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@Æ�}ëÅA¡ñà©ÍÅú{êÉóµ½BrÉïîÈÆ�}ëªoÄéÌÅYñ¾ï¿½ï¿½åÌÊóÉÈÁÄ��éÌÅAs¾È_Í�LÉ ½Áľ³ï¿½ï¿½B
473. pN` G[V(1): I~A^âA�LQ
1. ��ÌæØè
@I~(ptXgbvAÄsIh)A�NæÑ^âA�LQÍ��ÌIíèÉp��éB�}̼ãÉVµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ªï¿½}ÍAæªÌ��ªå��ÉÈéB@�}ÌÚð��ÎÛɵæ¤ÆvÁ½ÅåÌRÍutXgbvv¾BI~ƾ¦ÎsIh(period)¾Æ½èOÌæ¤Éo¦ñÅ«½ªACMXÅÍtXgbv(full stop)ƾ¤çµï¿½ï¿½Bm©É�}¿çÌûªuI~vÆ·éBú{êå«TâL«ÉÍutXgbvvà��³êÄ�NèA¾¡Ì ÉÍsIhƯlÉtXgbvàú{êƵÄAü³êÄ��½æ¤¾ªA��ÂÌÔÉ©sIh¾¯ªï¿½ï¿½«cÁ½Æ��¤©B
@@I looked out of the window. It was snowing again.
@@Why do we try to reach the stars? What is it all for?
@@They have no right to be in our country! They must leave at once!
@��@©ç©Ä��ª®SÆ;¦È��êÉÍAÊíÍ»ÌO é��ÍãëÉI~E^âE�LQðt¯È��B@Xïµï¿½ï¿½Æ��¤©AÁÄñÁ½à¾Ìdû¾B��@©ç©Ä(gramamatically)Æ��¤ï¿½}ÆÍAÜ��^ðOªÉ�N��ĩêÄ��é̾Æv¦éBǤâç{ÍpêÌlCeBuÅàÔá��â·ï¿½ï¿½Óððà·éÉd«ðu��Ä��é椾B¾©çA��^ÉK{Èvfª¯½ï¿½ï¿½ðlCeBuÌlÅà��ĵܤÆ��¤ðOñÉAúßÌæ¤È«ûÉÈÁÄ��éB½¾A³Ìà¾Ìu»ÌO é��ÍãëvÆ��¤«ûªª©èÉ��B��@©ç·éÆPÂÌ��ÉÈé͸ªA¡ÌfÐðÊXÌÆ��µ½ï¿½ï¿½Æ©ÈµÄµÜ¤B¿å¤ÇShe phone meÆas soon as she arrivedª»¤¾B»ê¼êÉI~E^âE�LQðt¯ÄÍ��¯È��Æ��¤ð¾ï¿½ï¿½½ï¿½ï¿½Ì¾ë¤©çAuãë(ö)v¾¯ÅÇ��ÌÅÍÈ��©B
@@She phoned me as soon as she arraived. (NOTShe phone me. As soon as she arrived.)
@@In his job he has to deal with differnt kinds of people. (NOTIn his job. He has to deal with different kinds of people.)
@@Did you understand why I was upset? (NOTDid you understand? Why I was upset?)
@½¾µAßâåð²·é½ßÉAI~Æå��ðgÁĻ̪ðæØéª éB@OqÌuÊíÍct¯È��vÌáOªï¿½}ê¾B©ÈèÁêÈá¾ë¤©BCeBOubNÉÍA�}¤ï¿½ï¿½Á½p@ªæèã��çêÄ��ȩÁ½B
@@People are sleeping out on the streets. In Britain. In the 21st century. Because there are not enough houses.
2. ª
@ªÌãëÉI~ðt¯éª é(2ðQÆ)B�}Ìp@ÍCMXpêæèAJpêÌûªêÊIÅ éB@uÖ[A»¤Èñ¾vÅ éB��©É©ªªAJpêðKÁÄ«½©Æ��¤ðA�}ñÈÆ�}ëÅàÀ�L³¹çêéBPÉt¯Äàt¯ÈÄà����ÌÅÍÈA[JCYÌâè¾Á½Ì©B
@@Dr. Andrew C. Burke, M.A. (OR Dr Andrew C Brurke, MA)
3. ÔÚ^â
@@I asked her what time it was. (NOT cwhat time it was?)
474. pN` G[V(2): R
1. à¾
@@We decided not to go on holiday: we had too little money.
@@There was a problem with the car: it was losing oil.
2. ñ
@@The main points are as follows: (1) . . . , (2) . . . , (3) . . . .
@@We need three kinds of support: economic, moral and political.
3. �~ª
@^Cgâ©oµÉεÄ�~ª»µ½èÚðRÌãÉt¯Á¦éB@punctuationª©oµÅ èA»ÌÌèÚÌêªcolonÆ��¤¾ë¤B
@@punctuation: colon
4. �
@CMXpêÅÍARÌãÉ�}��ðå��ÅnßéÍHÅ éB(áOÍøpÅçê½ï¿½ï¿½ÌæªÅ é)Bµ©µARÌãÉ¡Ì��ðt¯Á¦éêÍAå��Ånßéª éB@ܽµÄàÓOȪ©êÄ��éªA»¤¾íêÄu1. à¾vÌá��𩼷ÆAm©ÉRÌãÌ��ͪå��ÅnÜÁÄ��È��B¾©ç©B473Ìu1. ��ÌæØèvÅAI~ÈÇÉ�}��Ì檪å��ÅnßéÆí�Lí�L��Ä��éÌÍARÅÍ»¤ÅÍÈ��ƾ��½©Á½©ç©Bµ©àA�}êÍCMXpêÆAJpêðuÄéÁ\Ìê¾Æ��Ä��éB½Æ��¤©ÄêðÓ¯µÂÂA©ÌpêÉÖèð�L��Ä��éÒ½¿Ìå��ªï¿½L��çêéB
@@My main objections are as follows:
@@@First of all, no proper budget has been drawn up.
@@@Secondly, there is no guarantee that . . .
5. è
@rWlX^[Ì«oµÌ\A(Dear . . .)ÌãÉRðt¯é̪AAJÅÍêÊIÅ éB
@@Dear Mr. Callan:
@@I am a writing to . . .
@CMXÅÍA�}Ìæ¤ÈêÉJ}ðt¯é©A é��ÍåÇLÍt¯È��ª½ï¿½ï¿½B
6. ¼Úb@
@��ÌrżÚb@ðp��éêAÊíÍJ}ðͳÞ(476.9ðQÆ)B@�}êàïµï¿½ï¿½Æ�}뾪Am©upêCeBO[ubNvÅÍA��ÍÈÇðøp·éÛÍR©çnßéÆï¿½ï¿½Ä Á½BøpªðøpÅͤ©ÍíÈ��©Ì[ÍBÅA��ܾÉ檩çÈ��B{ÅÍuøpvÆ��¤Ï_ÅRðg¤Æ;ÁÄ�Nç¸A ÜżÚb@ÉÀèµÄ��éB»ÌãÅpáð©Ä��ÆAr{ÈÇÉ©ê½äÍøpÅçêÄ��È��Bv¤ÉA�}êÍäÆ��¤`®©çøpªÈª³êÄ��龯ÅAî{IÉÍøpðgp·é̪½èO¾Æ��¤¾ë¤Bi¾ðb(¼Úb@)ÆÆç¦éÌ©Lq(øp)Æ�N¦éÌ©ÍA��ÈÆ�}ëÅÍ é̾ªB
@@Stewart opened his eyes and said, 'Who's your beautiful friend?'
@@Introducing his report for the year, the Chairman said: 'A number of factors have contributed to the firm's very gratifying results. First of all, . . . '
@@POLONIUS: What do you read, ma lord?
@@HAMLET: Words, words, words.
@@In the words of Murphy's Law: 'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.'
475. pN` G[V(3): Z~R
1. I~Ìãp
@��ǤµÍ��@IÉÆ��µÄ��ÄàA»ê¼êÌàeªï¿½ï¿½ÚÉÖAµÄ��éêÉÍAI~ÌãíèÉZ~Rðg¤ª éB½¾µAI~âJ}ͽÌlÉgíêÄ��éÌÉεÄAZ~RÍ»êÙÇÆÍ꾦È��B
@@Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings.
@@It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.
2. ñÌæØè
@ñ·éÚðæØéÛÉZ~RðgÁÄàæ��B¡ï¿½ï¿½â¡Ì]®ßªñ³êéêÉÍÁÉZ~RªgíêéB@ÈãAZ~RÌà¾ÍÀÉ Á¯È��Bup��CeBOcvâuEasy Learning Grammar cvÅàAिåÁÆÍڵྵÄ��½B�}êçÌñûÉÍuJ}Z~RsIh(tXgbv)vÆ��¤æØèÌãÌÖWðÓ¯µ½g��ûª¦³êÄ��½ªA{ÅÍ»êÍÈ��BÁÉI~ÌãpÆ��¤l¦ûÍ ÁÄàAJ}ÌãpÆ��¤l¦ûÍÈ��椾B
@@You may use the sports facilities on condition that your subscription is paid regularly; that you arrange for all necessary cleaning to be carried out; that you undertake to make good any damage; . . .
@½¾µAJ}ÌÚÉcommas not used(J}ÌgpÎÛO)Æ©ê½à¾ªï¿½ï¿½Â© ÁÄAZ~RÌp@àêÂ�LêñÅ��éB»êàÜßéÆZ~RÌp@ƵÄ�~«ªÜ¾ éñ��áÈ��¾ë¤©BandâorÅÎêéÖWÍAI~ÅÂÈ®Æ��¤æèÍÊ é��ÍÎÆÌÖWÉ éB�}êçÍuA, B, C and/or DvÌæ¤ÉÈéí¯ÅA�}êðuA; B; C; DvÆ��Ä����Æ��¤ÌÅ êÎAuJ}�NæÑand/orÌãpvÆ��¤ÉÈéB»êɵÄàZ~RÌÚ¾¯ÇñÅàAZ~RÌp@̷�~Īª©çÈ��Æ��¤ÌÍêÌǤ��¤¾ë¤B A»¤©B ÌêiK��³ÈtHgÅ©©ê½u(J}ÌuñÌæØèvÉÂ��ÄÍ476ðQÆÌ)vÆ��¤Aµ«ÍAJ}ÌñÌp@à©Ä�Næ¤ÉÆ��¤¾¯ÅÈAZ~RÌLqà èÜ·æÆ��¤¾Á½Ì©BÈñ©·éB
476. pN` G[V(4): J}
1. Êß
@@\ Jane decided to try the home-made steak pie, and Andrew ordered Dover sole with boiled potatoes.
@@@ Jane had pie and Andrew had fish.
@@\ She had very little to live on, but she would never have dreamed of taking what was not hers.
@@@ She was poor but she was honest.
2. ]®ß
@@If you are ever in London, come and see me.
@@Come and see me if you are ever in London.
@@It is quite natural that you should want to meet your father. (NOTIt is quite natural, that. . .)
3. ��@IÉÆ��µ½ß(J}ÌgpÎÛO)
@��@IÉÆ��µ½ßÌÔÉÍJ}ðt¯éÍ ÜèÈ��(»ÌÊuÉI~©Z~Rðt¯éÍÂ\Å éB473,475ðQÆ)B
@@The blue dress was warmer. On the other hand, the purple one was prettier.
@@OR The blue dress was warmer; on the other hand . . . (NOTThe blue dress was warmer, on the other hand. . .)
4. ÊíÆáÁ½ê
@@My father, however, did not agree.
@@Jane had, surprisingly, paid for everything.
@@We were, believe it or not, in love with each other.
@@Andrew Carpenter, the deputy sales manager, was sick.
@�}Ìp@ÅÍA¼[ÉJ}ðt¯éªK{Å éB
@@(NOTAndrew Carpenter the deputy sales manager, was sick. . .)
5. `e
@be®ÈÇÌA®ÌãÉ¡Ì`eðÀ�~éÉÍAK¸J}ÅæØéB@½Ì©J}ÌྪÆÑ«è�~©ªÞ³êÄ��Äڵ��B»ê¾¯ÅÈA³«ÙÇàGê½æ¤ÉuJ}ÌgpÎÛOvÉÖ·éÚàÜÜêÄ��éB�}êÅÍuܸÈÉæèàJ}Ìg��ûð�~µÈ³ï¿½ï¿½vƾÁÄ��éæ¤Èà̾B»ê¾¯ÈçܾµàA\Ç��íèÉྪsÆ�}È��êà éB�}Ìu5. `evªÇ��áÅAÈ©È©ñµÈ\»É¿Ä��ÄAó·Æ«àñíÉêJµ½Bu`eA `eB `eC ¼vÌæ¤ÉA¼ÉεġÌ`eªOû©çCü·éêÉAA`Cªsimilar kinds of informationÈÌ©Adifferent kinds of informationÈÌ©ÅÔðJ}ÅæØé©Ç¤©ªÏíÁÄéƾ¤B
@@The cowboy was tall, dark and handsome.
@¼ÌOûÅA¡Ì`eª¼ÉεĽæ¤ÈíÞÌîñð^¦éêÉÍAÔðJ}ÅæØé̪êÊIÅ éB
@@This is an expensive, ill-planned, wastefull project.
@`eªZ��êÍAÔÌJ}ðȪ·éª éB
@@a tall(,) dark(,) handsom cowboy
@@a green, red and gold carpet (NOTa green red. . .)
@@concrete, glass and plastic buildings
@@Have you met our handsome new financial director? (NOT . . .our handsome, new, financial director?)
@¾ï¿½ï¿½½ï¿½ï¿½Íª©éªAÇÓ¡ª»çÈ��ÆJ}ðt¯ét¯È��̩Éߪïµï¿½ï¿½Bà¿ëñ»êÍR̾ªAिåÁÆãèྵÄàç¦È��¾ë¤©B»¤¾¦ÎupêCeBOcvÅàuq`e{¼rÅÐÆÜÆÜè̼åð\·êÉA é��Í`eðdËéêÉÍJ}ðgíÈ��BvÆྵÄ��½B
@ÂÜèÍ�}¤ï¿½ï¿½¤¾ë¤©Buexpensive & ill-planned & wastefullvªprojectð`e·éêÉÍAprojectð¯ï¿½ï¿½xÅ`eµÄ��éÌÅÀñÖWÆÈèA�}ÌêÍJ}ÅæØéB»êÉεÄhandsome [ new [financial director]]Ìæ¤Éüêq\��ÅÓ¡ªÏÝdÈÁÄ��êÉÍJ}ÅæØçÈ��(�}¿çÌêAJ}ÅæØéÆÓ¡ªÏíÁĵܤÂ\«ª é)B�}êÈçüƵÄ[¾Å«éB
6. Àè\»(J}ÌgpÎÛO)
@¼(å)ÉεÄAuÇñÈl é��Í�NÉÂ��ÄbµÄ��é©vð³mÉwµ¦·«ð·éÀè\»ªã�}·éêÉÍAJ}ÅæØçÈ��BȺÌQÂðär·éæ¤ÉB
@\The driver in the Ferrari was cornering superbly. (uin the FerrarivÆ��¤t[YÍthe driverðãû©çÀè·éB)
@@(NOTThe driver, in the Ferrari, was cornering superblyORThe driver in the Ferrari, was cornering superbly.)
@@Stephens,in the Ferrari, was cornering superbly. (uin the FerrarivÆ��¤t[YÍthe driverðãû©çÀèµÄÍ��È��B½ÌÈçStephensÆ��¤¼OÅthe driverÍùÉÀè³êÄ��é©çÅ éB)
@\The woman who was talking on the phone gave Parker a big smile.
@@Mrs Grange, who was taking on the phone, gave Parker a big smile.
@åêªñíɷ��êÅàA»ÌãëÉJ}ðt¯éÍÙÆñÇÈ��B@ÈñÅ�}ñÈÚªAÆvÁĵܤB½ÔñlCeBuÌlÍåꪷÈêÎÈéÙÇAåêÌöÉJ}ðüê½ÈéÌ©àµêÈ��BJ}ÌUfH tÉú{lÌæ¤É��@ɵÎçêÄpêðwKµÄ«½gƵÄÍA�}�}ÉJ}ðÅÂÈñÄv��àµÈ��¾ë¤B
@@The man from the Japanese Ministry of Education arrived early.
@@(NOTThe man from the Japanese Ministry of Education, arrived early.)
@@What we need most of all is more time. (NOTWhat we need most of all, is. . .)
8. ñ
@A�}µ½ÚA é��Íñµ½ÚðæØéÛÉJ}ðp��éBA�}µ½ÚÌÅãÌQª·È��ÌÅ êÎAÔÉͳñ¾and̼OÉJ}ðt¯éÍÙÆñÇÈ��BȺÌQÂðär·éæ¤ÉB@�}êÁÄÐåÁƵÄA ÌIbNXtH[hJ}ÌÅÍÈ��¾ë¤©BAJpê®ÌKChubNÉÍIbNXtH[håwÌKChubNRÌJ}Æ©êÄ��½ªA{ƪ�}ÌJ}ÌKv«ðÛèµÄ��éÉÈéBAJpê®ÅÍñµ½ÚÉandªgíêÄ��éêÉÌÝAñÌÅãÌQÂÌÔÉ»êéandÆÚ©ÌÆðæÊ·é½ßÉIbNXtH[hJ}ðg¤Æ©êÄ��½Bµ©µA�}ÌáŪ©éæ¤ÉA{ÆÌg��ûÍ·ßÌßâ¼åª½êÉÀÁÄg¤Æ��¤X^XÉ�L��çêéB
@@ I went to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
@@You had a holiday at Christmas, at New Year and at Easter.
@@I spent yesterday playing cricket, listening to jazz records, and talking about the meaning of life.
9. ¼Úb@
@`B®ðÜުƼÚb@̪ÆÌÔÉÍJ}ðt¯é̪êÊIÅ éB@ÁÉâèͳ��̾ªA��ܳçȪçCÃ��½ª éBAJpêÅÍA¼Úb@ÅøpÅç꽪ªï¿½ï¿½ÉéêÍAI~ªøpÌà¤Ét��Ä��½BCMXpêÅÍO¤ÉÈéÌ©BÆ��¤©A��ÉÈéƼÚb@Ì��LÆA��SÌÌ��LÆ̼ûðǤ·é©Æ��¤âèɼʵÄAAJÆCMXÅÍÇ¿çÌ��Lðc·©Æ��¤_ªÙÈéÆ��¤ÈÌ©àµêÈ��Bú{êÅàA�}ÌâèÍlÉæÁÄÓ©ªª©êéÆ�}ë¾ë¤B
@@He said, 'There's no way we can help her'.
@`B®ðÜÞªª¼Úb@̪ÌãëÉéêÍAøpÅÂ��éOÉI~ÌãíèÉJ}ð}ü·é̪êÊIÅ éB
@@'I don't like this one bit,' said Julia.
10. ÔÚb@(thatßÈÇÌOÉJ}ðt¯È��)
@ÔÚb@Ì\��Åthatâwhat, whereÈÇÌOÉÍJ}ðt¯È��B@�}êàlCeBuü¯ÌÚ¾ë¤Bú{lÈçv��àµÈ��J}¾B
@@Everybody realised that I was a foreigner. (NOTEverybody realised, that. . .)
@@They quickly explained what to do. (NOTThey quickly explained, what. . .)
@@I didn't know where I should go. (NOTI didn't know, where. . .)
@1000ÈãÌâ100ÈãÌÌ«Eð¾mÉ·é½ßÉAå«ÈðR ̲ÆÉJ}ÅæØéB
@@6,435 (NOT6.435)@7,456,189
@S ÌÉÍK¸µàJ}ðt¯ÈÄàæ��B½¾µA¼ïÉÍJ}ðt¯ÄÍ��¯È��B
@@3,164 OR 3164@the year 1946
@ðæØéÌÉAJ}ÌãíèÉóðpï¿½ï¿½éª éB
@@There are 1 000 millimetres in one metre.
@@3.5 = three point five OR three and a half (NOT 3,5 three comma five)
@ÈãªA{ÌpN` G[V(I~E^âE�LQEREZ~REJ}ÌÝ)Ìà¾ÆAlÌ�Lz¾B·ÅÉwZ~Rxðǹµ½gƵÄÍAZ~RÌp@Í©ë¤ï¿½ï¿½Äª©Á½ªAZ~RÉ«èªßÄ��éj AXÉÂ��ÄÍêØÌLqªÈ��ªcO¾Á½B Ì{Åæèã��çê½Bâ`h[ALOqtÈÇÌóÛIÈZ~RªAÇ�}©ç��ÜêÄéÌ©ðz·éÌÍA{ÅÍïµï¿½ï¿½Bà¿ëñAÈ��àÌ˾èÈÌͪ©ÁÄ��éB»êÍ«ÁÆAX^CubNâ��ÍÇ{Éßé�~«àeÈ̾ë¤B
Practical English Usage (Practical English Usage, Third Edition) - Swan, Michael