DMD Compiler as a Library: A Call to Arms

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Having a flexible and powerful compiler library has been one of the stated goals of the D Language Foundation for some time now. This makes sense, as a proper compiler library will channel the efforts of contributors into building developer tools, which in turn, will increase the adoption rate of the language. However, progress on this topic has been slow, mainly due to two aspects: (1) the lack of a clear direction, and (2) the intimidating complexity of the DMD frontend, which requires significant work on the compiler codebase.

The good news is that we now have a plan, which I will outline in this blog post. The bad news is that implementing this plan requires significant effort, and we need more contributors. However, the silver lining is that the work, while extensive, mostly involves refactoring the code. This provides an excellent opportunity for contributors to familiarize themselves with the compiler codebase while delivering real value. Before delving into the specifics, let me give you some background.

Current Status And How We Got Here

To fully understand the work done so far on the compiler-as-a-library project, I highly recommend watching my talk on this subject.

In summary:

  • Several years ago, we began packaging the compiler as a library.
  • Our goal was to clearly separate compilation phases: lexing, parsing, semantic analysis, optimizations, and code generation.
  • The parsing and semantic analysis modules were interdependent, necessitating a method for separation.
  • We opted to template the parser with an ASTFamily template parameter, defining the AST nodes required for parsing.
  • We created ASTBase (containing AST nodes essential for parsing) and ASTCodegen (containing AST nodes needed for code generation).
  • ASTBase, as it stands, is code duplicated from ASTCodegen.
  • We started extracting semantic routines and fields from AST nodes to eliminate ASTBase’s code duplication by importing a subset of modules used by ASTCodegen.
  • Additionally, we began replacing third-party libraries (like libdparse) with the DMD-as-a-library package.

For more detailed information on each of these points, I recommend watching the talk I referenced.

Recently, I proposed to Walter a modification to the codebase that would significantly enhance the flexibility of the compiler library, allowing any AST node to be overwritten. Walter was hesitant to accept my proposal, concerned about the potential “ugliness” it would introduce to the codebase. He cited the addition of ASTBase and the resulting code duplication as a precedent. He then suggested that if we eliminate ASTBase, he would reconsider my proposal.

What You Can Do To Help

We are now focused on eliminating the duplication in ASTBase. To achieve this, we need to extract all information related to semantic analysis from the existing AST nodes. The challenge is the sheer number of AST nodes and the multitude of functions associated with each. I have been working on this sporadically over the past few months, and progress is slow due to the nature of the work: it mostly involves moving code, creating visitors, breaking dependencies, etc. While not overly complex, it isn’t particularly creative work either. However, for someone interested in understanding a real-life compiler codebase, it’s an ideal starting point.

If you’re willing to support this initiative, I’ve put together a guide on where to start and what you can do. Feel free to contact me on Slack (razvan.nitu), Discord, or email ([email protected]) for more details or to request a review of your PR.

I see this as an excellent opportunity to onboard new people into compiler development in a way that benefits both the language and the contributor. So, if you have some spare time, please join us in getting this work done!

Crafting Self-Evident Code with D

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Have you ever looked at your code from five years ago and had to study it to figure out what it was doing? And the further back in time you look, the worse it gets? Pity me, who is still maintaining code I wrote over 40 years ago. This article illustrates many simple methods of making your code self-evident and much easier to understand and maintain

To let you know what you’re fightin’ for, allow me to introduce this little gem I wrote back in 1987:

#include <stdio.h>
#define O1O printf
#define OlO putchar
#define O10 exit
#define Ol0 strlen
#define QLQ fopen
#define OlQ fgetc
#define O1Q abs
#define QO0 for
typedef char lOL;

lOL*QI[] = {"Use:\012\011dump file\012","Unable to open file '\x25s'\012",
  "\012","   ",""};

{       FILE *L;
         unsigned lO;
         int Q,OL[' '^'0'],llO = EOF,

         lOL*llL="%2x ";
         (I != 1<<1&&(O1O(QI[0]),O10(1011-1010))),
         ((L = QLQ(Il[O],"r"))==0&&(O1O(QI[O],Il[O]),O10(O)));
         lO = I-(O<<l<<O);
         while (L-l,1)
         {       QO0(Q = 0L;((Q &~(0x10-O))== l);
                         OL[Q++] = OlQ(L));
                 if (OL[0]==llO) break;
                 O1O("\0454x: ",lO);
                 if (I == (1<<1))
                 {       QO0(Q=Ol0(QI[O<<O<<1]);Q<Ol0(QI[0]);
                 QO0 (Q=0L;Q<1<<1<<1<<1<<1;Q+=Q<0100)
                 {       (OL[Q]!=llO)? /* 0010 10lOQ 000LQL */
         D(l) { return l>=' '&&l<='\~';

Yes, this is how we wrote C code back then. I even won an award for it!

Although I am a very slow learner, I do learn over time, and gradually the code got better. You’re probably having the same issues with your code. (Or the code written by coworkers, as I agree that your code certainly does not need improvement!)

This article is about techniques that will help make code self-evident. You are probably already doing some of them. I bet there are some you aren’t. I also am sure you’re going to argue with me about some of them. Trust me, you’re wrong! If you don’t agree with me now, you will if you’re still programming five years hence.

I know you’re busy, so let’s jump right in with an observation:

“Anybody can write complicated code. It takes genius to write simple code.”

or, if you prefer:

“The highest accolade your code can garner is: oh pshaw, anybody could have
written that!”

For example, since I started as an aerospace engineer:

consider this lever commonly found in aircraft cockpits. No fair if you already know what it does. Examine it casually. What is it for?




It raises and lowers the landing gear. What’s the clue? It’s got a little tire for a knob! Pull the lever up, and the gear gets sucked up. Push it down, the gear goes down. Is that self-evident or what? It’s a masterpiece of simplicity. It doesn’t even need any labels. If the cockpit is filled with smoke, or you’re focused on what’s outside the window, your hand knows immediately it’s on the gear lever—not the flaps or the throttles or the copilot’s ejection seat (just kidding). This kind of stupid simple control is what cockpit designers strive for because pulling the right lever is literally a life-and-death decision. I mean literally in the literal sense of the word.

This is what we desperately want to achieve in programming. Stupid simple. We’ll probably fail, but the closer the better.

Diving in…

Just Shoot Me Now

#define BEGIN {
#define END   }

Believe it or not, this was common C practice back in the 1980s. It falls into the category of “Don’t try to make your new language look like your previous language”. This problem appears in multiple guises. I still tend to name variables in Fortran style from back when the oceans hadn’t yet formed. Before moving to D, I realized that using C macros to invent a personal custom language on top of C was an abomination. Removing it and replacing it with ordinary C code was a big improvement in clarity.

Don’t Reinvent bool

Learn what bool is and use it as intended. Accept that the following are all the same:

false true
0 1
no yes
off on
0 volts 5 volts

And that this makes code unequivocally worse:

enum { No, Yes };

Just use false and true. Done. And BTW,

enum { Yes, No };

is just an automatic “no hire” decision, as if (Yes) will thoroughly confuse everyone. If you’ve done this, run and fix it before someone curses your entire ancestry.

Horrors Blocked by D

D’s syntax has been designed to prevent some types of coding horrors.

C++ Regex expressions with operator overloading

I’m not even going to link to this. It can be found with diligent searching. What it does is use operator overloading to make ordinary-looking C++ code actually be a regex! It violates the principle that code should not pretend to be in another language. Imagine the inept error messages the compiler will bless you with if there’s a coding mistake with this. D makes this hard to do by only allowing arithmetic operators to be overloaded, which disallows things like an overloaded unary *.

(It’s harder, but still possible, to abuse operator overloading in D. But fortunately, making it harder has largely discouraged it.)

Metaprogramming with macros

Many people have requested macros be added to D. We’ve resisted this because macros inevitably result in people inventing their own custom, undocumented language layered over D. This makes it impractical for anyone else to make use of this code. In my not-so-humble opinion, macros are the reason why Lisp has never caught on in the mainstream. No Lisper can read anyone else’s Lisp code.

C++ Argument Dependent Lookup

Nobody knows what symbol will actually be found. ADL was added so one could do operator overloading on the left operand. D just has a simple syntax for left or right operand overloading.


Nobody knows if SFINAE is in play or not for any particular expression.

Floor Wax or Tasty Dessert Topping

This refers to the confusion between a struct being a value type or a reference type or some chimera of both. In D, a struct is a value type and a class is a reference type. To be fair, some people still try to build a D chimera type, but they should be cashiered.

Multiple inheritance

Nobody has ever made a convincing case for why this is needed. Things get really nasty when diamond inheritance is used. Pity the next guy and avoid the temptation. D has multiple inheritance for interfaces only, which has proved to be more than adequate.

Code Flow

Code should flow from left to right, and top to bottom. Just like how this article is read.

f() + g() // which executes first?

Fortunately, D guarantees a left-to-right ordering (C does not). But what about:


That executes inside out! Quick, which function call does the 3 get passed to? D’s Universal Function Call Syntax to the rescue:


That’s the equivalent, but execution flows clearly left-to-right. Is this an extreme example, or the norm?

import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.algorithm;

void main() {
     map!(a => a.idup).

This code reads from stdin by lines, puts the lines in an array, sorts the array, and writes the sorted result to stdout. It doesn’t quite meet our “stupid simple” criteria, but it is pretty close. All with a nice flow from left to right and top to bottom.

The example also nicely segues into the next observation.

The More Control Paths, the Less Understandable

Shaw: You know a great deal about computers, don’t you?
Mr. Spock: I know all about them.

I submit that:

version (X)
if (Z)

is less comprehensible than:


What happened to the conditional expressions? Move them to the interiors of doX() and doZ().

I know what you’re thinking. “But Walter, you didn’t eliminate the conditional expressions, you just moved them!” Quite right, but those conditional expressions properly belong in the functions, rather than enclosing those functions. They are part of the conceptual encapsulation a function provides, so the caller is clean.


Negation in English:

Dr McCoy: We’re trying to help you, Oxmyx.
Bela Oxmyx: Nobody helps nobody but himself.
Mr. Spock: Sir, you are employing a double negative.

Cowardly Lion: Not nobody! Not nohow!

Negation in English is often used as emphasis, rather than logical negation. Our perception of negation is fuzzy and fraught with error. This is something propagandists use to smear someone.

What the propagandist says: “Bob is not a drunkard!”

What the audience hears: “Bob is a drunkard!”

Skilled communicators avoid negation. Savvy programmers do, too. How many times have you overlooked a not operator? I have many times.

if (!noWay)

is inevitably perceived as:

if (noWay)

I mentioned this discovery to my good friend Andrei Alexandrescu. He didn’t buy it. He said I needed research to back it up. I didn’t have any research, but didn’t change my mind (i.e., hubris). Eventually, I did run across a paper that did do such research and came to the same conclusion as my assumption. I excitedly sent it to Andrei, and to his great credit, he conceded defeat, which is why Andrei is an exceptional man (rare is the person who ever concedes defeat!).

The lesson here is to avoid using negation in identifiers if at all possible.

if (way)

Isn’t that better?

DMD Source Code Hall of Shame

My own code is hardly a paragon of virtue. Some identifiers:

  • tf.isnothrow
  • IsTypeNoreturn
  • Noaccesscheck
  • Ignoresymbolvisibility
  • Include.notComputed
  • not nothrow

I have no excuse and shall have myself flagellated with a damp cauliflower. Did I say I didn’t like the code I wrote five years ago?

This leads us to the D version conditional.

Negation and version

D version conditionals are very simple:

version ( Identifier )

Identifier is usually predefined by the compiler or the command line. Only an identifier is allowed—no negation, AND, OR, or XOR. (Collectively call that version algebra.) Our users often chafe at this restriction, and I get that it’s difficult to accept the rationale at first. It’s not impossible to do version algebra:

version (A) { } else {
    // !A

version (A) version (B) {
    // A && B

version (A) version = AorB;
version (B) version = AorB;
version (AorB) {
     // A || B

and so forth. But it’s clumsy and unattractive on purpose. Why would D do such a thing? It’s meant to encourage thinking about versions in a positive manner. Suppose a project has a Windows and an OSX build:

version (Windows) {
else version (OSX) {
     static assert(0, "unsupported operating system");

Isn’t that better than this:

version (!Windows){

I’ve seen an awful lot of that style in C. It makes it pointlessly difficult to add support for a new operating system. After all, what the heck is the “not Windows” operating system? That really narrows things down! The former snippet makes it so much easier.

Taking this a step further:

if (A && B && C && D)

if (A || B || C || D)

are easy for a human to parse. Encountering:

if (A && (!B || C))

is always like transitioning from smooth asphalt to a cobblestone road. Ugh. I’ve made mistakes with such constructions all the time. Not only is it hard to even see the !, but it’s still hard to satisfy yourself that it is correct.

Fortunately, De Morgan’s Theorem can sometimes come to the rescue:

(!A && !B) => !(A || B)
(!A || !B) => !(A && B)

It gets rid of one negation. Repeated application can often transform it into a much more easily understood equation while being equally correct.

Anecdote: When designing digital logic circuits, the NAND gate is more efficient than the AND gate because it has one less transistor. (AND means (A && B), NAND means !(A && B)). But humans just stink at crafting bug-free NAND logic. When I worked on the design of the ABEL programming language back in the 1980s, which was for programming Programmable Logic Devices, ABEL would accept input in positive logic. It would use De Morgan’s theorem to automatically convert it to efficient negative logic. The electronics designers loved it.

To sum up this section, here’s a shameful snippet from Ubuntu’s unistd.h:

#if defined __USE_BSD || (defined __USE_XOPEN && !defined __USE_UNIX98)

Prof Marvel: I can’t bring it back, I don’t know how it works!

Casts Are Bugs

Casts subvert the protections of the typing system. Sometimes you just gotta have them (to implement malloc, for example, the result needs a cast), but far too often they are simply there to correct sloppy misuse of types. Hence, in D casts are done with the keyword cast, not a peculiar syntax, making them easily greppable. It’s worthwhile to occasionally grep a code base for cast and see if the types can be reworked to eliminate the need for the cast and have the type system working for rather than against you.

Pull Request: remove some dyncast calls

Self-Documenting Function Declarations

char* xyzzy(char* p)
  • Does p modify what it points to?
  • Is p returned?
  • Does xyzzy free p?
  • Does xyzzy save p somewhere, like in a global?
  • Does xyzzy throw p?

These crucial bits of information are rarely noted in the documentation for the function. Even worse, the documentation often gets it wrong! What is needed is self-documenting code that is enforced by the compiler. D has attributes to cover this:

const char* xyzzy(return scope const char* p)
  • p doesn’t modify what it points to
  • p is returned
  • p is not free’d
  • xyzzy does not squirrel away a copy of p
  • p is not thrown in an exception

This is all documentation that now isn’t necessary to write, and the compiler will check its accuracy for you. Yes, it is called “attribute soup” for good reason, and takes some getting used to, but it’s still better than bad documentation, and adding attributes is optional.

Function Arguments and Returns

Function inputs and outputs present in the function declaration are the “front door”. Any inputs and outputs that are not in the function declaration are “side doors”. Side doors include things like global variables, environment variables, getting information from the operating system, reading/writing files, throwing exceptions, etc. Side doors are rarely accounted for in the documentation. The poor sap calling a function has to carefully read its implementation to discern what the side doors are.

Self-evident code should strive to run everything through the front door. Not only does this help with comprehension, but it also enables delightful things like easy unit testing.

Memory Allocation

An ongoing problem faced by functions that implement an algorithm that needs to allocate memory is what memory allocation scheme should be used. Often a reusable function imposes the memory allocation method on the caller. That’s backward.

For memory that is allocated and free’d by the function, the solution is that the function decides how to do it. For allocated objects that are returned by the function, the caller should decide the allocation scheme by passing an argument that specifies it. This argument often takes the form of a “sink” to send the output to. More on that later.

Pass Abstract “sink” for Output

The auld way (extracted from the DMD source code):

import dmd.errors;
void gendocfile(Module m) {
     if (!success)
         error("expansion limit");

error() is a function that error messages are sent to. This is a typical formulation seen in conventional code. The error message is going out through the side door. The caller of gendocfile() has no say in what’s done with the error message, and the fact that it even generates error messages is usually omitted by the documentation. Worse, the error message emission makes it impractical to properly unit test the function.

A better way is to pass an abstract interface “sink” as a parameter and send the error messages to the sink:

import dmd.errorsink;
void gendocfile(Module m, ErrorSink eSink) {
     if (!success)
         eSink.error("expansion limit");

Now the caller has total control of what happens to the error messages, and it is implicitly documented. A unit tester can provide a special implementation of the interface to suit testing convenience.

Here’s a real-world PR making this improvement:

doc.d: use errorSink

Pass Files as Buffers Rather than Files to Read

Typical code I’ve written, where the file names are passed to a function to read and process them:

void gendocfile(Module m, const(char)*[] docfiles) {
     OutBuffer mbuf;
     foreach (file; ddocfiles) {
         auto buffer = readFile(file.toDString());

This kind of code is a nuisance to unit test, as adding file I/O to the unit tester is very clumsy, and, as a result, no unit tests get written. Doing file I/O is usually irrelevant to the function, anyway. It just needs the data to operate on.

The fix is to pass the contents of the file in an array:

void gendocfile(Module m, const char[] ddoctext) {

The PR: move ddoc file reads out of doc.d

Write to Buffer, Caller Writes File

A typical function that processes data and writes the result to a file:

void gendocfile(Module m) {
     OutBuffer buf;
     ... fill buf ...
     writeFile(m.loc, m.docfile.toString(), buf[ ]);

By now, you know that the caller should write the file:

void gendocfile(Module m, ref OutBuffer outbuf) {
     ... fill outbuf ...

And the PR:
doc.d: move file writes to caller

Move Environment Calls to Caller

Here’s a function that obtains input from the environment:

void gendocfile(Module m) {
     char* p = getenv("DDOCFILE");
     if (p)

It should be pretty obvious by now what is wrong with that. PR to move the environment read to the caller and then pass the info through the front door:

move DDOCFILE from doc.d to main.d

Use Pointers to Functions (or Templates)

I was recently working on a module that did text processing. One thing it needed to do was identify the start of an identifier string. Since Unicode is complicated, it imported the (rather substantial) module that handled Unicode. But it bugged me that all that was needed was to determine the start of an identifier; the text processor needed no further knowledge of Unicode.

It finally occurred to me that the caller could just pass a function pointer as an argument to the text processor, and the text processor would need no knowledge whatsoever of Unicode.

import dmd.doc;
bool expand(...) {
     if (isIDStart(p))


alias fp_t = bool function(const(char)* p);
bool expand(..., fp_t isIDStart) {
     if (isIDStart(p))

Notice how the import just went away, improving the encapsulation and comprehensibility of the function. The function pointer could also be a template parameter, whichever is more convenient for the application. The more moats one can erect around a function, the easier it is to understand.

The PR: remove dmacro.d dependency on doc.d

Two Categories of Functions

  • Alters the state of the program

Provide a clue in the name of the function, like doAction().

  • Asks a Question

Again, a clue should be in the name. Something like isSomething(), hasCharacteristic(), getInfo(), etc. Consider making the function pure to ensure it has no side effects.

Try not to create functions that both ask a question and modify state. Over time, I’ve been gradually splitting such functions into two.

Visual Pattern Recognition

Source code formatters are great. But I don’t use them. Oof! Here’s why:

final switch (of)
     case elf:   lib = LibElf_factory();    break;
     case macho: lib = LibMach_factory();   break;
     case coff:  lib = LibMSCoff_factory(); break;
     case omf:   lib = LibOMF_factory();    break;

It turns out your brain is incredibly good at pattern recognition. By lining things up, a pattern is created. Any deviation from that pattern is likely a bug, and your eyes will be drawn to the anomaly like a stink bug to rotting fruit.

I’ve detected so much rotting fruit by using patterns, and a source code formatter doesn’t do a good job of making patterns.

Prof. Marvel: I have reached a cataclysmic decision!

Use ref instead of *

A ref is a restricted form of pointer. Arithmetic is not allowed on it, and ref parameters are not allowed to escape a function. This not only informs the user but informs the compiler, which will ensure the function is a good boy with the ref.

PR: mangleToBuffer(): use ref


  • Use language features as intended (don’t invent your own language
    on top of it)
  • Avoid negation
  • Left to right, top to bottom
  • Functions do everything through the front door
  • Don’t conflate engine with environment
  • Reduce cyclomatic complexity
  • Separate functions that ask a question from functions that alter state
  • Keep trying—this is a process!

The recommendations here are pretty easy to follow. It’ll rarely be necessary to do much refactoring to implement them. I hope the real-life PRs referenced here show how easy it is to make code self-evident!

Action Item

Open your latest coding masterpiece in your favorite editor. Take a good hard look at it. Sorry, it’s a steaming pile of incomprehensibility! (Join the club.)

Go fix it!

Memory Safety in a Systems Programming Language Part 3

The first entry in this series shows how to use the new DIP1000 rules to have slices and pointers refer to the stack, all while being memory safe. The second entry in this series teaches about the ref storage class and how DIP1000 works with aggregate types (classes, structs, and unions).

So far the series has deliberately avoided templates and auto functions. This kept the first two posts simpler in that they did not have to deal with function attribute inference, which I have referred to as “attribute auto inference” in earlier posts. However, both auto functions and templates are very common in D code, so a series on DIP1000 can’t be complete without explaining how those features work with the language changes. Function attribute inference is our most important tool in avoiding so-called “attribute soup”, where a function is decorated with several attributes, which arguably decreases readability.

We will also dig deeper into unsafe code. The previous two posts in this series focused on the scope attribute, but this post is more focused on attributes and memory safety in general. Since DIP1000 is ultimately about memory safety, we can’t get around discussing those topics.

Avoiding repetition with attributes

Function attribute inference means that the language will analyze the body of a function and will automatically add the @safe, pure, nothrow, and @nogc attributes where applicable. It will also attempt to add scope or return scope attributes to parameters and return ref to ref parameters that can’t otherwise be compiled. Some attributes are never inferred. For instance, the compiler will not insert any ref, lazy, out or @trusted attributes, because very likely they are explicitly not wanted where they are left out.

There are many ways to turn on function attribute inference. One is by omitting the return type in the function signature. Note that the auto keyword is not required for this. auto is a placeholder keyword used when no return type, storage class, or attribute is specified. For example, the declaration half(int x) { return x/2; } does not parse, so we use auto half(int x) { return x/2; } instead. But we could just as well write @safe half(int x) { return x/2; } and the rest of the attributes (pure, nothrow, and @nogc) will be inferred just as they are with the auto keyword.

The second way to enable attribute inference is to templatize the function. With our half example, it can be done this way:

int divide(int denominator)(int x) { return x/denominator; }
alias half = divide!2;

The D spec does not say that a template must have any parameters. An empty parameter list can be used to turn attribute inference on: int half()(int x) { return x/2; }. Calling this function doesn’t even require the template instantiation syntax at the call site, e.g., half!()(12) is not required as half(12) will compile.

Another means to turn on attribute inference is to store the function inside another function. These are called nested functions. Inference is enabled not only on functions nested directly inside another function but also on most things nested in a type or a template inside the function. Example:

@safe void parentFun()
    // This is auto-inferred.
    int half(int x){ return x/2; }

    class NestedType
        // This is auto inferred
        final int half1(int x) { return x/2; }

        // This is not auto inferred; it's a
        // virtual function and the compiler
        // can't know if it has an unsafe override
        // in a derived class.
        int half2(int x) { return x/2; }

    int a = half(12); // Works. Inferred as @safe.
    auto cl = new NestedType;
    int b = cl.half1(18); // Works. Inferred as @safe.
    int c = cl.half2(26); // Error.

A downside of nested functions is that they can only be used in lexical order (the call site must be below the function declaration) unless both the nested function and the call are inside the same struct, class, union, or template that is in turn inside the parent function. Another downside is that they don’t work with Uniform Function Call Syntax.

Finally, attribute inference is always enabled for function literals (a.k.a. lambda functions). The halving function would be defined as enum half = (int x) => x/2; and called exactly as normal. However, the language does not consider this declaration a function. It considers it a function pointer. This means that in global scope it’s important to use enum or immutable instead of auto. Otherwise, the lambda can be changed to something else from anywhere in the program and cannot be accessed from pure functions. In rare cases, such mutability can be desirable, but most often it is an antipattern (like global variables in general).

Limits of inference

Aiming for minimal manual typing isn’t always wise. Neither is aiming for maximal attribute bloat.

The primary problem of auto inference is that subtle changes in the code can lead to inferred attributes turning on and off in an uncontrolled manner. To see when it matters, we need to have an idea of what will be inferred and what will not.

The compiler in general will go to great lengths to infer @safe, pure, nothrow, and @nogc attributes. If your function can have those, it almost always will. The specification says that recursion is an exception: a function calling itself should not be @safe, pure, or nothrow unless explicitly specified as such. But in my testing, I found those attributes actually are inferred for recursive functions. It turns out, there is an ongoing effort to get recursive attribute inference working, and it partially works already.

Inference of scope and return on function parameters is less reliable. In the most mundane cases, it’ll work, but the compiler gives up pretty quickly. The smarter the inference engine is, the more time it takes to compile, so the current design decision is to infer those attributes in only the simplest of cases.

Where to let the compiler infer?

A D programmer should get into the habit of asking, “What will happen if I mistakenly do something that makes this function unsafe, impure, throwing, garbage-collecting, or escaping?” If the answer is “immediate compiler error”, auto inference is probably fine. On the other hand, the answer could be “user code will break when updating this library I’m maintaining”. In that case, annotate manually.

In addition to the potential of losing attributes the author intends to apply, there is also another risk:

@safe pure nothrow @nogc firstNewline(string from)
    foreach(i; 0 .. from.length) switch(from[i])
        case '\r':
        if(from.length > i+1 && from[i+1] == '\n')
            return "\r\n";
        else return "\r";

        case '\n': return "\n";

        default: break;

    return "";

You might think that since the author is manually specifying the attributes, there’s no problem. Unfortunately, that’s wrong. Suppose the author decides to rewrite the function such that all the return values are slices of the from parameter rather than string literals:

@safe pure nothrow @nogc firstNewline(string from)
    foreach(i; 0 .. from.length) switch(from[i])
        case '\r':
        if (from.length > i + 1 && from[i + 1] == '\n')
            return from[i .. i + 2];
        else return from[i .. i + 1];

        case '\n': return from[i .. i + 1];

        default: break;

    return "";

Surprise! The parameter from was previously inferred as scope, and a library user was relying on that, but now it’s inferred as return scope instead, breaking client code.

Still, for internal functions, auto inference is a great way to save both our fingers when writing and our eyes when reading. Note that it’s perfectly fine to rely on auto inference of the @safe attribute as long as the function is used in explicitly in @safe functions or unit tests. If something potentially unsafe is done inside the auto-inferred function, it gets inferred as @system, not @trusted. Calling a @system function from a @safe function results in a compiler error, meaning auto inference is safe to rely on in this case.

It still sometimes makes sense to manually apply attributes to internal functions, because the error messages generated when they are violated tend to be better with manual attributes.

What about templates?

Auto inference is always enabled for templated functions. What if a library interface needs to expose one? There is a way to block the inference, albeit an ugly one:

private template FunContainer(T)
    // Not auto inferred
    // (only eponymous template functions are)
    @safe T fun(T arg){return arg + 3;}

// Auto inferred per se, but since the function it calls
// is not, only @safe is inferred.
auto addThree(T)(T arg){return FunContainer!;}

However, which attributes a template should have often depends on its compile-time parameters. It would be possible to use metaprogramming to designate attributes depending on the template parameters, but that would be a lot of work, hard to read, and easily as error-prone as relying on auto inference.

It’s more practical to just test that the function template infers the wanted attributes. Such testing doesn’t have to, and probably shouldn’t, be done manually each time the function is changed. Instead:

float multiplyResults(alias fun)(float[] arr)
    if (is(typeof(fun(new float)) : float))
    float result = 1.0f;
    foreach (ref e; arr) result *= fun(&e);
    return result;

@safe pure nothrow unittest
    float fun(float* x){return *x+1;}
    // Using a static array makes sure
    // arr argument is inferred as scope or
    // return scope
    float[5] elements = [1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f];

    // No need to actually do anything with
    // the result. The idea is that since this
    // compiles, multiplyResults is proven @safe
    // pure nothrow, and its argument is scope or
    // return scope.

Thanks to D’s compile-time introspection powers, testing against unwanted attributes is also covered:

@safe unittest
    import std.traits : attr = FunctionAttribute,
        functionAttributes, isSafe;

    float fun(float* x)
        // Makes the function both throwing
        // and garbage collector dependant.
        if (*x > 5) throw new Exception("");
        static float* impureVar;

        // Makes the function impure.
        auto result = impureVar? *impureVar: 5;

        // Makes the argument unscoped.
        impureVar = x;
        return result;

    enum attrs = functionAttributes!(multiplyResults!fun);

    assert(!(attrs & attr.nothrow_));
    assert(!(attrs & attr.nogc));

    // Checks against accepting scope arguments.
    // Note that this check does not work with
    // @system functions.
        float[5] stackFloats;

    // It's a good idea to do positive tests with
    // similar methods to make sure the tests above
    // would fail if the tested function had the
    // wrong attributes.
    assert(attrs &;
        float[] heapFloats;

If assertion failures are wanted at compile time before the unit tests are run, adding the static keyword before each of those asserts will get the job done. Those compiler errors can even be had in non-unittest builds by converting that unit test to a regular function, e.g., by replacing @safe unittest with, say, private @safe testAttrs().

The live fire exercise: @system

Let’s not forget that D is a systems programming language. As this series has shown, in most D code the programmer is well protected from memory errors, but D would not be D if it didn’t allow going low-level and bypassing the type system in the same manner as C or C++: bit arithmetic on pointers, writing and reading directly to hardware ports, executing a struct destructor on a raw byte blob… D is designed to do all of that.

The difference is that in C and C++ it takes only one mistake to break the type system and cause undefined behavior anywhere in the code. A D programmer is only at risk when not in a @safe function, or when using dangerous compiler switches such as -release or -check=assert=off (failing a disabled assertion is undefined behavior), and even then the semantics tend to be less UB-prone. For example:

float cube(float arg)
    float result;
    result *= arg;
    result *= arg;
    return result;

This is a language-agnostic function that compiles in C, C++, and D. Someone intended to calculate the cube of arg but forgot to initialize result with arg. In D, nothing dangerous happens despite this being a @system function. No initialization value means result is default initialized to NaN (not-a-number), which leads to the result also being NaN, which is a glaringly obvious “error” value when using this function the first time.

However, in C and C++, not initializing a local variable means reading it is (sans a few narrow exceptions) undefined behavior. This function does not even handle pointers, yet according to the standard, calling this function could just as well have *(int*) rand() = 0XDEADBEEF; in it, all due to a trivial mistake. While many compilers with enabled warnings will catch this one, not all do, and these languages are full of similar examples where even warnings don’t help.

In D, even if you explicitly requested no default initialization with float result = void, it’d just mean the return value of the function is undefined, not anything and everything that happens if the function is called. Consequently, that function could be annotated @safe even with such an initializer.

Still, for anyone who cares about memory safety, as they probably should for anything intended for a wide audience, it’s a bad idea to assume that D @system code is safe enough to be the default mode. Two examples will demonstrate what can happen.

What undefined behavior can do

Some people assume that “Undefined Behavior” simply means “erroneous behavior” or crashing at runtime. While that is often what ultimately happens, undefined behavior is far more dangerous than, say, an uncaught exception or an infinite loop. The difference is that with undefined behavior, you have no guarantees at all about what happens. This might not sound any worse than an infinite loop, but an accidental infinite loop is discovered the first time it’s entered. Code with undefined behavior, on the other hand, might do what was intended when it’s tested, but then do something completely different in production. Even if the code is tested with the same flags it’s compiled with in production, the behavior may change from one compiler version to another, or when making completely unrelated changes to the code. Time for an example:

// return whether the exception itself is in the array
bool replaceExceptions(Object[] arr, ref Exception e)
    bool result;
    foreach (ref o; arr)
        if (&o is &e) result = true;
        if (cast(Exception) o) o = e;

    return result;

The idea here is that the function replaces all exceptions in the array with e. If e itself is in the array, it returns true, otherwise false. And indeed, testing confirms it works. The function is used like this:

auto arr = [new Exception("a"), null, null, new Exception("c")];
auto result = replaceExceptions
    cast(Object[]) arr,

This cast is not a problem, right? Object references are always of the same size regardless of their type, and we’re casting the exceptions to the parent type, Object. It’s not like the array contains anything other than object references.

Unfortunately, that’s not how the D specification views it. Having two class references (or any references, for that matter) in the same memory location but with different types, and then assigning one of them to the other, is undefined behavior. That’s exactly what happens in

if (cast(Exception) o) o = e;

if the array does contain the e argument. Since true can only be returned when undefined behavior is triggered, it means that any compiler would be free to optimize replaceExceptions to always return false. This is a dormant bug no amount of testing will find, but that might, years later, completely mess up the application when compiled with the powerful optimizations of an advanced compiler.

It may seem that requiring a cast to use a function is an obvious warning sign that a good D programmer would not ignore. I wouldn’t be so sure. Casts aren’t that rare even in fine high-level code. Even if you disagree, other cases are provably bad enough to bite anyone. Last summer, this case appeared in the D forums:

string foo(in string s)
    return s;

void main()
    import std.stdio;
    string[] result;
    foreach(c; "hello")
        result ~= foo([c]);

This problem was encountered by Steven Schveighoffer, a long-time D veteran who has himself lectured about @safe and @system on more than one occasion. Anything that can burn him can burn any of us.

Normally, this works just as one would think and is fine according to the spec. However, if one enables another soon-to-be-default language feature with the -preview=in compiler switch along with DIP1000, the program starts malfunctioning. The old semantics for in are the same as const, but the new semantics make it const scope.

Since the argument of foo is scope, the compiler assumes that foo will copy [c] before returning it, or return something else, and therefore it allocates [c] on the same stack position for each of the “hello” letters. The result is that the program prints ["o", "o, "o", "o", "o"]. At least for me, it’s already somewhat hard to understand what’s happening in this simple example. Hunting down this sort of bug in a complex codebase could be a nightmare.

(With my nightly DMD version somewhere between 2.100 and 2.101 a compile-time error is printed instead. With 2.100.2, the example runs as described above.)

The fundamental problem in both of these examples is the same: @safe is not used. Had it been, both of these undefined behaviors would have resulted in compilation errors (the replaceExceptions function itself can be @safe, but the cast at the usage site cannot). By now it should be clear that @system code should be used sparingly.

When to proceed anyway

Sooner or later, though, the time comes when the guard rail has to be temporarily lowered. Here’s an example of a good use case:

/// Undefined behavior: Passing a non-null pointer
/// to a standalone character other than '\0', or
/// to an array without '\0' at or after the
/// pointed character, as utf8Stringz
extern(C) @system pure
bool phobosValidateUTF8(const char* utf8Stringz)
    import std.string, std.utf;

    try utf8Stringz.fromStringz.validate();
    catch (UTFException) return false;

    return true;

This function lets code written in another language validate a UTF-8 string using Phobos. C being C, it tends to use zero-terminated strings, so the function accepts a pointer to one as the argument instead of a D array. This is why the function has to be unsafe. There is no way to safely check that utf8Stringz is pointing to either null or a valid C string. If the character being pointed to is not '\0', meaning the next character has to be read, the function has no way of knowing whether that character belongs to the memory allocated for the string. It can only trust that the calling code got it right.

Still, this function is a good use of the @system attribute. First, it is presumably called primarily from C or C++. Those languages do not get any safety guarantees anyway. Even a @safe function is safe only if it gets only those parameters that can be created in @safe D code. Passing cast(const char*) 0xFE0DA1 as an argument to a function is unsafe no matter what the attribute says, and nothing in C or C++ verifies what arguments are passed.

Second, the function clearly documents the cases that would trigger undefined behavior. However, it does not mention that passing an invalid pointer, such as the aforementioned cast(const char*) 0xFE0DA1, is UB, because UB is always the default assumption with @system-only values unless it can be shown otherwise.

Third, the function is small and easy to review manually. No function should be needlessly big, but it’s many times more important than usual to keep @system and @trusted functions small and simple to review. @safe functions can be debugged to pretty good shape by testing, but as we saw earlier, undefined behavior can be immune to testing. Analyzing the code is the only general answer to UB.

There is a reason why the parameter does not have a scope attribute. It could have it, no pointers to the string are escaped. However, it would not provide many benefits. Any code calling the function has to be @system, @trusted, or in a foreign language, meaning they can pass a pointer to the stack in any case. scope could potentially improve the performance of D client code in exchange for the increased potential for undefined behavior if this function is erroneously refactored. Such a tradeoff is unwanted in general unless it can be shown that the attribute helps with a performance problem. On the other hand, the attribute would make it clearer for the reader that the string is not supposed to escape. It’s a difficult judgment call whether scope would be a wise addition here.

Further improvements

It should be documented why a @system function is @system when it’s not obvious. Often there is a safer alternative—our example function could have taken a D array or the CString struct from the previous post in this series. Why was an alternative not taken? In our case, we could write that the ABI would be different for either of those options, complicating matters on the C side, and the intended client (C code) is unsafe anyway.

@trusted functions are like @system functions, except they can be called from @safe functions, whereas @system functions cannot. When something is declared @trusted, it means the authors have verified that it’s just as safe to use as an actual @safe function with any arguments that can be created within safe code. They need to be just as carefully reviewed, if not more so, as @system functions.

In these situations, it should be documented (for other developers, not users) how the function was deemed to be safe in all situations. Or, if the function is not fully safe to use and the attribute is just a temporary hack, it should have a big ugly warning about that.

Such greenwashing is of course highly discouraged, but if there’s a codebase full of @system code that’s just too difficult to make @safe otherwise, it’s better than giving up. Even as we often talk about the dangers of UB and memory corruption, in our actual work our attitudes tend to be much more carefree, meaning such codebases are unfortunately common.

It might be tempting to define a small @trusted function inside a bigger @safe function to do something unsafe without disabling checks for the whole function:

extern(C) @safe pure
bool phobosValidateUTF8(const char* utf8Stringz)
    import std.string, std.utf;

    try (() @trusted => utf8Stringz.fromStringz)()
    catch (UTFException) return false;

    return true;

Keep in mind though, that the parent function needs to be documented and reviewed like an overt @trusted function because the encapsulated @trusted function can let the parent function do anything. In addition, since the function is marked @safe, it isn’t obvious on a first look that it’s a function that needs special care. Thus, a visible warning comment is needed if you elect to use @trusted like this.

Most importantly, don’t trust yourself! Just like any codebase of non-trivial size has bugs, more than a handful of @system functions will include latent UB at some point. The remaining hardening features of D, meaning asserts, contracts, invariants, and bounds checking should be used aggressively and kept enabled in production. This is recommended even if the program is fully @safe. In addition, a project with a considerable amount of unsafe code should use external tools like LLVM address sanitizer and Valgrind to at least some extent.

Note that the idea in many of these hardening tools, both those in the language and those of the external tools, is to crash as soon as any fault is detected. It decreases the chance of any surprise from undefined behavior doing more serious damage.

This requires that the program is designed to accept a crash at any moment. The program must never hold such amounts of unsaved data that there would be any hesitation in crashing it. If it controls anything important, it must be able to regain control after being restarted by a user or another process, or it must have another backup program. Any program that “can’t afford” to run potentially crashing checks is in no business to be trusted with systems programming either.


That concludes this blog series on DIP1000. There are some topics related to DIP1000 we have left up to the readers to experiment with themselves, such as associative arrays. Still, this should be enough to get them going.

Though we have uncovered some practical tips in addition to language rules, there surely is a lot more that could be said. Tell us your memory safety tips in the D forums!

Thanks to Walter Bright and Dennis Korpel for providing feedback on this article.

Memory Safety in a Modern Systems Programming Language Part 2

DIP1000: Memory Safety in a Modern System Programming Language Pt. 2

The previous entry in this series shows how to use the new DIP1000 rules to have slices and pointers refer to the stack, all while being memory safe. But D can refer to the stack in other ways, too, and that’s the topic of this article.

Object-oriented instances are the easiest case

In Part 1, I said that if you understand how DIP1000 works with pointers, then you understand how it works with classes. An example is worth more than mere words:

@safe Object ifNull(return scope Object a, return scope Object b)
    return a? a: b;

The return scope in the above example works exactly as it does in the following:

@safe int* ifNull(return scope int* a, return scope int* b)
    return a? a: b;

The principle is: if the scope or return scope storage class is applied to an object in a parameter list, the address of the object instance is protected just as if the parameter were a pointer to the instance. From the perspective of machine code, it is a pointer to the instance.

From the point of view of regular functions, that’s all there is to it. What about member functions of a class or an interface? This is how it’s done:

interface Talkative
    @safe const(char)[] saySomething() scope;

class Duck : Talkative
    char[8] favoriteWord;
    @safe const(char)[] saySomething() scope
        import std.random : dice;

        // This wouldn't work
        // return favoriteWord[];

        // This does
        return favoriteWord[].dup;

        // Also returning something totally
        // different works. This
        // returns the first entry 40% of the time,
        // The second entry 40% of the time, and
        // the third entry the rest of the time.

scope positioned either before or after the member function name marks the this reference as scope, preventing it from leaking out of the function. Because the address of the instance is protected, nothing that refers directly to the address of the fields is allowed to escape either. That’s why return favoriteWord[] is disallowed; it’s a static array stored inside the class instance, so the returned slice would refer directly to it. favoriteWord[].dup on the other hand returns a copy of the data that isn’t located in the class instance, which is why it’s okay.

Alternatively one could replace the scope attributes of both Talkative.saySomething and Duck.saySomething with return scope, allowing the return of favoriteWord without duplication.

DIP1000 and Liskov Substitution Principle

The Liskov substitution principle states, in simplified terms, that an inherited function can give the caller more guarantees than its parent function, but never fewer. DIP1000-related attributes fall in that category. The rule works like this:

  • if a parameter (including the implicit this reference) in the parent functions has no DIP1000 attributes, the child function may designate it scope or return scope
  • if a parameter is designated scope in the parent, it must be designated scope in the child
  • if a parameter is return scope in the parent, it must be either scope or return scope in the child

If there is no attribute, the caller can not assume anything; the function might store the address of the argument somewhere. If return scope is present, the caller can assume the address of the argument is not stored other than in the return value. With scope, the guarantee is that the address is not stored anywhere, which is an even stronger guarantee. Example:

class C1
{   double*[] incomeLog;
    @safe double* imposeTax(double* pIncome)
        incomeLog ~= pIncome;
        return new double(*pIncome * .15);

class C2 : C1
    // Okay from language perspective (but maybe not fair
    // for the taxpayer)
    override @safe double* imposeTax
        (return scope double* pIncome)
        return pIncome;

class C3 : C2
    // Also okay.
    override @safe double* imposeTax
        (scope double* pIncome)
        return new double(*pIncome * .18);

class C4: C3
    // Not okay. The pIncome parameter of C3.imposeTax
    // is scope, and this tries to relax the restriction.
    override @safe double* imposeTax
        (double* pIncome)
        incomeLog ~= pIncome;
        return new double(*pIncome * .16);

The special pointer, ref

We still have not uncovered how to use structs and unions with DIP1000. Well, obviously we’ve uncovered pointers and arrays. When referring to a struct or a union, they work the same as they do when referring to any other type. But pointers and arrays are not the canonical way to use structs in D. They are most often passed around by value, or by reference when bound to ref parameters. Now is a good time to explain how ref works with DIP1000.

They don’t work like just any pointer. Once you understand ref, you can use DIP1000 in many ways you otherwise could not.

A simple ref int parameter

The simplest possible way to use ref is probably this:

@safe void fun(ref int arg) {
    arg = 5;

What does this mean? ref is internally a pointer—think int* pArg—but is used like a value in the source code. arg = 5 works internally like *pArg = 5. Also, the client calls the function as if the argument were passed by value:

auto anArray = [1,2];
fun(anArray[1]); // or, via UFCS: anArray[1].fun;
// anArray is now [1, 5]

instead of fun(&anArray[1]). Unlike C++ references, D references can be null, but the application will instantly terminate with a segmentation fault if a null ref is used for something other than reading the address with the & operator. So this:

int* ptr = null;

…compiles, but crashes at runtime because the assignment inside fun lands at the null address.

The address of a ref variable is always guarded against escape. In this sense @safe void fun(ref int arg){arg = 5;} is like @safe void fun(scope int* pArg){*pArg = 5;}. For example, @safe int* fun(ref int arg){return &arg;} will not compile, just like @safe int* fun(scope int* pArg){return pArg;} will not.

There is a return ref storage class, however, that allows returning the address of the parameter but no other form of escape, just like return scope. This means that @safe int* fun(return ref int arg){return &arg;} works.

reference to a reference

reference to an int or similar type already allows much nicer syntax than one can get with pointers. But the real power of ref shows when it refers to a type that is a reference itself—a pointer or a class, for instance. scope or return scope can be applied to a reference that is referenced to by ref. For example:

@safe float[] mergeSort(ref return scope float[] arr)
    import std.algorithm: merge;
    import std.array : Appender;

    if(arr.length < 2) return arr;

    auto firstHalf = arr[0 .. $/2];
    auto secondHalf = arr[$/2 .. $];

    Appender!(float[]) output;

    )   output ~= el;

    arr = output[];
    return arr;

@safe bool floatLess(float a, float b)
    import std.math: isNaN;

    return a.isNaN? false:
          b.isNaN? true:

mergeSort here guarantees it won’t leak the address of the floats in arr except in the return value. This is the same guarantee that would be had from a return scope float[] arr parameter. But at the same time, because arr is a ref parameter, mergeSort can mutate the array passed to it. Then the client can write:

float[] values = [5, 1.5, 0, 19, 1.5, 1];

With a non-ref argument, the client would have to write values = values.sort instead (not using ref would be a perfectly reasonable API in this case, because we do not always want to mutate the original array). This is something that cannot be accomplished with pointers, because return scope float[]* arr would protect the address of the array’s metadata (the length and ptr fields of the array), not the address of it’s contents.

It is also possible to have a returnable ref argument to a scope reference. Since this example has a unit test, remember to use the -unittest compile flag to include it in the compiled binary.

@safe ref Exception nullify(return ref scope Exception obj)
    obj = null;
    return obj;

@safe unittest
    scope obj = new Exception("Error!");
    assert(obj.msg == "Error!");
    assert(obj is null);
    // Since nullify returns by ref, we can assign
    // to it's return value.
    obj.nullify = new Exception("Fail!");
    assert(obj.msg == "Fail!");

Here we return the address of the argument passed to nullify, but still guard both the address of the object pointer and the address of the class instance against being leaked by other channels.

return is a free keyword that does not mandate ref or scope to follow it. What does void* fun(ref scope return int*) mean then? The spec states that return without a trailing scope is always treated as ref return. This example thus is equivalent to void* fun(return ref scope int*). However, this only applies if there is reference to bind to. Writing void* fun(scope return int*) means void* fun(return scope int*). It’s even possible to write void* fun(return int*) with the latter meaning, but I leave it up to you to decide whether this qualifies as conciseness or obfuscation.

Member functions and ref

ref and return ref often require careful consideration to keep track of which address is protected and what can be returned. It takes some experience to get confortable with them. But once you do, understanding how structs and unions work with DIP1000 is pretty straightforward.

The major difference to classes is that where the this reference is just a regular class reference in class member functions, this in a struct or union member function is ref StructOrUnionName.

union Uni
    int asInt;
    char[4] asCharArr;

    // Return value contains a reference to
    // this union, won't escape references
    // to it via any other channel
    @safe char[] latterHalf() return
        return asCharArr[2 .. $];

    // This argument is implicitly ref, so the
    // following means the return value does
    // not refer to this union, and also that
    // we don't leak it in any other way.
    @safe char[] latterHalfCopy()
        return latterHalf.dup;

Note that return ref should not be used with the this argument. char[] latterHalf() return ref fails to parse. The language already has to understand what ref char[] latterHalf() return means: the return value is a reference. The “ref” in return ref would be redundant anyway.

Note that we did not use the scope keyword here. scope would be meaningless with this union, because it does not contain references to anything. Just like it is meaningless to have a scope ref int, or a scope int function argument. scope makes sense only for types that refer to memory elsewhere.

scope in a struct or union means the same thing as it means in a static array. It means that the memory its members refer to cannot be escaped. Example:

struct CString
    // We need to put the pointer in an anonymous
    // union with a dummy member, otherwise @safe user
    // code could assign ptr to point to a character
    // not in a C string.
        // Empty string literals get optimised to null pointers by D
        // compiler, we have to do this for the .init value to really point to
        // a '\0'.
        immutable(char)* ptr = &nullChar;
        size_t dummy;

    // In constructors, the "return value" is the
    // constructed data object. Thus, the return scope
    // here makes sure this struct won't live longer
    // than the memory in arr.
    @trusted this(return scope string arr)
        // Note: Normal assert would not do! They may be
        // removed from release builds, but this assert
        // is necessary for memory safety so we need
        // to use assert(0) instead which never gets
        // removed.
        if(arr[$-1] != '\0') assert(0, "not a C string!");
        ptr = arr.ptr;

    // The return value refers to the same memory as the
    // members in this struct, but we don't leak references
    // to it via any other way, so return scope.
    @trusted ref immutable(char) front() return scope
        return *ptr;

    // No references to the pointed-to array passed
    // anywhere.
    @trusted void popFront() scope
        // Otherwise the user could pop past the
        // end of the string and then read it!
        if(empty) assert(0, "out of bounds!");

    // Same.
    @safe bool empty() scope
        return front == '\0';

immutable nullChar = '\0';

@safe unittest
    import std.array : staticArray;

    auto localStr = "hello world!\0".staticArray;
    auto localCStr = localStr.CString;
    assert(localCStr.front == 'h');

    static immutable(char)* staticPtr;

    // Error, escaping reference to local.
    // staticPtr = &localCStr.front();

    // Fine.
    staticPtr = &CString("global\0").front();

    assert(localCStr.front == 'e');

Part One said that @trusted is a terrible footgun with DIP1000. This example demonstrates why. Imagine how easy it’d be to use a regular assert or forget about them totally, or overlook the need to use the anonymous union. I think this struct is safe to use, but it’s entirely possible I overlooked something.


We almost know all there is to know about using structs, unions, and classes with DIP1000. We have two final things to learn today.

But before that, a short digression regarding the scope keyword. It is not used for just annotating parameters and local variables as illustrated. It is also used for scope classes and scope guard statements. This guide won’t be discussing those, because the former feature is deprecated, and the latter is not related to DIP1000 or control of variable lifetimes. The point of mentioning them is to dispel a potential misconception that scope always means limiting the lifetime of something. Learning about scope guard statements is still a good idea, as it’s a useful feature.

Back to the topic. The first thing is not really specific to structs or classes. We discussed what return, return ref, and return scope usually mean, but there’s an alternative meaning to them. Consider:

@safe void getFirstSpace
    ref scope string result,
    return scope string where

The usual meaning of the return attribute makes no sense here, as the function has a void return type. A special rule applies in this case: if the return type is void, and the first argument is ref or out, any subsequent return [ref/scope] is assumed to be escaped by assigning to the first argument. With struct member functions, they are assumed to be assigned to the struct itself.

@safe unittest
    static string output;
    immutable(char)[8] input = "on stack";
    //Trying to assign stack contents to a static
    //variable. Won't compile.
    getFirstSpace(output, input);

Since out came up, it should be said it would be a better choice for result here than ref. out works like ref, with the one difference that the referenced data is automatically default-initialized at the beginning of the function, meaning any data to which the out parameter refers is guaranteed to not affect the function.

The second thing to learn is that scope is used by the compiler to optimize class allocations inside function bodies. If a new class is used to initialize a scope variable, the compiler can put it on the stack. Example:

class C{int a, b, c;}
@safe @nogc unittest
    // Since this unittest is @nogc, this wouldn't
    // compile without the scope optimization.
    scope C c = new C();

This feature requires using the scope keyword explicitly. Inference of scope does not work, because initializing a class this way does not normally (meaning, without the @nogc attribute) mandate limiting the lifetime of c. The feature currently works only with classes, but there is no reason it couldn’t work with newed struct pointers and array literals too.

Until next time

This is pretty much all that there is to manual DIP1000 usage. But this blog series shall not be over yet! DIP1000 is not intended to always be used explicitly—it works with attribute inference. That’s what the next post will cover.

It will also cover some considerations when daring to use @trusted and @system code. The need for dangerous systems programming exists and is part of the D language domain. But even systems programming is a responsible affair when people do what they can to minimize risks. We will see that even there it’s possible to do a lot.

Thanks to Walter Bright and Dennis Korpel for reviewing this article

Memory Safety in a Modern Systems Programming Language Part 1

Memory safety needs no checks

D is both a garbage-collected programming language and an efficient raw memory access language. Modern high-level languages like D are memory safe, preventing users from accidently reading or writing to unused memory or breaking the type system of the language.

As a systems programming language, not all of D can give such guarantees, but it does have a memory-safe subset that uses the garbage collector to take care of memory management much like Java, C#, or Go. A D codebase, even in a systems programming project, should aim to remain within that memory-safe subset where practical. D provides the @safe function attribute to verify that a function uses only memory-safe features of the language. For instance, try this.

@safe string getBeginning(immutable(char)* cString)
    return cString[0..3];

The compiler will refuse to compile this code. There’s no way to know what will result from the three-character slice of cString, which could be referring to an empty string (i.e., cString[0] is \0), a string with a length of 1, or even one or two characters without the terminating NUL. The result in those cases would be a memory violation.

@safe does not mean slow

Note that I said above that even a low-level systems programming project should use @safe where practical. How is that possible, given that such projects sometimes cannot use the garbage collector, a major tool used in D to guarantee memory safety?

Indeed, such projects must resort to memory-unsafe constructs every now and then. Even higher-level projects often have reasons to do so, as they want to create interfaces to C or C++ libraries, or avoid the garbage collector when indicated by runtime performance. But still, surprisingly large parts of code can be made @safe without using the garbage collector at all.

D can do this because the memory safe subset does not prevent raw memory access per se.

@safe void add(int* a, int* b, int* sum)
    *sum = *a + *b;

This compiles and is fully memory safe, despite dereferencing those pointers in the same completely unchecked way they are dereferenced in C. This is memory safe because @safe D does not allow creating an int* that points to unallocated memory areas, or to a float**, for instance. int* can point to the null address, but this is generally not a memory safety problem because the null address is protected by the operating system. Any attempt to dereference it would crash the program before any memory corruption can happen. The garbage collector isn’t involved, because D’s GC can only run if more memory is requestend from it, or if the collection is explicitly called.

D slices are similar. When indexed at runtime, they will check at runtime that the index is less than their length and that’s it. They will do no checking whatsoever on whether they are referring to a legal memory area. Memory safety is achieved by preventing creation of slices that could refer to illegal memory in the first place, as demonstrated in the first example of this article. And again, there’s no GC involved.

This enables many patterns that are memory-safe, efficient, and independent of the garbage collector.

struct Struct
    int[] slice;
    int* pointer;
    int[10] staticArray;

@safe @nogc Struct examples(Struct arg)
    arg.slice[5] = *arg.pointer;
    arg.staticArray[0..5] = arg.slice[5..10];
    arg.pointer = &arg.slice[8];
    return arg;

As demonstrated, D liberally lets one do unchecked memory handling in @safe code. The memory referred to by arg.slice and arg.pointer may be on the garbage collected heap, or it may be in the static program memory. There is no reason the language needs to care. The program will probably need to either call the garbage collector or do some unsafe memory management to allocate memory for the pointer and the slice, but handling already allocated memory does not need to do either. If this function needed the garbage collector, it would fail to compile because of the @nogc attribute.


There’s a historical design flaw here in that the memory may also be on the stack. Consider what happens if we change our function a bit.

@safe @nogc Struct examples(Struct arg)
    arg.pointer = &arg.staticArray[8];
    arg.slice = arg.staticArray[0..8];
    return arg;

Struct arg is a value type. Its contents are copied to the stack when examples is called and can be ovewritten after the function returns. staticArray is also a value type. It’s copied along with the rest of the struct just as if there were ten integers in the struct instead. When we return arg, the contents of staticArray are copied to the return value, but ptr and slice continue to point to arg, not the returned copy!

But we have a fix. It allows one to write code just as performant in @safe functions as before, including references to the stack. It even enables a few formerly @system (the opposite of @safe) tricks to be written in a safe way. That fix is DIP1000. It’s the reason why this example already causes a deprecation warning by default if it’s compiled with the latest nightly dmd.

Born first, dead last

DIP1000 is a set of enhancements to the language rules regarding pointers, slices, and other references. The name stands for D Improvement Proposal number 1000, as that document is what the new rules were initially based on. One can enable the new rules with the preview compiler switch, -preview=dip1000. Existing code may need some changes to work with the new rules, which is why the switch is not enabled by default. It’s going to be the default in the future, so it’s best to enable it where possible and work to make code compatible with it where not.

The basic idea is to let people limit the lifetime of a reference (an array or pointer, for example). A pointer to the stack is not dangerous if it does not exist longer than the stack variable it is pointing to. Regular references continue to exist, but they can refer only to data with an unlimited lifetime—that is, garbage collected memory, or static or global variables.

Let’s get started

The simplest way to construct limited lifetime references is to assign to it something with a limited lifetime.

@safe int* test(int arg1, int arg2)
    int* notScope = new int(5);
    int* thisIsScope = &arg1;
    int* alsoScope; // Not initially scope...
    alsoScope = thisIsScope; // ...but this makes it so.

    // Error! The variable declared earlier is
    // considered to have a longer lifetime,
    // so disallowed.
    thisIsScope = alsoScope;

    return notScope; // ok
    return thisIsScope; // error
    return alsoScope; // error

When testing these examples, remember to use the compiler switch -preview=dip1000 and to mark the function @safe. The checks are not done for non-@safe functions.

Alternatively, the scope keyword can be explicitly used to limit the lifetime of a reference.

@safe int[] test()
    int[] normalRef;
    scope int[] limitedRef;

        int[5] stackData = [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5];

        // Lifetime of stackData ends
        // before limitedRef, so this is
        // disallowed.
        limitedRef = stackData[];

        //This is how you do it
        scope int[] evenMoreLimited
            = stackData[];

    return normalRef; // Okay.
    return limitedRef; // Forbidden.

If we can’t return limited lifetime references, how they are used at all? Easy. Remember, only the address of the data is protected, not the data itself. It means that we have many ways to pass scoped data out of the function.

@safe int[] fun()
    scope int[] dontReturnMe = [1,2,3];

    int[] result = new int[](dontReturnMe.length);
    // This copies the data, instead of having
    // result refer to protected memory.
    result[] = dontReturnMe[];
    return result;

    // Shorthand way of doing the same as above
    return dontReturnMe.dup;

    // Also you are not always interested
    // in the contents as a whole; you
    // might want to calculate something else
    // from them
        dontReturnMe[0] * dontReturnMe[1],
        cast(int) dontReturnMe.length

Getting interprocedural

With the tricks discussed so far, DIP1000 would be restricted to language primitives when handling limited lifetime references, but the scope storage class can be applied to function parameters, too. Because this guarantees the memory won’t be used after the function exits, local data references can be used as arguments to scope parameters.

@safe double average(scope int[] data)
    double result = 0;
    foreach(el; data) result += el;
    return result / data.length;

@safe double use()
    int[10] data = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
    return data[].average; // works!

Initially, it’s probably best to keep attribute auto inference off. Auto inference in general is a good tool, but it silently adds scope attributes to all parameters it can, meaning it’s easy to lose track of what’s happening. That makes the learning process a lot harder. Avoid this by always explicitly specifying the return type (or lack thereof with void or noreturn): @safe const(char[]) fun(int* val) as opposed to @safe auto fun(int* val) or @safe const fun(int* val). The function also must not be a template or inside a template. We’ll dig deeper on scope auto inference in a future post.

scope allows handling pointers and arrays that point to the stack, but forbids returning them. What if that’s the goal? Enter the return scope attribute:

//Being character arrays, strings also work with DIP1000.
@safe string latterHalf(return scope string arg)
    return arg[$/2 .. $];

@safe string test()
    // allocated in static program memory
    auto hello1 = "Hello world!";
    // allocated on the stack, copied from hello1
    immutable(char)[12] hello2 = hello1;

    auto result1 = hello1.latterHalf; // ok
    return result1; // ok

    auto result2 = hello2[].latterHalf; // ok
    // Nice try! result2 is scope and can't
    // be returned.
    return result2;

return scope parameters work by checking if any of the arguments passed to them are scope. If so, the return value is treated as a scope value that may not outlive any of the return scope arguments. If none are scope, the return value is treated as a global reference that can be copied freely. Like scope, return scope is conservative. Even if one does not actually return the address protected by return scope, the compiler will still perform the call site lifetime checks just as if one did.

scope is shallow

@safe void test()
    scope a = "first";
    scope b = "second";
    string[] arr = [a, b];

In test, initializing arr does not compile. This may be surprising given that the language automatically adds scope to a variable on initialization if needed.

However, consider what the scope on scope string[] arr would protect. There are two things it could potentially protect: the addresses of the strings in the array, or the addresses of the characters in the strings. For this assignment to be safe, scope would have to protect the characters in the strings, but it only protects the top-level reference, i.e., the strings in the array. Thus, the example does not work. Now change arr so that it’s a static array:

@safe void test()
    scope a = "first";
    scope b = "second";
    string[2] arr = [a, b];

This works because static arrays are not references. Memory for all of their elements is allocated in place on the stack (i.e., they contain their elements), as opposed to dynamic arrays which contain a reference to elements stored elsewhere. When a static array is scope, its elements are treated as scope. And since the example would not compile were arr not scope, it follows that scope is inferred.

Some practical tips

Let’s face it, the DIP1000 rules take time to understand, and many would rather spend that time coding something useful. The first and most important tip is: avoid non-@safe code like the plague if doable. Of course, this advice is not new, but it appears even more important with DIP1000. In a nutshell, the language does not check the validity of scope and return scope in a non-@safe function, but when calling those functions the compiler assumes that the attributes are respected.

This makes scope and return scope terrible footguns in unsafe code. But by resisting the temptation to mark code @trusted to avoid thinking, a D coder can hardly do damage. Misusing DIP1000 in @safe code can cause needless compilation errors, but it won’t corrupt memory and is unlikely to cause other bugs either.

A second important point worth mentioning is that there is no need for scope and return scope for function attributes if they receive only static or GC-allocated data. Many langauges do not let coders refer to the stack at all; just because D programmers can do so does not mean they must. This way, they don’t have to spend any more time solving compiler errors than they did before DIP1000. And if a desire to work with the stack arises after all, the authors can then return to annotate the functions. Most likely they will accomplish this without breaking the interface.

What’s next?

This concludes today’s blog post. This is enough to know how to use arrays and pointers with DIP1000. In principle, it also enables readers to use DIP1000 with classes and interfaces. The only thing to learn is that a class reference, including the this pointer in member functions, works with DIP1000 just like a pointer would. Still, it’s hard to grasp what that means from one sentence, so later posts shall illustrate the subject.

In any case, there is more to know. DIP1000 has some features for ref function parameters, structs, and unions that we didn’t cover here. We’ll also dig deeper on how DIP1000 plays with non-@safe functions and attribute auto inference. Currently, the plan is to do two more posts for this series.

Do let us know in the comment section or the D forums if you have any useful DIP1000 tips that were not covered!

Thanks to Walter Bright for reviewing this article.

D News May ’22: D 2.100.0; GDC & LDC Releases; DConf ’22 Schedule Published & Early-Bird Registration Ends

May was a busy month in D land. Early on, a major milestone release of GDC, the GCC-based D compiler, hit the virtual shelves. It was followed in middle of the month by the release of D 2.100.0 along with a DMD release, the reference D compiler, of the same version. That was immediately follwed by a beta release of the LLVM-based D compiler, LDC, version 1.30.0. Finally, the latter half of the month saw the publication of the DConf ’22 schedule, we found a sponsor for the DConf tradition of BeerConf, and May 31st marks the final day of DConf ’22 early-bird registration.

A video version of this blog post is available on the D Language Foundation YouTube channel.

D 2.100.0

This latest release of DMD comes to us courtesy of 41 contributors who brought us 22 major changes and 179 fixed Bugzilla issues. Although the community attached a bit of significance to the 2.100.0 version number, there isn’t anything overly exciting in the changelog. This is largely a house-cleaning release—a number of deprecation periods that should have already ended have been terminated— but there are a couple of interesting additions to the language.

D1-style operator overloading

One of these is the deprecation of D1-style operator overloads. Originally, these were designed to make their purpose clear. Want to overload the addition operator? Then implement opAdd. What to overload the multiplication operator? Then implement opMul. Walter took this approach with operator overloading because of one of the major complaints about the feature in C++: people often overload an operator to do something different from what it is expected to do. An example: overloading the + operator to append rather than perform addition. Walter’s reasoning was that if the intent of the operator is included in the name of the function, then anyone overloading it to do something different is essentially violating its contract. Perhaps it would encourage people to stick to the intent.

No one can say for sure if Walter’s approach worked like he hoped, but a more generic design was implemented in D2, and this is the approach all D code must use today. The D1 operators were kept around largely to ease porting D1 code to D2, with the intention that they would one day be deprecated. It finally happened in D 2.088.0, which was released in the fall of 2019. Following the deprecation process, the deprecation period should have ended with 2.098.0 (the first release after 10 non-patch releases including the deprecation).


The delete keyword was another D1 feature that was ultimately axed in D2. It was deprecated in D 2.079.0, which was released in the spring of 2018. This was something that had long been planned (see the deprecation page for the rationale), and its use had been discouraged for some time.

Ndelete would both destroy an object instance (call its destructors) and release the memory allocated for it by the GC. Now, we use the destroy function from the object module which is imported by default in all D programs. This will call the destructor on an instance and optionally reset the instance to its default .init state. The GC will then free the memory allocated for the instance when necessary, or the programmer can do it manually via static member function in core.memory.


Paul Backus took DIP 1038 through the review process from beginning to end. Initially, it introduced an @nodiscard attribute for functions and types. During the Formal Assessment after the review rounds were completed, Walter and Átila were willing to approve it with changes. The final version renamed the attribute to @mustUse and restricted its application to structs and unions.

The feature was implemented in D 2.100.0 as @mustuse, and is now available to use in your D code. When a type marked with the attribute is the result of an expression, the result cannot be ignored.

.tupleof for static arrays

Many D programmers are familiar with the .tupleof property of structs, which is particularly useful when interfacing with C libraries:

struct Circle {
    float x, y;
    float radius;
    ubyte r, g, b, a;

@nogc nothrow
extern(C) void draw_circle (
    float cx, float cy, float radius,
    ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte a

void foo() {
    Circle c = makeCircle();

Now we can do the same thing with static arrays:

void foo(int, int, int) { /* ... */ }

int[3] ia = [1, 2, 3];
foo(ia.tupleof); // same as `foo(1, 2, 3);

float[3] fa;
//fa = ia; // error
fa.tupleof = ia.tupleof;
assert(fa == [1F, 2F, 3F]);

DConf ’22

DConf ’22 is happening in London, August 1 4. If you haven’t registered yet and you’re reading this on or before May 31st, then register now to take advantage of the 15% early-bird discount. The schedule is online and BeerConf is a go!

DConf ’22 schedule

We love to see and hear first-time speakers at DConf, whether it’s their first conference talk ever or their first DConf talk. This year, we have 11 first-time DConf speakers, 12 if you include our invited keynote speaker Roberto Ierusalimschy (the head designer of the Lua programming language). This is awesome!

The DConf ’22 schedule is set up as follows:

  • three keynotes: two from the language maintainers, one from our guest speaker
  • two panels: the traditional DConf Ask Us Anything involving the language maintainers, and a panel on Programming Language Design
  • a Lightning Talks session
  • 15 presentations (11 of which are from first-time DConf speakers)

We’re limiting the talks to 45 minutes this year so that we’ll have more time to mingle between sessions. One of the talks on Day 3 is slated for 25–30 minutes, so we’ve slotted it such that we have a longer lunch that day.

The schedule (excluding the keynotes, as the details of those haven’t yet been provided) has a loose theme. It’s not perfect, but it’ll do:

  • Day One is mostly status reports and tutorials
  • Day Two is largely intermediate to advanced and heavy on the tech
  • Day Three is about the D ecosystem

All of the talks will be livestreamed and recorded, so they’ll be available on our YouTube channel at some point after the conference has ended. Still, DConf is about more than just the talks, as Razvan Nitu and Dennis Korpel noted in an interview. It’s about getting to know in person the people we encounter online in our regular D community interactions. As Razvan said and I can attest, your perspective will surely change after you can match the internet handles with living, breathing, human beings with whom you’ve interacted in person.

So register!

Early-bird registration ends

May 31st is the last day of early-bird registration. With the 15% discount and 20% VAT, the total is $423.30 USD. We also show the GBP equivalent on the site, based on the HMRC exchange rate for the current month, and accept payments in GBP through PayPal. On June 1st, the general registration rate of $498.00 USD (including 20% VAT) kicks in.

If you are a student, there’s a flat rate of $120.00 USD (including 20% VAT). Email [email protected] to take advantge of it.

We also offer a flat rate of $240.00 USD (including 20% VAT) for major open source contributors. The keyword here is major. It’s not something for which we can set specific criteria, and we don’t really want to provide examples that may discourage inquiries. If you would like to see if you qualify for this discount, please email [email protected], and we’ll let you know.

Finally, we also offer a hardship rate. If you would like to attend DConf but can’t afford the registration, just email [email protected] and we’ll see about helping you out. We can’t help you with transportation, just the registration.


BeerConf is a DConf tradition going back to the very beginning, though we didn’t call it that back then. Every year, we would designate an “official” hotel somewhere in the vicinity of the venue. This would be our gathering spot in the evenings, usually in the hotel lobby or bar. Typically, would people break off into groups for dinner, then several of them would wander over to the gathering spot to hang out and chat, usually over beers. At DConf 2017, Ethan Watson branded this gathering BeerConf and the name has stuck.

At DConf 2019 in London, we couldn’t find a suitable hotel to select as the site of BeerConf. Instead, we hired out the upper floor of a pub close to the venue, thanks to the sponsorship of Mercedes Benz Research and Development North America. For DConf ’22, we’re back in the same general area, and so we again have to hire out a pub.

The 2019 pub was a bit crowded for us, and is a bit too far of a walk from our ’22 venue, so we’ve got our eyes on another pub within walking distance of the venue and near some of the budget hotels listed at What we’ve been missing is funding.

That has changed, thanks to Funkwerk! With their sponsorship, we’re able to cover the minimum spend the pub asks for the each of the evenings of August 1 3. This means that DConf attendees dropping by this pub on those nights can order food and drinks (alcoholic and or otherwise) for free until the DConf tab runs out. We’ll have a separate tab for each night so that we don’t blow it all in one go.

Unfortunately, I can’t announce the specifics about the pub just yet. Our DConf host, Symmetry Investments, is handling the arrangements for us since they’re in London and we aren’t. Once I receive confirmation that the deal is set, I’ll announce all of the details in the forums, here on the blog, and at So keep your ears open!

Thanks again to Funkwerk for helping us out.

Next time

The next big news roundup will come in late August or early September, but I’ll keep the blog updated with announcements before DConf as they come. If you are planning to attend DConf, then I’m looking forward to seeing you in London. And if you aren’t, then change your plans!

D News Jan-Mar 2022: SAOC 2021, D 2.099.0, DConf ’22

Digital Mars D logo

The first three months of 2022 brought some major milestones:

  • Symmetry Autumn of Code 2021 came to an end on January 15, but the judges didn’t render a decision until the middle of February. And what a surprise it was!
  • The D Language Foundation announced in January that we were hiring for a vacant position sponsored by Symmetry Investments, and in February we found the person to fill it.
  • Also in February, we made a long-awaited announcement regarding DConf.
  • In early March, D 2.099.0 was released.

That’s a pretty solid start to 2022, and most of it was made possible thanks to the generous contributions of Symmetry Investments. If you’re looking for a job, Symmetry is always hiring, including D programmers!

And now on with the news.

Symmetry Autumn of Code 2021

We started SAOC 2021 with five participants, each working on projects that would be of value to the D community. Three of them were unable to make it to the end. So it came down to two: Teodor Dutu and Luís Ferreira. Teodor was working on converting DRuntime hooks to templates, and Luís on getting support for D into LLDB, the LLVM debugger.

SAOC is sponsored by Symmetry Investments. Each year, participants promise to work on their projects at least 20 hours per week across four month-long milestones. At the end of each of the first three milestones, a panel of judges evaluates their progress to decide if they pass or fail. A passing participant is awarded a $1000 payment and allowed to continue in the next milestone. A failing participant might be given a reduced payment or none at all, and removed from the event or given a warning, depending on the circumstances leading to the failure. At the end of the fourth milestone, the judges evaluate the overall progress of each participant across the entire event and select one to receive a final $1000 payment and a free trip to DConf.

For the first time in four editions of the event, the SOAC 2021 judges were unable to agree on who should receive the final rewards. It was a three-judge panel, each of whom is a veteran of every edition of SAOC: Jon Colvin, Átila Neves, and Robert Schadek. Two of them split, and the third felt there wasn’t enough to make either of the two participants stand out above the other. Teodor and Luís both did their work, wrote detailed milestone reports, and kept up with their forum updates to the same degree. So the conflicted judge took a proposal to Laeeth Isharc of Symmetry: why not award both candidates the final payment and the DConf trip?

Congratulations to Teodor and Luís on being the first dual recipients of the final SAOC reward. They have continued working on their projects, and we look forward to seeing the work they do in the future. Thanks to all of the SAOC participants, mentors, and judges, and to Symmetry Investments for sponsoring the event every year.

The New Pull Request and Issue Manager

For over a year, Razvan Nitu has been working hard at closing Bugzilla issues and merging pull requests in his role as our Pull Request and Issue Manager. His position is sponsored by Symmetry Investments, which provided funding for two such positions. Unfortunately, real-world circumstances conspired to prevent the person selected for the second position from filling it, so it remained vacant through most of 2021.

At the beginning of this year, Symmetry committed to continuing funding for both positions (as well as a different position, that of my assistant, filled by Max Haughton). In January, we put out a call for applications. In February, we announced that Dennis Korpel was selected for the job. His proven track record as a volunteer contributor to the core D repositories made him the top contender.

Dennis officially started his new job on March 1, and he hit the ground running. We’re happy to have him on board.

Tell them about it–#dbugfix

Razvan and Dennis are here to make sure the bugs are fixed and pull requests are merged. If you have an issue that’s bugging you because it’s been open for ages, or if you feel like a pull request should be getting more attention, let them know! That’s what they’re here for.

One way you can do that is by tweeting the issue number along with #dbugfix. We initiated this hashtag a while back so that D users could bring attention to specific issues, but then the hard part was finding someone with the time and inclination to fix it. Now, with both Razvan and Dennis paid to make sure issues get fixed, the hard part is a lot easier. You can also post about issues in the forums or email [email protected], and I will make sure that they see it.

Razvan and Dennis have their criteria for deciding their priorities in the absence of input, but if you bring an issue or PR to their attention, they will work to resolve it as quickly as they can.

D 2.099.0

Version 2.099.0 of DMD, the reference D compiler, was released on March 6. This is a massive release, containing 20 major changes and 221 closed Bugzilla issues from 100 contributors. Some highlights from this release: D modules can be imported into C code via ImportC; D now has throw expressions; and PE/COFF output is now the default in DMD on Windows. See the changelog for the complete list.

Import modules in C source code with ImportC

ImportC is proving to be a valuable addition to D. Once all the kinks are ironed out and a solution for handling C preprocessor directives is implemented, the need for bindings to C libraries will largely disappear—you’ll be able to bring C headers, and compile C source files, directly into your D programs without any external tools.

As of D 2.099.0, you can also bring D modules directly into C files via the __import keyword.

// dsayhello.d
import core.stdc.stdio : puts;

extern(C) void helloImport() {
    puts("Hello __import!");
// dhelloimport.c
__import dsayhello;
__import core.stdc.stdio : puts;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    puts("Cool, eh?");
    return 0;

Compile with:

dmd dhelloimport.c dsayhello.d

You can also use it to import C modules that have been compiled via ImportC:

// csayhello.c
__import core.stdc.stdio : puts;

void helloImport() {
    puts("Hello _import!");
// chelloimport.c
__import csayhello;
__import core.stdc.stdio : puts;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    puts("Cool, eh?");
    return 0;

Compile with:

dmd chelloimport.c csayhello.c

The throw expression has been implemented

For all of D’s lifetime, throw has been a statement and only a statement. It couldn’t be used in expressions because expressions must have a type, and since throw doesn’t return a value, there was no suitable type. This prevented it from being used with the following syntax:

(string err) => throw new Exception(err);

And required this form instead:

(string err) { throw new Exception(err); }

DIP 1034, which introduced a bottom type to the language, provided the means to enable throw expressions: when “a throw statement is seen as an expression returning a bottom type”. As of D 2.099.0, the following code snippet compiles:

void foo(int function() f) {}

void main() {
    foo(() => throw new Exception());

PE/COFF is the default DMD output on Windows

For many years, DMD outputs object files in the OMF format on Windows. There’s a story behind this, a large part of it related to the culture of software development on Windows, but it can be summarized in two bullet points:

  • Walter Bright already had a C compiler backend that generated OMF output, a license to distribute OMF link libraries for the Win32 API, and a linker that understands OMF (OPTLINK).
  • There was no de facto system linker on Windows when he started working on D in 1999, so he could not rely on a specific linker being installed.

Reusing the compiler backend and the linker allowed Walter to distribute DMD as a compiler that worked out of the box, without the need to install any further development tools. He felt this was important for D’s early adoption. The downside was that it also restricted DMD on Windows to 32-bit. Eventually, he had to support PE/COFF and require the Microsoft linker in order to support 64-bit output, and he implemented PE/COFF 32-bit at the same time, but he was adamant that DMD continue to work out of the box for those who didn’t want to install the Microsoft Build Tools (for the linker) and Windows SDK (for the Win32 link libraries).

Eventually, OPTLINK started showing its age. Linker errors became more common as D codebases grew. There were calls to enable PE/COFF by default. Finally, someone raised the idea of shipping the LLVM linker, LLD, along with link libraries generated from the MinGW project. This would allow DMD to eventually default to PE/COFF while maintaining the out-of-the-box experience.

DMD has been shipping with LLD for several releases, and it seems enough of the kinks have been worked out that it has been ready to become the default for a while now. Nicholas Wilson finally took the step to make that happen, Walter eventually gave it his blessing, and now PE/COFF is the default DMD output on Windows.

Practically, this means that the -m32mscoff switch has been deprecated, -m32 now specifies PE/COFF, and the new switch -m32omf can be used to produce OMF output if needed (but its OMF support will eventually be dropped). The -m64 switch has always produced PE/COFF output, so has not changed.


The beta release of LDC 1.29.0 was announced on March 10. This version of the LLVM-based D compiler is based on D 2.099.0+. It includes support for LLVM 13, no longer defaults to the linker on Linux (LLD is recommended), and includes a breaking change for the extern(D) ABI. See the full release log for details.

DConf ’22 in London

After an unexpected and unwanted hiatus, DConf is returning to the real world! Hosted once again by Symmetry Investments, we’ll be in London, Aug 1–4, 2022. We’re currently accepting submissions and early-bird registration is open.

Guest keynote speaker

Our guest speaker this year is Roberto Ierusalimschy, Associate Professor at the PUC-Rio Department of Informatics and head designer of the Lua programming language. We’re excited that he’s able to join us. Several D community members have used or are using Lua in their D projects, including the gas dynamics toolkit at the University of Queensland that its maintainers wrote about on this blog. (You can also count me in that group. I’ve used Lua in different capacities over the years, and I maintain a set of D bindings for Lua’s C API).

Roberto was the mentor who shepherded the Origins of the D Programming Language paper through the HOPL IV conference, so he already has a connection to the D community.

I don’t know yet if his talk will be related to Lua, but I’m looking forward to hearing what he has to say.


Early-bird registration is open until May 31. The base early-bird rate is $352.75 ($423.30 after applying 20% VAT), which is 15% off the general registration of $415 ($498 with 20% VAT). We offer a student discount, a discount for major open source contributors, and a hardship rate. You can register now or learn about the discounted rates at


At past editions of DConf, we’ve allotted talks in 50-minute blocks with 10-minute breaks in between. This year, we’re cutting that down: we’d like to keep the talks no longer than 40–45 minutes. Part of the magic of DConf is the time spent interacting face-to-face with other D enthusiasts, so it only makes sense to make as much room for that as we can while still allowing for educational and informative presentations.

If you have something related to the D programming language that you’d like to share with the world, please send in a submission. Don’t know what to talk about? Then heed Ali Çehreli, from one of his DConf Online 2020 Q & A sessions:

Coming up with an idea for a talk is as simple as the way you use D. Just look at your code, and it makes a presentation…

If you have used the D programming language, then you have material for a talk: describe your project; talk about specific problems you solved or interesting ways in which you’ve employed language features; expound on the ups and downs of your experience learning D so that others can benefit; and so on. Take a look at the DConf and DConf Online talks available on our YouTube channel for inspiration. Even if you’ve never presented at a conference, we encourage you to send us a submission! Several D community members have given their first presentation at DConf, and we are always happy to see more.

The worst that can happen when you submit a talk is that it isn’t accepted. But if it is accepted, then you’ll be entitled to reimbursement for your transportation to and from London, and your lodging for the five nights of the conference. You get to hang out with people who share your interest in D and most of your expenses are covered, with nothing to lose if your talk isn’t accepted.

Don’t let doubt or hesitation hold you back. You can find submission details at


DConf ’22 is taking place a nifty venue between Moorgate and Liverpool Street Stations called CodeNode. All of our talks will be in their CTRL room on the first floor, and we’ll have the basement ESC room to ourselves for mingling between talks and during lunch. They have table tennis and foosball tables, and plenty of space in which to chill.

CodeNode isn’t far from our DConf 2019 venue, so the same budget hotels we stayed at then are also within walking distance this year. You can find a list of those and several other budget hotels in the area at


For every edition of DConf before 2019, we designated one area hotel as the official gathering spot. Many attendees would take rooms there, and a number of us would gather in the evenings in the hotel lobby or bar to chat over drinks and snacks. In one of our Berlin editions, Ethan Watson coined the term “BeerConf” to refer to these evening meetups. In 2019, we couldn’t find a suitable hotel in which to gather, so we hired space in a pub near the venue. When DConf was canceled in 2020, a couple of community members hosted an online BeerConf to make up for the loss of the real-world version, and they’ve been hosting it every month since.

This year, since we’re back in the same part of London, we’re again looking for a space we can rent for BeerConf. We’ve got our eyes on a couple of spaces, and we’re working to secure funding. I hope to have an update on that before the end of April.

In the meantime, keep an eye on the D Announce forum for news of our monthly online version of BeerConf, and consider picking up a BeerConf shirt from our DLang Swag Emporium!

Looking ahead

We’re looking forward to the rest of 2022. One of our big goals for this year is to lay the groundwork for bringing more structure and organization to the D ecosystem. The PR/Issue managers have made a big difference and brought order to a chaotic contribution process, but we still have a long way to get to where we’d like to be.

Soon, I’ll start publishing tutorials on the foundation’s YouTube channel. These tutorials are going to cover more than just the language syntax and semantics. They’ll also dive into the tools we use as D programmers: compilers, linkers, loaders, object files, etc. These days, it’s not unsual for a programmer new to D to have gone years without ever touching a programming language that uses the same compile-link model. Questions about static linking errors, or confusion about compiler vs. linker errors, are not uncommon. These tutorials will be short and focused on specific topics, and will hopefully serve as a means for new D programmers to up their game with the tools they use.

Once I’ve uploaded the tutorials, I’ll apply for our channel to join the YouTube Partner Program so that we can start raising money from the channel. We’re eligible now, but I don’t want to apply until I’ve established a more frequent pattern of updates.

On that note, I’d like to remind you that the D Language Foundation is available to select as a charity for the Amazon Smile program. When you shop via, selecting the D Language Foundation as your preferred charity allows us to receive a small percentage of your payment. If you shop at Amazon, it’s an easy way to support the D Language Foundation. You can find browser extensions that will redirect you to every time you visit, such as Amazon Smile Redirect, which is available for Chrome/Edge and for Firefox. (Amazon Smile charities are domain-specific, so the D Language Foundation is only available through Amazon’s .com domain).

You can also support us by shopping at the DLang Swag Emporium or donating directly via one of the options listed at

We can’t wait to see you in London!

Reducing Template Compile Times

Templates have been enormously profitable for the D programming language. They allow the programmer to generate efficient and correct code at compile time. Long gone are the days of preprocessor macros or handwritten, per-type data structures. D templates, though designed in the shadow of C++ templates, were not made in their image. D makes templates cleaner and more expressive, and also enables patterns like “Design by Introspection”.

Here is a simple example of a template that would require the use of preprocessor macros in C or C++:

template sizeOfTypeByName(string name)
  enum sizeOfTypeByName = mixin(name, ".sizeof");
  assert(sizeOfTypeByName!"int" == 4);

D’s templates are powerful tools but should not be used unthinkingly. Carelessness could result in long compile times or excessive code generation.

In this blog post, I introduce some simple concepts that can help in writing templates that minimize resource usage. Deeper intuition can also lead to the discovery of new abstractions or increased confidence in existing ones.

Read the memo

The D compiler memoizes template instantiations: if I instantiate MyTemplate!int once, the compiler produces an AST for that instantiation; if I instantiate that exact template again, the previous computation is reused.

As a demonstration, let’s write a generic addition function and use pragma(msg, ...) to print the number of instantiations at compile time. I’m going to use it twice with integers and twice with floating point numbers.

auto genericAdd(T)(const T x, const T y)
  pragma(msg, "genericAdd instantiated with ", T);
  return x + y;

// Instantiate with int
writeln(genericAdd!int(4, 5));
writeln(genericAdd!int(6, 1));

// Now for the float type
writeln(genericAdd!float(24.0, 32.0));
writeln(genericAdd!float(0.0, float.nan));

Now let’s compile the code and look at what our pragma(msg, ) says about template instantiations in the compiler.

dmd -c generic_add.d

This yields the following output during compilation:

genericAdd instantiated with int
genericAdd instantiated with float

We can see int and float as we expected, but notice that each is only mentioned once. Newcomers to languages with templates or generics can sometimes mistakenly think that using a template requires a potentially expensive instantiation on every use in the source code. For the benefit of those new users of D, the above is categoric proof that this is not the case; you cannot pay twice for templates you have already asked the compiler to instantiate. (You can, however, convince yourself that you are asking the compiler to do something it’s already done when you in fact are not. We’ll go over contrived and real-world examples of this later in this article.)

The benefit of this feature should be obvious, but what may not be obvious is how it can be employed in writing templates. Within the bounds of our desire for ergonomics, we should design the interfaces of our templates to maximize the number of identical instantiations.

What’s in a name?

The following example, adapted from a real-world change to a large D project, yielded a reduction in compile time of a few percent for unit-test builds.

Let’s say we have an expensive template whose behavior we want to test over a simple type. Our type might be:

struct Vector3
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;

To demonstrate the phenomenon, we don’t have to do anything fancy, so we’ll just declare a stub called send.

// Let's say this sends a value of type T to a database.
void send(T)(T x);

A note on syntax: Given a variable val of type int, this template could be explicitly instantiated as send!(int)(val). However, the compiler can infer the type T, so we can instantiate it as if it were a normal function call as send(val). Using D’s Uniform Function Call Syntax, we could alternatively call it like a property or member, as val.send() (the approach used in the following example), or even val.send, since parentheses are optional in function calls when there are no arguments.

Our test might then be something like:

struct Vector3
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;

  Vector3 value;

This is reasonable so far. However, an issue arises when we start to write more than one test. Should we want to test different behaviors of a fancy template, but instantiate it with the same type, then we end up spending more time in compilation than we would have expected. A lot more time. And we see large growth in the number of symbols emitted in the resulting binary, resulting in a larger file size than one would expect. Why is that?

Despite our intuition that the compiler should consider multiple declarations of a type like Vector3 in multiple unittest blocks as identical, it actually does not. We can demonstrate this effect with an extremely simple example. We’ll provide an implementation of send that prints at compile time the type of each instantiation. Then we’ll use static foreach to generate five distinct implementations of a single unit test.

void send(T)(T x)
  pragma(msg, T); 

// Generate 5 unittest blocks
static foreach(_; 0..5)
    struct JustInt
      int x;
    JustInt value;

This results in the following output from the compiler:


Huh? Doesn’t this violate our “you can’t pay twice” rule? If you were to take this output from the compiler as gospel, then yes, but there’s a more subtle truth here.

Fully qualified names

The name of a type as you would write it in your editor is not the complete name of a type. Let’s amend the implementation of send to print the return value of a template called fullyQualifiedName rather than printing T directly. The rest of the example remains the same.

void send(T)(T x)
  import std.traits : fullyQualifiedName;
  pragma(msg, fullyQualifiedName!T); 

Assuming the module is named example, this yields something like:


This explains our previous conundrum. By declaring the type locally in each test, we have actually declared a new type per test, each of which results in a new instantiation.

A type’s fully qualified name includes the name of its enclosing scope ({package-name.}module-name.{scope-name(s).}TypeName). The compiler rewrites each unittest as a unique function with a generated name. We have five unique functions, each with its own local, distinct declaration of a JustInt type. And so we end up with five distinct types.

We want to ensure that one instantiation is reused across unittest blocks. We do that by moving the declaration of JustInt to module scope, outside of the unit tests.

struct JustInt
  int x;

static foreach(_; 0..5)
    JustInt value;

The send template now prints:


Much better.

Some hard data

To collect some anecdata about the usefulness of these changes, we’ll look at compilation times and the size of compiled binaries. Since this template is very trivial, let’s generate a hundred copies of the same unittest rather than five so we can see a trend.

On my system, timing the compilation of our programs shows the locally declared types took 243ms to compile, but the version with a single global type declaration took 159ms to compile. A difference of 84ms is not all that much, sure, but in a large codebase, there may be a lot of these speedups waiting to be found. Any reduction in compile times is to be embraced, especially when it’s cumulative.

As for binary size, I saw a savings of 69K on disk. The quantity of machine code generated by the compiler is worth keeping a close eye on. Larger binaries mean more work for the linker, which in turn means more time waiting for builds to complete. The easiest job is the one you don’t have to do.

A more complex example

The following example demonstrates a very simple but fundamental change to a template that yields an enormous improvement in compile times and other metrics.

Let’s say we have a fairly simple interpreter, and we want to expose functions in our D code to the scripts executed by our interpreter. We can do that with some sort of registration function, which we’ll call register.

The signature of the register function

To prove the point I’m discussing, we don’t need to implement this function—its interface is what can cause a big slow down.

Let’s say our register function looks like this:

// Context is something our hypothetical interpreter works with
void register(alias func, string registeredName)(Context x); 

It’s pretty reasonable, right? It takes a template alias parameter that specifies the function to call (a common idiom in D) and a template value parameter of type string that represents the name of the function as it is exposed to scripts. The implementation of register will presumably map the value of registeredName to the func alias, and then scripts can call the function using that value. Functions can be registered with, e.g., the following:

context = createAContext();
context.register!(writeln!string, "writeln")();

The scripts can call the Phobos writeln function template using the name writeln.

The compile-time performance of the register template

The interface for register looks harmless, but it turns out that it has a significant impact on compile time. We can test this by registering some random functions. The actual contents of the functions don’t matter—this article is about template compile times, so we just want a baseline figure for roughly how much time the infrastructure templates take to compile rather than the code they are hooking together.

Although we will pull the functions out of a hat, the thing that will drive our intuition is to realize that a small number of interfaces will likely be reused many times. We could start with a basket of interface stubs like this:

int stub1(string) { return 1; }

int stub2(string) { return 2; }

int stub3(string) { return 3; }

// etc.

More broadly, with a bunch of functions that have identical signatures and a bunch of functions with random parameter lists and return types, we can get a rough baseline. With the set of stubs I used, compile times ended up at roughly 5 seconds.

So what happens if we move the compile-time parameters to run time? Since registeredName is a template value parameter, we can just move it into the function parameter list with no change. We have to handle the func parameter differently. Almost any symbol can bind at compile time to a template alias parameter, but symbols can’t bind at run time to function parameters. We have to use a function pointer instead. In that case, we can use the type of the referenced function as a template parameter.

void register(FuncType)(Context x, FuncType ptr, string registeredName);

With this signature, the compile time drops to roughly 1 second.

What’s going on?

D is a fairly fast language to compile. Good decisions have been made over the lifetime of the language to make that possible. It is also the case that one can happily write slow-to-compile D code. Although we are choosing to ignore the compilation speeds of the non-infrastructure code to simplify the point being made, this can actually (in a certain sense) be the case in real projects, too. As such it is worthwhile to pay attention not to the quantity of metaprogramming being done semantically but rather the quantity of metaprogramming being performed by the compiler.

In this case, with the first interface used for register, the compiler had no opportunity to reuse any instantiations. Because it accepted the registered functions as symbols, each instantiation was unique. By shifting instead to take the type of the registered function as a template parameter and a pointer to the function as a function parameter, the compiler could reuse instantiations. stub1, stub2, and stub3 are distinct symbols, but they each have the same type of (int function(string)).

To be clear, this is not an indictment of template alias parameters. There are good use cases for them (the Phobos algorithms API is an example). The point of this example is to show how the compile-time costs of unique template instantiations can be hidden. A decision about the trade-offs between compile-time and run-time performance can only be made if the programmer is aware there is a decision to make. So when implementing a template, consider how it will be used. If it’s going to end up creating many unique instantiations, then you can weigh the benefits of keeping that interface versus redesigning it to maximize reuse.

A false friend

In linguistics, a false friend is a pair of words from two different languages that look the same but have different meanings. I’m going to abuse this term by using it to refer to a pair of programming patterns that actually result in the same program behavior, but via different routes through the language implementation, i.e., one of these patterns has, say, worse performance or compile times than the other.

A simple example:

Let’s say we have a library that exposes a template as part of its API, like this one that prints a string when a module is loaded during run-time initialization:

template FunTemplate(string op)
  shared static this()
    import std.stdio;

// Use like this
mixin FunTemplate!"Hello from DLang";

Now let’s say we want to refactor the library in some way that it’s desirable to distinguish the name FunTemplate and its implementation. How would you go about doing that?

One way would be to tack Impl onto the implementation name, then declare an eponymous template that aliases the shortened name to the implementation name and forwards the template argument like this:

template FunTemplate(string op)
  alias FunTemplate = FunTemplateImpl!op;

This does the job, but it also creates an additional instantiation for each different value of op, one instance of FunTemplate, and one of FunTemplateImpl. So if we instantiate it with, e.g., five different values, we end up with ten unique instantiations. Now imagine doing that with a template that’s heavily used throughout a program.

Since we only want to provide an alternate name for the implementation and aren’t doing anything to the parameter list, we can achieve the same result without adding another template into the mix: just use alias by itself.

alias FunTemplate = FunTemplateImpl; 

Since FunTemplate is no longer a template, FunTemplate!"Foo" only creates the one instance of FunTemplateImpl.

Normalization of template arguments

Once we know what we want a template to look like, and we’re satisfied with the interface we want it to have, there are sometimes subtle ways to separate the interface and implementation of a template such that we can minimize the total amount of work the compiler has to do.

The definition of “work” in this context can be important to consider, as we can find ways to balance a tradeoff between compile times and the amount of object code generated for each instantiation. One technique to reduce these costs is by normalizing a given list of template arguments into something called a canonical form.

Canonical Forms

A canonical form, resulting from a process called canonicalization, is a mathematical structure that is intended to reduce multiple different-looking but identical objects into one form that we can then manipulate as we see fit. Using an automatic code formatter is an example of transforming input (in this case, source code) into a canonical form.

Application to templates

Consider a template like this one:

template Expensive(Args...)
  /* Some kind of expensive metaprogramming or code generation */

If we can think of a useful canonical form that isn’t too hard to compute, we can then write a second template Reduce to implement it, then inject it like in the following example.

template Expensive(Args...)
  // Reduce to some kind of canonical form
  alias reduced = Reduce!(Args);

  // Where ExpensiveImpl is the same as above but renamed
  alias Expensive = ExpensiveImpl!(reduced);

To be worth doing, ExpensiveImpl must be significantly more expensive than the reduction operation (pay attention to differences in sys time when measuring this), where “significant” is meant statistically rather than informally, i.e., any win is good as long as you can rigorously prove it’s real.

An example: sorting template arguments

Take a templated aggregate like this:

struct ExposeMethods(Types...)
  /* Some kind of internal state dependant on Types but not their order */

  static foreach(Type; Types) {
    bool test(Type x) { 
      /* Something slow to compile depending on Type */

If it’s instantiated with, e.g., five different types across a large codebase, we could spend a lot of time redoing semantically identical compilation. If all possible types are used as input many times, we could end up with a few permutations, and if not we will probably get a few identical subsets.

A canonical form that might come to mind (i.e., a potential definition of Reduce) is simply sorting the arguments by their names. This can be achieved via the use of staticSort.


D has powerful metaprogramming and code generation features. But like anything in programming, their use isn’t free. If you want to avoid the situation where you find yourself making coffee while your project builds, then it’s imperative to be aware of the cost vs. benefits of the metaprogramming features you use. Then you can make intelligent decisions about your compile-time interfaces and implementations.

Appendix – Tracing the D compiler to count template instantiations

Here’s a simple lesson in Linux userspace tracing: you can use a tool like bpftrace or DTrace to spy on the D compiler compiling other things, so we can get basic figures about the compilation of other D programs without either hacking the compiler or changing their build process.

You’ll need a bpftrace file like the following (saved as e.g.,

  printf("Tracing a D file\n");
  printf("This is the main\n");
  //We do nothing with the knowledge here but if you write some code you can get info about the templates relatively easily
  printf("Instantiating a template\n");

What am I hooking here? That big mangled name in the middle of the script is templateInstanceSemantic in the dsymbolsem module in the DMD source. By hooking it, we can get a rough idea of when a template is being worked on.

Running it with sudo bpftrace (eBPF tracing currently requires root) when building DMD, for example, I see there are about 50,800 template hits.

You can use a more complicated script in a system like bcc to reconstruct the compiler’s internal data structures. With that, we can get output a bit more like 09:05:17 69310 b'/home/mhh/d_dev/dmd/src/dmd/errors.d:85' and actually reconstruct the source/line info (alongside a timestamp and PID).

How I Taught the D Programming Language at a Russian University

This article was originally published in Russian by Grigorii Smorkalov. It was translated to English for the D Blog by Georgy Markov and lightly revised from the original by Michael Parker.

This is the fourth year I’m teaching my D Programming Language course at a very real university in Russia. It’s a full-term course with lectures, practical lessons, and exams, although it’s all remote now. This is the story about how I got there, the challenges I encountered, and how students sometimes surpass their teachers.

What’s in D for university students

The job market for D is very small. As I always say during the first lesson, it’s unlikely that students are going to write D code for a salary, but that doesn’t mean that learning D is useless. Firstly, it’s much easier to learn how to program with D than with C or C++. This is important because many students don’t know how to program even after a full C/C++ course. Secondly, a broader outlook makes for better code. My familiarity with D improved my C++ skills and made it much easier to learn Python, especially its iterators. Most importantly, D is the future—of C++ and beyond. Many C++11/17/20 novelties were first battle-tested in D, and even today D is a much more modern and feature-rich language than C++.

Who am I and what’s in D for me

For simplicity, I would say that I am a C++ programmer. This is my main line of work. Before this course, I’d never been a teacher of any sort. Even on my job, I’m not involved much in mentoring. After earning my master’s degree in Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at UNN (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod) in 2014, I had no relation to academics at all.

In my first months of university, I entertained the thought of being a school teacher. Now I realize that this was just a call for justice of sorts. There is a stark difference between a high school and a university, and for me, the latter was a much better experience. It felt like in just one month at university I learned more than in one term in high school, and that was so cool. Why couldn’t they explain it this way back in high school, was my common thought. If only educators applied the same educational methods in a regular school, it would make the experience much better. My desire to become a teacher vanished the second I received my first paycheck as a programmer (in Russia, ‘programmer’ is a very well-paid job and ‘school teacher’ is the total opposite), but some memory of that desire remained.

This was also the time when I became interested in D. Compared to C++ it looked like a perfect programming language. You can write code that would be as fast, but without all those C atavisms. I used D for my master’s thesis, and I loved it. My program was twice as small and simple as the older C++ version while performing better. Implementing complex and more efficient algorithms in D was much easier; doing the same in C++ would be too much work, and, like any student, I always struggled with my deadlines.

Since then I’ve followed D and used it for my little pet projects. I’ve always wanted to help the D community in some way, but I couldn’t write any useful library, nor could I find the motivation for contributing to open source.


In 2018, an unusual offer surfaced on the D mailing list: does anyone by any chance want to teach students in Moscow, Russia?

The initiator was Dmitry Olshansky, a well-known member of the D community, the creator of std.regex and more. I contacted him and said I was interested. I didn’t see myself as a full-fledged lecturer and expected to be just an assistant. At the beginning that was the plan, with someone else acting as a lecturer. He was going to give lectures remotely via Skype, and I would assist him on site.

To my surprise, the university in question was RSUH, Russian State University for the Humanities. As it turned out, they do have technical faculty there, and the students do actually code. I checked their program: D was introduced for third-term students, and during the first two terms they learned C, C++, Prolog, and even some Lisp, I think (a bit too much, but why not). Their math course was solid, too (yes, I am among those who think that math is important for programmers).


I was introduced to the department staff. They explained everyone’s responsibilities and even offered the opportunity to join in scientific work as a programmer. We started working on the course program, although I barely included myself in that “we”. That was a mistake. With one month left until the classes started, the lecturer was suddenly leaving us. The news took me by surprise, but… there was still plenty of time, right?

This was happening when it was time for me to complete all the formalities and start work. Though I knew they were hiring only me, for some reason I was still under the impression that I wouldn’t be alone. I can’t say why I thought so. Everything was saying that there would be no help and that I had to do the whole course by myself, but my impression was hard to shake. The grave realization only came one week before Day One. Only then did I start to prepare for real.


This is supposed to be the part about the trials and tribulations of the endless bureaucracy awaiting a poor programmer’s soul. The amount of paperwork required to sign the contract was indeed an entertaining story to tell to my peers. And everyone was, as they say, “rolling on the floor laughing” when I described applying for a Mir payroll card (Mir is the Russian national payment system mandated in the state-funded sector). But that’s it, actually.

The next bureaucratic task was composing the formal program, an official paper including the course program and the materials. There were indeed a lot of formalities there, but I got some help: they showed me the paper for a very similar course. At the end of the day, it was easier than I expected. For this, I should thank the university staff. It was a one-year contract. Renewing it every year only takes one piece of paper and a couple of pen strokes.

The first class

The schedule was set up such that my first class happened to be a seminar (a.k.a. a practical lesson) instead of a lecture. This is only on paper, though with only one group consisting of just 14 people it didn’t make any difference. The schedule was adjusted later. I got two classes in a row and could decide which was a lecture and which was a seminar. I came up with the following arrangement: in the first class, I would lecture and answer general questions, and in the second, the students would program and ask practical questions.

For the first lesson, I prepared a brief description of the language, a syntax overview, a compiler, and several problems to solve: calculating the area of a triangle, solving a quadratic equation, and similar problems that yield a simple output for simple input. The idea was to immerse students in the language and immediately give them something to do with it. The plan was a success. By the end of the class, most of the students had gotten the hang of using a command-line compiler, written some code in a text editor, and solved some problems.

Notepad and the command line

I bet many people would take issue with the command line and text editor part. Seriously? No IDE? IDEs for D exist, but I left it up to the students if they wanted to use them. The reason was my own experience in learning C++ and programming in general. Knowing how a compiler works and how to link several files into a project is integral to understanding the language as a whole.

This is especially true for C and C++. Things like the difference between declaration and definition lose their meaning without understanding the build process. In D, such nuances are fewer. For example, header files are not required. Still, I meant to teach how to program in D, not how to use an IDE. Things like the principles of import are easier to grok when using a command-line compiler rather than some “intuitive interface”. And you learn the syntax faster if you write the code by hand without autocomplete doing it for you.

Further development

Lifted by the success of the first seminar, I was slammed to the ground by the first lecture. It contained the full theoretical explanation of type systems and their various types, compared D with other languages, brought out the problems of C and C++, and demonstrated what makes D different. It was a total failure.

I expected the lecture to take the whole 80-minute class, including questions, but it finished in less than an hour without a single question during or after the speech. I even asked if the students couldn’t hear or understand me, or if there was a problem with my diction. But the problem was with the lecture itself. First, it was too much for one class. Second, the lecture was based on the talks I did for my job that were intended for seasoned programmers. I realized that everything that I’d prepared for my future lectures must be tossed aside and rewritten from scratch.

The new program

The first candidate for simplification, and by that I mean expunging, was metaprogramming. Getting rid of templates was impossible since even the most basic language features and algorithms are tied to them, but code generation of all sorts was the first to be removed. Following that was anything that required external libraries. What was left were things that D code can’t be written without.

Since I had better success with live communication during actual programming, I decided to focus on that. Rewriting the course on the fly was tricky, but I came up with a solid plan: throughout the semester we would write a complex calculating program, during lectures we would study language features required for a given task, and then during seminars the ideas would be transformed into code.

The semester assignment

If you’re a nerd like me, you’ve probably heard of the 10,958 problem. The gist of it is that you need to put signs and parentheses between numbers composed of the digits 1 to 9 so that the result would be exactly 10,958. The solution exists for any number up to 11,000, except 10,958. There’s no proof that it doesn’t exist either, hence the 10,958 problem.

I gave the students an assignment to write a program that would find the solution, brute-forcing any possible combination of signs and parenthesis. All calculations were done with double instead of some sort of bignum, so it’s not a real solution, but it’s simpler this way.

I had several reasons to think that this was a well-fitting problem. First, I could write a solution I expected to see from the students in five hours or two evenings. Compensating for the students’ level, it looked like a good project for a semester-long assignment. Second, the solution isn’t too straightforward. Simple brute force would take too much time so you need to cut off the equal variants in the beginning. And third, I was fascinated by this problem myself, so I thought the students would feel the same. I couldn’t be more wrong.

Not only were a majority of students not into such mathematics, most of them couldn’t even grasp what the problem was about and what this 10,958 was for. I failed to get them interested.

When I realized the problem, it was too late to change anything. So the first semester wasn’t very engaging. Only a few students could finish the assignment to its fullest. For the rest, it was impossible.

The second semester

Since it was a full-term course, I had time to make up for it. For the second semester, I tried to come up with something practical and interactive. I gave the students an assignment to write a game. They were learning networking, so it was to be a multiplayer game. I recalled playing “tic-tac-toe on an infinite field” with my peers during boring lectures. The smarter name for this game is Gomoku. Two players can play online, and the game logic is simple. I was hoping to spark students’ interest. This assignment turned out much better than the previous one, but I still can’t call it a full success.

I really wanted to show them how coroutines (fibers, as they are called in D) make async programming much more manageable, how nice the vibe.d framework is, and how easy it is to use external libraries with the dub package manager. Lesson One: don’t try to sell coroutines to those who don’t know what callback hell is. Lesson Two: always keep hardware limitations in mind.

Problems out of nowhere

I would never have thought that single-threaded compilation could be thwarted by the memory limit. It happened because the computers at the university were equipped with only 2 GB of memory, and some students’ netbooks worked on a mere 1 GB. Simple programs build just fine even on weak machines—D is much better than C++ in terms of compilation time—but a large framework like vibe.d requires a lot of memory for its compilation. Now imagine, I was just telling them how everything is so easy-peasy and then half the students couldn’t even compile a networked version of Hello World.

In my defense, I checked everything in advance. I set up a virtual machine with 2 GB of memory and made sure that it worked with the special compiler flags. Theoretically, I was prepared. But dealing with a new library and a new build system and new compiler flags all at once was just too much for the students. Their brains were getting DoS’d and shut down. So even though I demonstrated how to compile a program on a low-memory machine, I still had to explain to them individually why the usual method of compilation wasn’t working. For those who had only 1 GB of memory, I didn’t even have a ready solution.

But still, the results of the second semester were much better: absolutely everyone could write the client side of the game. Some had problems with coroutines on the server side, but in general, they got this part just fine. For me, that wasn’t enough. So I gave them a supertask: write a simple AI for the game. This would help them understand the advantages of the client-server architecture. They had to realize that an AI is just another client, so the server code should be left as it is, and on the client side, the only required modification was move polling. This was a good problem on architecture design, suitable for students who already had gotten a grip on programming.

We also had a little contest. I invited the students to play some code golf, solving a simple problem with the smallest program possible. For encouragement, I promised to free the best-achieving students from writing a semester report. And if anyone could beat my solution, they would pass the semester examination automatically (in Russian universities, teachers are allowed to set arbitrary conditions, like participating in side projects, for passing the semester without the usual examination).

As I expected, nobody could beat me, though a couple of students came up with some interesting tricks, like writing 10 instead of "\0" to save two symbols. Some would say this is an abuse of the type system, but clever hacks like this speak to a student’s knowledge.

The results of the first year

I was asking too much for a single semester; only one student could write an AI that kind of worked (she said that the first time it made a sensible move, it made her really happy). Another student who complained the whole year that programming was not her thing and that she couldn’t understand anything managed to write her own client and server. At the end of the day, all was not for nothing.

The second try

Everything described until this point happened during the 2018/2019 academic year. The higher-ups had no issues with the course, and I was able to continue on the following year. New students, new possibilities, a new program. This time I was much better prepared. I had materials for most of the lectures, no more need to redo everything on the fly, and during the summer I had time to fix the problems with the course.

The 10,958 problem was expelled on the charge of being boring. Instead, the Gomoku game was expanded, now lasting almost the whole term. “Almost” because the first assignment was a problem regarding OOP: students had to implement various geometrical shapes as classes and draw them on screen with some customization. I made this the first step after Hello World so everyone could learn how to use the tools, and so I could judge their level.

It’s not surprising that students are very different. Some are already working as programmers and attend the course out of curiosity, while some still struggle with variables and loops. From the beginning, I decided that my course would be not just for everyone, but for those who are interested. However, disregarding the others would be wrong, so we needed assignments for different levels.

To jump-start the network study, I set up a server with the reference implementation, and everyone could connect to it and play. Even telnet would do. Allotting more time for an assignment and providing better explanations served students well. Many could finish the supertask. We even had a little contest between AIs. A human could still beat them with ease, but it was still a big improvement over the previous year.

A pleasant surprise

I had the same code golf contest again. And again, I promised to give a free pass to whoever could beat me. I’m sure you can see where this is going, but first I must explain the problem in detail. The task was to implement a function, challenge, defined as follows:

import std;

* Params:
* s = Multiline string, each line containing positive integers separated by whitespace.
* Returns: An array containing the sums of each line and the grand total as the last element.
uint[] challenge(string s);

unittest {
    assert(challenge("0") == [0, 0]);
    assert(challenge("1\n1") == [1, 1, 2]);
    assert(challenge("2\n2\n3") == [2, 2, 3, 7]);
    assert(challenge("2\n2 0 3\n3 1 1 4") == [2, 5, 9, 16]);

Only the symbols inside the function body count. Using any Phobos functionality is allowed, but no renamed imports.

My solution from the previous year was pretty straightforward:

auto r=s.split('\n').map!(a=>!(i=>!uint).sum); return r.array~r.sum; // 84 characters

I didn’t show them my solution, I just told them its character count. I was absolutely sure that, just like the previous year, nobody could beat it. Imagine my shock when I was outdone in a mere week:

auto r=split(src,"\n").map!"sum(map!(to!uint)(a.split))".array;return r~[sum(r)]; // 82 characters

Even with the unneeded brackets, this solution was better, thanks to the shortened map syntax: passing a lambda as a string in the first case and passing to directly in the second. The latter was just my oversight, but the former was a typical teacher’s mistake. You see, back when I first wrote my solution, it wasn’t possible to pass a string to map like that. I don’t remember well what the problem was, something about scopes. I missed that it was fixed at some point. That’s how in just one year you become an old geezer teacher who can’t keep up with the times.

I stayed true to my word and granted a free pass to the resourceful student at the end of the semester. I was concerned that securing the pass in the middle of the semester would demotivate him to attend classes, but fortunately, I was wrong.

COVID-19 strikes

Of course, I can’t omit how the pandemic impacted the educational system. In the spring of 2020, all classes were moved online. There are some pros and cons to this.

Giving lectures remotely turned out to be very convenient. You can mutually agree on a suitable time, and you don’t need to find a free lecture room. Another very good thing is that students can either ask questions vocally—as when they raise their hands offline—or write them in the chat so that the teacher can answer them when it’s most appropriate. I really think that this system works very well.

Practical lessons are problematic though, especially with those students who aren’t involved enough. When they sit in a classroom they at least do something. Why show up at all if you’re not going to do anything? When it’s online, they just skip class. The chemistry of a group coding session with a teacher ready to help won’t kick in. I encouraged them to ask questions not only during class but at any time, hoping that this would allow me to assist them whenever they are coding. But this only worked for a couple of people.

Lessons of the second year

The second year was better than the first but still less than ideal. I saw no need to modify the course, but its presentation had to be addressed.

We need to tear down this wall in communication. Mutual trust between the teacher and the student makes for a better educational process. It’s difficult to work with those who are wary of the teacher even when doing alright. I don’t yet know a robust solution; each case is tackled individually.

Even those who are doing well need some control. I used to think that attendance scrutiny is for those students who don’t really want to learn, to intimidate them to show up. When I was a student, the best teachers never bothered about absentees. So I too was liberal with these things, even when half the group was missing. But everything has its limits. Bad students will skip classes anyway, but lazy B-graders could benefit from a little scolding.

Fast forward to the present

I don’t have much to say about the last year-and-a-half. Teaching D is now part of my life. Due to the pandemic, we’ve had to move online completely. I couldn’t even meet my students face-to-face. Aside from what I said earlier about how this affects the educational process, this also disrupted one of the ideas I had.

I need some way to track students’ progress to be sure that they actually follow the course and don’t just show up for classes. The way I handled this during the previous two years worked for some students: if they had a problem, they asked questions during a lecture or a practical lesson. But some students just keep quiet when they have problems, so I need some means to identify them. I couldn’t do written tests for programming; that would be nonsense. So during the summer break, I came up with the idea of doing some small quizzes if COVID restrictions were to be lifted. These quizzes would affect the final grade, but not much, as the intention behind them was to help students who are having problems, not to be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back. Unfortunately, remote lessons made this nearly impossible.

My students keep surprising me, coming up with newer and better solutions to the code golf puzzle. Unfortunately, I don’t have the exact code of the student who won in the third year (it appears that she deleted her Github account), but it was something like:

auto r=s.split('\n').map!(a=>!(uint[]).sum); return r.array~r.sum; // 74 characters 

Again, it was a feature I didn’t know about: to converts between arrays, too.

I thought that this problem was done and that there was no room for further improvement. Oh, how wrong I was. This is what they’ve brought me this year:

return(s.split('\n')~s).map!(a=>!(uint[]).sum).array; // 63 characters

This completely destroys my solution with all the improvements! Note that the trick is not in the syntax, but in the logic. This works by concatenating the split lines with the original string, making it unnecessary to declare an intermediate array, which allows implementing this function as a single statement. I would never have thought to do that! Algorithms win over micro-optimizations, even in code golf.

The biggest change this year is a new, formalized evaluation system. In the semester, students earn points for doing assignments and writing reports on them. The first and simplest assignment is worth 5 points, and the last and hardest is worth 30. The maximum number of points a student can score without participating in code golf is 100. Code golf is scored by the formula 110 − length. The code golf winner this year got 47 points for his solution which earned him an exemption from writing any reports. We have a table listing every student’s points so everybody knows how many points they need to score. Everything is very transparent, so I don’t need to worry about not being objective when evaluating students.

A Gas Dynamics Toolkit in D

The Eilmer flow simulation code is the main simulation program in our collection of gas dynamics simulation tools. An example of its application is shown here with the simulation of the hypersonic flow over the BoLT-II research vehicle that is to be flown in 2022.

BoLT-II simulation with steady-state variant of the Eilmer code. Flow is from bottom-left to top-right of the picture. Only one quarter of the vehicle surface, coloured grey, is shown. Several slices through the flow domain are coloured with the local Mach number, with blue for low values and red for high values. Several streamlines, drawn in black, start at the blunt leading edge of the vehicle and follow the gas flow along the vehicle surface. Image produced by Kyle Damm.

Some history

This simulation program, originally called cns4u, started as a relatively small C program that ran on the Cray-Y/MP supercomputer at NASA Langley Research Center in 1991. A PDF of an early report with the title ‘Single-Block Navier-Stokes Integrator’ can be found here. It describes the simple finite-volume formulation of the code that allows simulation of a nonreacting gas on a single, structured grid. Thirty years on, many capabilities have been added through the efforts of a number of academic staff and students. These capabilities include high-temperature thermochemical effects with reacting gases and distributed-memory parallel simulations on cluster computers. The language in which the program was written changed from C to C++, with connections to Tcl, Python and Lua.

The motivation for using C++ in combination with the scripting languages was to allow many code variations and user programmability so that we could tackle any number of initially unimagined gas-dynamic processes as new PhD students arrived to do their studies. By 2010, the Eilmer3 code (as it was called by then) was sitting at about 100k lines of code and was growing. We were, and still are, mechanical engineers and students of gas-dynamics first and programmers second. C++ was a lot of trouble for us. Over the next 4 years, C++ became even more trouble for us as the Eilmer3 code grew to about 250k lines of code and many PhD students used it to do all manner of simulations for their thesis studies.

Also in 2010, a couple of us (PAJ and RJG) living in different parts of the world (Queensland, Australia and Virginia, USA) came across the D programming language and took note of Andrei Alexandrescu’s promise of stability into the future. Here was the promise of a C++ replacement that we could use to rebuild our code and remain somewhat sane. We each bought a copy of Andrei’s book and experimented with the D language to see if it really was the C++-done-right that we wished for. One of us still has the copy of the initial printing of Andrei’s book without his name on the front cover.

Rebuilding in D

In 2014 we got serious about using D for the next iteration of Eilmer and started porting the core gas dynamics code from C++ to D. Over the next four years, in between university teaching activities, we reimplemented much of the Eilmer3 C++ code in D and extended it. We think that this was done to good effect. This conference paper, from late 2015, documents our effort at the initial port of the structured grid solver. (A preprint is hosted on our site.) The Eilmer4 program is as fast as the earlier C++ program but is far more versatile while being implemented in fewer lines of code. It now works with unstructured as well as structured grids and has a new flexible boundary condition model, a high-temperature thermochemistry module, and in the past two years we have added the Newton-Krylov-accelerated steady-state solver that was used to do the simulation shown above. And importantly for us, with the code now being in D, we now have have many fewer WTF moments.

If you want more details on our development of the Eilmer4 code in D, we have the slides from a number of presentations given to the Centre for Hypersonics over the past six years.

Features of D that have been of benefit to us include:

  • Template programming that other Mechanical Engineers can understand (thanks Walter!). Many of our numerical routines are defined to work with numbers that we define as an alias to either double or Complex!double values. This has been important to us because we can use the same basic update code and get the sensitivity coefficients via finite differences in the complex direction. We think this saved us a large number of lines of code.
  • String mixins have replaced our use of the M4 preprocessor to generate C++ code in Eilmer3. We still have to do a bit of head-scratching while building the code with mixins, but we have retained most of our hair—something that we did not expect to do if we continued to work with C++.

  • Good error messages from the compiler. We often used to be overwhelmed by the C++ template error messages that could run to hundreds of lines. The D compilers have been much nicer to us and we have found the “did you mean” suggestions to be quite useful.

  • A comprehensive standard library in combination with language features such as delegates and closures that allow us to write less code and instead concentrate on our gas dynamics calculations. I think that having to use C++ Functors was about the tipping point in our 25-year adventure with C++.

  • Ranges and the foreach loops make our D code so much tidier than our equivalent C++ code.

  • Low-barrier shared-memory parallelism. We do many of the flow update calculations in parallel over blocks of cells and we like to take advantage of the many cores that are available on a typical workstation.

  • Simple and direct linkage to C libraries. We make extensive use of Lua for our configuration and do large simulations by using many processors in parallel via the OpenMPI library.

  • The garbage collector is wonderful, even if other people complain about it. It makes life simpler for us. For the input and output, we take the comfortable path of letting the compiler manage the memory and then tell the garbage collector to tidy up after us. Of course, we don’t want to overuse it. @nogc is used in the core of the code to force us not to generate garbage. We allocate much of our data storage at the start of a simulation and then pass references to parts of it into the core functions.

  • Fast compilation and good optimizing compilers. Nearly an hour’s build time was fairly common for our old C++ code, and now we would expect a DMD or LDC debug build in about a quarter of a minute. This builds a basic version of the main simulation code on a Lenovo ThinkPad with Core i7 processor. An optimized build can take a little over a minute but the benefit of the faster simulation is paid back by orders of magnitude when a simulation job is run for several hours over hundreds of processors.

  • version(xxxx) { ... } has been a good way to have variants of the code. Some use complex numbers and others are just double numbers. Also, some variants of the code can have multiple chemical species and/or just work with a single-species nonreacting gas. This reduction in physical modelling allows us to reduce the memory required by the simulation. For big simulations of 3D flows, the required memory can be on the order of hundreds of gigabytes.

  • debug { ... } gets used to hide IO code in @nogc functions. If a simulation fails, our first action is often to run the debug-flavor of the code to get more information and then, if needed, run the debug flavor of the code under the control of gdb to dig into the details.

We have a very specialized application and so don’t make use of much of the software ecosystem that has built up around the D language. For a build tool, we use make and for an IDE, we use emacs. The D major mode is very convenient.

There are lots of other features that just work together to make our programming lives a bit better. We are six years in on our adventure with the D programming language and we are still liking it.