The Traitors series 3 - Everything you need to know

We're heading back to the Scottish Highlands with Claudia Winkleman and a new group of strangers in January 2025

Published: 1 January 2025
Claudia Winkleman stands in front of a split image of the Traitors castle. On the left there's a daytime scene, with mountains, a peacock and a train on a railway viaduct. On the right, there's a nighttime scene, with a full moon and hooded figure holding a flaming torch.
(Image: BBC / Studio Lambert)

Nail-biting, award winning, reality series, The Traitors is back!

Host Claudia Winkleman welcomes a new group of strangers to play the ultimate game of detection, backstabbing and trust, in the hope of winning up to £120,000.

It's a new series, and a whole new game. But who will make it through?

When is The Traitors back on BBC One and iPlayer?

The Traitors will launch on 1 January from 8pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

Episodes 1 and 2 will air at 8pm. From episode 3 onwards, it will air at 9pm.

The show will air on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights.

The Traitors series 3 Contestants

The Traitors series 3 contestants are pictured behind Claudia Winkleman, set against the backdrop of the castle, half in daylight and half by night
(BBC / Studio Lambert)

The Traitors: Uncloaked returns

Ed Gamble lowers the hood of a dark green Traitor's cloak, pictured between two hooded figures with the castle in the background

The Official visualised podcast Traitors Uncloaked, hosted by stand up comedian and presenter Ed Gamble, returns and will be available directly after every episode of the main show on BBC Two and iPlayer and an extended version with additional guests, further theories and essential analysis will be available on BBC Sounds.

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