Most Amazon products can be returned within 30 days of delivery. To ensure there are no restrictions, check with the seller before starting the return process. To return an item:
- Login to your Amazon account
- Click "Returns and Orders" next to the shopping cart in the right-hand corner
- Select the items you would like to return and answer why you are returning them
- Choose your form of refund method
- Select the pick-up or drop-off option
- Print a return label or choose to email the label to a friend
Items shipped between November 1st and December 31st can be returned until January 31st
If you return items purchased using an Amazon coupon code, the value of the code returns to your account for use on another qualifying purchase.
If you can't return an electronic item, game, or textbook, trade it in. Print the shipping label, send and get a quote. Then look for a possible 25% off the replacement.