What is McCLIM?
McCLIM is a FOSS implementation of the Common Lisp Interface Manager specification, a powerful toolkit for writing GUIs in Common Lisp. It is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License.
You can read the McCLIM manual draft PDF HTML, but keep in mind that it is still a work in progress. To reach the developers you may write to the mailing list or join the IRC channel #clim @
- Mature yet modern CLIM II protocol implementation
- Extensible GUI toolkit for applications
- Sophisticated interface manager for Common Lisp
- Portable between various Common Lisp implementations
- Robust solution for creating end-user applications
- A Guided Tour of CLIM, Common Lisp Interface Manager CLIM overview
- mcclim-devel: discussion, help requests and announcements
- #clim @ discussion, help requests and development irc channel on (logs)
- Project's repository: main project repository and the bug tracker
- CLIM II Specification: specification of the protocol implemented by McCLIM
- McCLIM manual draft: McCLIM manual draft (PDF)
- Downloads: various files related to McCLIM.
Some external tutorials for CLIM may be found here:
- CLIM 2 User Guide by Franz Inc.
- CLIM 2 User Guide by LispWorks
- CLIM primer by Jason Kantz
(in-package :common-lisp-user)
(defpackage "APP"
(:use :clim :clim-lisp)
(:export "APP-MAIN"))
(in-package :app)
(define-application-frame superapp ()
(int :interactor :height 400 :width 600))
(default int)))
(defun app-main ()
(run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'superapp)))
Hall of Fame
McCLIM is written by a diverse group of individuals from across the world. Contributors past and present include:
- Nisar Ahmad
- Daniel Barlow
- Gilbert Baumann
- Julien Boninfan
- Alexey Dejneka
- Andrea Demichele
- Clemens Fruhwirth
- Andreas Fuchs
- Robert Goldman
- Cyrus Harmon
- Iban Hatchondo
- Andy Hefner
- Daniel KochmaÅski
- Brian Mastenbrook
- Mike McDonald
- Timothy Moore
- Jan Moringen
- Elias MÃ¥rtenson
- Edena Pixel
- Max-Gerd Retzlaff
- Christophe Rhodes
- Duncan Rose
- Arnaud Rouanet
- Lionel Salabartan
- Alessandro Serra
- Rudi Schlatte
- Brian Spilsbury
- Robert Strandh