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��펞��ɁA�A�����J���O���̐_�o�Ȋw�҃A����H�t���C(Allan H. Frey)���A���̌��ۂ��������A�}�C�N���g���o���ʂ̐����Ɋւ������

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�DR.C. Jones�CS.S. Stevens�Cand M.H. Lurie. J. Acoustic. Soc. Am. 12�C281�C1940
�DH. Burr and A. Mauro. Yale J. Biol and Med 21:455�C1949
�DH. von Gierke. Noise Control�@2�C37�C1956
�DJ. Zwislocki. J. Noise Control 4: 42�C1958�v�����X�g�������B

�uH. Burr and A. Mauro. Yale J. Biol and Med 21:455�C1949�v�Ō�������ƈȉ��̘_�����q�b�g�����B
�f�ڎ��FYale J Biol Med. 1949 Jul; 21(6): 455462.
�^�C�g���FElectrostatic Fields of the Sciatic Nerve in the Frog
�����ҁFH. S. Burr and Alexander Mauro


�uH. von Gierke. Noise Control. 2�C37�C1956�v�Ō�������ƁA

�uR.C. Jones�CS.S. Stevens�Cand M.H. Lurie. J. Acoustic. Soc. Am. 12�C281�C1940�v��1962�N��Frey�_���ň��p���Ă���u���ɓd�ɂ����ẮA���̌����v�_���ł������B





�����ɂ́AIRE�Ƃ����w�p���ɁA���Ǖt�̊w�p�_���Ƃ��Ăł͂Ȃ��AAirborne Instruments Laboratory�Ƃ����������̍L���Ƃ��āA�������̊������������Ƃ��āA�����ꂽ���̂ł���B




Airborne Instruments Laboratory (1956)


Proc. IRE, Vol. 44, p. 2A����





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�ɓ��B�� �u�����H�w���_�v�R���i�� 1955�N�o��


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�^�C�g���FAuditory System Response to Radio Frequency Energy
�����ҁFA. H. Frey
�f�ڎ��FAerospace Medicine 1961 Dec.





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�^�C�g���FHuman auditory system response to�@Modulated electromagnetic energy.
�����ҁFALLAN H Frey
�f�ڎ��FJ. Appl. Physiol. 17(4):689-692. 1962-

The intent of this paper is to bring a new phenomenon to the attention of physiologists.
Using extremely low average power densities of electromagnetic energy, the perception of sounds was induced in normal and deaf humans.

The effect was induced several hundred feet from the antenna the instant the transmitter was turned on, and is a function of carrier frequency and modulation.

Attempts were made to match the sounds induced by electromagnetic energy and acoustic energy.

The closest match occurred when the acoustic amplifier was driven by the RF transmitter's modulator.

Peak power density is a critical factor and, with acoustic noise of approximately 80db, a peak power density of approximately 275mW/cm2 is needed to induce the perception at carrier frequencies of 425 mc and 1,310 mc

The average power density can be at least as low as 400

The evidence for the various possible sites of electromagnetic energy sensor are discussed and locations peripheral to the cochlea are ruled out.

Some difficulty was experienced when the subjects tried to match the RF sound to ordinary audio.
They reported that it was not possible to satisfactorily match the RF sound to a sine wave or white noise.

At one time in our experimentation with deaf subjects, there seemed to be a clear relationship between the ability to hear audio above 5Kc and the ability to hear RF sounds. If a subject could hear above 5Kc, either by bone or air conduction, then he could hear the RF sounds.


In the experimentation reported in this section, the ordinary noise level was 70-90dB (measured with a General Radio Co.
�F Model 1551-B sound-level meter). In order to minimize the RF energy used in the experimentation, subjects wore Flent anti-noise ear stoppers whenever measurements were made.
The Ordinary noise attenuation of the Flents is indicated in Fig. 3.
Although the RF sounds can be heard without the use of Flents, even above an ambient noise level of 90dB, it appears that the ambient noise to some extent "masked" the RF sound.


Table 2 gives the threshold for perception of the RF sounds. It shows fairly clearly that the critical factor in perception of RF sound is the peak power density, rather than the average power density.
The field-strength-measuring instruments used in that experiment did not read high enough to give an accurate reading. The energy from transmitter H was not perceived, even when the peak power density was as high as 25 W/cm2.

As previously noted, the thresholds were obtained in a high ambient noise environment.
This is an unusual situation as compared to obtaining thresholds of regular audio sound.
Our recent experimentation leads us to believe that, if the ambient noise level were not so high, these threshold field strengths would be much lower.

Given as a threshold for the RF sound, a peak power density of 275mW/cm2 is determined in an ambient noise environment of 80dB. Earplugs attenuate the ambient noise to 30dB.
If 1 mW/cm2 is set equal to 0 dB, then 275mW/cm2 is equal to 24dB.
Then, we can reduce the RF energy 50dB to -26dB as we reduce the noise level energy from 50dB to 0dB.
We find that -26dB RF energy is an approximately 3
Thus in an anechoic room, RF sound could theoretically be induced by a peak power density of 3
��w/cm2 measured in free space.




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On the other hand, we have obtained other non-auditory effects and found that the sensitive area for detecting RF sounds is a region over the temporal lobe of the brain.
One can shield, with a 2-in.sq. piece of fly screen, a portion of the strippled area shown in Fig. 6 and completely cut off the RF sound.

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�f�ڎ��GBiological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation Symposium; proceedings�@Sept.1969


Let me note here that I was not the first to publish a report on the perception of sound in a radar field.
Credit should be given to a group of engineers at AIL who published a one-page report on it about thirteen years before my first report.


��Frey�̍ŏ��̘_����1961�N�Ƃ���΁A13�N�O��AIL�_����1948�N�Ɋ��s���ꂽ�Ƃ������ƂɂȂ�BAIL�̘_���̃^�C�g���Ȃǂ́A���L����Ă��Ȃ��BAIL�Ƃ�Airborne Instruments Laboratory�̂��ƂƎv����B��

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�f�ڎ��FIEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech 19(2): 153-164. 1971
�^�C�g���FBiological Function as influenced by low power modulated RF energy.
�����ҁFFrey AH.


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�hHuman Perception of Illumination with Pulsed Ultrahigh-Frequency Electromagnetic Energy"�Ƃ����_�����T�C�G���X�A1973�AVol�@181�A356-358�y�[�W�ɓ��e���Ă���B







Science. 1973 Jul 27;181(4097):356-8.
�^�C�g���FHuman perception of illumination with pulsed ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic energy
�����ҁFFrey AH, Messenger R Jr.

A psychophysical study of the perception of "sound" induced by illumination with pulse-modulated, ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic energy indicated that perception was primarily dependent upon peak power and secondarily dependent upon pulse width.
The average power did not significantly affect perception.
Perceived characteristics of pitch and timbre appeared to be functions of modulation.

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�f�ڎ��FJournal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 1975, Vol. 89, No. 2, 183-188
�^�C�g���FAvoidance by Rats of Illumination with Low Power Nonionizing Electromagnetic Energy
�����ҁFAllan H. Frey and Sondra R. Feld

Rats spent more time in the halves of shuttle boxes that were shielded from illumination by 1.2 GHz microwave energy than in the unshielded.

In Experiment 1, rats avoided the energy when it was presented as 30-micro sec pulses with a pulse repetition rate of 100 pulses per second (pps).
The average power density was about 0.6mW/cm2, and the peak power density was about 200mW/cm2.

In Experiment 2, the energy was presented both continuously and in pulse-modulated form, i.e., 0.5msec exponentially decaying pulses at a rate of 1,000pps.
The average power density of the continuous energy was 2.4mW/cm2, and the average power density of the pulse-modulated energy was 0.2mW/cm2.
The peak power density of the modulated energy was 2.1mW/cm2.

The rats avoided the pulsed energy, but not the continuous energy.
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Science. 1979 Oct 12;206(4415):232-4.
�^�C�g���FHolographic assessment of a hypothesized microwave hearing mechanism
�����ҁFFrey AH, Coren E.

Exposure of the head to pulse-modulated microwaves induces the perception of a sound. It has been hypothesized that the electromagnetic energy is converted to acoustic energy in the skull and then conducted through the bone.
Dynamic time-averaged interferometric holography showed that the predicted motion of head tissue did not occur.
An alternative locus for this hearing effect is suggested.


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�f�ڎ��FEnvironmental Health Perspectives , Volume 06, Number 3, March 1998
�^�C�g���FHeadaches from Cellular Telephones: Are They Real and What Are the Implications?
�����ҁFAllan H. Frey

There have been numerous recent reports of headaches occurring in association with the use of hand-held cellular telephones.

Are these reported headaches real? Are they due to emissions from telephones?

There is reason to believe that the answer is "Yes" to both questions.

There are several lines of evidence to support this conclusion.

First, headaches as a consequence of exposure to low intensity microwaves were reported in the literature 30 years ago.

These were observed during the course of microwave hearing research before there were cellular telephones.

Second, the blood-brain barrier appears to be involved in headaches, and low intensity microwave energy exposure affects the barrier.

Third, the dopamine-opiate systems of the brain appear to be involved in headaches, and low intensity electromagnetic energy exposure affects those systems.

In all three lines of research, the microwave energy used was approximately the same-in frequencies, modulations, and incident energies-as those emitted by present day cellular telephones.

Could the current reports of headaches be the canary in the coal mine, warning of biologically significant effects?

�uit was reported that when people are exposed to very low intensity microwave energy with certain frequency and modulation characteristics, they report that they hear sounds (3,4).�@�l������̎��g���Ɠ���̕ϒ����������’�d�̓}�C�N���g�G�l���M�ɖ\�I�������A�ނ�͉��𕷂�����ƕ񍐂��Ă���B�v




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�f�ڎ��FScience Vol.185 19 July 1974
�^�C�g���FMicrowave Hearing: Evidence for Thermo�]acoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves.
�����ҁFK. R. Foster et al;

When a person
�fs head is illuminated with pulsed micro-wave energy, he can persive �gclick�h in synchrony with the individual microwave pulses.
The pulse must be moderately intense (typically 0.5 to 5.0 watt/cm2 at the surface of the head).
However, they can be sufficiently brief (50 micro-second or less) that the maximum increase in tissue temperature after pulse is very small (less than 10-5 degree C).
This is only unequivocal biological effect of microwave radiation that is not accompanied by or produced by observable tissue heating.



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�f�ڎ��FBrain Research�@Volume 74, Issue 2, 12 July 1974, Pages 201-208
�^�C�g���FAnalysis of central nervous system involvement in the microwave auditory effect
�����ҁFEugene M. Taylor Bonnie. T. Ashleman

Nine cats were prepared for the recording of potentials in 3 brain sites evoked by acoustic and microwave stimuli.
Loci in which potentials were observed were eighth cranial nerve, medial geniculate nucleus and primary auditory cortex.

The effect of cochlear disablement on these potentials was evaluated.
Potentials at all sites were abolished by cochlear damage.

There were no differences between acoustic and microwave stimuli in this regard.
Data are interpreted as supporting the contention that the microwave auditory effect is mediated at the periphery as are the effects of conventional acoustic stimuli.




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EMF Portal�̃T�C�g�Ɉȉ��̌���������B

�f�ڎ�: Ann N Y Acad Sci 1975; 247: 194-218
�^�C�g���FMicrowave-induced acoustic effects in mammalian auditory systems and physical materials.
������: Guy AW, Chou CK, Lin JC, Christensen D




Sommer and Von Gierke

���x��1mW hr/cm2�𒴂��Ȃ�����A�s�[�N�d�����x�𐧌����Ă��Ȃ��B




������Full Text��ǂ�ł݂�ƁA




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2�f. 1975�N��Justesen�̘_�����



�f�ڎ��FAmerican Psychologist 1975 March
�^�C�g���FMicrowaves and Behavior
�����ҁFD. R. Justesen

A. Guy, skilled telegrapher, arranged for his father, a retired railroad' telegrapher, to operate a key, each
�@closure and opening of which resulted in radiation of a pulse of microwave energy.
By directing the radiations at his own head, complex messages via the Continental Morse Code were readily received by Guy.
�̌����ł́A�ނ̕��e�����������ސE�����S���֌W�̓d�M�Z�p�҂�ON�EOff �����d�M�@�L�[�ɍ��킹�ă}�C�N���g�p���X�𔭐M�����B

Sharp and Grove found that appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct "wireless" and "receiverless" communication of speech.

They recorded by voice on tape each of the single-syllable words for digits between 1 and 10.
The electrical sine-wave analogs of each word were then processed so that each time a sine wave crossed zero reference in the negative direction, a brief pulse of microwave energy was triggered.

By radiating themselves with these "voice-modulated" microwaves, Sharp and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the 9 words.

The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with artificial larynxes.

Communication of more complex words and of sentences was not attempted because the averaged densities of energy required to transmit longer messages would approach the current 10 mW/cm2" limit of safe exposure.


The capability of communicating directly with a human being by "receiverless radio" has obvious potentialities both within and without the clinic.
But the hotly debated and unresolved question of how much microwave radiation a human being can safely be exposed to will probably forestall applications within the near future.


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�f�ڎ�: IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 1981; 29 (10): 1114-1117
�^�C�g���FMicrowave pulse-induced acoustic resonances in spherical head models.
������: Olsen RG, Lin JC



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�f�ڎ��F���{�����w� 39(4), 261-265, 1983



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Electromagnetic Aspect of Mind Control: A Scientific Analysis
�����@Vlad N. Binhi
General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Nonetheless, the Air Force Research Laboratory supported the works on microwave hearing that lasted from 1994 to at least 2002.
The work within the SBIR Contract F41624-95-C-9007 was conducted under the title
�gCommunicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect�h and the results of that work are still classified, which is known from the US Air Force response to FOIA request dated 1999.









Awarding Agency: Department of Defense
 SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007
 Title: Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
 Principal Investigator: Mr. Brian Kohn
 Company Name:
�@Science & Engineering Assoc, Inc.
�@Project Period:
 Project Amount: $739,995
 Research Category: Monitoring/Analytical

An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offers a means of low-probability-of-intercept Radio frequency (RF) communications.  

The feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF transmitter. 

Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations.


��SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007�͋@�������H


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�}�C�N���g�q�A�����O�v���ʂł���iFrey 1961; Frey and Messenger 1973; Lin 1978�j�B

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