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Sour cereal soup

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A sour cereal soup is a Slavic traditional soup made with various types of cereals such as rye, wheat and oats, which are fermented to create a sourdough-like soup base and stirred into a pot of stock which may or may not contain meat such as boiled sausage and bacon, along with other ingredients such as hard-boiled eggs, potatoes and dried mushrooms.

The most notable, żur (also called żurek, zalewajka, keselica or barszcz biały[1]), is considered a part of the national cuisine of Poland.[2] Made with soured rye flour (sourdough starter), sometimes also with soured oatmeal, bread or wheat, it has a characteristic slightly sour, thick and tangy taste, and is served hot.

Sour cereal soup can be also found in Lithuanian, Ukrainian or Belorussian cuisine (as žur, kisjalica or kiselycia), a reminiscence of all these countries current territory being once in Commonwealth of Two Nations.[3] Though it is also prepared in the mountainous regions of Bohemia in the Czech Republic, where it is known as kyselo.


Żur in a bread bowl
Alternative namesŻurek
CourseSoup, Entree
Place of originPoland
Serving temperatureHot
Main ingredientsSoured rye flour or oats; potatoes, hard-boiled eggs; in some variations: meat (sausage, bacon, pork ribs, etc.)
Barszcz biały
CourseSoup, Entree
Place of originPoland
Serving temperatureHot
Main ingredientsSoured wheat flour; meat (sausage, bacon, pork ribs, etc.)

Żur (Polish: żur, diminutive: żurek) is a soup made of soured rye flour (akin to sourdough) and meat (usually boiled pork sausage or pieces of smoked sausage, bacon or pork ribs).[4]

The recipe varies regionally. In Poland it is sometimes served in an edible bowl made of bread or with boiled potatoes. In Silesia, a type of sour rye soup known as żur śląski is served in a bowl, poured over mashed potatoes. In the Podlasie region and also elsewhere in Poland, it is common to eat żurek with halved hard-boiled eggs. In Polish Subcarpathia, there is a traditional variety made of fermented oatmeal (Polish: żur owsiany or kisełycia). In Poland żurek is traditionally eaten at Easter, but is also popular during other parts of the year. It is sometimes flavored with bits of sausage, usually eaten with bread or buns.[5]

Another similar soup, sometimes identified as identical with żur – but usually differentiated by its preparation with soured wheat flour rather than rye, is known as barszcz biały (lit. 'white barszcz'). According to some regional traditions, żur is the lenten variation containing no meat and served with additions such as hard-boiled eggs and boiled potatoes, while barszcz biały is a variant with meat such as sausage and bacon.

Following ingredients may be used:



In Belarus, žur (Belarusian: жур) or kisjalica (Belarusian: кісяліца) is a soup made of fermented oatmeal or rye. Žur may also denote a thicker porridge, a type of kissel made of fermented oatmeal, which is known since the times of Kievan Rus'.[9][10]

Czech Republic

Alternative namesKrkonošské kyselo, Kübelsauer
CourseSoup, Entrée, Main course
Place of originCzech Republic
Region or stateGiant Mountains
Serving temperatureHot
Main ingredientsSourdough, mushrooms, caraway
Food energy
(per serving)
250[11] (depends on ingredients) kcal

Kyselo (Czech: kyselo, krkonošské kyselo; German: Kübelsauer[12]) is a soup based on rye sourdough and mushrooms.[13] It is a traditional Czech cuisine from poor folk food originating in the Northern Bohemia highland region of the Giant Mountains.[12] It is very substantial and it contains an abundance of proteins, B vitamins, dietary fiber and other important nutrients.[11]



Kyselo has been a traditional daily food of poor people in the Giant Mountain region for centuries, primarily in the winter.[12][14] It is made from locally accessible, cheap, storable ingredients (the mushrooms are usually used dried) and nutritious ingredients so it provides substantial energy for hard mountain life and work.[15] Historically kyselo was made without eggs. Eggs in early times were produced mainly for sale on the market, not for one's own family, so eggs were only eaten on some holidays.[16] Potatoes became widespread among poor people of Czech lands in the late 18th century, so before that time soups of this type were also made without potatoes.[16]

Usage of sourdough indicates that kyselo has ancient origins, probably in medieval (and prehistoric) fermented cereal porridges.[13][16] The Giant Mountain region is on the Czech–Polish border, and kyselo is a close relative of the Polish sour rye soup.[17][18]



The word kyselo is derived from the Slavic word ( Polish, Słowak, Czech) „kisić” „to make sour”, kyselý, which means 'sour' in Czech. The sourdough which kyselo is made from is called "chlebový kvásek" or "chlebový kvas" (not to be confused with the Russian kvass).

Sometimes another sour mushroom-based Czech soup kulajda or its variants are mistakenly called kyselo.[19] The difference is that kulajda and similar soups do not use sourdough but sour cream or milk and vinegar. To reduce this misunderstanding, kyselo is often called Krkonošské kyselo ("Giant Mountain Kyselo").

In Eastern regions of the Czech Republic and in Slovakia there is a soup called kyselica, but it is a variation of sauerkraut soup.

Ingredients and preparation


The basis of kyselo is strong broth made from mushrooms and caraway in water. Central European mushroom species such as cep and similar ones are used. The mushrooms are usually used dried in the winter.[15] The broth is thickened by sourdough which should ideally be made from rye flour. Families in the Giant Mountains would brew their sourdough base in cookware called "kyselák" or "kvasák".[13] The thickened broth is supplemented by onion sautéed in butter, boiled and then roasted potatoes and scrambled eggs and seasoned with salt and vinegar.[12][13][15][17][20][21][22] Due to its ancient origins, kyselo has no fixed recipe, and the preparation is a little different in every family. The recipe is passed on by oral tradition. There are local variants of kyselo in the Giant Mountains: without eggs or with hard-boiled eggs, boiled but not roasted potatoes, with or without cream, etc.

Instant powder kyselo base is now available for use in large catering kitchens[23] or liquid fermented cereal [24]



Kyselo is sometimes served in an edible bread bowl.[11] Garnishes of scallion, parsley or other green herbs can be used. The potatoes are often served on a plate for diners to help themselves.[22] Usually salt and vinegar are also on the table for personal seasoning preferences. Kyselo is filling so is often served as a main course.


As a staple food, kyselo plays an important part in local legends and fairy tales, especially in connection to the mythical mountain lord Krakonoš (German: Rübezahl). It is said that he gave sourdough to people and invented kyselo.[25] In the Giant Mountains there is also a peak called the Kotel (Polish: Kocioł, German: Kesselkoppe) which means cauldron. When fog rises from the valley at bottom of Kotel, people say that Krakonoš is cooking the kyselo.[26]

The name kyselo is well-known throughout the Czech Republic because of Večerníček children's television series Krkonošské pohádky (Fairy Tales from the Giant Mountains), in which Anče, one of the main characters, cooks kyselo in almost all of the episodes.[27]

Similar dishes


Eastern European cuisines also have variations of soups based on soured flour or other modes of fermentation. Examples are Russian okroshka made with kvass,[13] Romanian borș made of fermented wheat or barley bran along with ciorbă, and Finnish hapanvelli soup is made with pea and sour dough. A more distant relative is Japanese miso soup, which also uses a fermented basic ingredient – miso paste.[20]

See also



  1. ^ Wrońska, Inka. "Żurek? Barszcz? A może to zalewajka? Arcypolski spór o zupę". Wyborcza.pl.
  2. ^ Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. "Lista produktów tradycyjnych; tamże dokument (arkusz kalkulacyjny) z zestawieniem produktów wpisanych na Listę, podający stan na 10 kwietnia 2024 oraz wyszukiwarka produktów, gdzie można znaleźć szczegółowe ich opisy". gov.pl.
  3. ^ Mętrak-Ruda, Natalia. "Poland's Most Original Soup: Żur". Culture.pl.
  4. ^ Aruna Thaker & Arlene Barton (2012). Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics. John Wiley & Sons. p. 288. ISBN 9781118350461. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  5. ^ Robert Strybel (2003). Polish Holiday Cookery. Hippocrene Books. p. 106. ISBN 9780781809948. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  6. ^ a b c d e f "Żurek". 15 March 2013.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g "Żurek. Przepis krok po kroku". 4 April 2023.
  8. ^ a b c d e "Żurek wielkanocny".
  9. ^ Vladimir Dal (1863–66). "Жур". Tolkovy slovar zhivogo velikorusskogo yazyka (Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка) [Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language] (in Russian). Sankt-Petersburg: Obshchestvo lyubiteley rossiyskoy slovesnosti. Retrieved 2019-05-11.
  10. ^ The Russian Primary Chronicle, Laurentian Text. Translated and edited by Samuel Hazzard Cross and Olgerd P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor. Cambridge, MA: The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1953, p.122. Kissel is translated as "porridge" in this edition.
  11. ^ a b c Petrák, František (12 January 2012). "Svérázná krkonošská kuchyně" [Idiosyncratic Cuisine From the Giant Mountains] (in Czech). Retrieved 27 July 2012.
  12. ^ a b c d Lokvenc, Theodor (1978). Toulky krkonošskou minulostí [Wandering the Giant Mountain History] (in Czech). Czechia.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  13. ^ a b c d e Janků-Sandtnerová, Marie (1941). Kniha rozpočtů a kuchařských předpisů [The Book Of Cooking Budgets And Prescriptions] (in Czech). Praha: Česká grafická Unie a.s.
  14. ^ Jebavý, Josef. "Pravé krkonošské kyselo" [The Real Giant Mountain Kyselo] (in Czech). Retrieved 27 July 2012.
  15. ^ a b c Matějček, Jiří (1982). Rozhovory s mlčenlivými svědky [Dialogues With Silent Witnesses] (in Czech). Czechia: Severočeské nakl.
  16. ^ a b c Beranová, Magdalena (2005). Jídlo a pití v pravěku a ve středověku [Food And Drink In Prehistory And Middle Ages] (in Czech). Prague: Academia. ISBN 80-200-1340-7.
  17. ^ a b Míček, Pavel (2 February 2012). "Krkonošské kyselo a Žurek Poľski" [Giant Mountain Kyselo and Polish Žurek] (in Czech). Retrieved 27 July 2012.
  18. ^ Břízová, Joza (1978). Pochutnejte si na polévce [Enjnoy The Soup]. Sešity domácího hospodaření (in Czech). Praha: Nakladatelství Práce.
  19. ^ Čermák, Jura. "Jednoduché kyselo" [Simple Kyselo]. Retrieved 27 July 2012.
  20. ^ a b Lužná, Magda (2010). Vaříme pro děti podle makrobiotických zásad a nejen pro ně [Cooking For Children On Macrobiotic Principles] (in Czech). Olomouc: ANAG. ISBN 978-80-7263-602-0.
  21. ^ Marhold, Jiří (1991). Krkonošská kuchařka [Giant Mountain Cookbook] (in Czech). Hradec Králové: Kruh. ISBN 80-7031-708-6.
  22. ^ a b Čermák, Jura. "Krkonošské kyselo" [Krkonoše Kyselo]. Retrieved 27 July 2012.
  23. ^ "Vitana, a.s.: Krkonošské kyselo 2,3kg" [Vitana, a.s.: Krkonoše Kyselo 2,3 kg] (in Czech). Archived from the original on 10 February 2013. Retrieved 27 July 2012.
  24. ^ "Orzeł Polska Żurek Staropolski 500 ml".
  25. ^ Kubátová, Marie (2011). Krkonošské pohádky [Krkonoše Fairytales] (in Czech). Praha: Fragment. ISBN 978-80-253-1126-4.
  26. ^ Pavlová, Svatava (2000). Dva tucty pohádek z Krkonoš a Podkrkonoší [Two Dozens Of Fairytales From Krkonoše and Podkrkonoší] (in Czech). Praha: Knižní klub. ISBN 80-242-0283-2.
  27. ^ Šimková, Božena (Writer) (1974–1984). Krkonošské pohádky [Krkonoše Fairytales] (Television production) (in Czech). Czechia: Czech Television.