【ForeverYOUNG THE RED SALE 2013】 ワーナーミュージックが誇る、60年代後半~90年代のロック/ポップスの名盤シリーズForeverYOUNG。 600タイトル以上あるシリーズの中から140タイトルを厳選し、初回生産限定リーズナブル・プライス1枚組\1,380(税込)、2枚組\1,980(税込)で登場。
This is all you really need to own by the Ramones since the remainder of their catalog is merely (albeit brilliant) retreads of these two albums. If you want another one .. consider the vastly underrated Pleasant Dreams.
What you see is what you get..probably the two finest ramones albums on one cd. If you are a ramones nut ..you've already got these probably on vinyl in the attic...the cd...then the excellent repackaged with extras cd...so..i guess maybe this is one for the potential new fan who wants a taster of da brudders in their full glory. VERY minimnal inlay..so nothing really for the trainspotters.. The words cheap and cheerful spring to mind.... hey ho...