Wild Sockeye Salmon

100 % of 100
1 Portion, 6oz Individually Vacuum Sealed
Availability: In stock
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High in essential Omega 3 oil, antioxidants and low in saturated fats, our 6 oz salmon fillets have the skin on to ensure those oils stay in the meat while cooking.  Sockeye salmon, specifically, is also a great source of vitamin B, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc.  Salmon is also an alkaline protein source, which makes it a rarity, and is a great source of the good fats needed in a healthy, well-balanced diet. 

This 6oz, skin on salmon fillet is sourced from the waters of Alaska, caught using sustainable fishing methods, from a fishery that is Marine Stewardship Council certified.  The council works internationally with responsible fishermen, evaluating and assigning fishing areas to prevent over fishing of any one area, adherence to environmental standards, and that fish are caught using humane fishing methods only.

Much of the salmon found in grocery stores is either farmed - which can lead to fatty fish with higher mercury content in the flesh because of the contained areas the fish are kept in; or commercially fished with nets and sent to Asia in bulk for processing.  Butcher Box salmon is wild-caught, is cleaned, cut, packed and flash frozen on site then shipped straight to Ontario to ensure maximum freshness is maintained – and you will taste the difference. 

Cooking tip – cook skin down until flesh is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.  For a different twist, broil with a slice of orange instead of lemon!

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