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File:ECB Hazard Symbol T+.svg

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Original file (SVG file, nominally 173 × 173 pixels, file size: 17 KB)



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Please note: from June 1st 2015, use File:GHS-pictogram-skull.svg


Description ECB Hazard Very Toxic Symbol

Own work based on: Hazard T.svg

Other versions
العربية: مُسبب للتآكل
English: Corrosive
Català: Corrosiu
Čeština: Žíravý
Deutsch: Ätzend
Español: Corrosivo
Français : Corrosif
Italiano: Corrosivo
Nederlands: Bijtend
Polski: Żrący
Português: Corrosivo
Suomi: Syövyttävä
Svenska: Frätande
한국어: 부식성
日本語: 腐食性
Ελληνικά: Διαβρωτικό
Русский: Разъедающее
Latviešu: Kodīgs
العربية: مُتفجِّر
English: Explosive
Català: Explosiu
Čeština: Výbušný
Deutsch: Explosionsgefährlich
Español: Explosivo
Français : Explosif
Italiano: Esplosivo
Nederlands: Explosief
Polski: Wybuchowy
Português: Explosivo
Suomi: Räjähtävä
Svenska: Explosivt
한국어: 폭발성
日本語: 爆発性
Ελληνικά: Εκρηκτικό
Русский: Взрывчатое
Latviešu: Sprādzienbīstams
العربية: قابل للاشتعال
English: Flammable
Català: Inflamable
Čeština: Vysoce hořlavý
Deutsch: Leichtentzündlich
Español: Inflamable
Français : Facilement Inflammable
Italiano: Infiammabile
Nederlands: Ontvlambaar
Polski: Łatwopalny
Português: Inflamável
Suomi: Helposti syttyvä
Svenska: Brandfarligt
한국어: 인화성
日本語: 強い可燃性
Ελληνικά: Εύφλεκτο
Русский: Огнеопасно
Latviešu: Ugunsbīstams
العربية: شديد الاشتعال
English: Highly flammable
Català: Extremadament inflamable
Čeština: Extrémně hořlavý
Deutsch: Hochentzündlich
Español: Altamente inflamable
Français : Extrêmement Inflammable
Italiano: Altamente infiammabile
Nederlands: Licht ontvlambaar
Polski: Skrajnie Łatwopalny
Português: Extremamente inflamável
Suomi: Erittäin helposti syttyvä
Svenska: Mycket brandfarligt
한국어: 극인화성
日本語: 非常に強い可燃性
Ελληνικά: Πολύ εύφλεκτο
Русский: Крайне огнеопасно
Latviešu: Ārkārtīgi ugunsbīstams
العربية: مُلوِّث للطبيعة
English: Nature polluting
Català: Perillós per al medi ambient
Čeština: Nebezpečný pro životní prostředí
Deutsch: Umweltgefährlich
Español: Peligroso para el medio ambiente
Français : Dangereux pour l'environnement
Italiano: Pericoloso per l'ambiente
Nederlands: Vervuilend
Polski: Szkodliwy dla środowiska
Português: Perigoso para o ambiente
Suomi: Ympäristölle vaarallinen
Svenska: Skadligt för miljön
한국어: 수생환경 유해성
日本語: 環境への危険性
Ελληνικά: Ρυπογόνο
Русский: Опасно для окружающей среды
Latviešu: Bīstams apkārtējai videi
العربية: مُؤكسِد
English: Oxidising
Català: Comburent
Čeština: Oxidující
Deutsch: Brandfördernd
Español: Oxidante
Français : Comburant
Italiano: Comburente
Nederlands: Brandbevorderend
Polski: Utleniający
Português: Oxidante
Suomi: Hapettava
Svenska: Oxiderande
한국어: 산화성
日本語: 酸化剤(酸化性)
Ελληνικά: Οξειδωτικό
Русский: Окислитель
Latviešu: Oksidētājs
العربية: سام
English: Toxic
Català: Tòxic
Čeština: Toxický
Deutsch: Giftig
Español: Toxico
Français : Toxique
Italiano: Tossico
Nederlands: Giftig
Polski: Toksyczny
Português: Tóxico
Suomi: Myrkyllinen
Svenska: Giftigt
한국어: 유독성
日本語: 有毒
Ελληνικά: Τοξικό
Русский: Токсично
Latviešu: Indīgs
العربية: شديد السمية
English: Highly toxic
Català: Molt tòxic
Čeština: Vysoce toxický
Deutsch: Sehr giftig
Español: Altamente toxico
Français : Très toxique
Italiano: Altamente tossico
Nederlands: Zeer giftig
Polski: Silnie toksyczny
Português: Extremamente tóxico
Suomi: Erittäin myrkyllinen
Svenska: Mycket giftigt
한국어: 맹독성
日本語: 猛毒
Ελληνικά: Πολύ τοξικό
Русский: Крайне токсично
Latviešu: Ārkārtīgi indīgs
العربية: مؤذٍ
English: Harmful
Català: Nociu
Čeština: Zdraví škodlivý
Deutsch: Gesundheitsschädlich
Español: Nocivo
Français : Nocif
Italiano: Nocivo
Nederlands: Schadelijk
Polski: Szkodliwy
Português: Nocivo
Suomi: Haitallinen
Svenska: Skadligt
한국어: 유해성
日本語: 有害
Ελληνικά: Επιβλαβές
Русский: Вредно
Latviešu: Kaitīgs veselībai
العربية: مُهيِّج
English: Irritant
Català: Irritant
Čeština: Dráždivý
Deutsch: Irritierend
Español: Irritante
Français : Irritant
Italiano: Irritante
Nederlands: Irritant/Irriterend
Polski: Drażniący
Português: Irritante
Suomi: Ärsyttävä
Svenska: Irriterande
한국어: 화나게 하는
日本語: イライラする
Ελληνικά: Ερεθιστικό
Русский: Раздражитель
Latviešu: Kairinātājs
SVG development
The SVG code is valid.
This sign was created with Inkscape.


GNU head

This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See version 2 and version 3 of the GNU General Public License for more details.

Original upload log


This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Hazard T.svg licensed with PD-ineligible
    • 2011-07-21T01:39:07Z Natr 500x500 (20031 Bytes) cleaned
    • 2008-02-22T15:14:22Z Matthias M. 500x500 (20990 Bytes) valid SVG
    • 2008-02-15T18:18:44Z Matthias M. 500x500 (22585 Bytes) cleaned up the file using Inkscape
    • 2006-12-20T21:43:33Z Phrood~commonswiki 500x500 (31111 Bytes) bigger
    • 2006-08-10T22:34:15Z Phrood~commonswiki 106x106 (31123 Bytes) Better image, converted from EPS file at http://forum.cptec.org/index.php?s=29b968d131eb98629a75f8f9284d54aa&showtopic=368 {{PD-ineligible}}
    • 2006-05-25T13:51:09Z MarianSigler 600x600 (14759 Bytes) removed the margin
    • 2006-04-29T22:07:04Z MarianSigler 750x750 (16131 Bytes) * '''Description:''' The hazard symbol for toxic/highly toxic substances according to directive 67/548/EWG by the European Chemicals Bureau. * '''Source:''' Clipart Gallery on [http://www.sodipodi.com/ sodipodi.com], http://w
  • File:T Toxique.png licensed with GPL
    • 2005-01-31T18:16:37Z Pixeltoo 200x200 (15015 Bytes) T --- Toxique --- {{GPL}}

Uploaded with derivativeFX

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current18:51, 30 November 2022Thumbnail for version as of 18:51, 30 November 2022173 × 173 (17 KB)Clemenspool (talk | contribs)reduced file size
21:55, 25 September 2011Thumbnail for version as of 21:55, 25 September 2011173 × 173 (21 KB)LCARS~commonswiki (talk | contribs){{Information |Description=== ECB Hazard Very Toxic Symbol |Source=*File:Hazard_T.svg *File:T_Toxique.png |Date=2011-09-25 21:55 (UTC) |Author=*File:Hazard_T.svg: '''Unknown''' *File:T_Toxique.png: Pixeltoo *deriv

File usage on other wikis
