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Watch fellow postdocs compete in the 2023 SBU Postdoc Spotlight!
Thursday, November 16, 2023
4 to 5 pm, Reception to follow
Wang Center Lecture Hall 2 
The Postdoc Spotlight is Stony Brook's annual research communication competition. Speakers design a short, five-minute talk aimed at making their research accessible to non-specialists. 

We invite you to attend this year's event and support your colleagues who are competing for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The Postdoc Spotlight is a great opportunity to see some of the latest discoveries and exciting research taking place at Stony Brook.

Winners receive cash prizes generously supported by the Office of Vice President for Research.
2023 SBU Postdoc Spotlight Speakers

Ciro Riccio

Physics and Astronomy

Mitu Sharma


Katherine Gallagher

Institute for Advanced Computational Science & School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

Gabriel Matos

Microbiology and Immunology

Arshad Mehmood

Institute for Advanced Computational Science & Chemistry

Atul Pradhan


Ankita Singh

Microbiology and Immunology

Visit for more information.
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