This document provides a draft code of conduct for participants
in the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF).
The IRTF is not
the IETF. While the two
organisations work closely together, and often co-locate meetings and
other activities, they have different goals and work in different ways.
The IETF is a consensus-driven standards developing organisation,
where participants use their engineering judgement to find the best
solution for the whole Internet, as it stands today, and to develop
technical standards that make the Internet work better. The IRTF, on
the other hand, focuses on longer-term research issues. IRTF work can
be more speculative, and can consider the development of the Internet
without the requirements for consensus or near-term applicability and
ease of deployment that come with standards development.
The differences between this draft IRTF code of conduct and the
IETF guidelines
for conduct reflect those differences in emphasis between the
two organisations.