About emojidex
emojidex is the worlds first emoji-as-a-service provider as well as an extremely Open Source friendly set of tools and assets. We appreciate your interest in emojidex and want you to know that the vast majority of profit from emojidex are used to support a variety of Open Source software projects, educational material development and scientific / engineering projects. By using emojidex in your project you are helping support Open Source, global education, and a variety of good and interesting scientific and engineering causes.
This Document (Fixes/Ammendments)
The source for this document can be found here.
Amemendments and fixes are welcome! Please either fork/fix/push/pull requet or submit an issue
on github if you find anything lacking or requiring a cleaner/better explanation.
The emojidex Service
emojidex is primarily based around the emojidex service. This service offers an API with listing, search and registration services. Some services require a token to access [registration for example] or for certain types of access [search with over 100 results per page and other queries that could be overused]. These limitations are only to prevent abuse or overuse of the system.
emojidex Tools and Clients
emojidex offers a set of clients and tools that can be found in the emojidex organization on github. The core tool and model for emojidex is the emojidex gem for Ruby. This is the basis of not only online and backend tools but also the majority of the tools for emojidex such as the converter and the desktop client/editor. For Java/Android there's emojidex android.
emojidex on a Web Site
The emojidex Coffee client is a front end client and tool set, developed in Coffee Script, and distributed as a jQuery plug-in. Using emojidex to automatically convert emoji character codes on your web site and use emoji assets in or as widgets, and to enter and parse text with emoji is made as easy as simple as possible. All emoji are obtained from the content delivery network for the emojidex Service so you don't need to cache any emoji on your server or worry about any assets or images on your own server.
This documentation covers access and usage of emojidex service utilizing the API and CDN.
HTTP Requests
The API must always be called through HTTPS/SSL. This is to prevent leaking of user auth tokens and generally to keep as much information as to how users use emojidex as private as possible.
HTTP Verbs
Throughout most of the API different actions are mapped to different HTTP verbs, such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE. You MUST be aware of what verb you are using to make an API request, as most of the time only one HTTP verb will perform the task you want in your query.
Transport Data Types
The emojidex API currently provides data to and from all endpoints in either standard JSON or
MessagePack format. JSON being such a such a standardized and universally
accepted format is of course the default, but we strongly encourage you to implement with
MessagePack as all communication between your app and the emojidex server will be lighter and
faster. MessagePack is already included as default in all of our clients other than emojidex-web,
and in that case only because we didn't want to increase the processing burden and initial load
of the script. To use MessagePack in your own client, simply pass requests with the Accept header
set to "application/msgpack":
Accept: application/msgpack
And if your transactor happens to not be sending/receiving UTF-8 by default, we would of course
recommend adding:
Charset: UTF-8
just in case.
Specific examples will not be given in MessagePack here as it is not easily readable, but if you
wanted to execute any of the Shell/CURL examples in this documentation with MessagePack then
simply add -H "Charset: UTF-8" -H "Accept: application/msgpack"
after the -L switch. For
curl -X GET -L -H "Charset: UTF-8" -H "Accept: application/msgpack"\ -o emoji.msgpack
would obtain the index in MessagePack and save it to a file named "emoji.msgpack".
Client origin/sources:
// Java client is a JNI interface to the C++ libemojidex
Client acquisition:
# Use the command line client for CURL, which should be included in any Linux distrobution and OS-X
# by default. For Windows, or if your distrobution does not include CURL, look here:
# Install the emojidex ruby gem:
gem install emojidex
# Or add the following to your Gemfile before bundling:
gem 'emojidex'
// Clone with Git, build libs yourself, see the link in acquisition above for instructions
// Available on NPM, see:
// Require directly from the CDN:
// Obtain from the "dist" directory of the repository:
// npm:
npm install emojidex
// yarn:
yarn add emojidex
// Clone with Git, build jar yourself, see the link in acquisition above for instructions
Client usage:
# Simply type the CURL command in a terminal:
# Most methods are available from the client.
# For specific functionality require the specific module.
require 'emojidex/client'
// Generally you'll want the client provided with libemojidex.
// Assuming you've vendorized emojidex and have the headers under an "emojidex" folder:
#include <emojidex/client>
/* Obtaining from the CDN:
<script src=""></script>
// Most of the functionality is consolidated in the Client.
// Specific functionality can be accessed by importing specific modules.
import com.emojidex.libemojidex.Emojidex.Client;
Clients are provided for all the langauges selectable on the right (and more). Please select the tab for the language you wish to use to find information on how to obtain and utilize the client.
Token acquisition/Login:
curl -X GET -d email=[email protected] -d password=********
# or
curl -X GET -d username=WhoEver -d password=********
# or
curl -X GET -d user=[email protected] -d password=********
# or
curl -X GET -d user=WhoEver -d password=********
require 'emojidex/service/user'
user =
user.login('MeMeMe', '******')
#include <emojidex/service/user>
Emojidex::Service::User user;
user.login("MyUser", "my-password");
emojidex = new EmojidexClient({
// wait initialization
onReady: (EC) => {
emojidex.User.login({'authtype': 'plain', 'username': 'MeMeMe', 'password': '******'});
import com.emojidex.libemojidex.Emojidex.Service.User;
User user = new User();
user.login("MeMeMe", "******");
Token authentication/Authentication:
curl -X GET -d username=MeMeMe -d token=0123456789abcdef
require 'emojidex/service/user'
user =
user.authorize('MeMeMe', '0123456789abcdef')
#include <emojidex/service/user>
Emojidex::Service::User user;
user.authorize("MyUser", "0123456789abcdef");
// type plain:
emojidex.User.login({'authtype': 'plain', 'username': 'MeMeMe', 'password': '******'});
// type token:
emojidex.User.login({'authtype': 'token', 'username': 'MeMeMe', 'auth_token': '******'});
// type basic:
emojidex.User.login({'basic': 'plain', 'user': 'username-or-email', 'password': '******'});
import com.emojidex.libemojidex.Emojidex.Service.User;
User user = new User();
user.authorize("MeMeMe", "0123456789abcdef");
When authentication / confirmation succeeds something like the following JSON is returned:
"pro":false,"pro_exp":null,"premium":true,"premium_exp":"2016-10-22T15:18:33.926+00:00", "r18":false}
When authentication fails the follwing JSON is returned:
Auth Tokens
Each user is granted an auth token which gives them access to their own personal resources. Each user account is granted one and only one token which can be used by multiple clients, does not expire, but can be refreshed/changed.
Tokens are returned as a response from a valid authorization request. Users can view, re-set, or revoke their auth token from the User Details section after they log in to the emojidex web site. Auth tokens can not be changed through the API. As a single auth token is granted per user and shared between apps, the revocation or re-generation of a token will require re-acquisition in all clients. Not all API calls require authentication, but all API calls can and should be performed with authentication tokens included when a token is available.
Authenticating / Obtaining a user auth token from the API
You can authenticate through the API using a username and password or e-mail and password. It is also possible to check authentication and update user details using the username and token. To authenticate you must make a call to /api/v1/users/authenticate with an appropriate combination of the following parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
username | string | The username registered to the user (paired with password or token) |
string | The e-mail address of the user (paired with password) | |
user | string | The username or e-mail address of the user (paired with password) |
password | string | The password of the user (paired with username or e-mail) |
token | string | The authentication token (paired with username) |
Upon a successful authentication request the following information will be returned:
Return Data
┏auth_status: the status code of the authorization ("verified" or "unverified")
┣auth_user: the username of the account just verified
┣auth_token: the auth token for this account
┣pro: true or false value specifying if pro status is currently active
┣pro_exp: expiration date of current or previous pro status (null if never active)
┣premium: true or false value specifying if premium status is currently active
┣premium_exp: expiration date of current or previous premium status (null if never active)
┗r18: true or false value specifying if user wants to view R-18 content
emoji Seeds / Static Collections
Get all UTF [standrd] emoji
curl -X GET
require "emojidex/data/emoji/utf"
utf =
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection utf = idx.utfEmoji();
emojidex.Indexes.static(['extended_emoji'], 'en', emoji_data => {
import com.emojidex.libemojidex.Emojidex.Service.Indexes;
import com.emojidex.libemojidex.Emojidex.Data.Collection;
Indexes idx = new Indexes();
Collection utf = idx.utfEmoji();
Get all emojidex brand Extended emoji
curl -X GET
require "emojidex/data/emoji/extended"
extended =
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection extended = idx.extendedEmoji();
emojidex.Indexes.static(['extended_emoji'], 'en', emoji_data => {
Get all UTF [standard] emoji with Japanese codes
curl -X GET -d locale=ja
require "emojidex/data/emoji/utf"
utf ={locale: 'ja'})
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection utf = idx.utfEmoji('ja');
emojidex.Indexes.static(['utf_emoji'], 'ja', emoji_data => {
Get all emojidex brand Extended emoji with Japanese codes
curl -X GET -d locale=ja
require "emojidex/data/emoji/extended"
utf ={locale: 'ja'})
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection utf = idx.extendedEmoji('ja');
emojidex.Indexes.static(['extended_emoji'], 'ja', emoji_data => {
Get moji code indexes
curl -X GET
require "emojidex/service/indexes"
codes = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.moji_codes
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/moji_codes>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::MojiCodes mc = idx.mojiCodes();
The returned data contains three major indexes.
/* ... indicates truncation, the actual data does not have a ... */
/* useful for REGEX checking/filtering */
/* useful for manual scanning */
"moji_array":["️1️⃣","️2️⃣","️3️⃣","️4️⃣","️5️⃣","️6️⃣","️7️⃣","️8️⃣", ...],
/* useful for mapping characters to short codes or for a very basic index */
"moji_index":{"⛲":"fountain","⛳":"golf","⛺":"tent","⛽":"fuelpump", ...}
Get moji code indexes with Japanese codes
curl -X GET -d locale=ja
require "emojidex/service/indexes"
codes = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.moji_codes({locale: 'ja'})
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/moji_codes>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::MojiCodes mc = idx.mojiCodes("ja");
emojidex = new EmojidexClient({
locale: 'ja'
// after initialization
Generally you'll want to have a selection of emoji available immediately. Usually that will at least consist of the standardized UTF/Unicode emoji. A semi-static index is available at api/v1/utf_emoji . If you only need the codes, a combined string for regex filtering, or an index of character code to emoji short code, these all come in the data available from api/v1/moji_codes . The emojidex branded extended emoji are also available from api/v1/extended_emoji. All of these end points are compatible with the locale option.
Moji Code Data
Moji code [character code] data is a set of three consolidated lists of characters and short codes.
It's accessable from /api/v1/moji_codes and the only argument is the locale (defaults to 'en').
Name | Type | Description |
locale | string | the locale/languge code (EG: "ja" or "en") |
Return Data
┏moji_string: a string of character codes, with multi-chracter compound codes coming before others
┣moji_array[]: an array of character codes, with multi-chracter compound codes coming before others
┗moji_index{}: a localized hash index of character code keys with emoji code values
UTF and Extended Sets
To get a full (non-paginated) set of standard UTF emoji (emoji standardized or in the proposal
phase for Unicode) or Extended emojidex original emoji. Call to either api/v1/utf_emoji or
api/v1/extended_emoji for UTF or Extended emoji. Both sets offer localized versions in default
English or Japanese.
Name | Type | Description |
locale | string | the locale/languge code (EG: "ja" or "en") |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
Return Data
An array of emoji in the format of:
┏code: the :code: of the emoji
┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┗score: the score of the emoji
emoji Information
Get information on the "sushi" emoji
GET /emoji/sushi
curl -X GET
require "emojidex/service/search"
em = Emojidex::Service::Search.find('sushi')
#include <emojidex/service/search>
#include <emojidex/data/emoji>
Emojidex::Service::Search search;
Emojidex::Data::Emoji = search.find('sushi'), result_emoji => {
Information about the "sushi" emoji is retruned:
To get information about a particular emoji simply query they /emoji/(emoji code) endpoint, replacing (emoji code) with the emoji code you want the information about.
Name | Type | Description |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
Return Codes
HTTP | Message |
200 | emoji information |
404 | {"status":"emoji not found"} |
Return Data
┏code: the :code: of the emoji
┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┣score: the score of the emoji
┣r18: specifies if the emoji contains adult/vulgar content (requires account with R-18 enabled)
┣customizations: specifies overlays to customize the emoji
┣combinations: specifies combinations this emoji can be used in
┣created_at: !Pro/Premium only! creation/registration date in UTC format
┗favorited: !Pro/Premium only! amount of active favorites (users who have this emoji favorited)
emoji Index
GET /emoji
curl -X GET
require "emojidex/service/indexes"
emoji_collection = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.emoji
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection emoji_collection = idx.emoji();
emojidex.Indexes.index((result_emoji) => {
GET /emoji detailed=true
curl -X GET -d detailed=true
require "emojidex/service/indexes"
emoji_collection = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.emoji(true)
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection emoji_collection = idx.emoji(DEFAULT_PAGE, DEFAULT_LIMIT, true);
emojidex.Indexes.index((result_emoji) => {
}, {'detailed': true});
GET /emoji limit=50 page=2
curl -X GET -d page=2 -d limit=50
require "emojidex/service/indexes"
emoji_collection = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.emoji(false, 50, 2)
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection emoji_collection = idx.emoji(2, 50);
emojidex.Indexes.index((result_emoji) => {
}, {'page': 2, 'limit': 50});
Gets a general index of emoji, sorted by score.
Name | Type | Description |
category | string | the category code (EG: "faces" or "food") you wish to limit the index to |
limit | integer | amount of emoji to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
sort | string | [Pro only] determines the sort order of the emoji returned. |
Sort Types
Sort Code | Effect |
score | (Default) Organizes results with higher scores first. |
unpopular | The opposite of score - results are organized with lowest score first. |
newest | Newer emoji are returned first. |
oldest | Older emoji are returned first. |
liked | emoji favorited by more users are returned first. |
unliked | emoji favoreted by fewer users are returned first. |
shortest | emoji with shorter emoji codes are returned first. |
longest | emoji with longer emoji codes are returned first. |
Return Data
┏emoji[]: an array of emoji
┃┣code: the :code: of the emoji
┃┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┃┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┃┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┃┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┃┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┃┗score: the score of the emoji
┗meta{}: meta data about this collection
┣count: the count of emoji [limit] contained in this response
┣total_count: the total count emoji in this collection available on the server
┗page: the current page of the collection
Newest emoji
GET /newest
curl -X GET -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef
require "emojidex/service/indexes"
# If the user has logged in before
newest = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.newest()
# Or to manually pass a token
newest = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.newest(false, Emojidex::Defaults.limit, 0, 'MeMeMe', '1234567890abcdef')
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection newest_collection = idx.newest("1234567890abcdef");
// this feature is need authorization.
emojidex.Indexes.newest((result_emoji) => {
Gets a general index of emoji sorted by registration date.
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | a user auth token. User must be pro or premium to access this resource |
category | string | the category code (EG: "faces" or "food") you wish to limit the index to |
limit | integer | amount of emoji to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
Return Codes
HTTP | Message |
200 | a page of an emoji collection |
401 | {"status":"resource requires authorization"} |
402 | {"status":"resource limited to premium/pro users"} |
Return Data
┏emoji[]: an array of emoji
┃┣code: the :code: of the emoji
┃┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┃┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┃┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┃┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┃┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┃┗score: the score of the emoji
┗meta{}: meta data about this collection
┣count: the count of emoji [limit] contained in this response
┣total_count: the total count emoji in this collection available on the server
┗page: the current page of the collection
Popular emoji
GET /popular
curl -X GET -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef
require "emojidex/service/indexes"
# If the user has logged in before
popular = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.popular()
# Or to manually pass a token
popular = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.popular(false, Emojidex::Defaults.limit, 0, 'MeMeMe', '1234567890abcdef')
#include <emojidex/service/indexes>
#include <emojidex/data/collection>
Emojidex::Service::Indexes idx;
Emojidex::Data::Collection popular_collection = idx.popular("1234567890abcdef");
// this feature is need authorization.
emojidex.Indexes.popular((result_emoji) => {
Gets a general index of emoji sorted by popularity (times favorited).
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | a user auth token. User must be pro or premium to access this resource |
category | string | the category code (EG: "faces" or "food") you wish to limit the index to |
limit | integer | amount of emoji to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
200 | a page of an emoji collection |
401 | {"status":"resource requires authorization"} |
402 | {"status":"resource limited to premium/pro users"} |
Return Data
┏emoji[]: an array of emoji
┃┣code: the :code: of the emoji
┃┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┃┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┃┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┃┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┃┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┃┗score: the score of the emoji
┗meta{}: meta data about this collection
┣count: the count of emoji [limit] contained in this response
┣total_count: the total count emoji in this collection available on the server
┗page: the current page of the collection
GET /categories
curl -X GET
# The categories on the emojidex service are actually seeded from the emojidex gem.
# Therefore, when using Ruby we use the Categories class found in the Data namespace.
require 'emojidex/data/categories'
categories =
// categories should be pre-cached
emojidex.Categories.all((categories) => {
// you can actively obtain categories from the server
emojidex.Categories.sync((categories) => {
Returns category info
GET /categories locale=ja
curl -X GET -d locale=ja
require 'emojidex/data/categories'
categories =
# Category information in the emojidex Ruby gem includes both en and ja
emojidex.Categories.sync((categories) => {
}, 'ja');
Returns category info with Japanese names
Gets a list of categoires, including category codes (used in searching) and [localized] titles.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | integer | amount of categories to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
locale | string | language for category names currently only "en" [default] and "ja" are supported |
Return Data
┏categories[]: an array of categories
┃┣name: the localized category name
┃┣code: the category code
┃┗emoji_count: the number of emoji currently in this category
┗meta{}: meta data about the array of categories
┣count: the number of categories in this response
┣total_count: the total count of categories available on the server
┗page: the current page of categories
Search for emoji
Search for emoji with code containing "heart"
curl -X GET -d code_cont=heart
require "emojidex/service/search"
res = Emojidex::Service::Search.term('heart'), result_emoji => {
Search for emoji with code starting with "heart"
curl -X GET -d code_sw=heart
require "emojidex/service/search"
res = Emojidex::Service::Search.starting('heart')
emojidex.Search.starting(search_word, result_emoji => {
Search for emoji with code ending with "heart"
curl -X GET -d code_ew=heart
require "emojidex/service/search"
res = Emojidex::Service::Search.ending('heart')
emojidex.Search.ending(search_word, result_emoji => {
Search for emoji with codes containing "heart" in the category "faces"
curl -X GET -d code_cont=heart -d categories\[\]=faces
require "emojidex/service/search"
res = Emojidex::Service::Search.advanced('heart', ['faces'])
emojidex.Search.advanced({"heart", [], ['faces']}, result_emoji => {
Search for emoji with codes containing "heart" in either the category "faces" or "abstract"
curl -X GET -d code_cont=heart -d categories\[\]=faces -d categories\[\]=abstract
require "emojidex/service/search"
res = Emojidex::Service::Search.advanced('heart', ['faces', 'abstract'])
emojidex.Search.advanced({"heart", [], ['faces', 'abstract']}, result_emoji => {
Search for emoji with tag "weapon"
curl -X GET -d tags\[\]=weapon
require "emojidex/service/search"
res = Emojidex::Service::Search.tags(['weapon'])
emojidex.Search.tags(["weapon"], result_emoji => {
Search for emoji where code contains "rifle", has the tag "weapon", and is in category "tools"
curl -X GET -d code_cont=rifle -d tags\[\]=weapon -d categories\[\]=tools
require "emojidex/service/search"
res = Emojidex::Service::Search.advanced('rifle', ['tools'], ['weapon'])
emojidex.Search.advanced({"rifle", ['weapon'], ['tools']}, result_emoji => {
The basis for emoji searches is search by emoji code. Searches can be performed for codes that contain a term, start with a term, or end with a term. Alternatively, you can serch for tags, or you can combine a code search with tags to restrict search results to emoji containging the term which also have the tags specified. Additionally, searches can be restricted to one or more categories, where results will only be emoji present in the categories specified. In general, more tags specified means a more specific search with fewer results. And, in general, the more categories specified the more generalized the search and therefore more results. When no categories or tags are specified the search will not be restricted to any categories or tags and will return all results for the term specified.
The API endpoint for searches is /search/emoji.
Predicates Predicates are added to the code field to specify the search type, such as "[q][code_cont]" to "query for codes which contain" the specified term.
Predicate | Meaning | Description |
cont | Contains | Contains the search term somewhere in the code. |
sw | Starts With | Code starts with the term. |
ew | Ends With | Code ends with the term. |
Search Fields
Name | Description |
code | Code search. Can use predicates. |
tags[] | An array of tags to search by or to limit results to. |
categories[] | An array of categories to limit the search domain. |
Name | Type | Description |
limit | integer | amount of emoji to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
sort | string | [Pro only] determines the sort order of the emoji returned. |
Sort Types
Sort Code | Effect |
score | (Default) Organizes results with higher scores first. |
unpopular | The opposite of score - results are organized with lowest score first. |
newest | Newer emoji are returned first. |
oldest | Older emoji are returned first. |
liked | emoji favorited by more users are returned first. |
unliked | emoji favoreted by fewer users are returned first. |
shortest | emoji with shorter emoji codes are returned first. |
longest | emoji with longer emoji codes are returned first. |
Return Data
┏emoji[]: an array of emoji
┃┣code: the :code: of the emoji
┃┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┃┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┃┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┃┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┃┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┃┗score: the score of the emoji
┗meta{}: meta data about this collection
┣count: the count of emoji [limit] contained in this response
┣total_count: the total count emoji in this collection available on the server
┗page: the current page of the collection
User emoji
Get emoji for the user "Zero"
curl -X GET
require 'emojidex/service/indexes'
zeros_emoji = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.user_emoji('zero')
Get emoji for the user "絵文字"
curl -X GET絵文字/emoji
require 'emojidex/service/indexes'
emojidex_ja_emoji = Emojidex::Service::Indexes.user_emoji('絵文字')
emojidex.Indexes.user("絵文字", result_emoji => {
Returns a collection
"base":"幻","variants":["幻","幻(白)"],"score":0},{"code":"pink poo","moji":null,
You can get all emoji registered by a specific user.
Some special user accounts exist from which you can get the current UTF
index, emojidex original extended emoji, etc. These accounts are as
- emoji: All UTF/Unicode emoji with English emoji codes
- emojidex: All emojidex original extended emoji with English emoji codes
- 絵文字: UTF/Unicode emoji with Japanese emoji codes
- 絵文字デックス: emojidex original extended emoji with Japanese emoji codes
However, this information can also be obtained from the emoji Seed paths in one call without pagination (see above).
Name | Type | Description |
limit | integer | amount of emoji to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
Return Data
┏emoji[]: an array of emoji
┃┣code: the :code: of the emoji
┃┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┃┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┃┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┃┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┃┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┃┗score: the score of the emoji
┗meta{}: meta data about this collection
┣count: the count of emoji [limit] contained in this response
┣total_count: the total count emoji in this collection available on the server
┗page: the current page of the collection
Get favorites:
curl -X GET -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef
require 'emojidex/service/user'
user =
# Log in/authorize of not already
user.favorites # .favorites will contain favorites
// favorites should be pre-cached on login/initialization
// you can actively obtain favorites from the server
Add an emoji to favorites:
curl -X POST -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef -d emoji_code=zebra
require 'emojidex/service/user'
user =
# Log in/authorize of not already
Remove an emoji from favorites:
curl -X DELETE -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef -d emoji_code=zebra
require 'emojidex/service/user'
user =
# Log in/authorize of not already
Favorites can only be accessed with a token. This resource requires authentication.
Obtaining favorites:
You can obtain favorites by performing a GET on the users/favorites endpoint with a valid
Name | Type | Description |
limit | integer | amount of emoji to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
detailed | bool | returns extra information such as upstream asset checksums[md5] when true |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
200 | an array of user favorites |
401 | {"status":"wrong authentication token"} |
Return Data
┏emoji[]: an array of emoji
┃┣code: the :code: of the emoji
┃┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┃┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┃┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┃┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┃┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┃┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┃┗score: the score of the emoji
┗meta{}: meta data about this collection
┣count: the count of emoji [limit] contained in this response
┣total_count: the total count emoji in this collection available on the server
┗page: the current page of the collection
Adding a Favorite:
You can add an emoji to a users favorites by performing a POST against the users/favorites
endpoint with a valid auth_token and the emoji_code.
When a favorite is successfully added an HTTP return code of 201 with updated emoji information in the message body.
To prevent adding multiple entries of the same emoji an HTTP status of 202 with a JSON string {"status":"emoji already in user favorites"} will be returned. Check either the HTTP stats code or for this string so you don't accidentally duplicate the entry in your data set.
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | the auth token of the user whos favorites you wish to append to |
emoji_code | string | the code of the emoji you wish to append to the users favorites |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
201 | up to date details for the given emoji |
202 | {"status":"emoji already in user favorites"} |
401 | {"status":"wrong authentication token"} |
Return Data
┏code: the :code: of the emoji
┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┗score: the score of the emoji
Removing a Favorite You can remove an emoji from a users favorites by performing a DELETE against the users/favorites endpoint with a valid auth_token and the emoji_code.
When a favorite is successfully removed an HTTP return code of 200 with the emoji information in the body will be returned. You can use this information to cross check your local data and remove the emoji from the data set [though this is really only usefull if you have asyncronous or event driven code].
When a favorite is already remove an HTTP status of 202 with a JSON string {"status":"emoji not in user favorites"} will be returned.
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | the auth token of the user whos favorites you wish to remove from |
emoji_code | string | the code of the emoji you wish to remove from the users favorites |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
201 | up to date details for the given emoji |
202 | {"status":"emoji not in user favorites"} |
401 | {"status":"wrong authentication token"} |
Return Data
┏code: the :code: of the emoji
┣moji: the character code of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣unicode: the unicode ID of the emoji (null when emoji is not a standard character)
┣category: the category the emoji is contained in
┣tags[]: an array of tags the emoji is registered under (an empty array [] if none)
┣link: a URL associated with the emoji (null when no link is registered or active)
┣base: the code of the emoji this emoji is based off of (code of this emoji if not a variant)
┣variants[]: an array of variants of this emoji
┗score: the score of the emoji
Get history:
curl -X GET -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef
require 'emojidex/service/user'
user =
# Log in/authorize of not already
user.history # .history will contain the history array
// history is pre-cached on login/initialization
// you can active obtain history from the server
A successful request will return a history array and meta info.
Add an emoji to history:
curl -X POST -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef -d emoji_code=zebra
require 'emojidex/service/user'
user =
# Log in/authorize of not already
A successful registration will return the updated history entry:
History can only be accessed with a token. This resource requires authentication.
Obtaining history:
You can obtain history by performing a GET on the users/history endpoint with a valid auth_token.
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | the auth token of the user whos history you wish to obtain |
limit | integer | amount of emoji to return per page |
page | integer | page number |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
201 | an array containing emoji codes and times and dates used |
401 | {"status":"wrong authentication token"} |
Return Data
┏history[]: an array containing emoji codes and times and dates used
┃┣emoji_code: the :code: of the emoji
┃┣times_used: the total number of times used by this users
┃┗last_used: the :code: of the emoji
┗meta{}: meta data about the history array
┣count: the count of history items [limit] contained in this response
┣total_count: the total count of entries in this users history
┗page: the current page of history
Adding to history:
Whenever a user uses an emoji you should append to their history by performing a POST on the
users/history endpoint with the auth_token of the user and the emoji_code of the emoji being
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | the auth token of the user whos history you wish to append to |
emoji_code | string | the code of the emoji you wish to append to the users history |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
200 | an updated history entry for only the emoji appended |
401 | {"status":"wrong authentication token"} |
422 | {"status":"invalid emoji code"} |
Return Data
┏emoji_code: the :code: of the emoji
┣times_used: the total number of times used by this users
┗last_used: the :code: of the emoji
Following / Followers
Get a list of the users you are following:
curl -X GET -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef
A successful request will retrun an array of user names:
Add a user to your Following list:
curl -X POST -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef -d username=emojidex
A successful request will retrun the user name for confirmation:
Remove a user from your following list:
curl -X DELETE -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef -d username=emojidex
A successful request will retrun the user name for confirmation:
Get a list of users that are following you (Pro/Premium only):
curl -X GET -d auth_token=1234567890abcdef
A successful request will retrun an array of user names:
By querying the /api/v1/users/following endpoint you can get a list of the user names of the users you are following. If you are a Premium or Pro user you can also access a list of users who are following you.
You can list, add, or remove users you are following.
List of users you are following.
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | user auth token |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
200 | a list of the users you are following |
401 | {"status":"wrong authentication token"} |
Return Data
・following[]: an array of the users you are following (an empty array [] if none)
List of users who are following you (Premium or Pro accounts only).
Name | Type | Description |
auth_token | string | user auth token |
Return Status
HTTP | Message |
200 | a list of the users who are following you |
401 | {"status":"wrong authentication token"} |
402 | {"status":"resource limited to premium/pro users"} |
Return Data
・followers[]: an array of the users who are following you (an empty array [] if none)
Assets [CDN] Address
Asset Formats
All assets come in Frame Animated SVG and Animated PNG. Assets without animation will be regular SVG or PNG. To generate Frame Animated SVG we recommend Phantom SVG. To generate Animated PNG we recommend apngasm.
Asset Access / Layout
Get the 32px PNG image for :blush:
Get the SVG image for :blush:
Assets can be found on the Content Delivery Network under structured directories.
Each emoji asset is composed of the emoji code, with spaces represented as underscores. For example, the emoji code "blush" would have PNG images named "blush.png".
All emoji on can be found under /emoji, with the root /emoji containing SVG
PNG images come in a variety of sizes:
{ ldpi: 13, mdpi: 18, hdpi: 27, xhdpi: 36, xxhdpi: 54, xxxhdpi: 72,
px8: 8, px16: 16, px32: 32, px64: 64, px128: 128, px256: 256, px512: 512,
hanko: 90, seal: 320 }
Each emoji size is squared (wide emoji coming soon!). An emoji in a particular size is always
guarnteed to have the height specified for its size. For example, LDPI emoji are always 13px
display | size | address |
![]() |
ldpi | |
![]() |
mdpi | |
![]() |
hdpi | |
![]() |
xhdpi | |
![]() |
xxhdpi | |
![]() |
xxxhdpi | |
![]() |
px8 | |
![]() |
px16 | |
![]() |
px32 | |
![]() |
px64 | |
![]() |
px128 | |
![]() |
px256 | |
(image too big, click here to see) | px512 | |
![]() |
hanko | |
(image too big, click here to see) | seal | |
In general small text will usually be best with an emoji
size of about ldpi
and web text will be around mdpi
Thicker text readable on handsets will usually be around hdpi
. Android developers will note the
naming conventions coincide with standard asset quality naming conventions; they are in fact
sized to be compatible with Android standard sizing. iOS and other platforms should find this
sizing convention entirely compatible with native sizing guidelines.
non-inline emoji / emoji as Media Assets
Looking at the sizing chart you will notice the "hanko" and "seal" sizes. Hanko「はんこ」(Japanese for "stamp") is a mid-sized asset perfect for "stamping" on images or adding into multimedia and non-text content. It may also be used as a smaller sized asset for messaging clients.
The "seal" size is made specifically for messaging clients and social media feeds to be sent as individual images in timelines or as individual messages. It will perfectly occupy the width of most messaging clients or social media feeds without distortion or any degrade in quality.