����@�����ܥ�����ܡ��ץ�����ޡ����֥���: codepad - �֥饦����Ǹ�����Խ����¹�codepad.org�ϡ��֥饦����Υե����फ��Ƽ�ץ�����ߥ󥰸���Υ����������ɤ��Ǥ�����ǡ����˿��Ť�����ɽ�������ꡢ�ʤ�ȼ¹Ԥ��Ʒ�̤�ɽ�������뤳�Ȥ��Ǥ���Ȥ��������֥����ȡ�
http://codepad.org/cgV42TL9$\="\n";print $_%15?$_%5?$_%3?$_:Fizz:Buzz:FizzBuzz for(1..100)
http://codepad.org/X0f9WMME1 while 1;
http://codepad.org/QPE1eJqzprint $]
http://codepad.org/WO6dP9Tduse Encode; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; print decode('eucjp', "\xbe\xae\xbb\xf4\xc3\xc6");
about - codepadHow it works
Code execution is handled by a supervisor based on geordi. The strategy is to run everything under ptrace, with many system calls disallowed or ignored. Compilers and final executables are both executed in a chroot jail, with strict resource limits. The supervisor is written in Haskell.
http://codepad.org/n3gvmdhEsub tree { my ( $dir, $depth ) = @_; opendir my $dh => $dir or return; for my $f ( sort grep !/^\.\.?/, readdir($dh) ) { my $path = "$dir/$f"; my $d = -d $path ? '/' : ''; print " " x $depth, $f, $d, "\n"; tree( $path, $depth + 1 ) if $d; } } tree(".");
lib/ ld-linux.so.2 libc.so.6 libcrypt.so.1 libdl.so.2 libm.so.6 libnsl.so.1 libutil.so.1 lock t.pl usr/ bin/ perl ....
Dan the Sandboxed