Showing posts with label ruby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ruby. Show all posts

Saturday, June 2, 2018

H2O version 2.3.0-beta1 released, improvements presented at Rubykaigi 2018

Today, I am happy to announce the release of H2O version 2.3.0-beta1.

Version 2.3 is going to be the largest release in the history of H2O. Beta-1 already includes more than 50 changes contributed by more than 10 developers.

Improvements include:
  • more powerful mruby handler with Rack and Rack middleware support
  • load balancing in the reverse proxy handler (#1277, #1361)
  • more flexible configuration through the use of !env and stash directives (#1524, 1739)
  • support for new and upcoming HTTP extensions: Server-Timing (#1646, #1717), 103 Early Hints (#1727, #1767), 425 Too Early (#1344)

The improvements related to mruby and HTTP extensions were covered in today's our talk at RubyKaigi 2018 and the slides are below. Please enjoy!

Friday, February 5, 2016

H2O HTTP/2 server 1.7.0 released; added a new benchmark

Today, I am happy to announce the release of H2O HTTP/2 server, version 1.7.0.

Major additions in this update are:
  • asynchronous HTTP client for mruby handler
  • Support for CGI and Basic Authentication
  • Support for wild-card hostnames

You can find more detailed description of the additions in my previous blogpost: H2O version 1.7.0-beta1 released with enhanced mruby scripting, CGI, and much more. And along with the new features, we have also enabled the use of Neverbleed by default, to reduce the risk of private key disclosure in case of a vulnerability.

We have also updated the numbers of the request-per-seconds benchmark.

I have seen many people hesitating to move to HTTPS or HTTP/2 in fear of performance issues. But what is apparent from this benchmark is that the performance of HTTP/2 with TLS is actually on par with HTTP/1 without TLS (in case of nginx) or much faster (in case of H2O).

Details of the benchmark (along with other benchmarks) can be found at

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

H2O version 1.7.0-beta1 released with enhanced mruby scripting, CGI, and much more

Today I am happy to announce that we have tagged the 1.7.0-beta1 release of H2O HTTP2 server. Among the changes, there are few ones that should be noted.

HTTP client in mruby #643

In 1.7, mruby support has ben enhanced so that handlers written in mruby can issue HTTP requests. And it is damn simple. Shown below is a full-fledged reverse proxy implementation using mruby.
mruby.handler: | do |env|
    # copy headers
    headers = {}
    env.each do |key, value|
      if /^HTTP_/.match(key)
        headers[$'] = value
    # issue the request
      method:  env["REQUEST_METHOD"],
      headers: headers,
      body:    env["rack.input"],
H2O exports one ruby method named http_request. It takes a URL and a hash of optional parameters (e.g. method, headers, body) as the arguments, and returns immediately a handle to the request. All the network operations are handled asynchronously in the event loop of H2O.

When the mruby code calls the #join method, it returns a Rack response, either immediately (if available), or when the response headers become available. The returned body (3rd element of the response array) is an object that responds to #each; calling the method will yield the chunks of an HTTP response as they arrive.

Using the asynchronous nature of the HTTP client interface, it is possible to implement sophisticated server-side logic like Edge-side includes in very few lines of code; hopefully I will cover that in a different post.

Support for CGI #618

A FastCGI-to-CGI gateway script is included in the distribution. As shown in the example below, it is easy to create per-extention mapping to the gateway script to run CGI applications as they do on the Apache HTTP server.
  extension: .cgi
    command: "exec share/h2o/fastcgi-cgi"
It also has the flexibility to limit the number of CGI processes running concurrently (by using --max-workers option), or to run CGI applications under different directories with different user privileges by specifying appropriate user names for each directory-level fastcgi.spawn configuration.

Support for Basic Authentication #624

The distribution also bundles a basic authenticator written in mruby. The configuration snippet below will be enough to understand how it should be configured.
mruby.handler: |
  require "#{$H2O_ROOT}/share/h2o/mruby/htpasswd.rb""/path/to/.htpasswd", "realm-name")
file.dir: /path/to/secret-files
The script will also be a good reference for people learning how to write mruby handlers for H2O.

Support for wild-card hostnames #634

The server finally supports wild-card hostnames as well, which is essential if you have multiple wild-card certificates to be used.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

mruby で同期呼出を非同期化する話(もしくは H2O の mruby ハンドラでネットワークアクセスする話)









ざっと、以下のような感じになります。Rack ハンドラ自体を Fiber 内に置き、その入出力と、非同期化したい関数(ここでは DB#query)が呼ばれたタイミングで Fiber.yield を呼ぶことで、メインループ(これは実際には C で書くことになる)へ制御を戻しています。

# DB class that calls yield
class DB
  def query
    return Fiber.yield ["db#query"]

# the application, written as an ordinary Rack handler
app = lambda {|env|
  p "received request to #{env["PATH_INFO"]}"
  [200, {}, ["hello " +]]

# fiber that runs the app
runner = {
  req = Fiber.yield
  while 1
    resp =
    req = Fiber.yield ["response", resp]

# the app to be written in C
msg = {"PATH_INFO"=> "/abc"} # set request obj
while 1    
  status = runner.resume(msg)
  if status[0] == "response"
    resp = status[1]
  elsif status[0] == "db#query"
    # is a database query, return the result
    msg = ""
    raise "unexpected status:#{status[0]}"
p "response:" + resp[2].join("")

  • fiber 内からしか呼べない - それでいいのか?
  • fiber 内で、Cコードを経由して呼ばれた ruby コードから Fiber.yield できない
いずれも大した問題ではないですが、ここに付記しておきます(後者は mruby の場合、大きな問題にならないと認識されているようです。参照:。



  • Cライブラリのラッパーを書く
    • Cライブラリが、非同期モデルをサポートしている必要がある
    • イベントループ (libuv, libev, ...) 毎に対応が必要
    • プロトコルを実装しなくて良い
  • rubyでバインディングを書く
    • プロトコルを実装する必要がある
    • rubyで書ける!
    • 各バックエンド (libuv, libev, ngx_mruby, h2o, ...) が同じ ruby API (TCPSocketのサブセットで良いと思う) を提供すれば、イベントループ毎の対応が不要
    • Cより遅いかも…

個人的には、rubyでバインディングを書くアプローチが好みです。速度が遅いかも…という点については、Perl IO を用いた HTTP 実装を推進してきた立場から言うと、スクリプト言語のI/Oレイヤの負荷はネットワーク通信を行うプログラムにおいては多くの場合問題にならないと考えます。問題になるとすれば、通信データのパーサですが、ここのみをネイティブコード化するという手法で十分に対応できることは、Plack や Furl に慣れた Perl プログラマであれば納得できる話かと思いますし、(m)ruby においても同等かと思います。


長くなりましたが、H2O (あるいはイベントドリブンなプログラム一般)から、同期的に書かれたネットワーククライアントを呼び出す mruby スクリプトを起動する方法については、
  • 同期的に記述されたアプリケーションを Fiber を使ったラッパーで非同期化する
  • ホストプログラムは、Fiber を通じて、TCPSocket と互換性のある同期ソケット API を提供する
  • プロトコルバインディングは、Rubyで(もしくは、Ruby の TCPSocket と C で書かれたプロトコルパーサを組み合わせて)提供する