Community Central
Community Central

Have you ever found yourself reading an article on a Fandom wiki, stumbling upon something that is in need of correction, like a spleling mistkae? You want to make an impact by reporting this mistake to someone who has the power to correct it - so where is the right place to do that?

Advice-beginner-your first steps

Make an impact - start contributing today!

This might sound surprising, but you do not have to report it - with your user account, you have the power to change it yourself directly!

If this is sounding totally wild, don't fear: This is super simple to do. We will go through step by step for each required action, and it's surprisingly few clicks, actually.

If you wonder how this is made possible without the websites constantly being wiped - the MediaWiki software that Fandom wikis are using allows any registered user to edit a lot of articles, for cases such as yours, wanting to correct that pesky spelling error.

So let's do that together now, teaching you how to become part of the Fandom contributor community - the "editors"!

Your contributions help make your favorite wikis better. That's what being a contributor of wikis - an editor - is all about: building something great together, in a shared and open environment, striving to build the best fan source around your favorite fandom out there on the web!