CoffeeScript's port of the Scheme's Metacircular Evaluator – chapter 4.1 of the SICP.

Version: 0.1. History: Ctrl + ↑ / Ctrl + ↓. Eval: Ctrl + Enter or the button "eval" below. Source: scheme-on-coffee on Github. ECMAScript info:

Expression input:

Examples (click to eval):

1. Sum:
(+ 1 2 3)
2. Define a variable in the Global environment:
(define x 10)
3. Define a procedure:
(define (sum x y)
        (+ x y))
4. Eval the sequence (block) of expressions:
(begin (define a 10)       ; define "a" variable
       (define b 30)       ; and "b" variable
       (define (square x)
               (* x x))    ; and a function
       (+ (square a) b))   ; and get the sum of square of "a" and "b"
5. Recursion; define the factorial function and call it:
  (define (factorial n)               ; define the factorial function
    (if (= n 1)
        (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
  (factorial 5))                      ; and call it for value 5
6. Map the list with a lambda expression:
(map (lambda (x) (* x x)) ; anonymous function
     (list 1 2 3 4))      ; maps the list to '(1 4 9 16)