(require 'sdic)
(defconst sdic-inline-version ""
"Version of sdic-inline.")
(defvar sdic-inline-eiwa-dictionary nil
"*Path of EIWA (English to Japanese) Dictionary.")
(defvar sdic-inline-waei-dictionary nil
"*Path of WAEI (Japanese to English) Dictionary.")
(defvar sdic-inline-dictionary-encoding 'euc-jp
"*Encoding of Dictionary.")
(defvar sdic-inline-search-method 'grep
"*Method of sdic search type.
Detail is docstring of `sdicf-open'.")
(defvar sdic-inline-get-word-func
"*Function that get the word at point.")
(defvar sdic-inline-search-func
"*Function that search specified word")
(defvar sdic-inline-display-func
"*Function that show the meaning of word.")
(defvar sdic-inline-not-search-style
"*Word search style.
Set `word', `sdic-inline-last-word' == current word -> do not search.
Set `point', `sdic-inline-last-point' == current point -> do not search.
Others, Always search.")
(defvar sdic-inline-delay 0.50
"*Time in seconds to delay before showing a meaning of word.")
(defvar sdic-inline-enable-modes
'(text-mode outline-mode fundamental-mode)
"*Major-mode that enable the `sdic-inline'.")
(defvar sdic-inline-enable-faces
'(font-lock-string-face font-lock-comment-face)
"*Faces that enable the `sdic-inline'.")
(defvar sdic-inline-enable-filename-regex
"*Filename regexp that enable the `sdic-inline'.")
(defvar sdic-inline-enable-func nil
"*Specify user definition function.
If specified function returns t, sdic-inline-mode is enabled.")
(defvar sdic-inline-word-at-point-strict nil
"*If this variable is non-nil, return nil unless point is within
or adjacent to a symbol or word.
Option for 1st argument of `current-word'.")
(defvar sdic-inline-last-word nil)
(defvar sdic-inline-last-point nil)
(defvar sdic-inline-last-entry nil)
(defvar sdic-inline-timer nil)
(defvar sdic-inline-display-popup-now nil)
(defvar sdic-inline-map
(let ((keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key keymap "\C-c\@\C-c" 'sdic-inline-clear-last-word)
(define-key keymap "\C-c\C-p" 'sdic-inline-display-popup)
(define-minor-mode sdic-inline-mode
"sdic-inline-mode. Display the meaning of word under the point."
:keymap sdic-inline-map
:lighter " SDIC"
(if sdic-inline-mode
(defun sdic-inline-start-timer ()
"start timer."
(when sdic-inline-timer
(cancel-timer sdic-inline-timer))
(setq sdic-inline-timer
(run-with-idle-timer sdic-inline-delay t 'sdic-inline-hook)))
(defun sdic-inline-stop-timer ()
"stop timer"
(when sdic-inline-timer
(cancel-timer sdic-inline-timer)
(setq sdic-inline-timer nil)))
(defun sdic-inline-hook ()
"running or not running `sdic-inline'."
((and (not (minibufferp))
(or (member major-mode sdic-inline-enable-modes)
(condition-case err
(unless sdic-inline-mode
(setq sdic-inline-mode t))
(message "Error: %S; sdic-inline-mode now disabled." err)
(setq sdic-inline-mode nil)))))
(setq sdic-inline-mode nil))))
(defun sdic-inline-enable-regex ()
(and sdic-inline-enable-filename-regex
(string-match sdic-inline-enable-filename-regex
(defun sdic-inline-enable-face ()
(when sdic-inline-enable-faces
(let ((prop (text-properties-at (point))))
(catch 'ok
(dolist (i sdic-inline-enable-faces)
(when (member i prop)
(throw 'ok t)))))))
(defun sdic-inline-enable-func ()
(and sdic-inline-enable-func
(funcall sdic-inline-enable-func)))
(defun sdic-inline-word-at-point-or-region ()
(or (sdic-inline-word-region)
(defun sdic-inline-word-region ()
(when (and transient-mark-mode
(region-beginning) (region-end))))
(defun sdic-inline-word-at-point ()
"Get word under the point."
(let ((cw (current-word sdic-inline-word-at-point-strict))
(sw (sdic-word-at-point)))
(when (and cw
(string-match "\\w" cw)
(defun sdic-inline-do-search (w)
(or (null sdic-inline-last-word)
(null sdic-inline-last-point)
((eq sdic-inline-not-search-style 'word)
(not (string= sdic-inline-last-word w)))
((eq sdic-inline-not-search-style 'point)
(not (eq sdic-inline-last-point (point))))
(defun sdic-inline-function ()
"Get entry of the word under the point.
and call `sdic-inline-display-func'."
(let ((w (funcall sdic-inline-get-word-func))
(when (and w
(sdic-inline-do-search w))
(setq jp (string-match "\\cj" w))
(let ((entry (funcall sdic-inline-search-func w jp)))
(when entry
(setq sdic-inline-last-word w)
(setq sdic-inline-last-point (point))
(setq sdic-inline-last-entry entry)
(funcall sdic-inline-display-func entry))))))
(defun sdic-inline-search-word (word jp)
"Get entry of the specified word."
(when (or (and (not jp) sdic-inline-eiwa-dictionary)
(and jp sdic-inline-waei-dictionary))
(let (dic)
(setq dic
(sdicf-open (expand-file-name (if jp
(sdicf-search dic 'exact word))
(when (boundp 'dic)
(sdicf-close dic))))))
(defun sdic-inline-search-word-with-stem (word jp)
"Get entry of the specified word with stemming"
((not jp)
(let* ((stemed-list (stem-english word))
entry entries)
(dolist (i stemed-list)
(setq entry (sdic-inline-search-word i jp))
(when (and entry
(not (member (car entry) entries)))
(setq entries (append entries entry))))
(sdic-inline-search-word word jp))))
(defun sdic-inline-cut-string-1line (text)
"if width of `text' > (- (frame-wdith) 15) cut `text' to one line"
(let ((w (- (frame-width) 15))
(cutted-p nil))
(while (> (string-width text) w)
(setq text (substring text 0 (- (length text) 10))
cutted-p t))
(when cutted-p
(setq text (concat text "..."))))
(defun sdic-inline-display-minibuffer (entry)
"Display meaning of word to the minibuffer."
(let ((msg "") multiline-p)
(dolist (i entry)
(setq msg (concat
(if multiline-p "\n")
(concat (sdicf-entry-headword i)
(sdicf-entry-text i)))))
(unless multiline-p
(setq multiline-p t)))
(message "%s" msg)))
(defun sdic-inline-clear-last-word ()
"Set nil to `sdic-inline-last-word'"
(setq sdic-inline-last-word nil))
(defun sdic-inline-display-popup ()
"Popup detailed meaning of word."
(when (and (fboundp 'popup-cascade-menu)
(let ((len (length sdic-inline-last-entry))
(dolist (i sdic-inline-last-entry)
(setq lst (cons (list (sdicf-entry-headword i)
(sdicf-entry-text i))
((> len 1)
(message "Select item to show detail.")
(popup-tip (popup-cascade-menu (nreverse lst))))
((= len 1)
(popup-tip (nth 1 (car lst))))
(provide 'sdic-inline)