Getting Started |
Racket Cheat Sheet |
Tutorials |
Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures |
Continue: Web Applications in Racket |
More: Systems Programming with Racket |
Racket Language and Core Libraries |
The Racket Guide |
The Racket Reference |
Package Management in Racket |
The Racket Drawing Toolkit |
The Racket Graphical Interface Toolkit |
The Racket Foreign Interface |
Scribble: The Racket Documentation Tool |
DrRacket: The Racket Programming Environment |
raco: Racket Command-Line Tools |
Building, Distributing, and Contributing to Racket |
How to Program Racket: a Style Guide |
Teaching |
How to Design Programs |
How to Design Programs Languages |
How to Design Programs Teachpacks |
Essentials of Programming Languages Language |
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation |
Picturing Programs Teachpack |
Sprachebenen und Material zu Schreibe Dein Programm! |
Category Theory in Programming |
Other Languages in the Racket Environment |
The Typed Racket Guide |
The Typed Racket Reference |
R6RS: Scheme |
Русский язык программирования Ади́на |
Datalog: Deductive Database Programming |
Elle |
Esterel in Racket |
The Heresy Programming Language |
Parenlog |
The Pie Reference |
The Pie à-let-mode Reference |
PLAI Typed Language |
Plait Language |
Plaitypus Language |
ProfessorJ: Java in Racket |
Qi: An Embeddable Flow-Oriented Language |
Rash: The Reckless Racket Shell |
Rhombus |
The Rhombus Reference |
Shplait Language |
SICP Collections |
Sketching A Language for Creative Coding |
Swindle |
Zuo: A Tiny Racket for Scripting |
How to Design Classes Languages |
PLAI Lazy |
Tools |
Fast-Xml: Simplified XML Parsing and Writing |
Pure-Crypto: a pure crypto implementation for racket |
Reed-Solomon |
Simple-Barcode: Barcode reader and writer |
simple-qr: QR-Code Writer and Reader |
Simple-Xlsx: XLSX File Reading and Writing |
Web Applications in Racket |
BumpV |
Collector2 |
Markdown To Scribble |
Cover: A test coverage tool |
dbg: debug applications remotely |
Denxi Documentation |
Denxi Guide |
raco fc: Finding Collections |
Futures Visualizer |
Mike |
Molis Hai: Natural Language Password Generation |
PLaneT: Automatic Package Distribution |
Racket-Portage-Admin |
Portaudio: Bindings for the Portaudio portable sound library |
protoc-gen-racket: Generate Racket Code for Protocol Buffers |
Cross-Compilation and Multi-Version Manager: raco cross |
R Bulk ResizeR |
Redex: Practical Semantics Engineering |
Req |
RKTFetch |
AWS S3 Synchronization |
Scribble as Preprocessor |
Rhombus Slideshow: Figure and Presentation Tools |
Slideshow: Figure and Presentation Tools |
The Unicoder |
Fast 1-D Haar Wavelet Transform |
Web Server: HTTP Server |
DrRacket Plugins |
DrRacket Tools |
GUI and Graphics Libraries |
Framework: Racket GUI Application Framework |
Pict: Functional Pictures |
Pict Snip: Build Snips from Picts |
Browser: Simple HTML Rendering |
Cards: Virtual Playing Cards Library |
charterm: Character-cell Terminal Interface |
gui-easy: Declarative GUIs |
Embedded GUI: Widgets Within Editors |
Games: Fun Examples |
GL Board Game: 3-D Game Support |
icns: Apple Icon Files |
Images |
libnotify: an FFI binding for libnotify |
Pict3D: Functional 3D Scenes |
Plot: Graph Plotting |
Rilouworld: Decentralized Game Universe |
rkt-tree-widget |
Package rml-neural. |
RSound: A Sound Engine for Racket |
RSVG: an FFI binding for loading SVG images |
Scratchy: A Scratch-like Toy |
MrLib: Extra GUI Libraries |
Turtle Graphics |
Rhombus Pict: Functional Pictures |
GL: 3-D Graphics |
Simple-Svg: Scalable Vector Graphics |
String Constants: GUI Internationalization |
Syntax Color: Utilities |
Network Libraries |
csexp: S-expressions over the network |
Distributed Places |
GeoIP |
html-writing: Writing HTML from SXML |
http-easy: a high-level HTTP client |
memcached |
IP Addresses |
OpenSSL: Secure Communication |
OSC: Open Sound Control Byte String Conversion |
RtMidi |
SASL: Simple Authentication and Security Layer |
Net: Networking Libraries |
Windows Native SSL: Secure Communication |
Mac OS Native SSL: Secure Communication |
SMTP Server |
Unix Domain Sockets |
ZeroMQ |
Parsing Libraries |
avro: Apache Avro |
Binary-class: parsing and saving binary data |
Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) |
WAVE File Format (WAV) |
Binary-class/mp3: parsing ID3v2.1 and ID3v2.2 |
Extracting binary data from bytestrings using match |
binfmt: binary format parser generator |
Parser Tools: lex and yacc-style Parsing (BR edition) |
csv-reading: Comma-Separated Value (CSV) Parsing |
gemtext: A text/gemini parser for Racket |
HTML: Parsing Library |
html-parsing: Permissive Parsing of HTML to SXML |
Java |
JSON Lexer |
json-parsing: JSON Parsing, Folding, and Conversion |
MessagePack |
Racket MIDI reader |
Parser Tools: lex and yacc-style Parsing |
Protocol Buffers |
CommonMark: Standard Markdown |
Megaparsack: Practical Parser Combinators |
File: Racket File and Format Libraries |
Sparse: Test Generation for Simple S-expression Language Parsers |
XML: Namespaces |
XML: Parsing and Writing |
Tool Libraries |
Interface to GNU Aspell |
choose-lang: Pick #lang at read-time |
Choose-out: Conditional Provide |
Colorblind Palette |
Denxi Reference |
Dynext: Running a C Compiler/Linker |
Expeditor: Terminal Expression Editor |
GLPK: The Gnu Linear Programming Kit |
left-pad |
Macro Debugger: Inspecting Macro Expansion |
Make: Dependency Manager |
Intercepted Logging |
markdown |
markdown-ng |
Pict Abbrevs |
Readline: Terminal Interaction |
Scribble Abbrevs |
Scribble: include text |
Errortrace: Debugging and Profiling |
Trace: Instrumentation to Show Function Calls |
SLaTeX Wrapper |
Source Syntax |
Test Support |
Version: Racket Version Checking |
with-cache |
XREPL: eXtended REPL |
Zordoz |
Low-Level APIs |
Inside: Racket C API |
Interoperability |
Java Native Interface |
MzCOM: Racket as a Windows COM Object |
Protocol Buffers: Portable Data Serialization |
Unicode Chars |
DrRacket Plugins |
Quickscript, a scripting plugin for DrRacket |
Audio |
3s: positional audio and mixing |
OpenAL |
Taglib Bindings for Racket |
Benchmarks |
GTP Benchmarks |
Chess |
Chess |
Compression and Decompression |
bzip2 |
LZ4 |
Snappy |
Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm |
Data Structures |
Arguments Structures |
M-vars: Synchronized Boxes |
Data: Data Structures |
Double Linked Ring |
Priority Queues |
Resource Pool |
Simple, Deterministic Dictionaries |
Simple, Deterministic Sets |
Immutable Hash Array Mapped Tries |
Leftist Trees |
Functional Data Structures in Typed Racket |
Rebellion |
Ring Buffers |
Scapegoat Trees |
Functional generic interfaces |
Semi-persistent Matrices |
Semi-persistent Vectors |
xlist |
Database |
dbm |
Functional Relational Algebra |
MongoDB |
Databases |
Neo4j – Library for accessing Neo4j database |
DB: Database Connectivity |
deta: Functional Database Mapping |
north: Database Migrations |
Apache Kafka |
Date, Time, and Calendar Libraries |
TZInfo |
Digital Ricœur |
pydrnlp: NLP Library for Digital Ricœur |
Digital Ricœur TEI Library |
TEI Encoding Guidelines for Digital Ricœur |
DrRacket Plugins |
drracket-cmdline-args: Accessible Command-Line Arguments for DrRacket |
drracket-wakatime |
sauron |
DrRacket Quickscripts |
Qi-Quickscripts |
Dexter’s QuickScripts |
Email |
Mutt API |
Examples |
Scribble Cheatsheet |
Syntax Parse Examples |
Git |
Libgit2: Bindings for the libgit2 Git Library |
Graphics |
mode-lambda: the best 2D graphics of the 90s, today! |
Hardware |
MIC-1 |
Localization and Internationalization |
CLDR BCP47 Time Zone Data |
CLDR Locale Names for Modern Locales |
CLDR Dates for Modern Locales |
CLDR Numbers for Modern Locales |
CLDR Core |
Logic programming |
MiniKanren: logic programming in Scheme |
Racklog: Prolog-Style Logic Programming |
Machine Learning |
Racket Machine Learning — Core |
Racket Machine Learning — Decision Trees |
Racket Machine Learning — K-Nearest Neighbors |
Math and Science |
Quaternion |
Flomat: Floating Point Matrices |
Math Library |
Parallelism |
Job Queue |
OpenCL |
pmap : Parallel map |
Performance |
live-free-or-die: Freedom from Typed Racket |
require-typed-check |
Performance Tools |
Benchmark |
Feature-Specific Profiling |
Optimization Coach |
Profile: Statistical Profiler |
Contract Profiling |
Presentations |
puresuri: the king of presentations |
Resource Management |
Disposable Values |
Scribble Libraries |
acmsmall support for Scribble |
Eclass2Scrbl |
Hyper-literate programming |
Slideshow LaTeX |
LIPIcs support for Scribble |
A Scribble Document Style for NSF Proposals |
scribble-code-examples |
Scribble Enhanced |
scribble-rainbow-delimiters |
Scriblib: Extra Scribble Libraries |
Scripting |
Scripty: Distributable shell scripts with dependencies |
Slideshow Libraries |
Progressive Picts and Slides |
slideshow-text-style: a small library to improve text formatting in slideshow |
Staged Slides |
Syntax Extensions |
2D Syntax |
Mark Parameters |
Static Renaming |
More Syntax Classes |
struct-define: Short-hand accessors for struct fields |
Syntax: Meta-Programming Helpers |
Teaching |
Regex Machine Language |
Terminal |
lux-charterm: amazing terminal programs |
Testing |
rackunit-chk: a short hand for writing rackunit tests |
Expect: First Class Assertions |
Test Fixtures for RackUnit |
Mocks |
Mock RackUnit Checks |
Overeasy: Racket Language Test Engine |
Quickcheck |
rackcheck: Property-based Testing |
RackUnit: Unit Testing |
RackUnit Abbrevs |
Text block |
Text block |
UI |
DOS: Delimited-continuation-based Operating-system Simulator |
lux: brilliant interactive programs |
raart: Racket ASCII Art and Interfaces |
Verification |
Temporal Contracts: Explicit Contract Monitors |
Web Development |
crontab: cron-like scheduling |
Forms: Web Form Validation |
koyo: Web Development Toolkit |
Sentry Middleware for Koyo |
Sentry SDK |
typed-racket |
Pure functions and promises |
Trivial: type-tailored library functions |
Type expander library |
Type expander: Implementation |
Type inference helper for map |
Struct type properties for Typed/Racket |
Typed worklist |
Miscellaneous Libraries |
SRFIs: Libraries |
2048 |
ANU-Web-Quantum-RNG |
agatha: Para Logica |
Fairylog |
HoLy |
Karp: A Language for NP Reductions |
Packrat: Simple Packrat Parsing |
RifL: a playing card stack language |
SRFI-105 Curly Infix for Racket |
Scheme+ for Racket |
Scheme+ for Racket R6RS |
stacker |
_ |
_-exp: Configurable Scribble-like Syntax |
Access Path for Racket |
ACL2s Beginner Mode |
Kill-Safe Actors |
Adapton: Composable, Demand-Driven Incremental Computation |
Adjutor: A Helper Library |
Advent of Code |
Affix |
afl |
aful |
al2-test-runner – Alternative way of running rackunit test suites |
Legacy Generic Collections |
Legacy Persistent Vectors |
Multicast Asynchronous Channels |
alexis/util: Filling in the Gaps |
Lenses for Generic Collections |
The Algebraic Racket Collection |
algorithms |
amap |
amb: Ambiguous Operator |
amb-parser: Parser generator for ambiguous grammars |
Anaphoric macros |
Anarki: Community-Managed Arc Variant |
Andlet |
ansi-color |
ANSI Terminal Escape Codes. |
Advent of Code: solutions & explanations |
Using AppVeyor with Racket Projects |
Argo: JSON Schema Adventures |
array: Generic and Dynamic Arrays |
Asi64 |
Racket Assembler |
ASN.1 |
AsyncUnit |
Atomichron |
auto-syntax-e |
Automata: Compiling State Machines |
AVL Trees |
Amazon Web Services |
#lang axe |
azelf |
backport-template-pr1514 |
barrel: A stack language meant for lists |
Base32 |
Base58 |
Base58Check |
Base64 Encoding and Decoding |
XDG Basedir Library |
basm |
bech32 |
Beeswax: a Pollen-friendly template language |
Behavioral Models |
bencode: BitTorrent Bencode Decoding |
bencode-codec |
binaryio: Functions for Reading and Writing Binary Data |
Racket Binutils |
BIP-32 |
bitsyntax |
bitwise-ops |
bleir-sandbox |
bluetooth-socket |
BoincRPC - Thin abstraction for BOINC’s Client RPC |
Bookcover: Generating PDFs for book covers |
box-extra: box utilities |
Beautiful Racket |
brag: a better Racket AST generator |
brazilian-law-parser |
Brush: Literate Programming Without Tangling |
Script: Testing Bitcoin Riddles |
buid: universally unique lexicographically sortable identifiers |
Bitvectors |
C Metaprogramming Utilities |
C Constants |
c(a|d)ⁿr |
calendar |
canonicalize-path: Filesystem Path Canonicalization |
Canvas List |
Casemate |
ccnum: Credit Card Number Utilities |
Chaining module languages |
check-sexp-equal |
Chido Parse |
chk: a minimal tester |
Circular-Layout Reference |
cksum |
cli: Simple Command Line Interfaces |
clicker-assets |
Clotho |
Package codepoint |
Lenses for Generic Collections |
colon-kw and kw-colon |
:match |
colors-as-strings |
colorize |
colormaps – Additional Colormaps for the Racket Plot Package |
Colors |
Extensible Command Line |
Hive |
Compact Annotations |
Compiler Goodies |
Component |
Function Composition Syntax |
cond-contract |
cond: what it should have been |
Config - File based configuration parameters |
Configurable |
Elementary Continued Fraction Arithmetic Package |
Contract Miscellanea |
Control |
Cookies: HTTP State Management |
RDF Core Data Model |
XMPP Core Functions |
Counter |
country: ISO country database |
covid-19 |
cpu-affinity: an FFI binding for getting/setting CPU affinity |
cpuinfo: CPU Information |
crc32c |
Crypto: Cryptographic Operations |
crypto-sign |
cs135-drtools |
cs2500f16-jsonlab |
Constraint-satisfaction problems (and how to solve them) |
csrmesh |
CSS-expressions |
css-tools |
csv |
csv-writing |
CueCore Lighting Control |
Cur |
custom-load: Cautious Bytecode Loaders |
Package dali |
Dallas—Science & Commerce with the D database language |
Dan Scheme |
Persistent Vectors |
Set: Purely Functional Sets |
Semi-Persistent Arrays |
data-frame |
data-type |
Database URL Parser |
datacell |
datadef |
date |
D-Bus |
RDF Dublin Core Vocabularies |
debug |
Debuging scope-related issues |
decentralized-internet |
defensive-to-contracts |
Deferred: a simple library for doing things later |
define-assets-from |
define-attributes |
define-match-spread-out |
define-query |
define-sobj |
define-who |
Simple Function Specifications |
define2 |
defpat |
Delimiter-Sensitive Application |
Derpy: Presentation Room Control |
Describe |
Destruct |
Diagrama: A diagram drawing library |
dice-parser |
DirName |
Building Distributions of Racket |
Delimited Reading |
Device Mapper |
Documentation Coverage |
doodle |
Dotted identifiers and λ<arg>.code syntax |
dotmethod |
Rhombus Draw |
Racket Dropbox SDK |
drracket-restore-workspace: Restore workspace for DrRacket |
Reading Writing ".DS_Store" Files |
DSSL: Data Structures Student Language |
DSSL2: Data Structures Student Language |
Dynamic Case |
Dynamic FFI |
Translate X-Expressions to Keyword Procedure Applications |
While loops for Racket |
Easings |
EBML: A binary encoding format |
Racket-Ebuild |
Elliptic Curves |
ECMAScript |
Effect Racket |
Effection |
Emoji: emoji terminal output for Racket |
encode-ITA_2 |
Enforestation with Macro Expansion |
english |
envlang: an experimental language with first-class environments |
Envy: An environment variable manager |
XMPP Error Functions |
errortrace-pkg |
esAsm docs |
Epson Projector Control |
Etl: Expresson Transformation Language |
Euclid |
eventfd |
exact-decimal-lang |
Extenor |
Extensible Functions |
ez-csv |
Fancy App: Scala-Style Magic Lambdas |
Fast-convert: fast and easy conversion from bytes to string |
Fast Sequence |
Fexpress |
Fig: Simple and Extensible Configuration |
Monitoring file system activity with file-watchers |
Finalizer: trivial finalization |
fixw |
Expressions rendered as both XML and JSON |
Fourier-Motzkin Elimination for Integer Systems |
fmt: an extensible code formatter for Racket |
font-finder |
for-helpers |
formatted-string |
fragments |
fragments-first |
Frog |
Fulmar |
fuse |
futures-sort |
fuzzy-search |
G-code Tools |
gdbdump: GDB-based Native Thread Backtrace Dumps |
GDLisp |
Generator Utilities |
Racket Generic Binding Forms |
Generic Flonums |
Generic Syntax Expanders |
geoid – Efficient storage and queriying of geographic data |
get-pass |
gettext |
linear-regression |
gg: git git |
Gillette—XPath for Racket |
GObject Introspection |
github-api |
Glass: Composable Optics |
GMB’s Lambda Calculus |
glfw3 |
OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) for Racket |
global: Global variables with command-line interaction |
glossolalia |
GLS: Generic Little System |
The OpenGL Shading Language 4.5 (GLSL) |
Tessellation via GLU |
GMP: Multi-precision Arithmetic |
Gnucash |
Goblins: a transactional, distributed actor model environment |
google-spreadsheet-api |
Racket Generic Graph Library |
Graphics Engine |
Graphite: A data visualization library |
Graphite: a guided tour |
Gref: Generalized References for Racket |
Gregor: Dates and Times |
GNU GSL Numerical Integration |
GNU GSL Random Number Generation |
GTP Checkup |
GTP measure |
GTP pict |
GTP utilities |
Guard Statements |
Rhombus GUI |
gui-widget-mixins |
Enumerating Haiku |
Happy App: A Toolbox of Syntactic Shortcuts |
hash-lambda |
hash-star |
hash-view: Struct-like Views of Hashes |
Help and Documentation Utilities |
Bug Reporting |
helpful: providing suggestions on unbound identifier error. |
Hermit’s Heresy: DQB2 Power Tools |
hidapi |
hostname: Getting Hostname, FQDN, and IP Addresses |
The Function Design Recipe |
Implementing HtDP Teachpacks, Libraries, and Customized Teaching Languages |
htdp-json: A JSON library for use with HtDP |
HTDP Trace |
html-examples: Examples in HTML |
HTML5 Printer |
html-template: HTML-Writing Template Language in SXML |
HTTP Client |
http11 |
http11-server |
http123: HTTP Client |
HTTP/2 |
hygienic-quote |
Making reader extensions hygienic |
Hyphenate |
Identikon |
image-coloring |
Utilities for Manipulating Directories |
in-out-logged |
inexact-number-lang |
Infix Expressions for Racket |
infix-prefix: a library to convert prefix expressions to infix and vice versa |
infix-syntax |
Ini |
Racket bindings for the Linux inotify API |
Interactive Brokers API |
Interconfection |
Interface-Oriented Programming for Classes |
XMPP IQ (Info/Query) Functions |
IRacket: Racket Kernel for Jupyter |
irandom |
IRC Client Library |
IRC Client: High-Level IRC API |
IrRegular Expressions |
ISO printf |
Python itertools... in Racket! |
Indiana University pict |
J in Racket |
J-Notation |
JavaScript for PLT Scheme |
The jen Library |
Jobsched: Running jobs with multiple Racket instances |
Voxel Programming |
Pretty Printing JSON |
json-pointer: Referring to bits of JSON |
jsond |
jsonic: because JSON is boring |
JSON Web Token (JWT) and JSON Web Signature (JWS) |
k-infix |
Keybinding Base Language |
keyring: a library for uniformly accessing secrets |
Expressive Functional Reactive Programming (Kinda) |
kitco: Precious Metals Market Info. Access |
Kittle Buffer |
kw-make-struct |
Keyword Utils |
lambda-calculus |
read-lang-file |
A picture showing all the languages used to implement Racket. |
BCP-47 compliant language tag predicates |
Laramie—HTML5 for Racket |
latex-pict |
Scribble + LaTeX utils |
Lathe Comforts |
Lathe Morphisms |
Lathe Ordinals |
Lightweight, Lazy Trees |
ldap-ffi: a Racket LDAP client built on top of libldap C API |
Lenses |
levenshtein: Levenshtein Distance Metric |
Lexer and yacc examples |
Racket-Libansilove |
OpenAL: Bindings for the OpenAL sound library |
Libquiche - Miscellaneous Racket libraries |
libserial: Portable Serial Port Access |
libtoxcore-racket |
libuuid |
libxml2: Bindings for XML Validation |
license-audit: audit package licenses |
#lang lindenmayer, a language for L-Systems |
linear-regression |
list-plus |
list-util |
List utilities |
literify |
Liturgical Calendar |
llm lang |
Package racket-locale |
loci |
Loess: local polynomial regression |
logger |
logman |
Logo |
loop: advanced named let |
Logical Student Language |
lti-freq-domain-toolbox |
Levin Tree Search with Context Models |
Racket-MacroKey |
macrotypes-nonstx |
A Racket client for the Maelstrom distributed systems test harness |
Magenc Magnet URIs: Secure Object Permanence for the Web |
majordomo2 |
Malt - A minimalist deep learning toolkit |
Literate programming in style |
A Racket GUI Widget to display maps based on OpenStreetMap tiles |
The Margrave Tool for Policy Analysis |
Marionette |
Extra Utilities for match |
match-string |
Math Quiz |
MathOak |
mboxrd-read |
Units and Measurements |
Internet Media Types |
mediafile: Media File Metadata Utilities |
Medic Debugger |
memo: Memoization with cache and finalization control |
message-loop |
Metadata |
MetaPict |
mf-apply |
microformats |
microyaml |
Ming Language |
mini-theme |
Miscellaneous Utilities |
Mischief: a Racketeer’s Toolkit |
mixfix |
mockfighter |
Modern Macros: a talk given at PADL 2023 |
monadicrkt |
monitors |
Monocle: a small lens library |
monotonic: monotonic clock for Racket |
Moon Rat Gardener |
Morsel |
mqtt-client |
MessagePack |
MessagePack-RPC Client for Racket |
multi-file-lang |
Polyvalent identifiers with multi-id |
Multipath Daemon API |
mutable-match-lambda |
Mutate |
my-cond |
my-cond/iffy with sweet-exp |
my-object |
Namecaser |
Nanopass Framework |
nat-traversal |
Write Large CLIs Easily |
neologia |
nested-hash |
Net2: Evolved Networking Libraries |
netrc |
Neuron: Decentralized Software Organisms |
NLopt |
no-vert-bar-lang |
noise: Perlin/Simplex noise generators |
Noise Ser/de |
nproc |
numformat-old: Number Formatting |
numspell: Spelling Numbers as English |
Neovim client for Racket |
open-app |
OpenFst: Racket Bindings |
OpenGL |
OpenGL |
OpenWeather |
Opt |
option-bind |
One-time passwords |
Overscan |
Package Analysis |
pangu |
Parameter Utilities |
Paren-shape Pattern Expanders |
Parendown |
pareto-frontier |
Package parquet. |
Parsec implementation in Racket |
parted: Interface to GNU Parted Disk Partion Utility |
pcg |
pdf-read: Read and render PDF files |
peggen |
Peony Web Framework |
Perflinty |
Apollo Art PEx Power Control |
PGMP: Profile-Guided Meta-Programming |
phc-toolkit |
Pict utilities |
Text and Paths for Pict3D |
pidec |
Pie Crust |
Pinyin: Convert Hanzi to Pinyin |
Data Pipes (Iteratees) |
pipechain |
Package Management GUI Libraries |
Pkg-Build: Building and Testing All Racket Packages |
Package Dependency Graph Visualization |
pl |
Place TCP Listener |
Plisqin |
Bestfit: Lines of Best Fit |
plot-container – Embed plot snips to GUI applications |
PLT Service Monitor |
Creating PLT-Style Web Pages |
png-image: Library to view and modify PNG chunks. |
point-free |
Pollen: the book is a program |
McGill-style citations for Pollen |
Pollen Component |
pollen-count |
Pollen-rock: a RESTful Pollen Server |
Pollen sample project: Typography for Lawyers |
Polysemy: support for polysemic identifiers |
Pattern Matching for Ports |
Positions |
postfix-dot-notation |
Postmark |
postnet: USPS POSTNET Barcode Encoding |
power-struct |
PPrint: A Universal Pretty-Printer |
pprint-compact: a non-greedy pretty printer |
Predicates |
Presentation Big Bang |
pretty-expressive: a pretty expressive printer |
Pretty-printing with format strings |
private-in |
process-queue |
profile-flame-graph |
progedit: Programmatic File Editing |
protobj: Prototype-Delegation Object Model |
Punctaffy |
Puzzler: A Language for 2D Puzzle Game Creation |
py-fizz |
python-tokenizer: a translation of Python’s library for Racket |
qresults-list |
qtOps: perform operations on things with qualities |
Quad: document processor |
queue |
Scripts from the Quickscript Competition July 2020 |
Quickscript Extra |
quickscript-test |
quote - bad |
R-cade Game Engine |
R Lexer |
R16 — Community-Driven Interactive Code Evaluation |
rackdis |
racket-cord: Racket discord library |
dogstatsd |
Glossary of Racket concepts |
racket-langserver |
Racket Language Server |
Racket LLVM |
racket-paint |
racket-quandl |
racket-route-match |
racket-tree-sitter |
(eighth RacketCon) Workshop: Web Programming |
The RacketScript Language and Compiler |
RacketScript Universe |
RacketUI: Automated Web UI Generator |
rackjure |
rackonsole: Lightweight Operator Console for Server Processes |
Rackpropagator: Reverse-mode automatic differentiation of Racket programs |
RackUnit Grade |
RackUnit Spec: BDD interface for RackUnit |
raco-invoke: invoke raco commands |
raco-new |
raco-pkg-env: virtualenv like tool for Racket |
raco-run |
raco-watch |
Racquel: An Object/Relational Mapper for Racket |
racr |
ragg: a Racket AST Generator Generator |
RaList: Purely Functional Random-Access Lists |
Ranked Programming |
raplotest |
The Raqet Manual |
Rascas |
Raylib |
Reactor: a synchronous reactive language |
ream |
Reconstruct-Template |
Recursive Language |
data-red-black: augmented red black tree structures |
An Introduction to Redex with Abstracting Abstract Machines (v0.6) |
Redex Miscellanea |
Redex Parameters |
Generic Relations |
Remember: storage for macros which is persistant across compilations |
Remote Shells and Virtual Machines |
Repeated application |
reporter |
reprovide-lang |
Requests |
response-ext |
Resyntax |
Retry: Retrying Arbitrary Computations |
rex: deterministic regular expressions |
rfc3339-old: RFC 3339 Timestamps |
RFC 6455 WebSockets for Racket |
Rince: Racket-INtegrated C Environment |
Riposte—Scripting Language for JSON-based HTTP APIs |
Rival: Real Computation via Interval Arithmetic |
rktermios |
#lang rokit-racket |
Roman Numerals |
roomba: iRobot Roomba/Create Interface |
routy |
rparallel : Racket in parallel |
Reverse Polish Notation |
rpp |
rs - the Racket Sequencer |
rs-l : Loop and event library for rs |
rsharp |
Ruckus: Procedural CAD For Weirdos |
russian |
rustc-wrapper |
rws-html-template: Racket Web Server html-template Support |
Functional RegExp |
rx-tx-async-channel |
safe-case |
Sameday |
SASS: Bindings to libsass |
First-order logic saturation with atom rewriting |
sau-cptr-405 |
Sawzall: A grammar for chopping up data |
Package racket-scaffold |
scgi: Web Server HTTP SCGI and CGI |
Package Scone |
scope-operations |
scramble: Assorted Utility Libraries |
scratch |
Scribble Examples Evaluator Forms |
scribble-frog-helper |
scribble-math |
scribble-slideshow: Using Scribble to Make Slides |
MIME Types |
Interactive Evaluation in Slideshow |
Linea: line oriented reader |
Better Grammar |
Generic Collections |
Option Contracts |
Dynamic multiple dispatch |
Reader Function Literal Shorthand |
case-kw-lambda |
dotenv |
Threading Macros |
Purely Functional Struct Updaters |
The #%namespaced hook |
Shrubbery Rendering |
Rhombus Scribble |
PLAI Typed S-Sxpression Matching |
Handin Server |
Scriblogify: Scribble Your Blogs |
Sdraw: Cons-Cell Diagrams with Pict |
Search-list-box |
Search Filesystem While Approaching Root Directory |
SECD: A reduced version. |
secp256k1 |
secp256k1 |
semaphore-utils |
Semver: Semantic Versioning |
Sendinblue API Client |
Seq: A Sequence Library |
seq-no-order |
Serializing Syntax Introducers |
Set Expressions |
GUI ".plt" Installer |
Sew |
sexp-diff |
Sfont: play with fonts in Racket |
SHA and SHA-2 |
Shell Pipeline Package |
shlex for Racket: Simple lexical analysis |
shootout: Expression Performance Comparison |
Shrubbery Notation |
signature |
simple-http |
Simple Matrix Arithmetic |
Package simple-oauth2. |
Simple Polynomials of One Variable |
Simple Tree Text Markup: Simple Markup for Display as Text or in GUI |
sl2014 |
slack-archive-viewer |
SLIB/Common Lisp format for Racket |
slide-easy |
smtp |
Snappy: FFI bindings for fast compression |
Social Contracts |
SOCKS5 TCP Client in Racket |
soundex: Soundex Hashing |
Soup: A library of useful routines |
Super Pipe |
Splitflap: Atom and RSS Feeds |
SQL: A Structured Notation for SQL Statements |
SQLSourcery |
SQLite Table |
Squicky: a quick wiki parser |
Extra SRFI Libraries |
SS-RPC server |
stardate: compute the current TNG stardate |
stencil-vector-utils |
The Stepper |
stockfighter-api |
Stream Miscellanea |
stream-values |
stretchable-snip |
string-interpolation |
String Searching Algorithms |
String to S-expression for Fundamentals I, 2016, Northeastern University |
string-util |
Lightweight Stripe API Library |
Struct-type properties with a struct-like interface |
struct++ |
Immutable Struct Updates |
sudo: Sudo Command Processes |
Suffix trees with Ukkonen’s algorithm |
Sugar |
superv - A Supervisor Program |
Sweet: an alternative to s-expressions |
SXML: S-Expression Representation of XML |
SXML Misc Utilities |
SXML in Racket: Tools for XML and HTML |
Symbolic algebraic expressions |
syncvar: a library of synchronous variables |
synology-decrypt |
Language creation |
Combining syntax classes together as multiple variants |
syntax-extension |
Syntax Implicits |
Counting Source Lines of Code |
Syntax Warnings |
SystemD Support |
T-Test: two popular functions |
Table Panel |
Tabular Asa |
Taíno |
Tandem |
taro |
Task Server |
Racket Turtle |
Template Macros |
termconfig |
Tesira Client |
Tessellation |
TeXmath |
Support for date text-field% in racket/gui |
Support for markdown in racket/gui text% |
Text Table |
Text-tree output. |
thread-utils |
thread-with-id |
Package thrift. |
timable |
timev |
tjson |
tmux-vim-demo |
Todo List for DrRacket |
Processing of todo.txt tasks |
tr-immutable |
Trace Contracts |
Racket srfi-171 Transducers |
XMPP Connection |
treelist-util |
treelist_util |
trie |
Try |
try-catch |
try-catch-finally |
try-catch-match |
try-make-sarna-happy |
Turing: A Turing Machine language |
Turn-Based Games |
The turnstile language |
TwixT |
txexpr: Tagged X-expressions |
HtDP/2e Teachpacks for Typed Racket |
measures-with-dimensions |
Vector Struct: Performant Fake Structs |
Utilities for composing functions in Typed Racket |
typed-racket-datatype |
typed-racket-eff |
Typed-Stack: A Typed Racket stack library |
tzgeolookup – Lookup timezone names for geographic coordinates |
udelim |
ulid: universally unique lexicographically sortable identifiers |
Unicode Tables |
Unicode Break Algorithms |
unix-signals |
Racket-UPI |
URIs and URLs |
uri-old: Web URI and URL |
uri-template: A template language for URIs (IETF RFC 6570) |
Used Imports |
uuid: Universally Unique Identifiers |
value-evt |
Functional Multi-Valued Computations |
Multiple and Keyword Return Values |
DrRacket Version Tool |
version-case: conditionally compile code based on current version number |
Version String With Git Hash |
vlc: VideoLAN VLC Media Player Control |
Variable-Length-Input Benchmarks |
Vulkan API Integration |
Wavenet TTS API Interface |
Web IO for Fundamentals I, 2016, Northeastern University |
webapi: Web APIs |
webscraperhelper: Generating SXPath Queries from SXML Examples |
Finding Racket Paths |
WordNet - A Lexical Database for English |
Word |
Wordle solver: A simple greedy solver for Wordle |
wort |
wsync |
WY Posn Util |
X.509 Certificates |
x64 Assembler |
xdg |
Xenomorph: binary encoding & decoding |
XMPP Service Discovery (XEP-0030) |
XML Expression Path Lookup |
XMPP Library |
Xsmith |
xxhash |
YAML Syntax for Racket Languages |
Yijing Icons |
4chan API Client Library |
zKanren |
ZeroMQ: Distributed Messaging |
Zippers for Racket |
Ziptie |
Minimal ZeroMQ Bindings |
Experimental Languages and Libraries |
FrTime: A Language for Reactive Programs |
Lazy Racket |
Algol 60 |
Honu |
Agile |
ee-lib: Library Support for DSL Macro Expanders |
??? |
Hosted miniKanren |
iPoe: interactive poetry editor |
C |
Magnolisp |
McFly Runtime: Embedded Package Documentation for Racket |
Ocular Patdown |
R-LINQ: .NET’s LINQ in Racket |
The Rosette Guide |
Super C |
syntax-spec: A Metalanguage for Hosted DSLs |
syntax-spec: A Metalanguage for Hosted DSLs |
syntax-spec: A Metalanguage for Hosted DSLs |
Unstable: May Change Without Warning |
Unstable GUI: May Change Without Warning |
Unstable Flonums: May Change Without Warning |
Unstable Redex: May Change Without Warning |
Legacy Languages and Libraries |
R5RS: Legacy Scheme |
Scheme: Compatibility Libraries and Executables |
Combinator Parser |
Compatibility: Features from Racket Relatives |
MysterX: Legacy Support for Windows COM |
MzScheme: Legacy Language |
mzpp and mztext: Preprocessors |
MzLib: Legacy Libraries |
Nonfree SRFI Specification Documents |
Graphics: Legacy Library |
Other |
Denxi Journal |
Denxi White Paper |