julia update september 2013
in this update:
1) Julia's new book release!
2) Julia's Fall 2013 book tour
3) consider bringing Julia out to your campus this academic year!
So first: I just added a bunch of new people to the email list. Most of you signed up for my list during college events over the last year - sorry for the delay in adding you. (And if anyone has changed their minds since then, you can "unsubscribe" at the bottom of this email.)
1) my new book Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive is kinda sorta already out!
As I said in my last email, my next book,
Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, will "officially" be released on October 1st...
*but* it has already been shipped out from the warehouse, and could potentially be in your local bookstore(s) now! I have also heard from friends that some of the bigger online bookstores (e.g., Amazon) have it in stock now.
I always encourage people to buy books from their local independent bookstores, especially if they are a feminist/queer/progressive bookstore (as there are so few of them left). To be honest, I wouldn't even have a book tour (see below) if it wasn't for indie bookstores.
So if you want to take that route, you can find independent bookstores in you neighborhood using
IndieBound.org's Indie Store Finder. Then simply call them to see if they have (or plan to have) the book in stock!
You can also order Excluded online via Portland’s independent bookstore
Powells.com (who will be hosting one of my book readings). It looks as though they have it in stock.
"But Julia," you ask, "What is the book even about?" Good question! Here is a short blurb for the book:
While feminist and queer/LGBTQIA+ movements are designed to challenge sexism, they often simultaneously police gender and sexuality—sometimes just as fiercely as the straight-male-centric mainstream does. Here, acclaimed feminist and queer activist Julia Serano chronicles this problem of exclusion within these movements. She advocates for a more holistic approach to fighting sexism that avoids these pitfalls, and offers new ways of thinking about gender, sexuality, and sexism that foster inclusivity rather than exclusivity.
So, in summary: Explore the book! Buy the book!
Julia's Fall 2013 book tour
. . .and if you can, come out to a book reading!
I will be doing some touring to support the book. Thus far, the following readings are confirmed:
Thursday, October 3, 2013 -- Pegasus Books (2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA), 7:30pm.
Thursday, October 10, 2013 -- Modern Times Bookstore, (2919 24th Street, San Francisco, CA) at 7pm.
Thursday, October 17, 2013 -- Calamus Bookstore, (92 S St # B, Boston, MA 02111) at 7pm.
Friday, October 18, 2013 -- Giovanni’s Room, (345 South 12th Street (at Pine), Philadelphia, PA 19107) at 5:30pm.
Monday, October 21, 2013 -- Bluestockings, (172 Allen St., New York City, NY 10002) at 7pm.
Thursday, November 7, 2013 -- Women and Children First Books, (5233 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL 60640) at 7:30pm.
Friday, November 8, 2013 -- book signing (not a reading) at the Seal Press booth at the National Women’s Studies Association conference, (Cincinnati, OH) at 4pm.
Friday, November 8, 2013 -- Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Cincinnati, (2692 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45208) at 7pm.
Sunday, November 10th -- Glad Day Bookshop, (598A Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada) at 7pm.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 -- Powell’s City of Books, (1005 W. Burnside St., Portland, OR) at 7:30pm.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 -- Elliott Bay Book Company, (1521 Tenth Avenue, Seattle WA, 98122) at 7pm.
Other book readings may materialize, so stay tuned! Also, if you are not near any of the cities I will be touring through, but have potential funds to bring me out (e.g., if you are part of a college organization), then perhaps you may want to. . .
consider bringing Julia out to your campus this academic year!
So a new academic year has begun, and as always, I am looking forward to having the opportunity to speak/perform at various colleges & universities this year!
If you are affiliated with a college - especially if you belong to a trans, LGBTQIA+, and/or feminist-related organization - please consider bringing me out to your campus! And even if you aren't associated with a college yourself, please feel free to forward this onto people that you know who are students, staff, or faculty somewhere.
For those interested, I have a recently updated my
booking webpage, which contains most of the pertinent info, including short descriptions of some of my most frequently requested talks. I am also happy to do readings of, or talks about, my new book
That's it for now. And remember, between updates, you can always check out: