I’m at YAPC Asia this year working as a volunteer. It’s interesting mingling with the Perl folk especially since I’m not a Perl person but am curious to know more about the Perl community.
Anyways here are my scribbling notes that I’ve taken
- This is the nickname for Perl’s RejectConf
- Should bother to look up why it’s called that
scaffoldなんてもう古い、HTMLからコードを自動生成するページ駆動開発とは – ひがやすをさん
- I missed most of this talk
- Seems to be like Amrita for Ruby but for Java?
- Not so interesting for me so maybe lucky I did miss out most of this
liftで日本で10本の指にはいる方法(what’s lift) – Yoshiori
- Talks about the Lift Web Framework (for Scala)
- Pretty humorous intro to Scala and Lift
- Goes through a Rails-like demo in getting started
- Getting started seems to require svn, maven, java 1.5
- That’s one big ugly maven command you have to run to get bootstrapped… this due to it being in development?
- It’s mostly just ‘read the code and examples’ if you want learn at this state
トランプ・スキャナβ(playing card scanner beta) – kuboon
- This one was very cool
- kuboon was also the MC for SoozyConf
- Geek Magician or Magician Geek
- Wifi-enabled scanning device? (Looked like a mouse pad to me…)
- Either way some really interesting twists on card tricks with that ‘playing card scanner’
- Fingerprinting identification used in a very amusing way
Nanto素敵な平城京(Nanto, yet another waf) – tokuhirom
- Write your own web framework in 3 hours
- Got lost in the details… sorry
HTTP::Engine Yappo
- This is sort of like Ruby’s Rack framework but for Perl
- From code examples, the simple seemed simple. (But so is Webrick)
- Doesn’t have a plugin architecture it seems
- I got lost seeing these application stacks…
Rubyへの愛憎(Tusndere at Ruby) – gunyaraway
- I thought this was going to be about Ruby
- Was a very amusing music video with some jamming pachinko techno to all the things that could drive you nuts about Perl
- The idea of Perl aggravations to a dance beat sounds very amusing and probably easier in remembering those gotchas
Paul Bakaus (pbakaus) – The inner works of jQuery
- Was really excited to listen to this
- My Javascript suckiness caught up to me and I was mostly lost after the first few slides
- Need to do more JavaScript hacking to see what was interesting about what I saw
- Showed off helpers, custom events, namespaced events and why these are helpful
- The helpers are actually things used in jQuery core itself
Faiz Kazi (fuzz) – The Little Javascripter: Higher-Order Javascript
- Title sounded cool and I wanted to like this but… the content was not as interesting for me
- Lots of talk about Lisp and Scheme. That’s fine but I knew most of what he was talking about, unfortunately so I spaced out around here
- Pointed out Douglas Crockford wrote The Little JavaScripter which is a JS version of the Little Schemer
- Had some examples showing how to insert into different parts of a list in Lisp and the JS equivalents
- Mentioned Higher Order Perl
- Most interesting comparison was Common Lisp is to Perl as Scheme is to Javascript
- Ran out of time at this point and it started getting interesting at this point… d’oh
Futoshi Koresawa (SaK) – Devel::DFire
- Name confounded me
- A Dtrace wrapper for Perl… neato
- Seemed easy to wrap around a web framework and help profile
- He also mentioned Devel::DTrace and mod_dtrace (grrr competing implementations???)
Just found a link to Ero Geek Conference on the Soozy website. Neato. Also there were a lot more females than I expected at this SoozyConf/RejectConf/Perl Conference. Guess that’s just a sign of Perl being more mainstream than Ruby!