(last updated August 31, 2007) |
Click on pictures to enlarge |
I. Capabilities - National Defense and Aerospace II. Vulnerability/Lethality Center of Excellence - Vulnerability/Lethality Center of Excellence III. Advanced Energy Systems "Advanced Energy Systems IV. Test and Evaluation - Test and Evaluation - ARA Specialty Facilities Overview V. Weapons and Evaluation V-1. Federal Contract Vehicles V-2a. Weapon Effects - DTRA V-3. Weapon Systems V-2b. Weapon Effects VI. Projected Scalable Water Jet VIb. Directed Energy Professional Society Sponsors VII. ARA Facilities VIII. Airblast Short Course IX. Environmental Treatment Process Development and Testing X.Environmental Effects and Cleanup XI. Fuming, "Fuzzballs," and "Fuzzyblobs" XII. Dirt XIII. Rudi Giuliani's "120 dump trucks" XIV. Trucking Dirt In and Out XV. DOT Security Consulting XVI. ARA's PsyOPs Department XVII. X XVIII. Capabilities - Homeland Safety and Security - Robotics - ARA Robotic Systems |
NIST should have known that Applied Research Associates (ARA) is a "significant manufacturer of directed energy weapons and/or components thereof." |
I. Capabilities - National Defense and Aerospace Top
Technology and systems to support and protect our warfighters http://www.ara.com/capabilities/defense.htm
ARA should have been asked to state which of their capacities are displayed in connection with the two simulations above depicted. In the one instance, it looks as if they are displaying a capacity to bring about destruction of an urban setting that is similar to the World Trade Center complex; and, in the other, it looks as if they are depicting a capacity to make the World Trade Center glow orange before disappearing.
The building in the background of Figure 1(a) resembles WTC3, the Marriott Hotel, as if we were looking south down West Street, with the WFC on our right (out of view). See the building in the foreground of Figures 3 and 4.
II. Vulnerability/Lethality Center of Excellence Top
Showcase Project http://www.ara.com/capabilities/p_VulnerabilityLethalityExcellence.htm
Quoting ARA:
III. Advanced Energy Systems Top
Advanced Energy Systems http://www.ara.com/capabilities/c_advanced_energy.htm
Quoting ARA:
IV. Test and Evaluation Top
Test and Evaluation http://www.ara.com/capabilities/c_test_evaluation.htm
Quoting ARA:
V-1. Federal Contract Vehicles | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quoting ARA:
V-2a. Weapon Effects - DTRA Top
Weapon Effects |
V-3. Weapon Systems Top
Weapon Systems http://www.ara.com/capabilities/c_weapon_systems.htm
Quoting ARA:
ARA develops advanced weapon system concepts and designs that expand performance ranges as well as leverage advanced technologies to increase targeting precision and on-board autonomy. We develop weapon systems with enhanced survivability, penetration depth, range, and explosive performance. We also develop advanced non-lethal and lethal concepts and designs that make weapon systems smarter and limit collateral damage. We integrate weapons and advanced robotic systems that can infiltrate denied sites and maximize the reach of our warfighters.
We use high fidelity physics-based modeling and simulation methods to perform weapons effectiveness evaluations to engineer these solutions and optimize effectiveness considering all system requirements. We also design and execute tests of new weapon systems for development as well as operational evaluations. |
V-2b. Weapon Effects Top
Weapon Effects http://www.ara.com/capabilities/c_weapon_effectiveness.htm
Quoting ARA:
ARA develops models and software to simulate the extreme environments created by conventional blast, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. We model the physics of the weapon, the environments created by the weapon, and the effect of these environments on humans and man-made objects. Man-made objects include fixed and mobile structures, military and commercial structures, above-ground and buried structures. �
We apply our full spectrum CBRNE (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosives) effects expertise for trade studies, analysis of alternatives, weapon system design, operational planning, targeting, design of protective structures, design of protective equipment and training simulators. We provide direct support services as well as software products enabling others to perform these analyses.
Comments: Confirmation of ARA's central role in directed energy weapons technology is confirmed by their role as a silver level founding sponsor, in 1999, of the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS). Not much else can be specifically stated about ARA's manufacturing involvment in directed energy weaponry largely because information about the deployment of such weapons remains shrouded in secrecy. In the year 2000, DEPS stated in its internal publication Wave Front that such weapons were already deployed in a variety of platforms, implying that they were already then deployed in space, aboard high and low altitude aircraft, on the ground and at sea. Moreover, such weapons had a wide range of lethal effects. ARA also has an internal publication that is entitled Waves that makes reference to the development of "advanced or unusual" weapons concepts, but says nothing more specific than that. |
VI. Projected Scalable Water Jet Top
Projected Scalable Water Jet http://www.ara.com/capabilities/p_waterjet.htm |
Quoting ARA: |
Related� * Weapon systems * Manufacturing/prototyping |
Do you suppose the above is related to the two pictures below? |
Figure 15(a). Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was lathered up. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?
(9/11/01) Source: |
Figure 16. DTRA Research and Development. As part of its force protection mission, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) conducts tests to determine the effects of explosives on buildings. (source) Photo source |
The shallow-sloped roof in the lower center of the photo appears to be "fuming." |
Quoting ARA:
VIII. Airblast Short Course Top
Airblast Short Course http://www.ara.com/products/seminar_airblast.htm
Quoting ARA:
Comment: If ARA is teaching a short course in "the fields of airblast, high explosives, detonation waves, and fragmentation and subsequent loads on structures," it follows that they understand and recognize the effects of this technology under any and all circumstances. They failed to do so in the NIST WTC study. ARA and other contractors that knew or should have known the cause of the destruction of the WTC towers fraudulently steered NIST away from the information confirming that exotic weaponry, almost certainly including directed energy weapons, were used to bring about the destruction of the WTC complex. |
IX. Environmental Treatment Process Development and Testing Top
Environmental Treatment Process Development and Testing http://www.ara.com/capabilities/c_pollution_remediation.htm
Quoting ARA:
Figure 28. "slot" (the "slot" is down the middle of West Street) (9/11/01) Source |
Comment: The picture above shows GZ FDNY emergency workers in various stages of ill health from the after effect of the destruction of the WTC. There are unusual "fuzzyblobs" visible in various locations in this photograph. A plausible interpretation is that these fuzzyblobs have a toxic effect on humans, for example, one emergency worker is slumped over and another is holding his nose. It is also noticeable that the trees don't have leaves. A building "collapse" does not cause these effects. |
Figure 29. "fuming cars" on Vesey Street (9/11/01) Source |
Comment: The vehicles in the above photo are "fuming." They don't appear to be on fire, yet "fumes" are emanating from them. A reported 1400 vehicles were damaged on 9/11 [Reference1]. These vehicles had peculiar patterns of damage and some were as far away as FDR Drive (about 7 blocks from the WTC, along the East River). Vehicles had missing door handles for example, windows blown out, window frames deformed, melted engine blocks, steel-belted tires with only the steel belts left, and vehicle front ends destroyed with little or no effect on the back end of the vehicles. What could have caused such extraordinary damage? Portions of cars burned while paper nearby did not. Reference1: http://www.apwa.net/Publications/Reporter/ReporterOnline/index.asp?DISPLAY=ISSUE&ISSUE_DATE=032004&ARTICLE_NUMBER=770 |
Figure 30. This is during the destruction of WTC1. The cloud wave has not yet passed the building in the foreground, yet vigorous fuming can be seen to the left of the building, ahead of the dust cloud. (9/11/01) Source |
Figure 30. The toasted lot burns. Curiously, it's upwind from the WTC shortly after the destruction of WTC1. Most of the dust appears to have settled out of the air. However, very fine dust can be seen around the feet of people walking in this dust. "Fuzz balls" form around their feet. (9/11/01) Source |
Figure 31. Nice example of "fuzzballs." (9/11/01) Source Tricia Meadows/Globe Photos |
Figure 32. The figure above, looking south toward the pedestrian walkway shows dramatic fuming. It is amazing how fast they took this down. (9/11/01) Source |
Figure 33. This was the pedestrian walkway over West Street, between WFC3 and WTC6. Why would it have a huge amount of dirt in it? ARA should know why this dirt is here. (9/14/01 entered) Source |
Figure 34. If this amount of dirt had been contained in planting pots, there wouldn't have been room for pedestrians. (9/14/01 entered) Source |
Figure 35. Most of WTC3 disappeared during the destruction of WTC1. The pedestrian walkway over the West Side Highway was connected to something that is no longer there. The remains of WTC2 can be seen near the center of the photo and the remains of WTC1 are partly visible in the lower right corner. (9/27/01) Source |
Figure 36. Why are they still hosing down the "pile" in March 2002? There appears to be dust still rising from the pile. Why? And why is there so much dirt, still? |
Comment: The above photo shows highly visible fuming over the WTC site on 9/27/01. In March 2002, the remains of the dirt pile were still fuming and being hosed down, as can be seen in the second photo above. |
Figure 37. The street near the WTC were cleaned and repeatedly scrubbed almost immediately after the event. ARA has environmental cleanup toxic material handling expertise. ARA should know why this scrubbing was done. (?/?/01 entered) source |
Figure 37. Evironmental cleanup? Who ordered the new potting soil for the front yard of theWFC? (9/16/01 entered) source |
Figure 38. It looks silly to have this dirt dumped on the fire truck and in the fire truck. Why were the remains of this fire truck sprinkled with what looks like moist potting soil? Clearly it didn't suffer from an out-of-control fire in these places. The paint above the tire does not look heat affected. (9/16/01 entered) Source |
Comment: This appears to be a method of environmental cleanup that was used, here. NIST and their contractors should have researched who ordered the new potting soil for the front yard of the WFC. |
Figure 39. This was the WTC plaza level that was covered with cement blocks. Why is there dirt evenly spread over the walking area? Where did all this dirt come from? (9/13/01 entered) Source |
Figure 40. The second photo above shows what appears to be dirt trucked in from a landfill. (9/13/01 entered) source |
Comment: The WTC plaza level had been covered with cement blocks before 9/11, and the above photo dated 9/13/01 shows it covered with dirt. A "collapse" does not cause a building to turn into dirt and ARA should know this. |
Figure 41. Another, 9/16/01 (9/16/01 entered) Source |
Figure 42. This is an enloargement of the photo to the right and has been lightened.
(10/05/01) Source: |
Figure 43. Why, more than two weeks later is the dirt pile in front of (the former) WTC3 bigger?
(10/05/01) Source: |
XIII. Rudi Giuliani's "120 dump trucks" Top
Figure 44. On 9/12/01, WCBS radio recorded Rudi Giuliani 's following statement: (Click here to listen, or the longer version, where Giuliani speaks at time mark 1:20.) Quoting Rudi Giuliani: "We were able to move 120 dump trucks out of the city last night. (So) it should give you a sense of the work that was done over night. And so, some of the debris has already been removed. More of it is being removed, and it will be done by barge all throughout the day today." i.e. Expect to see dirt trucks coming in to NYC throughout the day(?). Statement (9/12/01) Source |
XIV. Trucking Dirt In and Out Top
Figure 45. The four yellow dump trucks are headed south on West Street, toward the WTC complex. Each of the dump trucks carries a uniform load of what appears to be dirt.
(9/27/01) Source: |
Figure 46. Is this dirt coming or going? The four trucks ahead of the green one carry a uniform load of what appears to be dirt. |
Figure 47. The four yellow dump trucks are headed south on West Street, toward the WTC complex. (This is an enlargement of the photo above.)
(9/27/01) Source: |
Figure 48. Looking east, through the core of WTC1, there is still fuming from the wet dirt. Where did all of this dirt come from? Why was it brought in? Note the puddle in the foreground. There are pools of water under a beautiful rainbow! Those orange-rusted core columns are very bright. |
Figure 49. An enlargement from the left side of the figure to the left, and has been lightened. |
Figure 50. Looking east, through the core of WTC1, there is still fuming from the wet dirt. Where did all of this dirt come from? Why was it brought in? Note the puddle in the foreground. There are pools of water under a beautiful rainbow! Those orange-rusted core columns are very bright. |
Figure 51. An enlargement from the left side of the figure figure to the left, and has been lightened. |
XV. DOT Security Consulting Top
Showcase Project http://www.ara.com/capabilities/p_DOT_security.htm
Quoting ARA:
comments... |
XVI. ARA's PsyOPs Department Top
Quoting ARA:
comments... |
XVIII. Capabilities - Homeland Safety and Security Top
Technology and systems to protect our citizens http://www.ara.com/capabilities/security.htm
Quoting ARA:
comments... |
NOTE: The darkKhaki-color boxes on this page indicate candidate for deletion. I haven't deleted it, yet, because it would be more work to get it back. |
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� 2006-2007 Judy Wood and the author above. All rights reserved. |