The map above shows the county level and vote share results of the 2016 US Presidential Election. The darker the blue the more a county went for Hilary Clinton and the darker the red the more the county went for Donald Trump.
This map helps explain why Trump was able to win, despite winning over 2.2. million fewer votes (at the time of writing) than Clinton. Her votes were very concentrated in only a few states whereas Trump’s votes came from a wide enough geographic area to capture the Electoral College.
All blue states: Hawaii and Massachusetts.
All red sates: Alaska, West Virginia, and Oklahoma.
Overall Trump won approximately 2,600 counties to Clinton’s 500, or about 84% of the geographic United States. However, Clinton won 88 of of the 100 largest counties (including Washington D.C.). Without these 100 largest counties she would have lost by 11.5 million votes.
A few more county facts for you from reddit user AnSq:
- The United States contains over 3100 counties and county equivalents.
- Alaska has zero counties. They’re called boroughs, and not all of Alaska is even in one, but is instead part of the large Unorganized Borough.
- Delaware has only three counties, the fewest of any state (with counties).
- Texas has the most counties of any state with 254.
- Loving County, Texas is the least populous county in the US with a population of 82.
- Los Angeles County, California is the most populous county in the US with a population of approximately ten million.
- Thirty-one states have a Washington County, making it the most common county name.
- Louisiana doesn’t have counties either. It’s next-level administrative divisions are called parishes.
- There are 41 “independent cities” in the US that are not part of any county or county-equivalent. Thirty-eight of these are in Virginia. The other three are Baltimore MD, St Louis MO, and Carson City NV.
Want to learn more about the electoral college? Then have a look at the following books:
- Securing Democracy: Why We Have an Electoral College
- We Elect a President: The Story of Our Electoral College
- Presidential Lottery: The Reckless Gamble in Our Electoral System
- Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College (2nd Edition)
For more 2016 election maps see:
- If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate In The 2016 US Presidential Election, It Would Have Won By a Landslide
- Counties That Changed Party In The 2016 US Presidential Election VS 2012
- How Whites Voted In The 2016 US Presidential Election by State & County
- 2016 US Presidential Electoral Map If Only [X] Voted
Find this map interesting? Then please help us by sharing it:
Ray Dubuque says
This whole page is so INFORMATIVE, even for an older American like myself who has spent a life-time getting very well informed on such topics.
Kyle says
The more rural and less exposed to minorities is and immigrants, the more people were swayed by the fear mongering. Those most exposed to diverse peoples in the large cities were swayed the least. It’s as simple as that.
Akhenaten says
I disagree!
It is more about Culture, Rural areas have an established Culture nurtured over the generations.
Cities or Urban areas have a disjointed , Hodge podge Culture, Normally driven by the media or pop culture of the masses.
People like being with their own, Even in the Cities.
The USA or Mainly European Countries are the counties that worry about Diversity and Equality.
The Roman Empire fell due to Diversity.
I have never seen any news articles from Africa or the Middle East Counties worrying about the diversity of their population.
17% of the population should not be telling the other 83% of the population what to do and think.
If Anything ever happened big time, Those City Folks ! Will be looking for some Food from those backward Rural people.
Gender, Race, Etc , Etc that Urban People think is so important , Exist in the Rural areas and more!
All these Ideas will take a back seat to a nice Meal and a safe place.
Amber says
Yes! Spot on.
Andrew King says
It is more about Culture, Rural areas have an established Culture nurtured over the generations.
Nope, when people are sequestered away from the world and all they
know is the local town or county, they fear what they don’t
Cities or Urban areas have a disjointed , Hodge podge Culture, Normally driven by the media or pop culture of the masses.
America is a melting pot of immigrants, which came from all
countries 230 years ago till now. Claiming cities are disjointed and
hodgepodge just shows how backward you are.
People like being with their own, Even in the Cities.
Only racists like being with “their own”, normal people aren’t
bothered by people of different color or nationality.
The USA or Mainly European Countries are the counties that worry about Diversity and Equality.
Not seeing how that is a problem, considering everyone deserves e
equality and diversity is a result of immigration.
The Roman Empire fell due to Diversity.
The Roman Empire fell due to being spread across so many countries
due to rapid expansion, they were unable to control them from that
far and they slowly broke away, becoming their own. You should
actually learn history before you spout nonsense.
I have never seen any news articles from Africa or the Middle East Counties worrying about the diversity of their population.
Going by your above comments, i would guess you live in an echo
chamber and watch news that would not tell you what’s actually
going on in the world. Try the BBC.
17% of the population should not be telling the other 83% of the population what to do and think.
well, la de da…your opinion must be the only valid and important
opinion here. Stop the presses everyone, no more scientific
discovery, no more advances in food production and safety…let’s all
go back to the 1800’s. That is what voting is for, however the
Electoral College has superseded the popular vote, giving us our
current President Hot Mess.
If Anything ever happened big time, Those City Folks ! Will be looking for some Food from those backward Rural people.
I’m city folk and i am ex military, like a lot of city folk, we can survive
just fine without you. good luck harvesting your crops when all your
labor deserts you.
Gender, Race, Etc , Etc that Urban People think is so important , Exist in the Rural areas and more!
But you look down on city folk or people you know are smarter than
you, you fear anything or anyone who is different from you.
(W.A.S.P.) Move out of your state, go somewhere else, go to a big
city for a bit, meet people outside of your hometown. You will
become a better human being for it.
RumRunner1 says
The electoral college did exactly what it was intended to do: prevent a small subset of people from dictating the outcome of our elections. Hillary won by 3 million votes, roughly.
I give you 4 counties in NY – Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and WestChester – which provided her 1.3 million of the 3 million.
I give you 1 county in Illinois – Cook County – which gave her 1.1 million of her 3 million
I give you 1 county in CA – Los Angeles County – which gave her 1.7 million of her 3 million
These 6 counties provided her 4.1 million of the 3 million “popular” vote lead.
So yes, the electoral college exactly what is was intended to do. Isolate anomalies of highly concentrated citizenry and even the playing field for smaller rural areas, so their vote counts as well.
Libertarian Phantasm says
When they said “people like being with their own” they meant as far as ideology goes, not skin color. Who is the shallow ignorant racist here? The only one fear mongering is you. Get off your high horse and perhaps you will realize rural people are not as ignorant as you are lead to believe. Thank god the electoral college exists. Elitist trash like you have a check and balance that prevents you from enslaving everyone you deem unfit to think for themselves. Trump is your Daddy!
James Hufferd says
Sounds like you are not disposed to tolerate others’ points of view, Mr. Military Man show of force! Where ARE you going to get that food, anyway? Where do you get it now? It isn’t made at the grocery store, you know! (Or do you?)
Roger says
@ RumRunner1 “The electoral college did exactly what it was intended to do: prevent a small subset of people from dictating the outcome of our elections.”
Except the exact opposite it true. A small subset of people in a small subset of states dictate the outcome of the election, making most votes in most states worthless.
“These 6 counties provided her 4.1 million of the 3 million “popular” vote lead”
Plus 61 million votes in the rest of the country.
“Isolate anomalies of highly concentrated citizenry and even the playing field for smaller rural areas, so their vote counts as well.”
Except rural votes don’t count in blue states, and urban votes don’t count in red states. Not sure why the population density of the geographic area where a person lives should make their vote count more, less, or not at all.
Michael Wright "Standingbear" says
Sorry Andrew, Fact do matter the fall of the Roman Empire was multi-cultural ism and the break down as the family unit as the core of society. Yes, the empire was spread far but that only exacerbated the break down of the family. To appease captured peoples and lands Rome decided to adopt all forms of religions, rituals and perversions………You my find sir need to study history in detail and not pick and choose facts you deem prudent.
My first major is Ancient History “summa cum laude” with a second degree in Business and I am of Native American decent with emphasis on the American part. I thank you for your service but you sure do not act like a brother of mine.
The points made all boils down to a western common culture we must embrace as it is full of liberties for all. This is why is has been so successful the last 240 plus years regardless of color, beliefs, etc. Our fall has begun just like in Rome and in Ancient Greece by the perversion of the family with blurred lines and attacks on a traditional nuclear unit. Attacks on white males “of all ages”, masculinity, motherhood “such as nursing a baby and stay at home mom’s”, the multitude of feminist waves, how about those equal rights now women who bought into that camp can be as miserable as the men who were in that role. All this while male suicide rate, drug and alcohol addictions and mental health is laughed at by the same groups and media that are at fault for encouraging the fall of our Judeo Christian society where we love all and tolerate those of extreme differences as long as it does not personally affect them.
Let’s end with some truths of where we are spiraling towards. The abyss of Socialistic governance. The same Governance that has murdered more people in the 20th century than all recorded war deaths to date, somewhere between 120,000,000 and 180,000,000 depending on estimated deaths in certain regions of our world……..
Beanstalker says
“The Roman Empire fell due to Diversity”.
Wow. I wonder if Edward Gibbon knows about this. Silly old Gibbon blamed Christianity!
bill says
Bill S says
The electoral college should be one vote per county, not one vote per representative as it is now. Trump won Michigan in 2016 with 73 or 74 counties. In 2020 Trump 177 counties Biden 15 yet somehow winning more counties, Trump still lost the state. I do see a problem here. That’s why the electoral college should be one vote for county.
Bill s says
The electoral college should be one vote per county, not one vote per representative as it is now. Trump won Michigan in 2016 with 73 or 74 counties. In 2020 Trump won 77 counties Biden won 5 counties, yet somehow winning more counties, Trump still lost the state. I do see a problem here. That’s why the electoral college should be one vote for county.
Maria K. Baker says
Have you never considered how unstable and violent things are in both Africa and the Middle East. They are easily 2 of the most dangerous places to visit in the entire world, if not the most dangerous.
Tony says
All the blue counties have a larger population of higher education.
Steve says
Higher education does not equal higher intelligence
Daniel Silva says
Well, I agree with your argument that the rural is no less important. However, although Africa doesn’t discuss diversity, it also does not have great gains in innovation, noticeable low income and is not a hub for financial flow, labor, etc. The Roman empire fell much more due to political fights that weakened the empire in the face of limited expansion and external enemies – it was not diversity.
MAB says
This applies to our 2020 election. I love your comments here. You may not see this because it is so old.
Derek says
I love when a liberal makes a comment about a large group of people he knows nothing about, while beating his chest about “diversity”. Good stuff.
Rob says
I think it has something to do with hand outs and “free stuff” CHICAGO—The nation’s third-largest city ended 2017 with 650 murders.
Dale Alexander says
A rather simplistic explanation for something you have no idea about. I live in one of those rural areas, and I like to think that our moral compass points north. And we don’t fear much here. We have guns.
Damian says
and if you moved to the city you would probably shoot an innocent black person because you “feared” them
CODA says
No, he would probably end up shooting some racist POS that thinks they can take from, disrespect , and violently attack any person that’s not from “Their Hood” or any person that appears different. Look if you were to be incarcerated and the judge allowed you to choose a prison to spend your time in and choice one was a prison filles exclusively people exactly matching your ethnicity or choose one that is complete opposite, you would be a LIAR if you said you would choose anything other than the one you matched up to. It applies to like mindedness as well, Lesbians would choose an all lesbian one, Blacks would choose an all Black one, Rednecks would choose an all Redneck one etc etc etc…..EVERYBODY is predisposed to racism on some level or another. Real talk.
By the way this is posted by a life long recipient of “Intolerance” as I grew up in Newark NJ in the 80s, Brick City, and I am “White” so I know a little about some….
Donal Wood says
Kyle, you’re surely wise enough to read to find out what’s happening in Europe, aren’t you? When I lived in Netherlands during the time she was at “war” with England and France to see who could outdo the other in terms of “fraternal love” for their fellow human kind, the very first thing I noticed, was what is going on in America RIGHT NOW. The Muslims were moving into the offices of government. When I first saw this in Netherlands (Holland), I thought, “This is really not good! WHAT if they model our offices with the same provisions they have in their own countries!”
Now, we know the rest of that story. And with Muslim men taking four wives each, in only a couple of generations absolutely every legal provision and Constitutional matter can be up for a simple vote!
There’s a reason our Constitution is the oldest in the world and why our country was THE most successful, and golden age every previous civilization dreamed of having. Since it wasn’t broken until these radical ideas started being floated, DON’T TRY TO FIX IT!
Tanner says
Kyle, I have to disagree with you. I live in a rural town in New Mexico, and most of the population is Hispanic or Native American. Don’t talk about something if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Many of them are also Republican/Libertarian because our town is a hard working community, and most of us aren’t white collar workers.
Alexander C Durdan says
I would never dismiss a comment made by someone but this is as close as i’ll ever get to dismissing someone. Its rude to the core but more importantly ignorant.
Brian Sanger says
Get a hobby.
Andrew King says
brian sanger get empathy, cretin.
Rocky Dippel says
People who live cities are much more easily controlled. The electoral college does work, when you realize 2500 counties (30.3 states)voted Trump, 500 counties (20 states) voted Clinton, one realizes that the rest of the country doesn’t want to be ran by NYC, L.A., and Chicago. None of those cities appeal to most in the country. Let’s not fix what isn’t broken.
Roger says
“None of those cities appeal to most in the country.”
Except they do, because most of the county votes for Democrats.
Roger says
Brooke says
*sighs* The smallest county in the US has 65 people, but it counts for just the same amount of support using this method as a county with 10 million+ people–Los Angeles county. Which voted Democratic.
The reason red states predominate using this method is because rural voters overwhelmingly vote conservative. If you live in NYC, you can’t take up nearly as much space as someone living in Wyoming.
In fact, according to the US Census, in 2016, half the US population lived in just 143 counties ( Which overwhelmingly voted Democratic. So your 500 counties presumably means the vast majority of the US.
🙂 Anyone reading the comments later, please tell me.
Billy says
No, it really isn’t as simple as not responding to fearmongering. If you really think the only reason to vote Trump is some kind of racism you obviously haven’t learned much. But then the same people who mocked Sarah Palin in 2008 said the only reason not to support Hillary Clinton was sexism. Apparently it’s only sexism when it’s a left-leaning woman on the ticket who loses.
Mason Klingshirn says
Hilarious to me that people are still clinging to the “rural people are racists” montra. Just about any time people swoop in with a “let me tell you what’s REALLY going on” attitude and end their rant with no more substance than basically saying others are just idiots and racists then that’s a pretty strong indicator that like many on the good ol’ internet, someone thinks of himself way too highly. If you can’t see or listen to any other viewpoint without assuming that racism or “1800s fear” (as if you lived then) is the motivation or reasoning behind it then you’re painfully ignorant.
Good luck at your next antifa rally.
A. J. Penny says
Had nothing to do with fear. That’s what the left always say. The left lives by putting fear into all minorities, gays lesbians and transgenders, and women that want abortion right by telling them that the big bad GOP is coming to take their rights away. Big cities nearly always vote Democratic and Rural America votes Republican. People in cities want and need public transportation and many other services that smaller cities don’t want nor need, BUT they are forced to pay for.
Doug says
Funny that thing about abortion rights? Didn’t age well.
Collectivism is Slavery BTW says
Not really. All that has changed is the communo-fascist model that forced those who do not approve, and do not wish to fund from having the violence and extortion of the state used against them. The last ruling has increased human liberty and freedom. The gov’t should never be involved in something so personal. Not to mention the abject lack of ethics in coercing others to financially support it, that’s pure 1920’s Germany right there.
Patriot says
Daniel Euteneier says
That is complete nonsense.
Steph Gray says
No people in the city have City think and they have no understanding of real everyday working Americans who care about our country and work hard and have fun and raise families regardless of their race. Whereas Democrats are all bunched in a bubble and they all think alike and they all believe women are so stupid that they must have abortion because women are so stupid they cannot keep from getting pregnant or practice birth control correctly. Democrats also believe this about people from other countries and other races. The person who wrote that people enroll areas are not exposed to other people are just ignorant people. I live in an extremely conservative county in a capital city. I have cousins who are Persians and also cousins who are half black and white and Persian and of course the white part is 15 different countries alone! (Iran) if you’re running around thinking that you’re being very inclusive and diversified then it seems to me that you’re way too aware of what color other people are instead of who they are.
I really encouraged Democrats to quit being so divisive and so unable to understand that each individual DOES have the ability to succeed without government controlling their life, regardless of what leftist believe about certain groups of people.
Collectivism is Slavery BTW says
The complete and utter lack of self awareness of leftist communo-fascists can never be overstated and is always hilarious to watch. You have ousted yourself as the bigot you truly are which, to be fair, is the ideological heritage of your political affiliation so, nothing new here really. I just don’t get what the left’s wet dream of totalitarian despotism and genocide, (which has occurred 100% of the time when the clinically insane ideologies of the left are implemented) is all about. People like you are so devoid of logic and reason that you actually think the republican’s are conservatives, which is hilarious. They are simply communism light. You are exactly the same as republicans in that you all support the growth of a slave state. Why do you people hate freedom and self-sufficiency so much? It’s insane and bizarre TBH.
Janel Mirendah says
I agree.
I’m unable to find a way to talk with the developer. Maybe will see this? I noticed that the color changes are in increments of 10% starting with 40%. The Republicans have 90% but the Democrats have 80%. Wondering if that is deliberate or a mistake.
Anyone able to help me to connect to person who developed it?
Joe Acampora says
Very interesting to see that most counties that border with Mexico actually didn’t support trump? Does anyone know, was this due mostly to the latino vote?
RightMakesRight says
Anoush & Siroon says
it’s due to lazy ass people who rather have free phones that alarm clocks!
MH says
Most? There are 14 counties that border Mexico. 7 went to Clinton, the other 7 went to Trump.
FR says
You might want to double check. There are 24 counties bordering Mexico. Trump won 8 and lost 16.
DefendAmerica says
It’s La Raza 100% on Texas southern border.
Pancho Rivas says
Actually I count 7 for Trump and 14 for Clinton.
Tara Payne says
Illegals live all along the border. They certainly didn’t vote for Trump.
N Potratz says
Right, because there’s no evidence to suggest that they voted at all.
xxx says
Godiva says
Lol !!! Ummmmhhmmmm !! Illegals can’t vote !! Smdh
Beanstalker says
The true irony is that the only people being prosecuted for voter fraud in recent elections are Republicans.
flowers of fate says
of course. south texas is full of latinos. notice the mississippi delta area also all along the miss. river……they need farm help probably.
Brian Rostron says
A majority of people in those counties are African-Americans. They weren’t voting for Trump.
Ebert Swanson says
Conservative Twins would beg to differ. Get educated.
D.P. Allen says
You got it on the first try. Those counties are primarily Hispanic and have very close ties across the border that immigration enforcement would “inconvenience”.
The funny thing is that many of these same counties want the Border Patrol to protect them from the criminal element that crosses, commits crimes and then runs back south to hide, but whatever dealings they personally have across the border they don’t want interrupted. Candidate Trump had said he would build the wall to keep out ALL illicit traffic. Add the changes he said he wanted to immigration policies that would have eliminated many of the “short cuts” used to bring in family members and they decided to support the “open door” policies of the Democrats. (That is not even considering the illegal alien voting that has been discovered in many areas of the U.S.)
Devildog says
RightMakesRight says
Alaska isn’t all red…. when you click on it, it shows the county level and a lot of blue
Hashtags Я Us says
That blue is ice…
Mad Deranger says
The Natives are restless. That should be a darker blue.
Ebert Swanson says
“Natives” Pfft.
MH says
Most of the blur is at or above the Arctic circle, where the population is not as dense as the red in the south, where the majority of the State’s population resides.
RepublicanMasshole says
That’s why it’s pink, not red
wjabbe says
At a fundamental level all of our so called elections, whether they be to elect persons to offices or pass ballot issues like tax increases, are fraudulent. Here is why: In any voting system there are three possible ways a person may express themselves: Vote for a candidate or ballot issue. Vote against a candidate or ballot issue. Or abstain. The right of abstention is just as fundamental a right as voting for or against. But in our system, abstentions are almost uniformly discarded. Only those votes for or against are counted. This is fundamentally wrong and can lead to minority rule. Here is an extreme example to illustrate the point: Suppose only one registered voter shows up at the polls and votes for a candidate or ballot issue while none show up to vote against. The candidate or ballot issue “passes”! What kind of nonsense is this? Governments love this because all they care about is the convenience of seating a government however unrepresentative it may be of the population. These basic problems with our elections are carefully masked by the way results are presented as with graphs such as those above. For example try to discover the number of registered voters in a jurisdiction so you can compare the number of those voting with the total number of registered voters. You will discover it is not an easy task. Also consider if this procedure were used for judicial bodies. How would you like your local city council making decisions with only one member showing up to do business? Well this is how our corrupt elections are run every time! This is not majority rule, but plurality rule and often minority rule.
Have you ever considered this? Which would you rate as the higher in order of importance, say jay walking or voting? Well, why do we fine the crime of jay walking of the order of hundreds of dollars where there is no fine for not voting? Do you ever observe anyone jay walking? Why is the act of voting voluntary where the acts of say filing a tax return or speeding or violating zoning laws, etc all result in penalties of fines and or jail time or both? Why not stiff penalties for not voting? How about a fine of $10,000 every time you fail to vote? Wouldn’t this get the debt paid down quickly? Obviously those who run government figured all this out long ago in their favor didn’t they? Don’t expect any changes anytime soon. And what about all the non registered voters? What happened to their opinions too?
Matt says
Is it moral to use guns and the threat of death or spending time in a cage to steal from someone? Taxation is theft.
Is it moral for a pirate to demand your money when you’re driving safely? What if he has a costume, a gun, a badge and qualified immunity? You’re were going 1 mph over and signaled 90 feet before turning.
The debt cannot be repaid and never has been intended to be repaid. The currency floating around is a ponzi scheme posing as a debt instrument. Without fractional reserve banking, the whole thing collapses faster than building seven.
Also, do you really want someone that sits around the house watching TV all day to be compelled (with guns) to make official their “opinion?”
Majority rule is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.
ggetaclue says
Brilliant and well expressed. BTW I’m using the “wolves/sheep” thing.
Gravity says
Ben Franklin said it. But is was about lunch and democracies: “Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for lunch. The sheep having a rifle restores the liberty”.
Curtis Densmore says
Wouldn’t minority rule be 2 sheep and a wolf voting on dinner, but the wolf eats them anyway? That’s why we don’t have pure majority rule. We have majority rule with respect for minority rights, hence the Senate having equal representation, the guarantee that each state has at least one rep in the House, and the judicial branch. There are plenty of protections for minorities. Why should the president be elected by an algorithm?
Jaybird says
Why should the president be elected by simple majority?
Layla Adamenge says
The person who does not care enough to vote in an election is basically saying, “I am fine with the choice that the people who care enough to vote decide to choose.”
47% of the voters decided to stay away from the polls, and let the other 53% choose the next administration. Shame on the losers for not generating enough enthusiasm in the lazy 47% to vote for them. Don’t blame the winners, they got the votes where it counted.
In the end it is a situation where HRC got more popular votes but lost the electoral vote, but if you removed LA and NYC from the voting totals then Trump won in a landslide.
As long as the Democrats decide to campaign on the theory that they really won the popular vote and HRC is the rightful president, then they are doomed to fail in the next election cycle.
People need to get a grip on the fact – not theory – that Trump beat the Republican establishment while playing by the rules. Trump beat the Democratic establishment while playing by the rules.
All this smokescreen about the Russian hacking helping Trump – what did it reveal? That Hillary Clinton and the DNC did not play by the rules during Bernie’s Run. Nobody has come out to say that that was false information, fake news, planted propaganda and so on, only that it wasn’t fair that it was leaked to the press. But honestly, should a fair press care where the information came from as long as it was true?
mhughes0379 says
I agree wholeheartedly. Among my first words post-election results was that blame for the outcome rested squarely upon the shoulders of the DNC. They simply ignored voters.
Sanders had so much support from non-partisan voters who bluntly stated that they would NOT vote for Clinton. He had voters who are not normally involved in voting and the political process, and they were excited. I know. I attended rallies, I talked to people, and I campaigned for Bernie. The energy and excitement were almost tangible at times, but as media ranted on about Trump and Clinton, superdelegates ensured Clinton as the DNC poster child, and the DNC continued to ignore voters and the real change –the move away from the same ol’, same ol’– that they wanted, the air in the energy deflated. It became clear that their voices would not be heard, and they abstained from voting as usual.
We see the results. President? Trump. Approval rating heading into inauguration? 40℅ +/-. Congress control? Republican. Voter turnout? 53℅. American mood? Fear and astonishment.
Yep. The responsibility for all of it rests squarely on the shoulders of the DNC. America wanted change one way or another, and they voted it in.
Galtha58 says
It simply blows my mind that anyone would vote for or support a Socialist like Bernie. Nazis were Socialists for crying out loud. The Communist states like Russia and China were or are an extreme version of Socialism. Stealing from the rich to support those that don’t want to work is NOT a good plan for a better country. The only thing that has ever brought up the standard of living in this or any country is controlled Capitalism. But only if that control is not by Socialists.
mhughes0379 says
You do realize that socialism is an economic form, correct? That any type of infrastructure is socialism? Some of the most belief-diverse, equal, ethical, and least corrupt countries in this world are countries with a very socialistic economy, and some of the happiest and physically/mentally people in this world are citizens of those countries. Those countries are known worldwide for their equality and governmental transparency. I’m not going to take the time to post links to support what I’m saying, as if you can’t do your own research and are posting comments like the above, it’s really not worth debating with you.
CapnRusty says
mhughes0379 says
…And there you go. That’s what pretty much all un-studied people do –give an example of a Communist nation. The two are not equal. How about mentioning Sweden? Denmark? Norway? Switzerland? You know, nations that AREN’T Communist governments, where citizens have rights about which, at the present time, Americans can only dream, and where citizens are much, much happier than the majority here in America. Socialistic economies have nothing to do with the Communist government form in Venezuela. Sorry, try again.
René Coffelt says
Socialism only works in high IQ, homogeneous societies
mhughes0379 says
What do high-IQ and homogeneous have to do with anything? I’m interested in hearing more.
Jaybird says
Every time you mention the European utopias that you just have, you don’t mention NATO and the U.S. military (which allows these “utopias” to largely ignore military spending and engage in giveaways to keep the populace happy.
And they still run endless deficits even then.
It’s all great until they can’t swing it by themselves.
They’d never do it without the 800 lb gorilla in the world , the very capitalist U.S.
None of them live in a vacuum.
Steven_Malynn says
mhughes0379 says
Exactly which part is “wrong”? We can debate it if you’d like to do so. Just be prepared to lose. 😉
Steven_Malynn says
Infrastructure is not socialism.
Socialism is gussied up feudalism (the idea that government should control the means of production), except in practice socialism is LESS effective than feudal rule.
The social welfare state is not necessarily socialism- in fact, social welfare will bankrupt any but the richest states.
Jaybird says
I would argue that the act of commerce is so basic to human culture that economics forms culture more than the other way around.
And how much transparency was in effect when the European central banks took trillions of dollars from the U.S. Federal Reserve to prevent cascading financial failures? Not much, I can tell you that.
So I would contest your claim of transparency because fractional central banking is less transparent than any form of banking humanity has ever had and it’s the basis of modern economics. Can you say “gigantic house of cards”?
peteywheats says
Jaybird says
The vast majority of “health care” is eat healthy and stay in shape.
An individual does not need health care insurance to accomplish that.
peteywheats says
Jog that cancer away!
peteywheats says
Leg Torn off in an auto accident? Eat a bran muffin!
Brooke says
The nazis despised socialists, for fuck’s sake. According to the USHMM ( this is Martin Niemoller’s speech “First they came”:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
You see that first paragraph? “First they came for the socialists”? Yeah. If I say I’m a duck, I’m not a duck. If the Nazis say they were socialists, they’re liars. (Really, are you trusting them?)
Also what brought up the standard of living was labor unions, a “welfare state”, raising the minimum wage, etc. Which are all disliked by capitalists. Often the data on capitalism is misrepresenting it– it often seems like it functions by giving a very few people a lot of money, and then using the average (mean) to make it seem like it’s shared equally. Also science and education, but those are, I hope, nonpartisan.
PS: Reagan’s reforms were capitalist, and these reforms failed.
CapnRusty says
It is astonishing to me that anyone who could read a newspaper, and follow the utter economic annihilation of Venezuela, which sits atop the largest oil reserves in the Western Hemisphere, as a direct result of Socialism, that any person reading those facts could possibly vote for Mr Sanders.
mhughes0379 says
Wow. You really have no idea about that which you’re speaking, do you? Research, dude. Your way of thinking is how we get guys like Trump running the country. We are currently the laughing stock of the world.
stephen e. hansen says
Honor the greatness of Trump!!!!
mhughes0379 says
Yes. Let us honor the man who has broken the record for highest disapproval rating during his first term. Something most definitely caused that, but “greatness” may be a stretch.
Oh, I know what it is …”fake news”! 🙂
Jaybird says
Plenty of excitement in the Trump rallies as well.
Hillary was the “elephant” in the room, the one voters loved to hate.
CapnRusty says
Layla: In addition, it seems that most of the first time voters are liberals, or at least, Democrats. As they leave home and head for a career someplace, they are not going to Wichita, KS, or Mobridge, SD or some other flyover country town. Nope. They’re head for the bright ights and “Progressive” cities that the press says are the best. Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, etc.
So in the 2020 election, with all its new liberal voters, California will go democrat by an even larger margin . . . and still have only 55 electoral votes. The hurculean task facing the Democrats is to gain votes in flyover country. But the mass meltdowns, hissy fits, and melting snowflakes, not to mention the “Not My President” signs, and celebrities calling for torching the White House will drive all the rational people in the other 47 states to go even more strongly for Trump. Unless the Democrats can control their repulsive mob, they won’t be in power anyplace for several decades.
And that, children, is called Justice.
MAB says
In light of the lefts’ shenanigans … your comment in semi-sane 2017 is interesting.
Hopeandchange2.0 says
Looks like the Clintons and the DNC didn’t play by the rules in many other ways, too.
Jaybird says
In your example, 1 voter passing something is 100%.
Bad example.
But your point of considering “abstainers” is a good one.
The only way to really make it count is if the abstainers mark “Abstain”.
If the individual doesn’t get up and vote, their vote cannot be counted.
C says
Steve Barison says
Wow, I never realized Alaska comprises one gigantic county!
elgavilansegoviano says
……..Map shows the 20-30 Million Illegal Alien voters that help the Lying, Crooked, Criminal win the “Popular” vote!!,……..
eboe thrasher says
You are well and truly fucked in your head.
elgavilansegoviano says
…….Hey Jelly Brain!,…Better get your head out of your ass, and see the light!!,….spending to much time in the darkness!!,….Besides, don’t you think you should get a fresh breath of air!!….haven’t you had had enough of your own stench!!??,……
democrats ARE racist IDIOTS says
at least we all agree that liberals are phukin pieces of sh*t
nimbii says
Can I get this map printed on a poster suitable for framing???
nimbii says
How can I get a poster sized copy of this map?
ThaEff says
FR says
This map gives the wrong impression…see here ( ) what happens when adjusting for population or voter density.
Steven_Malynn says
Lets see, adjusting geographic reality to fit your abstract preferences. Science!
Curtis Densmore says
They are suggesting adjusting the way a map is drawn to more accurately reflect reality. It’s not very abstract. Since Hillary won more votes, wouldn’t an accurate map of the results be mostly blue?
Steven_Malynn says
The map accurately depicts county by county election results, which accurately depicts the electoral college results.
Morphing actual geographic depiction to depict population density has zero relevance to the electoral college results.
Curtis Densmore says
I’d say that the victory margins of each county have zero relevance. The only number that matters for determining the winner is the total number for each state. I find it odd that you consider the raw data morphed. The data must be morphed to create this map and to determine the winner.
Steven_Malynn says
Does a map depict geography or not?
mhughes0379 says
That’s the point. A map shows geography, nothing more and nothing less. It doesn’t tell anything in depth, and it most certainly doesn’t tell the whole story.
Those of us who seek truth rather than ways to support our subjective opinions look further than black and white.
Steven_Malynn says
Other than making you feel better, what use is the map that bears no relation to actual geography?
mhughes0379 says
Man, there’s clearly no need to continue this dialogue. I think anything further from me is going to come across as condescending, and I don’t want to do that. I’m a bit baffled at the moment.
Steven_Malynn says
I think you passed “condescension” with “those of us who seek truth”. You still avoid answering, I have no clue what value a map that does not depict geography has.
Jaybird says
If California was simply neutral, Trump wins the popular vote easily.
You really want the most populace state to decide everything?
I take you live in California.
devan95 says
2.2 million fewer votes: however, if you remove just 2 cities, L.A. And N.Y., Trump wins the popular vote by 500,000. Do you want presidents elected by 2 far left…or far right, cities? No, that’s why the electoral method is pure genius.
Poppycock says
so you just stripped the right to vote for millions of people un-constitutionally, and you think it proves a point. it does, just not the one you think it does.
Pomona Pete says
hogwash! wash your hog in poppycock!
Douglas Self says
It doesn’t matter. Read Article Two, which describes the Executive Branch…what does it lead off WITH? “The STATES shall elect the President…”. If anything,the Electoral College is virtually a concession to the original “Virginia Plan”, which would have apportioned electors the same as the House of Representatives. The alternate “New Jersey” plan was one state, ONE vote…so the E.C. is a compromise of them both, but heavily favored towards the populous states, except…if the E.C. cannot elect the President, then the election goes into the House of Representatives, in which each state delegation has ONE vote. And yes, it’s possible for a state’s delegation to deadlock if the number of reps is even. And despite FOUR Amendments to the process of electing the President, there is still NO law that mandates that a state conduct a popular election for POTUS at all!
This is why all the whining about “popular vote” is just that…WHINING. There are defects, and I’d like to see all states use the “Congressional District” method, with the plural winner taking the two E.C. votes due to the Senate, as Nebraska and Maine do, and not the current (plural) ‘winner take all’, which renders the race in a state that’s overwhelmingly ‘blue’ or ‘red’ meaningless. For example, almost as many in Florida voted as did California, with TWICE the voting population! The difference…FL was well-contested, whereas even with all the voter fraud, California was still solidly Democrat.
peg_c the Deplorable ✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says
First, we are not a democracy. We are a democratic republic. Read and learn. Second, there were likely >10 million illegal, fraudulent, and dead votes cast for Crooked. There is a WH commission now studying the data and all will be revealed eventually. You will find out just how hated and bought the Hildebeast really was. There was in fact a Trump landslide!
MJAC says
1,000 LEGAL up votes for you.
. .
1,000 months at hard labor for the secretaries of state who refuse to allow a thorough audit of voting fraud in their respective states.
peg_c the Deplorable ✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says
That’s 83 years of hard labor. LOL! But I like it.
Brian Bernardo says
Lastly, The United States is actually a Constitutional Republic. Dial back your read and learned condescension. You assert an incorrect statement which highlights a glaring misunderstanding of the government of the United States, only to followup with “likely” and “all will be revealed” and “you will find out.” You add no hard evidence or data to support your theories on what is “likely.”. Given the lengths this administration has gone to in order to not be accountable for anything, it is likely that what was there to find out would have already been revealed.
KrK says
The story of millions of illegal votes is thoroughly debunked…. even Trump’s B.S. commission can’t find evidence of it.
peg_c the Deplorable ✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ says
Some of it has already been PROVEN and admitted! There will be more. Kris Kobach is conducting a thorough study. This takes time and furthermore whole states (California, full of almost nothing BUT illegals now) that refuse to cooperate. BUT THEY WILL.
Jaybird says
That’s not how presidents are elected.
That was and is the point.
And to an earlier point…
No, I don’t want a large population in one or two cities deciding for the entire country. The E.C. prevents that and it is in the Constitution, Mr. Constitutional Republic (you just sank your own argument).
Steve says
The democrat mantra is vote early and often and don’t forget to bring your dead to vote also.
SMH-trying-2-figure-it-out says
How’s that going for you now?
Wouldn’t Barr have found them and convicted or even brought suit?
Why does no one talk about the out-sized influence of independent candidates that swung the election in 2016? Talk about votes that don’t matter…they didn’t choose a winner and no one even regards their votes or opinions at all.
Hopefully you can respond and aren’t dead from covid.
John Ford says
Take away the dead people voting, the illegal immigrant vote, and the scum that voted 10 times being bused around with DNC money and trump won by 3-4 million.
Douglas Self says
However, it seems that most of this effort was wasted in the states where they had a landslide anyway. This is why I think we’re fortunate that Gore lost in 2000 and HRC in 2016…would YOU have confidence in someone who can’t win a rigged election?
Pepe the Frog says
You’re a paranoid nut job, John.
Poppycock says
How about an electoral map that properly shows population instead of largely-empty land?
Edward Smith says
“liberal Country?” Yea right.
Curtis Densmore says
Congress should vote on laws like the electoral college. After the votes are tallied, the votes would be modified to make the members within each state vote unanimously. That makes sense, right? If people live more closely together, their voting power should be diminished. People who live further apart should have more power in the election. After all, they have more power in the House and much more power in the Senate.
Just to be clear, the above paragraph was sarcastic. If you think the founding fathers envisioned this system and they were perfect, you’re wrong on both accounts. The original vision for picking the president was not to make all the votes from a particular state unanimous. That’s not the point. The point was for the people to elect electors, who then used their brains to pick a president. It was to keep the uneducated masses from picking the president.
Imagine the bloodbath if a Democrat were president and had lost by millions of votes.
Curtis Densmore says
While this is an interesting map, it is misleading in a few ways, which is why it’s Trump’s favorite map. It seems that every decision made by the mapmaker was to emphasize rural areas. Maps, just like stats and charts, can be used to tell an honest story or a biased one. My whining isn’t partisan, I just like the truth.
1) The color of each county indicates the margin of victory, not the number of votes. Therefore, inconsequential areas have a disproportionate effect on the look of the map.
2) The importance of states is diminished. If you’re going to argue that the popular vote doesn’t matter and it’s all about the states, what really doesn’t matter are the counties. A state-by-state map is much less red than this one.
3) Borders. Many blue counties have a small area and a border makes them even smaller. Would you have any idea from this map that there are more Hillary voters in Manhattan than there are residents of Wyoming? You can’t even see Manhattan, while Wyoming is a big red blob.
Jaybird says
See those gigantic blue areas in southern Cal interior?
Not many people living there, either.
Derry Eynon says
I think the point is to show the geographical distribution, not the numeric distribution of voter sentiment. Generally, the less populated an area, the greater the need for self-reliance. That often affects voting behavior.
schizoidman says
There are 2 states that are not winner take all electoral college votes, Nebraska and Maine. The electoral college votes should be set up such that 2 are winner take all within the state (represents the senate) and the rest should be winner for each district within the state (represents the house of representatives).
This would make every vote count for much more. For example, my state has voted for the same party for president every time with just 1 exception since FDR. If most of the electoral votes were decided by congressional district instead of by state, you might get a few districts that vote the other way. Why should I bother to vote for president if I know the way my state is going to go? But within my specific congressional district the other party’s candidate may be able to win. Trump would not have gotten all of the Texas or Florida votes. Clinton would not have gotten all of the California or New York votes. Almost every state becomes a “battleground” state, not just Florida and Ohio and a few others.
mhughes0379 says
I would agree with much of what you said; it makes sense in many ways. It is certainly more logical than the current electoral college setup which, in my opinion, is well outdated.
I would add that Superdelegates need to go as well. To me, that breeds corruption.
Whirled Peas says
I love to compare this map to pictures of the night sky taken from space. It shows that the blue votes are where most of the people live.
armchair naturalist says
It’s basically a population map. Well educated people live in populous areas. Hmmm
Whirled Peas says
Also… more PEOPLE (in general) live in populous areas. Donald Trump won the counties that have few people, yet he still gets to color them red. His map is a very misleading graphic.
Jaybird says
What’s not misleading is that the overall vote count was quite close, but the vast majority of the country wanted Trump.
The president should be the president for the ENTIRE U.S., not just the president of the biggest cities, don’t you think? That’s just obviously the fair thing to abide by.
Whirled Peas says
How is having 3 million LESS votes …the same things as “the vast majority wanted Trump”?
And I would turn your question around and ask “shouldn’t the president be for the ENTIRE US, and not just the president of the rural or less populated areas?”
I think that would be fair too. But obviously, Trump only cares about playing to his base.
Jaybird says
And Obama wasn’t the same way?
You’re talking in circles
mhughes0379 says
The vast majority of the country is rural, having very little experience of the world outside of their little area. The experience that the majority –not all, mind you, but the majority– of rural Americans have with the rest of the world is limited to vacations, military sevice/war, or small trips to “the city.” I’m sorry, but living in a box isn’t conducive to understanding of the world around you.
According to the exit polls, the largest demographics who voted for Trump were elderly (many still wishing for a return to the grand days of yesteryear), the religeous (basing lives and decisions on something without any evidence or statistical proof), and the uneducated. Oh, and white men. After 12-1/2 months of Trump presidency, we see the effects, and his approval ratings –Republicans included– tell the story that couldn’t be foreseen by homogeonicity, religion, and lack of education and experience.
When you add in diversity, logic, and education, the sum parts equal the majority of America with experience outside of rural America.
Yes, that explains why so many counties went to Trump (well, that and the “Hillary factor”). There is hope for us, the majority, however, because “the times, they are a changin’.”
Boo Boo says
You should look at another map. The IQ map of the country, and you’ll find that California and New York, your liberal bastions, have the lowest IQ in the country. You know why? Fucking third world illegal immigration. Get over yourself.
First_Blood says
We win again in 2020 boys and girls. Get ready to meme and campaign. Smash antifa brown coat savages. Rust Belt we’re counting on you again.
Whirled Peas says
Smash the anti-fascists? Is that a good goal? When has fascism been welcome in America?
How about we smash destroyers of democracy?
vladdy says
We’ll be there with bells on. And don’t forget the states – 36 out of 50 now. But we have to primary the RINO’s. They’re embarassing the way they jump to be sure people know they’re PC- – still haven’t realized most of us don’t WANT PC. MAGA for all.
camroc says
Let’s see if you can win the mid-terms first. Okay?
nimbii says
Can we get this as a large wall map?
vladdy says
Just to a search engine and put in something like “order 2016 county election map,” and lots of places will come up.
nimbii says
Thanks, just ordered one from Amazon.
libra8a . says
This map is precisely why we use the electoral college and not popular vote.
Allie says
The reason that so many people didn’t vote is because they figured there’d be no way in hell that Trump would even be close, so they stayed home. If there was a way to turn back time, knowing what we now know, all those who originally stayed home would get off their asses to vote so Trump would lose in a landslide. This re-vote will come to fruition though… in 2018.. and especially in 2020 if the POS POTUS is running again.** ** That’s if a Trump instigated nuclear war doesn’t kill us all prior to the 2018 election.
vladdy says
You must be a city dweller. Here in the Heartland, people were extremely excited to vote for Trump. Nothing would have kept them from the polls that day. And we knew, regardless of the heavily-weighted polls, that we had a winner. Innumerable Dems crossed over to vote, because he’s not an establishment anything — if anybody was ever a true maverick and a man of his own, it is DT. He wouldn’t have “lost in a landslide” in anywhere but the urban areas.
So maybe people in your area stayed home — I don’t know — but not across the country. Looking good so far for 2018 and 2020. We’re exporting energy to other countries, instead of buying it, because we have so much now. And hey, no reason to call him a POS just because your girl didn’t win. That’s politics — try again next time. As for the nuclear war, everybody who knows anything about the military knows the value of tough talk. N. Korea backed down, we just commissioned the largest, most technically-advanced aircraft carrier in the world, military morale is way up.
It’s good for everybody, cities, too, when the unemployment rate is down, businesses are hiring again, and folks with retirement plans see the stock market breaking records. No Paris accords, no TPP, renegotiating NAFA — these are good days, and they’ll only get better. Join us!
SMH-trying-2-figure-it-out says
Impressed with your response. I have spent countless hours looking for someone to talk really straight on this topic.
I didn’t agree then and I still don’t that those moves he made would be good for the U.S. long-term, and the jury is still out, esp. with the recent asian agreement.
Agree on the nuclear war thing, but still not sure just how far that’s going to go since nothing has really seemed to change…still testing going on I believe.
Also agree that people wanted change and believe that the other gigantic indicator for that was how the independent candidates swung the election.
I knew a few fights needed to be picked and did think that he’d pick them.
He rode the Obama economy for 3 years but also spent 3 years poking holes in it. Those holes finally weakened the structure so the pillar of pandemic readiness toppled first and took other pillars down with it. Throwing money at a problem is the easiest way to solve things, and I’m now convinced it’s the only way he knows, but in the meantime he pilfered the stockpiles of PPE while people died and provided paths for the rich to get richer on the govt dime with no-payback “loans.”
So, I am sorry that this ended up happening this way. I’d have rather had 8 years than almost 250,000 dead and certainly more to come.
What he’s doing between now and the inauguration will give us a clue as to what the 4 years would have been and he’s not listening to his advisors and world leaders in a way that we’ve not seen to this point. I’m not sure how you feel about that because no one person is that much smarter than dozens of people.
nimbii says
Can I order a poster sized county-by-county election map for 2016?
Peppie Eppo says
The best President for the USA and the World Trump (y)
Peppie Eppo says
The best President for the USA and the World Trump
klyph says
Iv lived in Cali all my life . Worked in the construction industry in th SF Bay Area . I was a part of staff for a union demolition co. where our Gen Superintendent was in fact an illegal . All 23 of our foremen except one were illegal , brought in from Jalisco Mexico . We hired up to 80 union employees a day for field ops . Most were illegal . I asked the Gen Supt how this was possible and he told me at the time(2004) it cost’s $ 2600 to “paper” them up and make them fake citizens . (I understand now it costs considerably more) These guys were buying homes and driving 4×4 f250’s . They had wives and 5 kids , 3-4 mistresses all pregnant with multiple children , all paid for by citizen taxes . The union does not vet their applicants as long as they have “papers” . Many of these illegal citizens voted . With the advent of people being more politically passionate many more illegal citizens voted in this last election . The California government overlooks the illegals coming over the boarder and in fact assists them to build a new democrat base . Take away just the illegal voters in Cali and Trump won the popular vote too . Later after i left the company i learned these Mexican illegals were running a large drug operation out of the company . I understood they were running cocaine and meth . I suspected it but got confirmation later after leaving the Co . By the way i was asked by the owner to find missing equipment when hired and 2 yrs into my tenure i found a Bobcat tractor in the garage of one of 3 houses the Superintendent owned . When i reported it to the owner of the Co. he said he had to let me go because he couldn’t run his Co. without his illegal Gen Supt. “Jose” ran his men like a Mafia boss and in fact was .
N Potratz says
It must be fun to have such a wild imagination that you can construct these stories. The hyperbolic blanket statements aren’t helping with your credibility.
Also, if you had evidence that they were illegal and dealing drugs, why didn’t you report it? My guess is that you didn’t have evidence and none of this was true. You just assumed that Hispanics must be illegal immigrants and invented the rest.
Collectivism is Slavery BTW says
You have no basis to assume he’s lying. This kind of activity is common in socialist/communo-fascist left wing countries due to the central planning destroying the economy. My, my how the ignorant can’t handle the truth of the world.
N Potratz says
Why is there np key for this map? We’re missing out on a lot of information if we don’t even know the difference in percentages between a light red and dark red (or dark blue and light blue) county.
Beau Nucklos says
We would also like to state that most of those who find themselves without having health insurance are normally students, self-employed and people who are out of work. More than half with the uninsured are under the age of Thirty-five. They do not feel they are needing health insurance because they are young and also healthy. Its income is frequently spent on real estate, food, and entertainment. Lots of people that do work either 100 or part-time are not made available insurance via their work so they move without with the rising cost of health insurance in the United States. Thanks for the tips you discuss through this blog.
Joel Heath says
You seem to be confused and assume that the United States is a Democracy. According to numerous sources, Constitution article 4 states “The United States of America shall guarantee to every state in the union a Republican form of Government.” Or a Republic. Do you know the difference between a Democracy and a Republic?
Jace Maples says
Dear god, I just read everything here and now I want to frickin cut people’s heads off, honestly frick left frick right, let’s just throw away twitter and get decent facts, fact yes rural areas tend to vote red, yes urban areas tend to vote blue, it has little to nothing to do with supremacy or minority that’s just the way it has been for years and years, parents teach there kids there political beliefs and they teach there kids, on and on, there is no racism in the polls, nor voter fraud, we all need to stop being babies and move on