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Create the page "Franckfort/Main" on this wiki!
- Francfort-sur-le-Main; Franckfort/Main; Frankfurt; פרנקפורט; Франкфурт; Frankfurt; Frankfurt; ఫ్రాంక్ఫుర్ట్; Frankfurt; Frankfurt; Frankfurt am Main; Frankfurt...17 KB (1,763 words) - 10:22, 23 February 2022
- / deßgleichen zu= vor nie Getruckt ist / &c. 15 90. Getruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn / in verlegung Sigmund Feyrabendt. Image:Heldenbuch.1590.fol.064v...(1,953 × 2,567 (533 KB)) - 22:50, 24 May 2023
- bibliography of the Paracelsus library of the late E. Schubert, M.D., Frankfurt am Main : also his selection of works on alchemy ( ) Author William Wesley & Son...(1,031 × 1,647 (3.44 MB)) - 03:09, 2 June 2022
- File:California Digital Library (IA lifeadventuresan00oehlrich).pdf (matches file content)OF ANDREW OEHLE1L A WAS iDorn in Alstadt, in the district of Franckfort on the Maine, in Germany, it ( fu-t and independent city, which...(579 × 981 (14.51 MB)) - 03:49, 27 January 2024
- File:The operations of the British and the allied arms, during the campaigns of 1743 and 1744, historically deducted .. (IA operationsofbrit00eyew).pdf (matches file content)it marched to the Place of Rendezvouz — — at Hoechfl upon the Main near Franckfort y it joined the Body of Aufirunu under where A N Marfhals g....(708 × 1,185 (2.82 MB)) - 17:21, 25 December 2020
- bibliography of the Paracelsus library of the late E. Schubert, M.D., Frankfurt-am-Main : also his selection of works on alchemy ( ) Author Schubert, Eduard,...(991 × 1,472 (4.09 MB)) - 02:43, 5 December 2022
- File:Some early treatises on technological chemistry (IA someearlytreatis00ferg).pdf (matches file content)& Gratia Dilmpff zuuerhiiten, ein Priuilegio Imperiali. Zu | I Franckfort am Meyn. Small Svo, fF. M. D. LXX. | | 79 (misprinted 77), and...(770 × 1,254 (10.04 MB)) - 14:01, 21 November 2020
- File:Catalogue raisonné des livres de la bibliothèque de M. Ambroise Firmin Didot - tome premier - livres avec figures sur bois ; solennités ; romans de chevalerie (IA catalogueraisonn01firm).pdf (matches file content)geziert und in Reimen verfaszt durch Bur(chkard) Wald(is). :) Gedruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn durch Wygand Han inn der Schnurgassen zum Krug (sans date, (In...(1,283 × 2,060 (24.12 MB)) - 12:06, 13 February 2024
- File:A description and collation of the series of "De Bry's voyages" - contained in the library of Mr. Henry Huth (IA descriptioncolla00elli).pdf (category Artworks with digital representation of missing same main subject) (matches file content)WUNDERBARLICHE/ dock Warhafftige Erklarvng in Truck gegeben. Gedruckt zu Franckfort am Maynj bey Matthes Becker/ in ver/egung Dieterich de Bry seliger uachgclassene...(731 × 1,127 (3.49 MB)) - 13:13, 26 April 2024
- File:Catalogue of the extraordinary collection of choice and rare works, on the civil and ecclesiastical history, biography, politics, literature (IA catalogueofextra00bang).pdf (matches file content)Coelo, Matth. Meriani, 8vo (illustrated) /‘'/'/WrJ Hw-5*. -2 f / tXr Franckfort, 1624 166 Notes on the State of Virginia, by Thomas SV Jefferson,...(1,129 × 1,802 (9.26 MB)) - 11:19, 13 February 2024
- File:Java government gazette 24-05-1814 (IA ddd 010308764 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Thé two Emperors, and the King of Prussia took up their Head-quarters atFranckfort, about (he 2d or 3d of December and Were issuing their Proclamations &c...(983 × 2,545 (600 KB)) - 20:07, 28 December 2021
- File:Revue d'Alsace (IA bub gb w70PAAAAYAAJ 2).pdf (matches file content)remis, tout mille francs garder chez vous les à vous. C u Rapp. Franckfort, le 2 juin 1810. Je pars de cette ville envoyé par Bethmann mon somme...(385 × 625 (16.99 MB)) - 09:59, 20 November 2022
- File:A tour through France, Flanders, and Germany - in a letter to Robert Savil, Esq (IA b30501507).pdf (matches file content)aver fin g the Ter¬ ritories of Lorain and Alface, in my way to Franckfort on the Main in Germany, I here alter’d my Rout, palling thro’ Flan¬ ders, Brabant...(1,166 × 1,950 (4.81 MB)) - 22:59, 30 June 2023
- File:A family tour through South Holland (microform) - up the Rhine, and across the Netherlands, to Ostend (IA familytourthroug01barr).pdf (matches file content)from London, making the tour of the Provinces of Holland, far as to Franckfort, visit of intention Rhine as the of 1S28, a family party of six...(1,704 × 1,375 (14.91 MB)) - 21:40, 28 June 2023
- File:Journal de La Haye 03-05-1848 (IA ddd 010258592 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)et les impulsions du vizir Mirza-Afassiz. importante, l'assemblée de Franckfort laisse liberté entière aux Si la capitale tombait un instant au pouvoir...(1,983 × 2,881 (2.27 MB)) - 17:16, 25 December 2021
- Franckfort : il vero disegno e ritratto di Franckfort posta nella parte di Franconia, regione d'Alemagna, con i luoghi principali di quella... ( )...(5,760 × 3,996 (3.32 MB)) - 07:14, 28 November 2023
- File:Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors and subjects (Series 2, Volume 19) (IA (matches file content)[etc.]. fol. Franckfort am Mayn, 1610.— Durante da Gualdo (Castor). Hortulus sanitatis, [etc.]. 4°. Ferrera (Gabriel). Svlva Franckfort am Mayn, 1609...(1,118 × 1,720 (81.48 MB)) - 11:50, 12 February 2023
- File:Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843 - Volume 1.djvu (matches file content)was a little startled when I was told that I was to reach Como vid Franckfort; this is something like going to the Line by the North Pole; but I am...(706 × 1,156 (6.96 MB)) - 17:23, 21 April 2022
- 11th and 12th, 1880, nvites subscriptions from New York, Boston, Franckfort-on-the-Main, This advertisement York World ; (or London, Amsterdam and...(775 × 1,302 (1.51 MB)) - 05:09, 17 February 2024
- A'eiu 12th, 1880, nvites subscriptions from New York, Boston, Franckfort-on-the-Main, London, Amsterdam and Berlin, and allows forty-eight hours to hear...(800 × 1,304 (1.58 MB)) - 05:09, 17 February 2024