Introducing Floodlight tag segmentation

Thursday, October 6, 2011 |

DoubleClick Search now allows you to segment conversion data by Floodlight tag. This latest update gives you more insight into which keywords are bringing in which conversions and allows you to make more informed decisions. To help you slice and dice this data as it’s most valuable to you, you’re able to see Floodlight tag breakdown across all levels of your account, from advertisers down to keywords and ads.

“How can I get this great data,” you ask? Easily! From the DS3 UI, select the segment button above the graph. You can choose to segment by Floodlight groups or Floodlight activities. The floodlight data is only broken down for conversion metrics, so make sure you have your transaction, action, or revenue columns activated before you get started. Engine performics statistics will not be broken out by Floodlight tag.

Initially, we’ll break out any Floodlight activities or groups that have triggered a conversion since September 1, 2011. In a future release, you’ll be able to see this data back to March 16, 2011.

“What if I only want to view select Floodlight activities?” You’re in luck. Use filters to choose specific Floodlight activities or groups to view.

“But filters only allow me to filter for one activity or group, right?” Not so anymore. You can filter for multiple values using the (“|”) mark to separate between different entities. This (“|”) mark will allow you to view several entities at a time.

“Wow, I’m really excited to look at all this great data! Is there anything else I should know?” Well, right now, you won’t be able to filter by both Floodlight tags and segment by time periods when downloading a report, but look for that down the road.

Visit the Help Center to learn more about Floodlight reporting in DS3. And check out the release notes to find information about other features in this release, including upload notification emails.

Happy reporting!

Posted by: Tracie, Trevor, Scott, and Dan, Software Engineers