これは大変オススメの作品。まるで"シークレット・ストーリー"の最後の曲、"Not to be forgotten(Our final hour)"が終わってから、何年かして再び新たなシークレット・ストーリーを今度はパット一人が始めたようだな。リズム隊がいないだけで、サウンドメイキングが似ている。まるでライルがそこにいてシンセで味付けをしているようでもあり、ギル・ゴールドスタインがアコーディオンを弾いているかのようなサウンド。イマジネイティブで叙情的。とても個人的な感じのする音楽だ。透き通ったサウンドと、ロマンチッックな雰囲気がして、通して聴くとなんて凄い音楽なんだとうなってしまいます。感動的の一言。
Il tema è quasi unico, poche le varianti, molte di meno rispetto a "A map of the world", ma lo stesso Metheny ha spiegato che aveva solo 19 giorni per realizzarlo e un budget ridotto. Tuttavia, esso è talmente bello che lo ascolti per 47 minuti e poi ricominci. E ti resta dentro.
I literally 'stumbled' on this Metheny work and I am so glad I did. Once again, I am quietly amazed at Pat's talents, that really go beyond anything I have ever enjoyed from other musicians. This work gives the listener another look at how broad his range is. The many variations on a theme is classically beautiful and provided me with a range of emotions: all good feelings..some stronger than others. The fact that this work was was produced, composed and performed solely by Pat makes it that much richer. The themes are gorgeous and continue to reverberate long after the music stops playing. Bravo, Pat Metheny!
I'd give it 2 1/2 stars as this just didn't meet the usual edgy or cutting-edge sounds I enjoy from Pat. There are some excellent songs on the CD, don't get me wrong. But there are also a couple that are on the brink of being "sappy"...too orchestrated with an easy-listening sound.
Pat Metheny goes places in this CD that to me, can only be described as my inner sanctum. All I can say is thanks to my Higher Power for the work He does on my soul through Pat.