K40) (edit)
- HMS Periwinkle (K55) (edit)
- HMS Petunia (K79) (edit)
- HMS Picotee (K63) (edit)
- HMS Pimpernel (K71) (edit)
- HMS Pink (K137) (edit)
- HMS Polyanthus (K47) (edit)
- HMS Poppy (K213) (edit)
- HMS Potentilla (K214) (view source)
- HMS Primrose (K91) (view source)
- HMS Primula (K14) (view source)
- HMS Ranonculus (K117) (view source)
- HMS Rhododendron (K78) (edit)
- HMS Rockrose (K51) (edit)
- HMS Rose (K102) (view source)
- HMS Rosebay (K286) (edit)
- HMS Salvia (K97) (edit)
- HMS Samphire (K128) (edit)
- HMS Saxifrage (K04) (view source)
- HMS Smilax (K280) (edit)
- HMS Snapdragon (K10) (edit)
- HMS Snowdrop (K67) (edit)
- HMS Snowflake (K211) (edit)
- HMS Spikenard (K198) (edit)
- HMS Spiraea (K08) (edit)
- HMS Starwort (K20) (view source)
- HMS Statice (K281) (edit)
- HMS Stonecrop (K142) (edit)
- HMS Sundew (K57) (edit)
- HMS Sunflower (K41) (edit)
- HMS Sweetbriar (K209) (view source)
- HMS Tamarisk (K216) (edit)
- HMS Thyme (K210) (edit)
- HMS Tulip (K29) (edit)
- HMS Verbena (K85) (edit)
- HMS Veronica (K37) (edit)
- HMS Vervain (K190) (edit)
- HMS Vetch (K132) (edit)
- HMS Violet (K35) (edit)
- HMS Wallflower (K44) (view source)
- HMS Willowherb (K283) (edit)
- HMS Woodruff (K53) (edit)
- HMS Zinnia (K98) (edit)
- HNLMS Friso (K00) (view source)
- HNoMS Andenes (K01) (edit)
- HNoMS Eglantine (K197) (view source)
- HNoMS Montbretia (K208) (view source)
- HNoMS Potentilla (K214) (view source)
- HNoMS Rose (K102) (view source)
- USS Action (PG-86) (edit)
- USS Alacrity (PG-87) (edit)
- USS Brisk (PG-89) (edit)
- USS Fury (PG-69) (edit)
- USS Haste (PG-92) (edit)
- USS Might (PG-94) (edit)
- USS Pert (PG-95) (edit)
- USS Prudent (PG-96) (edit)
- USS Ready (PG-67) (edit)
- USS Restless (PG-66) (edit)
- USS Spry (PG-64) (edit)
- USS Surprise (PG-63) (edit)
- USS Tenacity (PG-71) (edit)
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