"As we take another look at Gandum, the Unicorn Robot"
Here at Total Recall, we deal in history. Partly because I love my video games, but also because as a graduate in the field I love my history as well. So it saddens me deeply when I see people involved in video games trying to mess with real, actual history.
People around the world are creating amazing things in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Japan, in particular, continues to make incredible things.
When Death Stranding launched last year, I thought, boy, this is a timely game. That it was all an allegory for working at Amazon in some dystopian future. Maybe, but now, the game seems more relevant than ever.
When I think back to my childhood and teenage years, when my literary tastes were being forged in the crucible of youthful emotion and impressionism, particular scenes come to life: Sam carrying Frodo up Mt. Doom. The Reaper chasing Wil Ohmsford through the Westland. Marle hugging Crono on top of Death Peak. Most fantasy readers won’t need a reminder of what books the first two scenes come from (L
“Everybody was like, ‘Well, that doesn’t make any sense—what does this have to do with anything?’” said one person who worked on the game. Just days before their game’s announcement, the team at BioWare had a brand new name that nobody really understood. Such a major last-minute upheaval might seem strange to an outside observer, but on Anthem, it was common. Very few things went right in the deve
While post-match handshakes have become commonplace in the fighting game community, they rarely come laden with dense layers of history. Japanese competitors Naoki “Nemo” Nemoto and Hiromiki “Itabashi Zangief” Kumada have turned these brief moments of sportsmanship into yet another opportunity for showcasing their deepening rivalry. The two had a very tense post-match handshake this past weekend a
Japanese politician Mio Sugita has made international news due to her anti-LGBTQ comments on a television show. The program is co-hosted by Koichi Sugiyama, who composes music for the Dragon Quest games.
Sony is ending physical production of Vita games, Kotaku has learned. Although the hardware manufacturer says digital distribution will continue, this move will mark the end of physical cards for the maligned portable game system.
On January 1, the most important day on the Japanese calendar, when families gather and think about the new year, YouTuber Logan Paul posted an apparent suicide on YouTube. That wasn’t the only time he insulted the country’s cultural norms. He started doing that days earlier.
My older brother watched Dragon Ball Z every day growing up, and I still hear young black men talking about it all the time. On the train, I hear black teenage boys sharing their takes on Dragon Ball fighting games. When I meet black men my age, ones who scoff at my love of anime, they still know what I’m talking about if I mention Saiyans. On Chance the Rapper’s 2016 album, Coloring Book, he drop
When people in Japan see “FF,” they immediately think Final Fantasy. And for good reason! For decades, “FF” has been shorthand for the iconic role-playing game series. But recently, Twitter users have been using “FF” as a polite way to reply to others.
Every time you move the camera in Horizon Zero Dawn, the game is doing all sorts of under-the-hood calculations, loading and unloading chunks of world to ensure that it all runs properly. And that’s not even counting the robot dinosaurs.
Say what you will about the new Ghost in the Shell as a movie, one thing I think we can all agree on is that it looks absolutely stunning. So let’s check out some of the concept art work that went into creating the film’s look.
Everyone has a dream. Corey Bunnell’s was to one day work for Nintendo. But he wasn’t sure how to make that happen so he asked for advice one day on a forum. That was ten years ago. This month, Nintendo shipped The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with his name in the credits under “Wildlife Programming.”
A Spanish gaming website says Square Enix will no longer send them review copies because they allegedly handed out lower than average review scores, including a 7.5/10 for the recently released Final Fantasy XV.
Sigh. Another year, and another group of pop idols dressed as Nazis. Update - November 1 7:55am: In the wake of the Simon Wiesenthal Center calling for an apology, Sony Music issued a statement on its official site. “We express our heartfelt apology for causing offense... because of our lack of understanding,” Sony Music Entertainment stated (via AP). “We take the incident seriously and will make
Godzilla Resurgence, its first made-in-Japan ‘Zilla film in twelve years. The latest entry is a smash hit in Japan. While I had mixed feelings about it, the digital effects work extremely well. While Hollywood has used computer graphics on both its Godzilla movies, Japan has used a suit actor right up until Godzilla: Final Wars in 2004. I recently interviewed the lead editor of the film, VFX Super
Mario is officially coming to the iPhone. Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto made a surprise appearance at today’s Apple conference to announce Super Mario Run, an iOS runner with graphics from New Super Mario Bros.
It’s been two years since the world got a new Godzilla film. That was a Hollywood movie. This is not. Godzilla Resurgence is the first Japanese ‘Zilla film since 2004's Godzilla: Final Wars. I saw that here in Japan at the theater, so it’s only fitting I do the same for Resurgence.
Over the decades, Japanese developers have churned out a mind-boggling number of video games. Some are good, and some are bad. These are the thirty-one most important ones.
Amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it. Who cares if it’s not a fictional character: cosplay is 100% about fandom, and who isn’t a fan of soy sauce?
Upcoming titles Pokémon Sun and Moon will be released in traditional and simplified Chinese in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Until now, different regions have used different translations to reflect the varied linguistic and cultural differences. However, this will change with Sun and Moon. Over on Quartz, Zheping Huang explains: Now Nintendo wants to unify them: Pokémon in Greater China w
In Japan, the rep for many modern movie posters is that they’re not cool. The ones distributors create for the local market are often criticized for lacking in style. Shame, because there are truly awesome one-sheets being done, many of which are totally unofficial and totally fantastic.
You know, where you can frolic with foxes. Opened in 1990 and located in Miyagi Prefecture, "Zao Fox Village" is a sanctuary home to over a hundred free-roaming foxes, including the silver fox and the platinum fox as well as the Japanese red fox.
Recently in Tokyo, the mainstream Japanese media attended an exhibit about the history of video games and had no clue it was talking to one of the most well-known people in, well, gaming. D’oh!
For well over a year, professional and amateur artists alike have been uploading photos of their workstations under the tag #絵描きさんの作業環境が見たい (“I want to see artists’ work environments.”) Amateurs and professionals alike have been uploading images, offering a fascinating peek at the different spaces in which people draw. Some work in an analog way, while others work digitally. The workspaces ran fro
Amazon’s releasing their very own game engine. Lumberyard, as they call it, is based on Crytek’s famous CryEngine, and can be used to develop games for both PC and consoles. It’s also free to download, and comes with “no seat fees, subscription fees, or requirements to share revenue.”
Earlier this week hackers got a build of Linux running on the PlayStation 4. Now GBATemp user Shutterbug2000 demonstrates Windows 95 running on a new 3DS. I can’t wait to run BeOS on my Xbox One.
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