The Horse Problem
The Horse Problem was an installation of sculptures I made on the occasion of representing Argentina at the 57a Venice Biennial in 2017.
The installation shows a bullet-time frozen scene in which a horse, a woman and a young man are trapped in an infinite causality loop for which fear is the cause and the symptom at once. The horse’s fear of being trapped in the building creates an avalanche of rocks travelling into his direction, the shadows of which form a mirrored image of himself, albeit exploding. The whiteness and smoothness of the material give the scene the quality of an apparition as if the characters and their circumstances existed in a parallel temporality. The audience, as onlookers, complete the narrative.
The point of departure for this image was the hidden presence of the horse’s exploitation in the exhibition space and its materiality: wood, bricks and iron could only have been made and put together by horse-power in the times the Arsenal buildings were built.
Since I was representing Argentina, I also looked into how the country had historically represented itself and focused on a specific painting, The Return of the Indian Raid, by Ángel Della Valle. This was the first artwork commissioned to an artist with the specific purpose of culturally representing Argentina internationally as a nation in 1892. The painting depicts what was understood then as “The Conquest of the Desert,” the violent takeover by the State in the 19th century of land inhabited by indigenous populations. In its time, the painting was intended to convince the international audience that Argentina was a country reliable to invest in and that could easily fit into the then-emerging global capitalism since we, “Argentineans”, had exterminated the original population, labelled as “barbaric”.
I borrowed from the painting those characters who were in a passive role -a white horse and a captive woman- and set them into action, reallocating roles amongst them. By ruling out racism, patriarchy and speciesism, The Horse Problem‘s narrative offers in a flash possible reinterpretations of history, a chance to construct an alternative narrative for our future as a species.
The Horse Problem
Sculptural installation
Marble dust and resin, wall and shadows.
Size of space 500 x 4700 x 1000 cm
Human figures are life-size. Horse and shadows approximately 500 x 600 cm
Argentinean Pavilion, Arsenale, 57a Venice Biennial, Italy, 2017.
The Horse Problem, bilingual catalogue (PDF)
"The horse, the woman, the boy and the rocks", by Paula Fleisner (PDF)
"Una vasta luz animal cruzando la frontera de las sombras" by Aldo Ternavasio (PDF)
The Venice Questionnaires #27 – Claudia Fontes
Art Review, 7 May 2017
US and Latin American Artists at the Biennale
Interview by Associated Press
This Colossal Marble Horse Sculpture Represents the World’s Problems
By Beckett Mufson for Creators Project, 24 May 2017
Claudia Fontes: Arte, historia y naturaleza
María Paula Zacharías, 1 Jan 2017
L’Arte “iper” Viva dei Padiglioni nazionali alla 57ma edizione della Biennale Arte di Venezia.
By Santi Russo for Art Keys, 9 Aug 2017
Claudia Fontes en la Bienal de Venecia: un site specific como zona de transición
Leedor, 27 April 2017
The Venice Biennale 2017: three national participations considering space
Artificialis, May 2017
Venice Biennale 2017 preview: Ten must-see national pavilions
By Pippa Koszerek for A-N, 9 May 2017
Claudia Fontes. Una larga cabalgata hacia Venecia
By Fernando García for La Nación, 23 April 2017
Manos pequeñas para desarmar un monumento
By Matilde Sánchez for Clarín Cultura, 7 May 2017
A Girl Encounters a Giant White Horse Frozen in Mid-Air Within the Venice Biennale’s Argentinian Pavilion
By Christopher Jobson for This is Colossal, 18 May 2017
La Bienal de Venecia, desde la perspectiva de la única representante argentina
Infobae, 12 Nov 2016
Lo global y lo local
By Matilde Sánchez for Clarín cultura, 7 May 2017
Twelve Female Artists to See at the 57th Venice Biennale
By Emily Steer for Elephant Magazine, 10 May 2017
Scenes from the 2017 Venice Biennale
By Alan Taylor for The Atlantic, 15 May 2017
Giant White Horse Leaps Toward a Girl in Amazing Venice Biennale Installation
By Jessica Stewart for My Modern Met, 19 May 2017
La leggerezza della Biennale
By Giulia Siviero for Il Post, 24 May 2017