More information about this book can be found at
The following is a list of projects that this archive contains. One chapter in the book corresponds to one or more projects.
- chapter 3 validating - project validation
- chapter 4 transforming data - project etl_iBatis
- chapter 5 creating human readable rules - projects dsl, decision_tables, ruleflow
- chapter 6 working with stateful session - project stateful
- chapter 7 complex event processing - project cep
- chapter 8 defining processes with jBPM - project jBPM
- chapter 9 building sample application - project sampleApplication
- chapter 10 testing - project testing
- chapter 11 integrating - project integration
- appendix custom operator - project cep
- other projects:
- project bankingcore - contains banking domain model, reporting model, some service interfaces, some utility classes
- install Eclipse
- install maven
- create new workspace in Eclipse
- set M2_REPO Eclipse variable to point to your local maven repository (for more info see
- extract zip file into the Eclipse workspace (you can do this step outside of Eclipse)
- go to the droolsBookParent project and run
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
- import all (14) projects through File->Import..->General->Existing Projects into Workspace->select root directory->you should see bunch of projects that you can import
- setup is complete, you can start playing with the examples
You can also build all examples and run all tests from command line. Go to the droolsBookParent project and execute:
mvn clean install
The examples were developed and tested with JDK 1.6.0_27, Maven 3.0.4