Upcoming events and news from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
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Research Mentoring for Postdocs
Develop your research mentoring skills in this two-day workshop!

Wednesday, January 10 and Wednesday, January 17
9:30 am to 1:30 pm
Wang Room 201

Lunch will be provided.

About Research Mentoring for Postdocs

Grounded in the evidence-based CIMER curriculum, our two-day, in-person Research Mentor Training for Postdocs workshop is a great way to establish evidence of your mentoring skills for fellowship/grant proposals.

Through the training, you’ll define your philosophy for mentoring students and explore strategies for “mentoring up” with your advisors.

Certificates will be awarded upon completion. Postdocs from all disciplines are welcome!

If you can’t attend this upcoming session, don’t worry! We’ll have more opportunities for this training scheduled in future semesters.

Visit for more information.
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