But, here I am, and I have to say:
The phrase is "another THINK coming" - THINK, not THING. Sheesh.
I am possibly reading too much fic.
I'm updating mostly to show off some of my latest projects, many of them for gifts, as you might imagine.
( work work workCollapse )
We've been to Newfoundland and back: it's very pretty, and there will be pictures. But there is nothing to do there. And I've lived in Saskatchewan, so I know from nothing.
I'd like to start by apologising for not being able to comment on, or even read most of, your posts. Time is not on my side.
That being said, I'm going to post some pictures, because that's what I do, damnit.
A month or more ago my cousin was in town, and she painted us a picture as a wedding gift. Yes, you are correct in recalling that we are two weeks shy of our tenth wedding anniversary. ( She's a slow starter, but a strong finisher.Collapse )
Whilst in Newfoundland I finished knitting my ( first pair of socksCollapse )
And what post would be complete without ( cat pictures?Collapse )The best part of the Ted shots is how utterly derivative it all is. I mean, cat playing with yarn? What next? Sad-eyed children?
( Warning, lethal cuteness behind this cutCollapse )
Working a tonne - more than usual, even, what with covering vacations. But, considering the heat, it's nice to be in the air-conditioning.
Been almost entirely off the computer of late (as you may have noticed). My boss sent a memo which decried the amount of time people were spending on the internet, and the questionability of some of the site visited (which, sure, I used to spend a lot of time on-line, but I always cleared the cache and erased the history afterward, and I doubt my boss is tech-savvy enough to trace where I've been). He implies that we are being spied upon/tattled on (honestly, 'you are being critically watched by other staff' - how the fuck else would one take it?); as a result, rather piquedly, I've stayed off.
It did make me realise that I probably was on-line too much, though. I've been using my time to read (finished Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell as well as What Love Means To You People), knit (finished a sock! started the second!), cross-stitch, and write letters (a certain NKS should be expecting a rather large envelope).
It has also made me realise how very much I value my on-line friends (my real-life friends can go hang... I joke). If I've missed anything (other than your own charming selves), or will be missing anything for the foreseeable future, please do e-mail me.
We've added a new member to our family; Ted, born June 7. He's a lovely little mostly black with a white undercarriage and moustache. Will post pics shortly.
Have read several interesting magazine articles lately, and would love to put my thoughts down, but really don't see when I'll have time.
My cousin and her family are visiting and I spent yesterday and today with them (before going to work) and am again reminded why I don't have children. And it's not that her three aren't perfectly charming (though Brian became confused when the boy, 10, was talking to him about video games - he's a very big boy, and Brian thought he was talking to a backward 14 year old instead of an intelligent 10 year old), but they are always there. A parent very rarely gets any downtime, and I need a lot of it. And the noise - the older I get, the less I can tolerate noise.
Yesterday I had my 400th workout at the gym. Woo!
Okay, I hate to post and run, but I have to go.
See everyone intermittently.
It was a lovely, joyous ceremony.
Brian had the opportunity to make their cake. ( They wanted a Seussian landscapeCollapse )
To go from the specific to the general and then back again...
I would love to have had some people who are against gay marriage - like, say, my parents - see this ceremony. To see the love and fellowship and rightness surrounding this relationship. I have to wonder if someone could say to the face of the happy couple that they have no right to be married. (I know, I know, they probably could...)
How can people look at ( these lovely people and say that their relationship is wrong?Collapse )
Many thanks to Mr
The 13th Warrior, Batman Begins, Constantine, Clone High - but if you spend more than $20 I'll kill ya.
( (Good thing I've stopped watching tv...)Collapse )
In other news.
You may recall previous rants about the ridiculousness of Sunday shopping in NS. That is, we don't have any. By which I mean, retail stores over a certain square footage are not allowed to be open, which means that grocery stores and hardward stores and clothing stores are closed.
Brian and his friend Pat went to Superstore today - they are using a loophole to open on Sundays - and the place was packed. Tell all these people that Sunday shopping isn't wanted.
Anyway, he and Pat were out for breakfast this morning, which is a Sunday, and were complaining about the utter stupidity of the Sunday shopping ban. Pat went to pay, and whilst Brian was getting up the older lady sitting at the table next to him struck up a conversation.
Woman - You're wrong, you know.
Brian - Excuse me?
Woman - Sunday shopping is wrong; it shouldn't be allowed.
Brian - What are you doing right now?
Woman - That's different!
Brian - You're right, it is different; it makes you a hypocrite.
YAY! Because people need to go out to eat on a Sunday (or go to the movies), but they should not be allowed to buy a freaking head of lettuce or a toilet plunger.
I wish people would just fucking let stores open on Sundays.
And, also, I would like it if government officials and op-ed writers would stop saying that Nova Scotians don't want Sunday shopping. Because the parking lots of the open grocers were full today. Besides, HRM did have a majority for Sunday shopper. The only reason it didn't get through was because the small towns and country voted against it. And do you know why? Because their grocery stores are small enough that they are open on Sundays. People don't get that there is not a single grocery store or hardware store open in Halifax on Sundays. (I discount Pete's as a specialty store)
Girl - You know that old saying, 'there's no I in team'?
Stupid - What saying?
Girl - 'There's no I in team'.
Stupid - What do you mean?
Girl - You know, T-E-A-M.
Stupid - That's how you spell time.
So I bashed my head against the window until I lost consciousness.
But the capper? When I got to work I discovered that I did, in fact, have my MP3 player with me.
Remember, everyone - there is no I in time...
I'm just about to turn the heel, I've done the purling and then the turn, so now I'm about to start the knit side and...
Gah, I just use the same DPN, right? But the feed yarn is on the wrong needle. It's on the left needle, from where I am knitting off of, and not coming...
Okay, you know what? Overthinking this... I'm just going to knit.
Please ignore my blather. I'll post a pic if I get this sock done.
In other news, I am entirely boring and have nothing of note to write about.