“The planet’s health and our health are non-separable.”

Vandana Shiva

What IsYour Gut Biome?

Based on the Ayurvedic framework for holistic wellness, the gut biome quiz enables you to begin learning about your unique ‘Inner Garden‘ – so that you are empowered to heal & steward your own wellness from the roots – the soil of your gut microbiome.

For individuals who are experiencing persistent challenges with your physical well-being (digestive issues, lethargy, brain fog, insomnia, and more) such that it keeps you from experiencing ease in your life, Backyard Beauty offers personalized gut microbiome healing support…

I’m Megan

I support people whose professional lives are expanding but their body is having a hard time keeping up. I know from personal experience that you can’t do your most meaningful work if your inner self (body, mind, & spirit) needs tending. Our bodies communicate health imbalances in many ways. The gut microbiome is at the center of our physical and mental well-being, thus provides a powerful point of focus for addressing most health imbalances at the root.

I bring both my intuitive gifts & scientific background to my services. This has enabled me to develop an accessible way for you to learn about your own unique constitution, so that you have a map on how best to care for your body throughout your life’s journey. This puts the power into your own hands and removes the guesswork in determining the best foods and other self-care practices that enable you to feel your best. 

I have developed a wellness system called the ‘Inner Garden’ – a metaphor for the gut microbiome’s role in our internal ecosystem. My ‘Inner Garden’ system builds on the holistic wellness framework of Ayurveda while also integrating aspects of an individual’s personality and emotional needs. When you know what your Inner Garden (gut microbiome) needs to maintain, balance, and heal itself, you are much more able to flourish at all levels of your being. 

I believe that when we each take responsibility for our own well-being, we empower ourselves to step into our most expansive selves & offer our greatest gifts – and thus, are most able to create the world in which we want to live.

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